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Everything posted by TBoneTX

  1. Consulates typically extend "standard" petition validity (I-129F, I-130) for 4-month periods for up to a year. It's usually automatic, but it never hurts to send an e-mail request (with case number in Subject line). Nope. To rest your worries, send an e-mail per above. I'd bet anything that they're bending over backwards to be accommodating and flexible during this crisis.
  2. We're actually not sure that he has a GP or geriatric internist, no JD ma'am; it appears to be a succession of specialists -- cardiologist, dermatologist, audiologist, et al., oh well man. However, he has been cared for at an excellent local hospital, so gracias for that suggestion, si JD ma'am. Mama T-B. took him to a dermatologist today, skin-in-the-game man. Doc declined to treat Uncle T-B.'s raw-meat leg, seems to be more of a "pimple" doctor man. However, he took a biopsy specimen from Uncle T-B.'s raw-meat leg, at least that man. This derma-doc had never referred someone for home-health wound care, no man. Regardless, Mama T-B. got him to write an order, insistent senior she man. In initial caucus with local home-health nurse, order appears to be too general, need specifics man. However, maybe something can be done with it, who knows man. Will tell Mama T-B. about the social-worker option, gracias beaucoup JD ma'am.
  3. You really had a doozy, si and sigh Eh ma'am. Good grief, Eh ma'am! Have you been all alone during this, or has anyone been stopping in to help you, huh ma'am?
  4. That keeps things simpler. I don't buy the "bigamy" conclusion, but having two weddings is unnecessary and could only cause problems. Either ask your abogada to comply with the correct advice, or find different legal help.
  5. Another cap-feathering accomplishment for Bidementia and those who pull his strings.
  6. Welcome to VJ! Atop every VJ page is a drop-down tab for "Guides" -- read, read, read.
  7. If you're married, you're married -- period. A marriage certificate is a marriage certificate -- period. Your abogado is woefully uninformed. Find another abogado; or, better, file the I-130 yourself if your case is straightforward. If there are complicating issues, go to "VJ Partners" and seek Platinum Immigration Services* -- they have a stellar reputation. *I have no conflict of interest in making this recommendation. Edited to add: Link to Platinum: Platinum Immigration Services - VisaJourney Partners - VisaJourney
  8. This reminds us of a sign that we want to get for our POTS office suite, see ma'am: "We are always here, si man (unless we are not, no man)." And if your plans were to move to the U.S., stick with them, si ma'am.
  9. Thread is moved from Off Topic to General Immigration Discussion. -------- Your feelings and experiences are more typical than you realize. Excellent! Keep it up, along as many avenues as it takes to feel supported. Absolutely, and "not at your worst" is the appropriate time. (1) So what? Their opinions of you (or of others) are not your concern. (2) A little gentle education of the more reasonable ones is appropriate, at your discretion. This is wonderful and a blessing. Lean on it. The best news is that you're not a dang Yankee, like those who live in (ugh) north Texas!
  10. The above merits enshrinement in the pantheon of "All-Time Greatest VJ Posts."
  11. We don't think that there's a dedicated social worker there, no JD ma'am. Have to call one from out$ide, $i man. Except for hygiene, weight-related orthopedic issues, hearing, cataracts, and encroaching dementia, Uncle T-B. is quite healthy, enviable cardiac evaluation senior he man.
  12. It never ends, nor will it: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/05/10/joe-biden-tries-to-blame-inflation-on-republicans-his-senility-bites-him-in-the-backside-n562490
  13. = what happened to the protesters who yelled all day long about a draft decision
  14. Wednesday means our Semiofficial Semiweekly VAWA-Thread Joke (always worthy of an upvote): ================================ SOME SHORT ONES Patient #1: "Is your dentist careful?" Patient #2: 'Sure. He filled my teeth with great pains." Boss: "You're an hour late! You should have been here at 9 o'clock." Office Boy: "Why? What happened?" Man: "How did you lose your hair?" Bald Man: "Worry." Man: "About what?" Bald Man: "Losing my hair." Salesman: "This machine is really worth having. It will do half of your work." Customer: "In that case, I'll take two!" Student: "What has 12 legs, a brown fuzzy body, and purple eyes?" Teacher: "I don't know; what has?" Student: "I don't know, either, but it certainly doesn't look nice on your neck."
  15. 1. Become a thorough student of the entire legal-immigration process, from now through naturalization. 2. Make general plans (the timing aside) for the beneficiary to hit the ground running, once here. This includes school, social networks, volunteer outlets, potential employment or career paths, and more. 3. Physical exercise, perhaps violent. 4. Find someone less fortunate to help -- a shut-in, someone struggling, Big Brother/Sister, et al. A great many threads on this topic are on this site.
  16. A post has been deleted at the author's request, along with several others quoting it. A post has been edited to remove a reference to the deleted material. VJ Moderation
  17. Doctors can give authorization for Medicare reimbursement, but it has to be for a specific medical need, we think man. For example, Uncle T-B. is to treat his infected leg for 2 weeks (yeah, as though he'll remember to do so man), and it takes that long to gin up the Home Health authorization, sigh man. The stoodent nurses are a very interesting idea, but we wonder about liability for them/the facility, etc., sigh man. And Uncle T-B. would never agree to pay for them, cheap senior he man.
  18. 'Nuther dang Yankee Seems to be what also happened here. But no Mean Tweets!
  19. Dang Yankee Still haven't paid $4/gal yet personally (last inflationary time or now), but the stations are sure advertising it. Lucky that my Sunoco-branded credit card gives 5 cents off per gallon (this last time, was it 10 cents?) at the Sunoco pump.
  20. Very true. Regardless of the reason, this can't reflect favorably on those in charge.
  21. Just the other day, the Houston Chronicle* published a detailed story about a pregnant woman who was diagnosed with cervical cancer and faces the choice of risking a term pregnancy with severe sequelae. *a newspaper in which not to wrap a dead fish, lest the dead fish be insulted
  22. This may vary by state. In Texas, it appears that most such suspects are charged with two murders. This needs to be confirmed.
  23. This is a true health issue. The reality of politics is, "Don't mess with my guns, and don't mess with my kids." The older kids are being messed with in terms of CRT, "trans" this or that, face-diaper mandates, skool closures, et al., and the infants are now at risk. I really wonder about these polls that keep showing Bidementia's approval rating at 40%-whatever positive. Who ARE these people, and what planet are they on?
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