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Reconnecting Reco

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Posts posted by Reconnecting Reco

  1. I sent an adjustment of status from k1 visa to start the green card process. I also sent in for a EAD but like an idiot I forgot to mark the reason for applying so they sent just the I-797 form back with a green sheet. I just want tk make sure I get this right. So I resend it back with the corrections they've asked for and I should be good? They are also asking for the fee but it's free when you apply for the adjustment and I don't have a NOA1 yet since it's backed up pretty badly so how would I handle that?


    It also says my submitted G-1450 authorization for credit card has been destroyed. Well since I sent it with I-485 originally is it still with that form or should I send a new G-1450?

  2. People here will try to discourage you from the K1 visa. Saying "Oh what about the person coming here they won't be able to work" "or just marry them what's the big deal" the big deal is for situations like this. You have to protect yourself at all cost and K1s help with that. Sorry this happened to you but you shouldn't have married until you spent more time with her in your home.

  3. 22 hours ago, Lucky Cat said:

    I see absolutely no downside to being there for the interview.  If your fiance can show the CO your passport and say "My future spouse is outside waiting for me", it would be positive......imo.

    Yep my lawyer said the same thing. I plan to be there when my fiancee does her interview. Can't attend it but I'll damn sure be right outside.

  4. 18 hours ago, T&f2020 said:

    How long  were engaged before the first petition?  What did you do differently the second time? I am learning that gathering support letters from family and friends is apparently essential but I did not do that first. 


    Yes, they are tough and really terrible to people. I know exactly what you mean about quickly denying without considering any evidence. I understand that the burden of proof is on the petitioner/applicant but they don't give you that chance at all.  They handed my fiance the denial paper and said 'go talk to your fiance' when he asked them why we were being denied but in the email they sent me, they claimed they explained everything orally. I don't believe that for a second.   I feel bad for putting my partner through this twice because.  The way they treatment applicants is just unacceptable but what can you do.  


    Please keep me posted. And the best of luck to you and your fiancee!!!!  



    We were new to the process so when we originally sent it in we were only 4 months into a relationship and I had visited her twice already. I figured since it took about 10 months for a interview that between the time we were waiting we will have more pictures and such. I had seen her two more times and we had much more proof and we assumed the interviewer would ask to see but she never did. Asked a few questions and then denied her because of insufficient proof. Like the proof  was in her hands in a folder we were told to bring. But this time we got a lawyer and the application looks a lot better. Just need the embassy to reopen and see how it goes.

  5. Yea my fiancee and I got denied and we decided to go again with another K1 visa because waiting 9 months was easier than waiting a few years. We got a lawyer this time and it looks a lot better. Our interview would have been in April but since everything is shut down we are unsure when we will be able to interview again. I plan on flying down and being in the city when she interviews to show support.


     The consulars can be terrible people. They are rude and quick to deny without looking at the evidence. It was almost as if she was going to get denied before the interview started. We are hoping for a better outcome and I wish you luck.

  6. Just now, Boiler said:

    Do they allow spouses at her Consulate?


    So she is onboard with the possibility that she may be returning within the 90 days if things do not work out.

    Not for the interview but I've been there and as long as I schedule an appoint there on the same day and time as her interview I can enter the consulate. I'll give her my passport and she can relay to the interviewer that I am there with her for moral support.


    There is no possibility of her returning unless for some reason she wants to. Don't mistake me as no being sure about her or us. I just want to handle this situation in my own way but I'd marry her tomorrow if that's what it takes. Even if my kid hated her, and my family shunned her I'd still marry her. 

  7. 49 minutes ago, Dataunavailable said:

    I'm not the OP, I'm only asking as someone viewing the OP thread. I have personally explained to my fiance what she should expect when she finally arrives here,  but we also have plans to marry already when she arrives in the first month, ours isn't a see if it's a right fit situation. 


    And I fully understand the giving security for them, as I can't imagine how scary it would be to move to another country,  I've been nervous just moving states. But the beneficiary should also have a say in regards to OP situation, if he is doing a test run to see if that is something they want to do, if it isn't, why would they come here on the K1, knowing that the OP is wanting to have her get a feel first? 

    What I'm trying to understand if the K1 isn't for what I want to use it for then why have it at all. Why don't all people just skip it and go on to use the spousal visa instead? I want to marry her and she wants to marry me. She says she would move to the middle of Afghanistan for me and I believe her. Regardless I still think it's fair for her to get a glimpse of what her new life will be before committing on a leap of blind faith.


    Now let's say for some one in a million chance it doesn't work out. As long as she goes back after 90 days there's no harm no foul. That's exactly what this visa was made for or this rule wouldn't have been enacted. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Dataunavailable said:

    It's not unheard of, as long as you can overcome the reason for the denial, you have a chance. The embassy was running me back and forth, I spoke with them right after the denial through emails, I went there in person in May 2019 at 8am on a Tues, was told to come back later as the person that does petitioner meetings isn't there until later. We went to see Avengera Endgame and came back at noon, a new guy at the window, I'm now told to email a request for appointment. Email them, no response until a day before I leave that I can come anytime Mon and Tues from 1-2pm for petitioner questions.  I explained how I was there, no one told me to come back at that specific time, I finally got an email with them saying "not displaying adequate intent to marry". 


    So, even finding the reason for denial itself is a struggle. I went to my congressmans office and they did an official inquiry, which was the same generic 221G, didn't beleive the relationship was legitimate that I first received after her denial. 


    Did you go with to the first interview? I ask because I did not know that it was something that should be done, I didn't know of this website until after the denial, I just followed what USCIS had as a guide, with her next interview,  I have my vacation for the year since it just reset in January and plan on using that for the interview, be there a week before and a week after, it's depressing,  but all I can get is about 3 weeks a year and the last 2 years have been spent going there with it, I really wish I had more vacation so I can spend more time there, but we do what we can right.  

    My lawyer says flying out to be there for her during the interview shows strong signs of support. It by no way means it's a guarantee but much more difficult to say fraud if I'm there in their faces. I'm trying to do anything that can help.

  9. 1 minute ago, Duke & Marie said:

    I think this is one of the massive benifits to k1.. particularly where children are involved..


    I know it’s not necessarily always a deal breaker, but if the kids and perspective spouse don’t get along or hate each other it is a significant factor when getting married, in addition to the spouses reaction to the USA.. she might hate it there.. 


    I know to some the USA is a dream location but it isn’t to everyone, I know I took some convincing about relocating there... not because I dislike the USA but when compared with home I don’t think it’s as pretty, it’s far dirtier and way less safer.. 

    Thanks for this. I feel like some people are shunning me for rather doing a K1 than get married as if marriage is an easy thing to conquer. Getting married and staying apart for the first year is something I would not enjoy. Plus you are correct I would want her to see America first and deal with the culture shock of another country. Also she's not a mother and I have a son. I will be bringing her into an entire new life and although I'm positive I want to be with her I want to give her a fair shot at seeing what she's getting into and if it's the life she wants, because once we say "I do" then it's over.

  10. 2 hours ago, Marieke H said:

    It's worth it for the lawyer. They get paid for this application, and if/when it gets denied again they will offer to help you with the CR-1 and get more business from you. I would not rely on the lawyer's advice too much here.


    The CO did not see enough evidence of a real relationship. A good way to prove a real relationship is to get married, and to spend more time together. I would do both, and not risk another K-1 denial. No one can predict if it would get denied or not, but at least you would have options after a CR-1 denial (besides all the other advantages of the CR-1).


    I get that you want your family to get to know her first, especially your son. However, part of a long distance relationship is that that is not always possible and you have to compromise. Can you take your son with you on one of your trips? Can she Skype with your family? I would have loved for my parents to get to know my husband before we got married, but that just wasn't possible due to financial and health reasons. They ended up coming over for our wedding and met their son in law for the first time 2 days before the wedding. It was strange and awkward, but it was the best we could do. It's about the two of you building a life, with your son, and the rest of your family just may have to wait to get to know her. 

    You make a damn good point about the lawyer and to be weary of his advice because I did not see it from this point until you said something. I already filed for another K1 back in October and now that we are halfway there to another interview my optimism is starting to fade and I'm nervous of another denial. I tried looking up if reapplying and getting approved has been done and had difficulty finding any topics on it. I would just hate to have wasted another 9 months on something that may just be impossible to pass regardless of if the relationship is genuine or not.

  11. 35 minutes ago, Dataunavailable said:

    I am going through the same process as you OP. We are currently in the process of a second K1. It's at USCIS now, awaiting NOA2, hoping in the next month or two. 


    I want to sympathize with what you are dealing with, it's tough. And even though there are many members here who are extremely knowledgeable and helpful, they have no idea what you are going through on a personal level, all they can go off of is what you say. The immigration process is stressful for both parties. And a denial can be a huge blow, we picked ourselves up from ours, we never fought or argued about it. We went through our paperwork, went through everything really to try and discern what the issue was. I feel it was a culmination of a few things, but keep in mind, nothing to prevent us from refiling. We got a 221G, basically the same like you, it took me going to the embassy in person on another trip to Cambodia to get some sort of answer after a lot of back and forth emails and talks with embassy employees that boiled down to the consular not believing my fiance displayed adequate intent to marry. How that is achieved is beyond me, but, it's the past, we built off of the denial and it strengthened our relationship even more, as we both knew we wanted to be together no matter what happens. 


    CR1 is the route some people go, it can be refuted unlike a K1 if a denial is received,  but that doesn't necessarily mean that once the CR1 is back to it's specific embassy that an approval is guaranteed. I've spoke with a few lawyers on consultations, never hired one on, as people here are helpful and knowledgeable enough to point you in the right direction,  even with me as I've sometimes not agreed with answers here or felt like there was some disrespect,  I do respect their time spent answering. 


    But the lawyer I've spoke with explained about a couple who did a spousal Visa, denied and sent back from USCIS to the embassy, denied still, they tried one more time and it was denied again. So just because someone gets married, it doesn't automatically make a Visa 100% guaranteed. It takes away an argument that a couple won't marry within 90 days of arrival, but it's not a golden ticket. 


    People have different reasons for preferring a K1, I've talked to my fiance and she knows what to expect when she gets here and how it can take time to get things done. A K1 works better for us because to marry in Cambodia, a Male needs to make at least $2500 per month, it also almost seems required to hire what is called a fixer, to speed the process up, which can take anywhere from 20 to 60 days. We also both want my mom and family to be a part of our wedding, my father passed away and my step father is suffering with Lewy body dementia,  he is pretty much house bound with my mother looking after him. My mother has also sent me a letter of her certificate of ministry that she offered to marry us that I sent in with this petition. And my fiance wants that too, she wants my mom to be a part of our wedding, her and my mother have a really great relationship, even though they've never met in person yet. 


    That is why we choose a K1, now if this is denied, I will do what I can to find a way to marry her in Cambodia, or most likely, some other country that isn't as difficult for a foreigner to marry a citizen. I'm not rich and I'm not poor, I'm just a 37 year old guy with a FT job, I don't have the luxury of being retired and able to travel anytime I want or the luxury of being able to just pick up from work and stay there for months, it just isn't realistic, but that doesn't mean our love for each other is less than a retired man going to the Philippines to see his fiance, or that I don't try as hard. And that's the frustration with this site at times, where it feels that you aren't trying hard enough, or someone else had an easier situation,  so why is yours so difficult. It can be heart breaking and stress inducing, but your love for each other has overcome borders, and it will overcome a denial. 


    We also made sure this time,  since Cambodia is considered high fraud, to front load a lot more. I included multiple letters of co workers who have known me for a long time, some of them have spoken with my fiance through messages. Letters from my parents, my father before he passed away, correspondence with my congressman etc. Photos, letters of intent and how we met, Facebook posts, skype logs. 


    We didn't just refile the same thing as last year, I also had another visit before refiling. I will hope everything works our for you, in the end, only you know how important your relationship is to both of you, 

    Data you are a godsend and I really appreciate you're sympathy and understanding. This wait has been extremely challenging and if the gamble to try again fails then the next logical step is to get married and try again. I truly hope everything goes your way and she gets approved for the next interview and they see that your relationship is genuine.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    Please re read what you have posted on this thread, that is all we have to go on.

    You are right I apologize and you  should ha e worded it better. I am ready to get married but would rather do a K1 for reason that have nothing to do with if I'm ready or not. Just wanted to know if refiling after denial has ever been approved or even if it's possible. Regardless I'm getting married this year whether it's in America or her country. Just wanted to know if I wasted another 9 months.

  13. Just now, Boiler said:

    You are missing the point, a K1 requires you to be ready to marry, it is not a try out and see situation, you submit a document saying your are ready to go.

    I never said I wanted to try out and see if the relationship would work but if I had to choose I'd much rather do a K1 visa then get married and wait over a year to be with my wife. Look if you're not going to answer my question or give advice why comment at all?

  14. 15 hours ago, JFH said:

    Now why did the embassy officer not think

    your relationship was genuine? You need to fix those things before you do anything else. Repeating the same action with the same circumstances will have the same result. 

    I’m surprised you want to have your family’s approval before you marry her. How old are you? You are both adults. If you believe marriage is right for you, just get married. 

    Sorry for the confusion but I don't need my families approval it's just if I had the option of my family first meeting her I would rather it be as my fiancee and not my wife. If this isn't possible then so be it. 


    Although our relationship is genuine she lives in a high fraud country. So they rejected it without much thought because there you are basically guilty until proven innocent. So I don't think there was much wrong with the application it's just that maybe it failed to impress them enough. Hopefully my lawyer doing it and proof of more trips will change the perspective.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Orangesapples said:

    K1 is for people who are ready to get married. You are not. 

    I disagree. The k1 wouldn't exist if that was the purpose then it would just be the CR1 visa. If I feel more comfortable getting married in my country after she sees her home for the first time, meet my son and family, and more face to face time that's not honeymoon time then that's my business. Please don't comment anymore on my post if you have no advice to my question. If we get denied again then yes marriage is the only option and I'll have to suck it up but don't say I'm not ready when id rather do it this way.

  16. 2 hours ago, carmel34 said:

    Sounds like you are spending more time in person with all your visits, getting to know each other so you will know if you really want to get married or not.  If the K-1 is denied the second time around, have a backup plan, like getting married in her country and filing for a spousal visa, file for a K-1 a third time (not recommended), or move to her country to live with her.  Hopefully your second K-1 will be successful.  Good luck!

    Thanks I truly appreciate your advice and yes I'll definitely have a back up plan. 

  17. 29 minutes ago, Besamiot said:

    My humble opinion is that you set married instead of filing another i-129f.  I am waiting for our application to be approved. If there is any complications, either a refusal by USCIS or a denial at the embassy, I'm sure this is the person I want to be with. I will just go ahead and marry. The wait is already hard. I won't postpone anything. 

    I appreciate your opinion and if she gets denied again I will marry while I'm there. Lawyer says it worth another shot to try again instead of marry but I'll get ready with the paperwork if she does get denied again. Plus the wait for marriage visa is twice as long so it was a gamble that I hope pays off. I just couldn't find any stories of people refiling the k1 visa after denial.

  18. My fiancee was denied 7 months ago at the embassy. The interviewer said she didn't believe the relationship and told us to get married and try again. I didn't want to get married without her meeting my family and coming to America first. Marriage is such a huge deal and there's steps I'd like to take before getting married. Maybe spend more time in person and such. I have no doubts this is the woman I want to marry but marriage is to be taken seriously and I want to do it the right way.


    The interviewer refused to look at any new evidence that had taken place from when we first filed and the interview, but the packet she had only shown I had visited twice in 6 months. Now I have a lawyer (expensive) and in the last 18 months have visited 5 times across the world to see her. Plus I plan to fly out for the interview for support.


    So during the time of the interview I will have proof I have visited 6 times, retained a lawyer, and flew out to support her during the interview and at this point I'm not sure how they could ever see this as fraudulent. I've spent over $18,000 over the last 18 months and I have proof. So even though it's our second attempt at the fiancee visa do we have a shot at making it even with all the extra proof and the extra miles I'm willing to go?

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