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    mamaSue got a reaction from M+K IL in Mrs. T-B. & the Citizenship Test   
    Our Post Office is a nightmare for passports...you have to ring for an appointment...they never answer.
    Even with an appointment there's always a long line.....
    The clerk is always grumpy and never smiles....
    We had to go to the courthouse this week to the tag office.....
    I took my shiny new naturalization certificate and filled-in passport application just in case......
    We trotted downstairs to the clerk of the court...
    The clerk dealt with it in less than 5 minutes, even said "Congratulations on becoming a citizen...and the processing fee was $25.
    If you haven't been to the post office yet, it's well worth trying the courthouse!!
  2. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from TBoneTX in Apply under the 3 yrs rule or 5 yrs rule... having a "dilemma"..   
    I had the same dilemma.... we were going to apply under the 3-year rule and got all the papers ready, sent them off, and, because of a family medical emergency in the UK, I couldn't attend the interview, couldn't get to cancel my interview in time (1 day's notice)
    I wrote a letter to USCIS afterwards to reschedule my interview, but didn't get round to following up.
    I reapplied under the 5-year rule, a whole lot less paperwork to send.
    When I turned up for the interview, the interviewing officer looked at my file on his desk, smiled and said "You've got far too much paperwork".
    I guess, my point is, to file under the 5-year rule, all the marriage stuff isn't really necessary or relevant. Keep it simple would be my advice.
  3. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from TBoneTX in Mrs. T-B. & the Citizenship Test   
    Yep....I definitely prefer your thinking, TBone!!!!!
  4. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from kcoyclay1 in Showing up a day early to interview   
    I'm pretty sure they won't even let you in the building without showing the correctly dated letter.
    They work by tightly-scheduled appointments, it's not like going to a hairdresser and asking them to 'squeeze you in'.
    You can try, nothing to lose....but be prepared to be sent away.
  5. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from Novembro in What to do?   
    Once trust is broken.....it never fully comes back.
    When I found my husband of twenty-something years had been cheating with his best friend's wife for 2 years....I divorced him, because I didn't want the worry of where he is when he's a few minutes late home, who he's with, whatever.....Too much stress!!
    She's got a 10 year GC....If she's got any sense, she'll divorce you, get citizenship after 5 years, and move on.
    It's your fault she doesn't trust you, not hers!
  6. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from Mr. Big Dog in What to do?   
    Once trust is broken.....it never fully comes back.
    When I found my husband of twenty-something years had been cheating with his best friend's wife for 2 years....I divorced him, because I didn't want the worry of where he is when he's a few minutes late home, who he's with, whatever.....Too much stress!!
    She's got a 10 year GC....If she's got any sense, she'll divorce you, get citizenship after 5 years, and move on.
    It's your fault she doesn't trust you, not hers!
  7. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from TBoneTX in What to do?   
    Once trust is broken.....it never fully comes back.
    When I found my husband of twenty-something years had been cheating with his best friend's wife for 2 years....I divorced him, because I didn't want the worry of where he is when he's a few minutes late home, who he's with, whatever.....Too much stress!!
    She's got a 10 year GC....If she's got any sense, she'll divorce you, get citizenship after 5 years, and move on.
    It's your fault she doesn't trust you, not hers!
  8. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from Darnell in What to do?   
    Once trust is broken.....it never fully comes back.
    When I found my husband of twenty-something years had been cheating with his best friend's wife for 2 years....I divorced him, because I didn't want the worry of where he is when he's a few minutes late home, who he's with, whatever.....Too much stress!!
    She's got a 10 year GC....If she's got any sense, she'll divorce you, get citizenship after 5 years, and move on.
    It's your fault she doesn't trust you, not hers!
  9. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from elmcitymaven in What to do?   
    Once trust is broken.....it never fully comes back.
    When I found my husband of twenty-something years had been cheating with his best friend's wife for 2 years....I divorced him, because I didn't want the worry of where he is when he's a few minutes late home, who he's with, whatever.....Too much stress!!
    She's got a 10 year GC....If she's got any sense, she'll divorce you, get citizenship after 5 years, and move on.
    It's your fault she doesn't trust you, not hers!
  10. Like
    mamaSue reacted to TBoneTX in Harassed at the USCIS office   
    He'd better listen to you about this until he's a USC, and thereafter. This ain't Ecu, and he'll be in deeper doodoo than he could ever imagine.
  11. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from Jacque67 in What would you do?   
    Stay strong, girlie....
    Block her from your FB, don't bother nosing into hers. One less thing to remind you of her immaturity, her cheating, and her lies.
    "Revenge sex" who on earth does it for revenge?? It's a cop-out!
    As each day passes, you'll get stronger....and be happy for the huge mistake you could have made, but didn't !!
  12. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from Jacque67 in What would you do?   
    Chances are, she could only come for 90 days, on the VWP. It's very doubtful she's get a B2 visitor visa.
    She won't be able to work....and even if she decides to overstay the 90 days, as you rightly say, she won't be able to work anyway.
    You're very smart not petitioning for her...If you do, you'll be financially responsible for her for a very long time... whether
    You're thinking with your brain and not your heart right now.... always a good thing.If I were in your boots right now, I'd block her from my phone, my computer, and my heart, and even though it'd hurt for a while, you'd be in a much better position to make a decision.
    Right now, she seems to be keeping you dangling in case she can't get with the other woman. Totally selfish and inconsiderate, as well as dishonest.
    You really deserve better!!
  13. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from Harpa Timsah in What would you do?   
    So true!!! You sound like such a caring person.....she definitely doesn't deserve you...
    It'll be tough to dump her....but just IMHO, you'll never be able to trust her!
    I didn't want to spend the rest of my life worrying if ex-husband has died in a car crash, or was just humping his mistress when he was late home. He's ancient history now... but at the time I thought my world had ended. Now, I look back over the years, and dumping him was the best decision I've ever made.
    Find yourself a lady who cares about you enough to not lie to you.....there's loads of them out there!!
    Also.... any homophobic replies will very quickly be removed by the moderators, they don't put up with any cr*p !!
  14. Like
    mamaSue reacted to TBoneTX in Scam victims get what they deserve   
    After review, this thread will remain closed, because of stereotyping of both beneficiaries and petitioners. Do not restart this thread or carry its drama into other threads.
  15. Like
    mamaSue reacted to Pooky in Justin Bieber should be deported   
    Are Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus one and the same?
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    mamaSue reacted to iali1 in Justin Bieber should be deported   
    If Canadan don't want him then dam.... send him to North Korea...
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    mamaSue reacted to spookyturtle in Justin Bieber should be deported   
    Justin's a scrawny little wanker.
  18. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Postponing becoming a US citizen   
    It's a lot more simple than a lot of people are making it....
    I was travelling 2 weeks after my interview date.
    I went to the interview, and told the IO that I would be out of the country for the next 2 months.
    He put a note on my forms saying "Please schedule oath ceremony after March 5 2012, as Ms. XXXX will be out of the country" and highlighted it with a yellow highlighter.
    While I was away, I Skyped the USCIS 0800 number, and the person told me my oath was scheduled for March 25th.
    When I got home, my oath letter was indeed in my mail.
    So....Kaash, all you need to do is that. Don't even think about cancelling trips or interviews...it's very simple!!
  19. Like
    mamaSue reacted to Harpa Timsah in Does she still want me??   
    It sounds like she is looking for an excuse to break up with you that can be your fault, not hers. Sounds like a typical story of someone who just wants to stay in the US, not have a relationship.
  20. Like
    mamaSue reacted to TBoneTX in How often do you go to the gym?   
    If I'm healthy enough to exercise, I'm healthy enough NOT to, si man.
  21. Like
    mamaSue reacted to Darnell in question chance for visitor visa   
    i say choose another relative.
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    mamaSue reacted to amykathleen2005 in question chance for visitor visa   
    I would say it would look more like they were going to be planning on relocating permanently if they all come.
  23. Like
    mamaSue reacted to Gosia & Tito in would you go?   
    Unless you have some good reasons to follow thru in moving, I'd be dropping this guy without thinking it twice. He needs to man up and bring something to the table. It seems from what you relate that he's only complaining and expecting things to be arranged to his likeness. Getting a DL is fairly simple, even without going trhu the manual in detail, of course, this requires a minimum of willingness and intelligence, I would assume the later and question the former. Many Latins come to the country illegally and ake their way, he has what others would consider gold: a GC; wanting to work presumes you look for a job yourself and not handed down a job; even in the most remote and rundown town, there will always be something to do, even if that means running your own business, which could be buy/sell in ebay or make some handcrafted goods to sell via ebay. You don't get rich necesarily but get yourself busy and bring some money in; and what the hack was that about not wanting to watch over your kid when you are working??
    People work in whatever they can or is available; at the beginning there is no standing to be picky. Once some experience and history is establish then you can move on to better positions.
    As for learning English, there are self taught classes available online. I would advise against having your daughter out of the country; you might have problems getting her back.
    If you are open and willing then move down there; but take a deep and good luck at the whole picture of living there in terms of raising family, establishing a long term home, job opportunities, schooling for both you and daughter, etc.
    Seems to me that he's full of it and you should then send him home without your daughter. If he can find a job in Peru (which frankly I'd doubt exists, and if it does, check what are the $$ as I'm sure that would not even be close to what even a low wage here would provide), he can very well find one here.
    Sorry to being harsh, but it from what you say, I think you are better alone than with this weight pulling you down.
  24. Like
    mamaSue reacted to Dave&Roza in naturalization-but stays more in own country than US   
    A LPR that remains outside the US for a period of 1 day to 179 days usually has no problems re-entering the US unless they make a habbit of this.
    A LPR that remains outside the US for a period of 180 days to 364 days can have extra scrunity upon re-entry, but if this is a one time event AND the LPR has maintained a residence in the US there is not much of a problem.
    A LPR that remians outside the US for a period of 365 days to two years without a re-entry permit that must be applied for BEFORE leaving the US can kiss the GC good-bye upon re-entry.
    Your BIL is abusing the GC and WILL have it revoked. He can help the revokation process by filing for citizenship and have the USCIS examine his trips overseas and they will determine that his pattern of stays outside the US indicates he has no intentions of living in the US. If he ever waqnts to LIVE in the US permantly in the future, he should go to the local US Emabssy/Consulate and turn in his GC. This is one of my pet peeves: if you are going to get documentation to LIVE in the US then follow the rules and LIVE in the US, otherwise give up the GC and let someone who DOES want to LIVE inthe US us it. Sorry, but I see it here on VJ all the time about people applying for a benefit and then not using it and they do not realize that they took someone's place in line to get that benefit. It just frustrates me. Sorry, I'll stop ranting now.
  25. Like
    mamaSue got a reaction from lynndy38 in Still homesick?   
    I suppose I'm one of the lucky ones.
    Came to GA almost 7 years ago. I was lucky because my husband, although a USC, was originally from Iowa, then Connecticut.... we were both new to GA.
    GA was just a place we thought we'd try... it looked nice on the internet....decent property prices, and good weather.
    He was great....totally supportive, and we were together 24/7 for the first couple of years...I was driven everywhere....I had to do a driving test to get my license (Whaaaattt... my last driving test was 40 years ago!!) but it was a lot easier than the current UK tests....we bought me an old banger, I wasn't confident enough not to scrape a newish car. I got my first shiny new car last September.
    Yes, people comment on my accent, just the usual "I love your accent" stuff....I usually reply that I love theirs!
    My daughter comes to visit from the UK a few times a year (She's BA cabin crew, so it's not too hard for her) and we go to London once a year, which usually makes me appreciate Georgia a lot more! The only UK thing I'm hanging on to is Corrie... still addicted to it...US soaps are dire!!!
    Rachie, go with the flow, and don't let the buggers get you down!!!
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