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Everything posted by aerodnight

  1. Really happy for you man! It gives me a spark of hope that I will follow your scenario, and that my case just takes longer to process. I still didn't hear back after my inquiry that I sent 4 days ago.
  2. Only one email? If yes, then it's an RFE, I'm afraid. I also got a status update email on Friday, still no changes on ceac and since people were getting two emails(status change and DQ'd), then it's 99% rfe for us, we just don't know what it's for
  3. Update from NVC timeframes: I was thinking that maybe after today's update, there will be an update on ceac in terms of documents status, but of course everything is still in 'Submitted'
  4. Looks like that maintenance didn't fix anything, still no DQ email, and no changes on CEAC. I see so many people with that problem all around, so I figured they would deal with this much more efficiently. There is also that Christmas/New Year break coming, so I'm afraid we might have to wait until the next year to see this situation resolved, sigh...
  5. On Monday someone got an actual RFE with documents status update and a message on CEAC, so that was after you @Simplytex, meaning that people who are in situation like ours could actually not get an RFE, but have to wait longer for the second email about the case being DQ. I've also sent an inquiry via AskNVC, just for the sake of not doing nothing, but I'm thinking that tomorrow's maintenance can bring some change to our situation. If I got rejected - fine, but I'd like to know what I have to do to correct my case!
  6. Got email from NVC 20 minutes ago about the action on the case but nothing changed on CEAC.
  7. Joining you with the same situation. Got that email 20 minutes ago, no changes on CEAC
  8. Maybe I'll also make it past review today, will keep you informed, guys
  9. @Simplytex has experience with the situation like yours. Generally it required sending a public inquiry the next day as the situation didn't change for a full 24 hours at least. When was your last document submission date?
  10. It looks like those emails go out in bulk since you both let us know at the same time
  11. Seems like they finished processing October and moved to November, anyone except for @Simplytex still waiting for the review here?
  12. I think they work some overtime on the weekends, so you could still get it before Monday. Hopefully DQ, not RFE
  13. Just saw November 2nd DQ on Lawfully @madhatter204 @Dewald & Brittney @Vickifree any update from you guys?
  14. So, I guess that you received that message a while ago? Since they are currently reviewing documents from around 31st of October. If you received that message, it means that you'll have to wait the full cycle again, so if it's ready for upload, then I'd upload it as soon as possible
  15. I'd assume that at least one of those are correct dates, what would make it impressive, in terms of have quickly are they moving to November. Aren't you actually 1st of November? Could mean that you'll see some good news today. @Simplytex any update on your side? Your situation made me worried since we are assigned to the same embassy, so there is a possibility that we'll share the same fate of NVC's incompetence
  16. Supplementary evidence for tax return is mandatory, so things like W-2/1099s have to uploaded. Even people who didn't get them, cause they worked overseas have to submit a statement for not uploading them. If you would upload tax transcript, assuming you have not filed married jointly, you wouldn't have to upload W-2 or 1099 but I assume you have uploaded the copy of the full tax return, right? Also, could you please tell us the date of your documents submission to NVC?
  17. It's been a quiet day, no DQs or RFEs anywhere on the internet to find. I personally hope to see some November reviews by tomorrow or Saturday.
  18. So first they processed 28th and the next day they process 26th? I don't get it
  19. Btw, it's quite interesting that they went from 24th to 28th so quickly, skipping 26th in the meantime. @Simplytex maybe your case went for some additional processing, could that be possible? Or the person that just started reviewing your case had to stop for some reason and no one else picked it up
  20. Maybe they have some backlog goal set, like 30 days for documents review and they allow people to take overtime on the weekends
  21. Someone from 20th October got DQ'd today, 30th November. Info from Lawfully app
  22. If you decide to voluntarily upload not only the last year tax return but for the last two years, then I guess you'll obligated to upload supporting documents like W2/1099 for that additional year as well
  23. Oh, I meant the initial submission, not the resubmission after the message you've received. I guess it will be around the middle of October? Here's the link to November 2022 NVC Submissions:
  24. Almost all resubmissions require waiting another full cycle, so currently it's 45 days after you submit what they ask for. As for keeping track of the process, the only way is to check NVC submission threads on this forum, where people let other people know that there were DQ'd/RFE'd. I see, that you know about weekly updates of NVC timeframes, so there is no news to that. Can you please tell us your last date of submission?
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