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Everything posted by PaulaCJohnny

  1. Looks like you are overthinking before even try to looks for the correct information. See the last comments that are impressive good. Stop to look for shortcut and follow the correct steps. Will take infinite time if you don’t start!! Good luck
  2. You cannot jump this step. Where did you get the 5 years delay information? Did you asked direct to the Consulate? No, congresswoman/congressman or an email will not allow or help you to skip this. Why are your children suffering? Are they in danger? If so you definitely need to thing in relocate them to a safer place or request an expedite if is possible. If you share more details will be easier to get better answers. Good luck
  3. Same advice as @Crazy Cat extension letter are for 36 or even 48 months. When I applied for my N-400 (a little over 1 year and 3 months from my I-751) the total process took 4 months from application to oath. My I-751 was approved without a interview by the officer that did all the citizenship interview. I hope you get the same. Good luck
  4. Your BIRTH certificate is just 1. Where you were born. When they asked you about citizenship you can show a proof. You were not born in France, you are a citizen per naturalization.
  5. On additional documents I added my extension letter. I don’t know if really helped but on the day of my N-400 interview the first thing that the Immigration agent told me was”by the way, I already approved your Remove of conditions!”. I was surprised, I told him that my husband was on the waiting room if he wanted to interview him and he told me that was not needed. The interview was really smooth, more like a conversation. He knew all details about my life hahaha but was a nice and fast test.. I hope you get the same!! Good luck.
  6. Like others said this is not an easy case. Your future wife and you need to be prepared for a long, rocky and expensive process. Why your future wife cannot move to Nigeria? If the priority of your relationship is to be together would you not want her to be with you? I would move for any place just to be with my husband. You commitment a seriously offended when you lied on a Immigration application, and because the case is similar (you in a relationship with an American women) this will raise a lot of red flags. All you will need will be a amazing lawyer, a lot of money, patient and and real love to deal with all this. Good luck
  7. The problem it isn’t the amount of paystubs, you will need to present Tax Returns, só at least until next year. They request the last 3 years of Tax Returns. Because you will have just one (2023 when you fill out on 2024) you will need a co-sponsor l. Be a Petitioner of a immigration is a big financial responsibility. You and the co-sponsor will be responsible for this person por 10 years (or until he/she became a US citizen or work a specific time). They want to make sure that your financial situation is stable enough so the beneficiary will not become a problem for the country. Good Luck
  8. Are she in the US right now? If you answer is NO, so no, she cannot adjust status. Enter the US with the intent to adjust status it’s fraud. You will need wait like anyone else.
  9. You can delay your case until you have income information to show. Have no income at all will not be good. Any savings that can be used? Check the requirements. You will probably need a co-sponsor if your income is too low
  10. What are you sending? Can you please share your evidence list? This is too much
  11. No. Good evidence is lease with both names, financial documents like joint bank account, taxes, etc. Like @Boiler said, you having a baby together does not make your case stronger. I have no kids and my case was approved based on my commingling financial and life documents. Good luck
  12. Wow. I hope you keep this “chill” attitude if in any moment you get interviewed. If you post here people will try to help you, even if you don’t ask, like others pointed that the forms that you sent are weird. I-130 and I-129f doesn’t go together. I-130 means that they approved you to apply for CR1. If you want just confetti, here comes some 🎉 … breaaaaaath… 😊Nobody is jealous here. This is a helping and amazing forum.
  13. You can. I sent like 6 photos in total (marriage, family holiday, trip and when you bought our home).
  14. The question is not to move to a place where marriage with cousin is accepted, is that IF you married on a State where this kind of marriage is not accepted your marriage is not valid. Where did you married? This is the key point
  15. I think he needs a better plan. All your documents, if sent the right ones, will be the same. The outgoing will not change. Maybe you need to consider speaking with a lawyer that have more experience with denials. Good luck
  16. Are you sure of that? I-130 is the first step, than the petition goes to the NVC and will take a couple of more months. When did you filed the I-130? Where Consulate will your spouse be interviewed (which country)?
  17. Did you call any of those numbers? Ask them for a tracking number of your Certificate. https://passportstatus.state.gov/ Need Help? Status Checks 1-877-487-2778 or 1-888-874-7793 (TDD/TTY) General Questions NPIC@state.gov Technical Issues PassportWeb@state.gov
  18. ok. Does not sound right. Did you read all the FOIA and it’s about your husband? Did you saw the document or just your lawyer told you about it?
  19. Is it there any reason for why you want a lawyer? In my experience the lawyer just made things for confusion and because of the amount of error that she did my case was delayed about 6 months. If your case is simple, you have a lot of good evidence of your real relationship and you can understand the guides here on VJ I would recommend you to do without a lawyer. If you have the money to used and don’t want to take care of your case alone, you sure can contract one. Here in the menu (I think) you will find recommendations
  20. Did they said something about red flags or the Revocation on the FOIA
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