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Posts posted by SB1089

  1. Hello all

    we have our interview coming up for fiancé visa (Bangladesh) and I am the petitioner (USA) so I need to send financial support information. I am getting conflicting information … which is correct or has worked for you guys? 

    1. do I need to submit 3 years of tax returns signed or 3 years of w2 only? 

    2. I recently left my job two months ago so I was planning to use my sister as a joint sponsor. Does she also need to submit the I-134, 3 years of tax returns and w2, bank statement and job letter? 

    any help I’d appreciate. Thank you. 



  2. 2 minutes ago, Jorgedig said:

    You can submit the documentation for a qualified joint sponsor.  


    The labor market is nuts right now, and jobs are plentiful.  Why can you not get another job?

    Ok thanks, I’ll do joint. It’s not that I can’t find another job - but it takes time from interview process to hire so I’m worried by the time he has his interview I won’t have a job. Im currently job searching now and hope I get something soon. Thanks! 

  3. Hello


    After almost 2 years of waiting and frustrations, our case was sent to the embassy so I should be able to schedule an interview soon. Only issue is I had to leave my job this month. As far as I know, I need a job letter and sponsor and show I have enough savings bht without a job - how can I do the sponsor? Does anyone know if I can do joint sponsor? Thank you 

  4. 56 minutes ago, smile101 said:

    Have you called them yet? It’s better to call and ask for tier 2 supervisors and explaining the situation to them. If you don’t mind me asking what was your rfe about? Hang in there! You will get the approval these days. Praying for you 

    I tried calling them many times before the holidays and it was impossible to get a live person. I think they changed their phone number options because when I called around May or June I spoke to a person. When I tried called in November I could not get a hold of a person no matter what. My RFE was that they didn’t have enough evidence of our in person meeting because we didn’t have photos. So I had to submit some affidavits and passport stamps and tickets all over again. I hope it gets approved because it would suck to get denied after a year of limbo. I hope you hear back soon too 😓

  5. I totally feel everyone (that’s waiting for NoA2) pain. I haven’t seen my fiancé since august 2019 and I couldn’t visit this year because of Covid too. Covid is getting worse and worse here and USCIS is so delayed I don’t even know if and when we will get an approval or when I can see him.  It’s taking a toll on all of us and our relationships 😭

    I got an email back from USCIS Yesteday saying they are adjucating our case and to expect a response within 45 more days(filed in February and sent RFE in October)It’s so frustrating that it has been almost a year and I can’t even get an approval. Worst case if it gets denied I don’t know what id do because I can’t start all over. 

  6. @Greenbaum actually I was still not able to get a real person on the line. When you get to the part where the automated machine says “tell me why you are calling” no matter what you press it doesn’t direct you anywhere. And if you say check rfe or case status it just gives you the automated information on those things. I emailed them and asked about the status since it’s been 65 days since they got my rfe response. I don’t know if I will get a response to my email or a response to my case anytime soon. Thank you anyway. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Greenbaum said:

    Some info to contact USCIS/NVC:

    @GreenbaumThank you so much this is immensely helpful!!! I was going crazy trying to talk to a live person and wanted to cry out of frustration. 

  8. Does anyone know how to get a real person on the customer service number at USCIS? I did it once before but I swear the menu has changed and they won’t let you speak to anyone. I keep getting the automated robot and everytime I say customer service or anything they give me useless info and hang up. It’s been 60 days since they received my RFE and I haven’t heard anything. I filed in February and I am getting so frustrated with this process and Everytning. 

  9. Just an update I mailed out the RFE response last week. FedEx said it was delivered Friday morning and this morning I saw an update on lawfully saying my case has been updated to “RFE response received, we are resuming work on your case and etc” so at least that part was fairly quick. Hoping the decision is quick and painless too and we see more approvals soon. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Greenbaum said:

    I don't mean to bud in on your conversation but what they're asking for is quite simple. It's either this, that, or the other thing as a requirement. You provide one of the items from the first list and one from the other bulleted list. They do not have time to go through, pictures, facetime photos, FB pages, wedding plans etc. They are not looking for a love story. Just proof that the two of you met in person during the previous 2-year period as outlined in the letter. This evidence can be completed in an hour. You don't need a lawyer.


    This is such a straightforward process that many make it into some big deal. Read the RFE carefully and submit one of the items from each of the list and be done with this. Over my seven years of helping people, they too try and make this into a something that is bigger than what is requested in the RFE, AND the vast majority of those who answer their RFE do go onto be approved.

    Thank for the advice! I know I am trying to  just sending what they asked for and not overwhelm them but my lawyer thought it might help to send in these additional items. I hope USCIS doesn’t get annoyed with extra stuff I’m sending and deny it?? Is that possible? I’ll try to cut it down but the reason for all the extra stuff was because we don’t have photos from the time I visited him. If we had photos it would be so much easier and I wouldn’t even need a lawyer. I’m just scared they’ll think it’s not a legit relationship if I don’t send the extra stuff. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, Strawberrymermaid said:

    Gotcha! I don't blame you for wanting to hire a lawyer to feel better about it. I am in the same spot with no photos from our first meeting (we met on a cruise ship while he was working and it wasn't really possible to get them). So I may be in a similar scenario! Thank you for sharing and good luck! 

    Yes it’s kinda tough without photos 😞 you look like you already filed. I hope you get approved without RFE but if you do get one feel free to DM me and I’ll help if I can😁Good luck! I’ll post here if I get an update on my case after mailing it back. 

  12. 22 minutes ago, Strawberrymermaid said:

    Hi @SB1089, wanted to check on ya. What did you decide to send as additional proof? 

    Hey thanks for checking in! I’ve been so overwhelmed I decided to get a lawyer. When I initially filed I did Everytning myself but with the RFE I was losing confidence and didn’t want to take any chances. I’m resubmitting a lot of the evidence I already submitted plus a couple of sworn affidavits from friends and family with proper format and IDs. I’m also submitting any future wedding plans I have here and proof of those, lots of FaceTime call photos. I also had to rewrite my statement and he had to write his in more detail ... kinda awkward writing about your love story for lawyers and immigration haha. I’m wrapping up everything by this weekend so hopefully mailing back the RFE by Monday Tuesday. Then it’s back to waiting! 🤞🏾 

  13. So I finally got the letter in the mail for RFE and is what I suspected. It was for the two years in person meeting requirement. I had a weak spot because i couldn’t get any pictures with my fiancé when we met so I provided passport stamps, boarding pass, letter from my dad notarized saying we met and what’s app call logs and screenshots with date and time showing we were meeting in person. And I got this in the mail asking for more evidence including stuff I sent or photos or more letters. I am confused and upset and don’t know what else to send. More letters from friends and family? Passport stamp and boarding and WhatsApp messages again? I am so sad we didn’t have any pictures together an I’m scared I’ll get denied after waiting 7 months. 


  14. 10 minutes ago, Greenbaum said:

    Technically speaking, an RFE is a written request for more information and documentation that USCIS mails out if they believe that they don’t yet have enough evidence to approve or deny a given application. An RFE normally is a minor item and should not be looked at like it's a denial but an opportunity for you to complete your application. USCIS would not send out an RFE if they were going to deny your application. It's just a step that they must take and once they have your information and it meets their approval then you should be seeing your NOA2.

    There are many varying degrees of RFE's. Some as simple as not "ticking" off a question. Others forgot the fiancé(e) letter and then others who met on a website and now need to prove that it wasn't a marriage arrangement website.

    Once you get your RFE, read over very carefully as you only have one chance to reply accurately without causing undue harm. Once you know FROM THE RFE what it is set out to correct and to include "everything" they are asking for. Then reread the RFE to ensure you are compliant. Make copies of everything for your record and send back using their instructions which are contained within the RFE. If the RFE requires a signature, PLEASE don't forget this. Include the original RFE letter along with a cover letter explaining what you are including in your reply. Like a checklist format. Once received at USCIS your case will begin adjudication where the agent had left off. No one can tell you how long it will take so be patient. 

    Thank you @Greenbaum I feel a bit more at ease but I’m naturally an anxious person so I can’t help but stress in these times ☺️ Still haven’t gotten the letter in the mail yet but would this also be a good time to include in the cover letter that we have been apart for more than a year now and it’s taking a toll on us and our relationship? I doubt they care but do you think it could help our case... I haven’t seen my fiancé in over a year and visiting is risky because of Covid restrictions. I know they won’t expedite just because I miss him but is it pointless and silly to tell USCIS this? Thank you again 

  15. 1 minute ago, smile101 said:

    @SB1089 do you think it will be faster by opening an inquiry? I'm not sure how an inquiry goes. I just know when the 7 months is up we have to open one. Would they look at the case right away?

    I honestly don’t even know how an inquiry works. If they’ll even look at it right away or it’ll be like another 2-3 months. My worst fear is after waiting 7 months I’ll get denied and be back to square one in terms of bringing my fiancé here. 

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