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Everything posted by Fe.Ta

  1. For you, it should be #3 a lawful permanent resident. You already had your 2-yr GC and you are in the ROC process. Even though the GC expired, you have the extension letter and you have filed for ROC, so you continue to have a good status and be a lawful permanent resident.
  2. Hi! Fellow Argentina K1-ers here, please see this thread: It is a bit older, but it has all sorts of information for the packet 3, which is the one you will have to work on when you get the e-mail from the embassy after the NVC sends it there. Also, we have a Whatsapp group where we help people from Argentina throughout the process. Feel free to message me your number if you want to be added.
  3. It is recommended to have them in person. We had a friend on the phone and the officer was quick to challenge us as to why we did not have one in person, especially because you are not supposed to have your phone out during the interview, etc. because they don't want people recording interviews and such. When I was doing my research for this back in 2020, it said it would be preferred if the person was not as close just to avoid people being sneaky. But, again, it depends on the officer. Our officer had been doing this for 20 years and close to retirement, so I bet she had seen enough things to not feel comfortable with a friend on the phone. The feedback we got from her after the interview and approval was: Having the phone out like I did could have resulted in immediate denial if she wanted. If an interpreter is needed, it is better to have them in person so the USCIS officer does not think you are trying to pull something. The preference is for it not to be a family member or friend, but it appears with this one they are a bit more flexible. Our officer let me be the interpreter for my husband because we are both native Spanish speakers and because my husband understood basics such as all the yes/no questions to be able to answer without me interpreting. However, she was very clear and strict to let me know to only translate exactly what she was saying nothing less or more and that if she thought I was trying to give "extra information", she could give us a denial. After all the stress, she approved us and literally told us "I knew I was going to approve you as soon as I saw you walking towards me because doing this for so many years you normally can tell by looking at people, how they are with each other, and you were carrying a ton of packets" (LOL). In my mind I was glad, but I thought to myself "then, why scare me with all of this?" But, I bet she was just being thorough.
  4. Letter should be fine as well. As I said, worse case scenario, they might say they want you to see one now to get a letter from someone they refer you to, then approve you. This is what happened to us.
  5. You should be closer! Maybe you might hear about an interview for October or so?
  6. I understand you are nervous and concerned. However, misrepresentation is even worse during immigration journey. It appears that you do have your record and personal file proving that not only did you get treatment, but a professional is certifying you are not a danger to yourself and others. As I mentioned in the other post, this should be sufficient to get the approval and it will not affect your immigration journey any further. From comments I have seen from other users from Germany in other threads, the letter and record is enough for the embassy there. Furthermore, the USCIS approved doctor might refer you or you can let them know you are willing to get a new certification from a psychiatrist/psychologist and then they should approve you after that. On the other hand, you could be proactive and just get a newer, more recent certification prior to the medical so you can take that with the old one and your record, which you can present to the doctor. These will just increase your chances of the doctor doing your medical without any further issues.
  7. I know. It is so sad. What is the point of saying after X days you can submit an inquiry and then when you can, it extends it even more? Again, USCIS is just a joke. LOL Good luck to all of us. For those of you applying to citizenship soon, at least you know it will be over sooner rather than later. Best of luck and keep us posted! For those that are choosing not to file for N400, whether it is because of limitations now such as a language barrier or because it is a personal choice, please note there is the option of WOM to get your 751 processed sooner. The ones that have a language barrier, there is this resource where you can find centers near you that will help with both English and the citizenship interview/testing preparation: https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/findcitizenshiphelp And, of course, you can always just not do either if that is your personal preference and just wait. But, I just want people to know their options.
  8. I believe you might be close to getting an approval any day now. Keep us posted! I have seen people whose status only updates via the website and not anywhere else, so check every week now, maybe? If not, I believe you are pass the point (or close) to do a "outside of processing time" inquiry. I would try calling and getting a Tier 2 officer or submitting the form online.
  9. I see your 286 and raise you 306 days. LOL I am sure there are some waiting way, way longer than both of us. Yes, its freaking annoying. I just vent and move on. Haha Maybe we will see some hope December 2024? 🤣
  10. @Redro Didn't dive deep and this post is somewhat old. But, within the original post, someone from Germany appears to have had a K1 visa medical approved with self-harm as long as they had official letters and records, which the OP seems to have. Additionally, at worse case scenario, they might be recommended to a new pysch doctor and just be approved. Unfortunately, the person that commented has not logged in since 2020. But, @designguy has posted on other threats about the subject. Could you please confirm?
  11. Can you please fill out your timeline? What country are you doing the medical in? I am assuming it is for a K1, but can you please confirm? These two factors can influence the best advice. In a general sense, if you have a doctor's note, and you have proof of treatment, etc., that would be a good base to start and it won't result in an automatic inadmissibility or anything like that. If it comes up in the medical, be truthful, they might refer you to go to a psychiatrist/psychologist as referred by the doctor - it will depend on how the USCIS approved doctor feels about it as well. As others have said, depending on your country and the embassy, it can shift how much and what you need. Our personal story: As we were applying for our K1 visa in Argentina, during the medical exam, the doctor noticed very old self-harm marks on my now husband. They were old (from like almost a decade prior). The USCIS approved doctor referred him to a psychiatrist/psychologist that was also USCIS approved before the doctor gave the full approval for the medical. He went to the appointment. Then, he was given a sealed letter he had to take back to the doctor. No issues and he was approved. Since he hadn't had official ongoing treatment, the doctor recommended it in the US, which he did, but they had enough proof to know he was not a danger to himself or others. However, the U.S. embassy in Argentina is not as difficult as other countries. Hence, why it will depend on your originating country as well.
  12. Yes, totally understand. My husband is not planning to apply for N400 either (anytime soon). So, we are looking at about 29 months wait time or more.
  13. It is the service center with the longest wait time - sadly. But, if you are planning to apply for N400 when she is eligible, you could have some hope.
  14. Because why not censor my native language because I refuse to say "elles". SMH.
  15. This seems like solid evidence. Copies of both passports are not needed. But, you might have reasons not listed on here as to why.
  16. We used this when we were going the K1 route. https://www.daytranslations.com/free-translation-online/ We actually used the paid services, I can't recall how much they were. Also, it has been 4-5 years since we used them. I know people that have translated them themselves. I could have done my husband's paperwork, but we got the apostille and certification over in Argentina, and I wanted to make sure everything was certified including the translation. If you have criminal records to translate, it is better to just use some type of service rather than a DIY just to be safe, especially if you are going through the Ecuador (Guayaquil) embassy, which is one of the toughest from what I have heard.
  17. This is insane. I am just glad you got SOME movement. Just discouraging. Hopefully, you will get a quick turnaround and you will get approval very soon!
  18. Fe.Ta

    Pet Insurance

    Thank you! I have no idea why this did not notify me of responses. That's what I figured as well. Like it sounds too good to be true. Keep me posted. Hope the buddy does well.
  19. No, it does not. It is definitely a personal preference. Many people do it quarterly. The idea is just to show you have them for the longevity of your marriage - if possible. If you have other strong evidence (which you should), sending quarterly statements should also be plenty.
  20. @DesperateHouseWif Good luck tomorrow. Let us know how it goes!
  21. Hi! Welcome! First of all, I am not too savvy in the CR1 process. Thus, I will also let others chime in to be a bit more helpful. But, this is what I know: Your yearly income would just be whatever you would expect to earn within a year, not what you would earn within the time left in 2023. You can only provide what you have. None of us can tell you if something is enough or not, since this is at the discretion of the officer. Be prepared, however, to have to present whatever you have available for proof of income within the last 3 years (pay stubs, income tax returns, W2s, 1099, etc.) I don't think it is a problem per-say. But, they might require you to have a co-sponsor who has an income that has been more steady (i.e. same job and income within a few years of longevity). I believe you can only use this as support if: The appraisal was performed by what they considered a legitimate appraiser. It can be converted into cash quickly within a year. It does not cause a negative impact on the household when sold. Thus, it is not the primary household. In other words, if that is where your family lives, the officer could choose to say it cannot be used to show sponsorship because selling it would mean your household would be left without a place to live. In my humble opinion, it might be best if you just get a co-sponsor from the get-go just because it appears you are lacking enough to prove consistency of income (and total amount of 125% above poverty line) to be the sole sponsor. The CR1 takes about two years, which means you are looking at 2025, and there is a potential that a new administration will be in government. Hence, requirements can change and be more strict. By not getting a co-sponsor now, you could further delay the wait if they decide to do an RFE (or denial) for a co-sponsor later.
  22. Correct. I was not asking Mike trying to question your post or legitimacy. I am trying to gage the chances of being able to do this successfully and how many get it approved as I was not aware of this particular form and would like to know for educational purposes and assist others in the future.
  23. Based on what OP mentioned, how real or feasible are the chances of getting it granted without the need for the tests? I am guessing the OP's friend would also need to provide proof of diagnosis and a potential letter from the psychiatrist?
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