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Posts posted by andrewfromdenver

  1. very happy about this


    BUT one mistake was made (i think)


    she got lbc plastic packet sent to her place....we were under impression that there was sealed folder in there so she opened it to retrieve her passport


    there is still her paperwork in yellow manila folder that's partially sealed.....but i now wonder if it was delivery envelope not meant to be opened


    i am going out there in feb.....so i should start process to correct this now


    any idea who/what dept i should contact? embassy in manila? i assume i would have to have her send it all back and wait for new one...



  2. 15 hours ago, RO_AH said:

    They can't do anything to stop the visa process, but she will need to pass CFO before she can leave. I'm not sure if her Local government would have the pull to affect that, but you never know. But like others have said because you are a foreigner she is making a big fuss hoping to scare your fiancé enough to get money out of it. 

    well it somewhat worked....she is scared....and she has to pay (meaning "i" have to pay)


    anyways found out what happened....her english is better when she calms down


    i guess its common practice for local candidates to buy votes


    a girl in her barangay with same last name (not related) had signed up to sell her vote.....without asking permission she also signed my girls name and some of her family's name and promised their votes too AND collected the money claiming she spoke for people who arent even family (but share a surname)......my girls friends saw her do it as they are mutual friends.....supposedly this girl has done it before and whole barangay knows


    except my girl and her family voted for other candidate.....they didnt appreciate this girl collecting money on their behalf falsely claiming to represent them.....so my girl blasted her on facebook for it, so did many others around the small town as they said that she did same thing to them


    my girls other "friend" who is also mutual friend of this girl was mad at my girl for voting the other way, she says that girl's husband worked for govt and just got voted out, and always pesters my girl to send chocolate and powdered milk and other things for her (so she must think im wealthier than i really am)......well that girl got upset her side lost so she screenshotted her fb and sent to the girl who was doing the vote thing


    now that girls uncle is "president" of barangay (at least for another month he just got voted out) and he summoned her to some kind of open hearing, where that family tried intimidating my girl and acting like they wanted to jump her, and demanded she pay 200,000 pesos and told her that her fiance (me) can afford it and that if she doesnt pay they will put a case on her and jail her and not let her leave philippines and stop her visa and if she cant pay take part of her dads farm....as i said its common knowledge in the small community my girl is engaged to american....my girl was not allowed to bring witness (first mutual friend) that saw the girl in question (his niece) sign names and gloated about having the money


    my girl said she already deleted fb post and and asked if she can apologize and not do it again......but since it was man's niece people asked (i guess some kind of open hearing) that they bring someone else in so they brought in someone higher than barangay president, the municipal kagawad


    so second hearing was yesterday and that kagawad had ordered to pay 10,000 in damages to the other girl and did not want to hear about the issue of buying votes which i understand is illegal (but common).....as i said it doesnt help that my girl is very outspoken on politics and spoke out against someone connected......and all these people got voted out if my girl would have waited a month to talk s*** it would have went the other way......i talked to my friends fiance who lives in another province who said that this is way filipino local politics usually work...they are messy and set neighbor against neighbor and also provides opportunity for corruption and nepotism


    none of the many other people who had been complaining about this girl and family for doing same thing to them have been summoned for hearing and demanded to pay......yet none of them have money either.....my lawyer says they cant stop her visa......which i was pretty sure of but needed confirmation......but he doesnt practice in philippines and doesnt know what can happen there.......and if they can punish her family


    im telling my girl to stay the eff off facebook unless she wants to show pictures of her food and family from now on.....no more politics no more calling people out......and no more posting gifts or anything that makes her look in the slightest wealthier than her neighbors


    and again i know i got my comment deleted....whatever i been here 3 years and been to philippines many times and am experienced in relationships.......spare me the treating me like i fell for the water buffalo sick routine .......not you ro_ah but others

  3. 12 minutes ago, Carpe Vinum said:

    Your lawyer is misinformed. There is no box for the medical packet on the DS-160. Some embassies do send out a package to beneficiaries containing information and some other miscellaneous forms. Manila is not one of them.

    well i will check......but there is still box at end of ds-160 that asks if she received packet......should i check it or should i just hit submit and see if it goes through?


    and letter did say to wait for further instructions and next letter

  4. 20 minutes ago, Dashinka said:

    Honestly, I have no idea, and certainly you cannot force her, but it certainly has brought her a big headache.

    even beforehand its been big headache......in fact every fight we had over last 3 1/2 years been about facebook........and a few friends i know in same situation ....same thing


    most american adults dont take fb that seriously.........but in philippines its their lifeline

  5. 1 hour ago, Carpe Vinum said:

    There is no packet to receive. I have only heard of one person receiving a mailing and that was after the fiance already arrived in the US)) You just proceed like you received the mailing.

    in the letter it said to wait for packet and letter with further instructions.......my lawyer said it should be medical packet that she takes sealed for her exam


    right before i submit the ds-160 there are 2 boxes to check......one is to make sure i received that packet


    i have not therefore i cannot submit ds-160


    but i will ask lawyer if he heard of anybody checking the box and submitting anyways

  6. 2 hours ago, Adventine said:

    @Crazy Cat the problem is that some people like to show off that they've got a foreigner boyfriend who sends them all sorts of gifts. Even a poor American is rich by PH standards.


    But no, they can't stop her visa process because she reported something illegal. 

    exactly......she has friend engaged to obnoxious australian and she parades him around social media like he is the best thing since slieced bread

  7. been there 3 times once last  month.....and in june of 2019 and october 2019


    and she is not asking for money.....she asked me if i can help with a lawyer not money


    and yes the lawyer i hired for her case he already assured me they are empty threats


    i guess i find out more in awhile she is supposed to go in front of higher kagawad

  8. 3 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    You sure about that?  

    according to her they told her as much


    she claims there were other witnesses who also made fb posts and that only she is being squeezed for money.... and first thing they did was threaten her with stopping her visa process and asking how much i can afford....they found out by looking at her fb that i send balikbayan boxes and help her out.......i assume they think im rich or something


    she is only one with american fiance out of whole group

  9. my fiance blew the whistle on somebody working for local candidate stealing money (while buying votes?) the whole barangay shown up at the municipal center and demanded money back or something.....and because my girl made facebook post about it (it was about someone who stole money/votes that worked for candidate, i think candidate won) she was summoned to a "kagawad" (magistrate?) with the woman is saying my fiance permanently damaged her reputation and is demanding money


    they had read her facebook and are targeting her because they know she is close to her visa interview


    she is also threatening to put NBI case on her and telling her that she will make sure that she never leaves the philippines unless she (meaning me) come up with large amounts of money for both her AND her family (who have nothing to do with it)


    this just went down yesterday.......i lost some of what happened during translation.....i been contacting lawyers in area (on something unrelated) but they never answer back


    can they do that? stop our visa process? as far as i know our process comes from USA not philippines province

  10. 52 minutes ago, RO_AH said:

    I actually know of someone who did this. He told her it was just a vacation to visit her family. Once he got her home he flew back by himself. His ticket was round trip hers was one way.

    well i would send her by herself......tell her go home and think about it


    it may do wonders for her attitude when you dont send her spending money.....other than bus fare to get home


    if she still wants to act up then let her come up with money to fly back and file for divorce..that would take her a lifetime

  11. my girl says that marcos wants to restore relations with USA and she voted based on that and few other things.......sh said leni too china friendly and she likes pacquiao but thinks he too inexperienced?

  12. 1 hour ago, Chancy said:


    The child would not have been listed in the I-129F petition for your fiancee, right?  And the US embassy would see that the adoption was done only after the immigration process was started for the adoptive parent.  Yeah, good luck with that.


    well yeah.....she was supposed to come alone ALOT SOONER but started caring for the child....became attached over 2 years ....like i said my girls was supposed to be here april/may 2020.....but the lockdown happened.....wasnt no ones fault.....im sure a good lawyer can help.....mine is confident he can


    he is pretty successful as an immigration lawyer though filipinos are just a minute fraction of his clientele

  13. 13 hours ago, Chancy said:


    I recommend you consult with another immigration lawyer.  It is very, very unlikely that US immigration will accept as valid an adoption of a child who is not an orphan, not abandoned, and whose living biological parent is actually mentally capable of raising the child and is in a loving relationship with the child.  Just think about it -- if that were possible, millions of Filipinos would be entrusting their children to relatives in the US for the sake of a better future for the children.  I could refer you to the actual criteria for non-orphan adoptions acceptable for US immigration, if your lawyer won't look that up for you.


    its  valid in the philippines......and once the paperwork comes through he says its another i-29f filing and under k-2


    being that philippines easily recognizes these adoptions makes the process easier he said

  14. On 4/12/2022 at 8:50 AM, hunny&me said:

    Slim/tight but maybe.  
    IN TRANSIT - Wait 3 days it becomes Ready.  Because it is long holiday this week, if it requires manual process in USEM, then this may extend next week.
    MEDICAL - You can get that anytime.  Availability of SLEC (slec.ph) at this time is from April 21.  2 days for medical.  If medical xray is clear in Day 1, possible immunization next working day.  But if not, patient will be sent back for sputum collection (3 consecutive days), then 2 months after that 3 days for result.  Note that medical is good only for 6 months from Day 1.  If patient is not clear on day 1, definitely not fit in your time frame.
    USEM INTERVIEW DATE - Based on people's experience, they get letter from USEM that they have interview date (rare) or they can now open a CGI account to book an appointment.  Most people do not wait for this email, we just open for CGI account and grab available appointment.  Appointment are scarce (because most are given to NVC for scheduling), they are filled fast because a lot of people are waiting.  So I suggest, you find a group chat in Facebook for CGI appointment watchers for K1.  We have one for IR1/CR1 - the appointment in CGI appears as per your filled Visa Class, so we do not see K1 appointments,  Last week USEM released allot of dates in May.   May 25 being the farthest.  So maybe next week, they may release for May 26, 31.  We notice that interview slots given are Mondays, Tues, Thurs.  For K1, some people say it is just Thursdays.

    CFO - you can only register CFO when Visa is at hand (https://cfo.gov.ph/)  The registration may take few days.  But if you are in a hurry, walk-in (visa and flight on hand) maybe an option.

    Reason am saying it is slim or tight is because of variables beyond control.  But if everything is perfect - applicant get medical end of April and it is clear, able to secure ID for May (sometimes there are random openings due to cancellations from applicants that had to undergo extended medical), VOH few days after,  walk-in to CFO and certificate/sticker on hand by June 4, fly out June 5.  Biggest variable is medical - so I suggest to have that done so you can plan the next actions (either immediately or you had to wait for extended medical).

    Hope this helps!



    where is this cgi account located? would i be able to book appointment? im still on "waiting for packet" phase.

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