Hey Confused. Really sorry to hear your situation. I don't really know all the options, but I wanted to just provide some encouragement to you. So first of all, you have not been here very long and sometimes it can take a couple time to adapt to being married. Hopefully, all is going to work out for you and your husband, however, you need to keep your spirits up during this period, and plan out a strategy so you are prepared for anything..
Someone else had suggested maintaining evidence of his behavior. I would highly recommend you take that advice. If you can get emails legally, then yeah, get them or any other evidence such as a picture of the phone with the other woman. My further suggestion is to document any conversations you have with him where you feel belittled or slighted. Write down the date and the conversation and the important points of the conversation. If you need this in the future, it will help establish that it's a frequent and long running problem. Make absolutely sure that you keep that information CONFIDENTIAL. You found his phones, don't let him find your documents.
Someone suggested getting a job. That's a great idea too. Sounds like he works an awful lot and that could be putting pressure on him. Having your own job would provide you with some independence and may help take some pressure off of your husband since you can help with some of the bills. Put something away for yourself too in the event you need it in the future if all does not go well with the marriage. You should see your work permit very soon.
Your AOS should process fairly quickly too. So bide your time until you get that since that likely does afford you some protection. I have seen enough documents that ask if you're still married or divorced. So you're definitely not the first person to have encountered this situation. I believe you'll have some level of protection from being deported in the event of a divorce. You'll need your own money, however, since completing your process is going to cost a lot. Obviously you'll need a job and income to pay for an apartment, food, transportation, etc. So think about those things, hope for the best, but plan for the worst.
Good luck. So sorry to hear this happened for you.