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    Ontarkie reacted to quann in Baby Name   
    no one said anything about ignorance, we're talking about children. of course you can name your kid whatever you want to, just be aware that your action may affect him/her later on.
  2. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to slim in After My Election I Have More Flexibility   
    Please don't call Obama a leader. The only place he's leading anyone is down the crapper.
    I hate hearing terms like "leader of the free world", "leader of our country", "our leaders in Washington", etc. They're not our leaders. They're our representatives. They work for us. People would do well to remember that.
    Even the president of the United States works for you. Not the other way around.
  3. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Bad_Daddy in Number of illegal immigrants in U.S. is stable: DHS   
    Bust the employers so bad that they wouldn't think twice about hiring illegal labor. Take the anchor babies out of the equation, revamp the H1B visa's and it's problem solved.
  4. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Kathryn41 in Canadian Doctors say 'Tax Us More" so we pay our fair share   
    LOL! Of course I'm a socialist! Obviously, I am the best one for the job as I will be concerned equally about the well-being of everyone here. And - are you really sure you want to set the fox to guarding the chicken coop?
    Commentary on the above - the Canadian health care system isn't free - it is tax payer supported. The Canada Health Act ensures that every Canadian regardless of economic well-being, cultural background or geographic location is ensured equal and fair access to the same level of quality health care as any other Canadian. The costs are paid by the Federal and Provincial governments from tax based dollars. The 'rates' are established by the government and the doctors submit their invoices to the government for reimbursement depending on the actual medical services rendered. In the US, doctors negotiate with different insurance companies to determine how much they will be reimbursed for patient care. In Canada, the governments take the place of the insurance companies. The costs are lower, there is no middle man seeking profit as the government is not in it for profit but for equitable value on the money spent, and the quality of care is comparable, and in many cases, (in my opinion having experienced both systems) superior to the health care in the US.
    What I really liked in the above article was the doctors' slogan: "Tax us: Canada is worth it".
  5. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to VanessaTony in How is it possilbe?   
    I'm not wrong. I'm ignoring most of your post because it's useless fluff trying to bolster your position but totally irrelevant to my stance which is: while yes you CAN wait to file ROC you ARE in breach and CAN BE DEPORTED!! so you MUST file ROC as soon as you are divorce to maintain your status and make sure you are protected. I WILL say there's more to this process than a couple of instructions. There are LAWS at play here... specifically the INA.
    The INA clearly states the rules. For your viewing pleasure - INA Sec216(b) http://www.uscis.gov/ilink/docView/SLB/HTML/SLB/0-0-0-1/0-0-0-29/0-0-0-4223.html:
    I have bolded the relevant sections. You try and claim you are an expert (though won't go into details) but claim you have helped many people through this same thing and yet you do NOT know this law? I certainly hope you're not charging people for your poor advice.. especially when said poor advice CAN result in their deportation!
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    Ontarkie reacted to VanessaTony in How is it possilbe?   
    Yes and no.
    The reason she wants you to wait to file for divorce is because then it looks REALLY bad that divorce was filed right after she got the greencard. It screams fraud so her ROC will be harder (harder to prove co-mingling and a genuine relationship if she split so soon). She doesn't need months, she wants those months so it looks like she "tried to make it work".
    ALSO, she needs to file ROC as soon as the divorce is final. The longer you wait the more time she has to save money to file for ROC. She is deportable once the divorce is final if she doesn't file for ROC and runs into ICE.
    So my advice is this: File for divorce on Monday. Do not tell her and just have her served ASAP. Some people suggest a restraining order as well so she can't come and abuse you and act crazy or you'll call the police and have her arrested. She will probably try and fight the divorce but without much money she won't be able to do as much as she is probably planning (filing for support under the I-864 etc). Then once the divorce is final send a letter to USCIS letting them know with a copy of the divorce decree and perhaps a letter stating that she left you for someone else and while you wanted to work on the relationship she wasn't willing to (whatever the story is). You'll need her A# etc. They won't actually do anything except put it on her file.
    Also, make sure you change the locks on the doors (she has moved out and therefore it is legal for you to do but double check with your lawyer). Make sure you take her name off any bills. Take her off any bank accounts (if possible) but if you can't (some won't let you without that persons permission) then change where your work pay is going (so she can't take it out). If she has an authorised card to your credit cards or anything like that shut them down. Some people suggest taking all of the money out of the joint accounts, some say don't. I personally would until your lawyer tells you whether you are obligated to leave it in there and if so then you can just put it all back (the withdraw/deposit will match so not a biggie).
    Make a copy of any of the paperwork you have submitted (I-864, K1 stuff etc) and keep it in a safe place. This should have her information on it and might be useful one day (say you file for someone else you'll need to know some of her info).
    You should file for divorce asap. Do not wait as she is suggesting. She has something planned and that's rarely a good thing. Oh, and never see her alone. If her ROC documents are weak she might try and claim she HAD to leave because you were abusive. So do NOT be alone with her. EVER. Until the divorce is final. Even then be VERY VERY wary.
    **Edit - on re-reading your OP I thought I should warn you a little more.. the waiting 2-3 months to "do what she needs to do to be able to stay" could be:
    - giving her more time to make it look like she tried
    - filing for ROC based on abuse and that she HAD to leave you because you were abusive.
    She is permitted to stay now she has the 2 year card (so 2-3 months to "do what she needs to do" is a lie so something else is planned) but divorce makes her in breach of the "marriage to USC" condition and so she needs to ROC immediately. So soon after getting the card looks suspicious so yeah... she's got something bad planned. Stop talking to her. Stop dealing with her except through your divorce attorney who you will see on Monday and who you will have file for divorce ASAP (same day if possible). Also, the person who files is able to set the grounds for divorce. To make life simpler I wouldn't make the divorce conditions difficult. just "this is the end. You owe me nothing I owe you nothing". She could be planning some big convoluted "divorced on grounds of abuse" thing if that's what your state permits.
  7. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to james&olya in Moroccan girl commits suicide after being forced to marry her rapist   
    Think about it! If we take women's rights far enough back, say to the place they are in FSU, then what incentive is there for these RUB gals to be interested in us? Might as well just stick with the Turks! I see no conflict between women having full rights here and my being able to marry a beautiful woman from Russia! A man is not a man based on how much crude behavior he can get away with in his treatment of the women in his life! I hope that is not what you are referring to here!
  8. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Brother Hesekiel in Moroccan girl commits suicide after being forced to marry her rapist   
    Apparently the Moroccan judge did think otherwise; his judgment wasn't overturned and the girl died painfully in shame.
    I may not know much about Islam, nor do I know much about Christianity, but I am sure that something like this would not have happened in a civilized country, even one that is filled to the gills with hardcore Christians who pray to the invisible man in heaven non-stop.
  9. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to elmcitymaven in Bringing pets from your home country   
    Because a WOMAN can't do research or make any calls on her own. All the German women I know are pretty smart, determined and resourceful who probably wouldn't enjoy the he-man "WOMAN, here is the data. Now, I, the MAN, will do it for you" attitude. But hey, I hate being a woman.
    Presenting what data you have is helpful as is offering to assist in whatever way you can (including doing everything if she wants). As a former rabbit owner, I agree that they are delicate creatures. Perhaps getting a local vet's opinion on the animals' constitution might be helpful as well. Whatever decision you make, best of luck to you and your wife.
  10. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Sofiyya in Stolen Babies   
    And illegal baby stealing is still illegal baby stealing.
  11. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Gary and Alla in International Women's Day   
    Why not have both? I have both. Marriage is not about giving things up...at least not in this house. She cooks awesome food but sometimes I want a sandwich and she does it a lot better than me. Sandwiches are one of the main food groups.
    I would prefer you do not call women "b*tch". I know you think it is OK but it is not OK.
    we don't have TV. I'd rather have a sandwich and a BJ. Then an afternoon of shooting.
  12. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to sandinista! in GOP Bill Labels All Single-Parent And All Gay Households As Child Abuse   
    That is an awful, heartbreaking story. Dammit Nathan.
    Blanket condemnations of households headed by same sex parents are pretty silly. Gay people are just as good or bad of parents as anyone else. They're fallible human beings like anyone else, but their sexual orientation should not be the basis for deciding their worthiness or ability to parent. U
  13. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Dan & Jenni in GOP Bill Labels All Single-Parent And All Gay Households As Child Abuse   
    im amazed at how America became the power it did when there are such backwards idiots like that making, or trying to make laws like that
  14. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Krikit in Canadian married to American; Near Daily border crossing.   
    There are so many people who live in Canada and work/go to school in the U.S.... and vice versa. There is even one town which is on both sides of the border and, until recently, they never had to worry about "crossing the border".
    Neiks is one member who lives in the U.S. and works in Canada so she may have some advice for you. (She is also a CBSA Officer so that's doubly helpful.) I'd be inclined to make an appointment with the CBP at the border and speak with them. It's probably a good idea to do the same at the CBSA office. Or he/you may just want to ask the question on their site:
    U.S. Customs and Border Protection
    Canada Border Services Agency
    There's no point in him applying for a U.S. Visa-to-Greencard because he does not intend giving up residency in Canada. If their primary home is in Canada then the best route seems to be Canadian residency for your Mom.
    Good luck. I wonder if you wouldn't mind bringing us up-to-date on any developments also? It would be very informative.
    Welcome to VJ.
  15. Like
    Ontarkie got a reaction from PalestineMyHeart in RFK son arrested in NY hospital   
    Yes I am aware that babies leave the hospital as early as 24hr, they are usually discharged and no longer under the care of the hospital. This Doctor knew that it is not normal to have a father walk in and then try to take a baby for a walk outside. You can see that by the way he stood back to watch.
    And yes ppl have babies at home all the time, but that is not what we are talking about.
    The nurses did their job.
  16. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Marilyn. in The Toilet Seat   
    I am guessing you have never accidentally sat down on a on a toilet when the seat as been left up...lol
  17. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to sandinista! in RFK son arrested in NY hospital   
    In most maternity wards around the country, especially in a large city, babies aren't removed from those wards without pre-clearance, or when discharge papers have been signed and ID badges have been checked. Abductions happen. Custodial interference happens, deranged strangers abduct newborns, all kinds of crazy stuff can go down in these places. So no, not even a Kennedy can just bypass all the security measures and checks and just saunter out of the hospital without being cleared and checked. And this jackass had removed the alarm trigger band from the baby too-nope, nothing suspicious looking there. If they felt so hindered by hospital policies that are in place to not only cover the hospital's a$$, but also, you know, protect babies, then they would have been completely free to just pop a squat at home or the middle of a forest somewhere and deliver the baby there. If it had been an abductor or a non custodial rights possessing father though that removed that baby and two maternity nurses just looked the other way, in a lawsuit those nurses would be held liable along with the hospital, and that would be the last day they ever held a nursing job. Normal people, when stopped by nurses would have just said "hey I just wanted to take my baby out for a bit, how do I get cleared for that?" Abductors and jackasses assault people for holding them up and adhering to security measures. Security measures the guy had to have known about.
  18. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Austramerican in I THOUGHT I SHOULD SHARE THIS WITH ALL OF U   
    I'm the American, but I would want to know. I'd be like boy you're tripping if you think I'm going to drop everything and leave my country, my family, friends etc with you keeping secrets! You need to find out asap because that's not a surprise thats torture and not fair for you at alllll~
  19. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to VanessaTony in How to file for Child Support? Very irresponsible Dad!   
    You're assuming he's a deadbeat based on this womans posts. We don't know whether he asked and begged for visits for years and she said no because she was scared he'd keep her. We don't know whether she refused to give him her address in case he tried to come and see the kid or take the kid unannounced. We also don't know that he didn't provide her with support. He could have sent her money but she's decided there's no record 'cause this is a different country now so she's trying to double-dip. We just don't KNOW anything except that she asked how to claim financial support and CLAIMS he's a dead-beat dad.
    He has the right to CHALLENGE custody. The 14 y/o's opinion is taken into account yes but there's also a thing called "parental alienation" that they might take into consideration... her poisoning the son against the dad or something like that.
    I'm not saying any of this is true but it COULD be true. I know from a family members experience just how vindictive some parents can be. The woman told the child her father was someone else but tried to get money from my family member for support. She kept saying he was a dead-beat dad because he refused to pay unless he got to see the child which she kept denying because the kid didn't know he was her father (and I believe she also made some accusations about his character as well). Now the girl is 11 and my family member FINALLY had enough money (he wasn't rich by any means) to go to court about the child support amount and the lack of visitation. He finally won the right to see his daughter but it meant that he had to meet with her at a psychologist office for a minimum of 6 months in order to get the child used to the idea that the man she thought was her father wasn't, and this man was (and she had 2 half-siblings).
    So just because the woman is saying one thing NOW doesn't mean he was or IS a deadbeat dad and not worthy of custody of his son.
  20. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to VanessaTony in How to file for Child Support? Very irresponsible Dad!   
    Be aware in moving to the US there are different rules there. Your son's father could be given visitation rights. Unlike in the Philippines where the mother has sole legal custody, he has rights to his child and you are not automatically the child's guardian. Just be aware that filing for financial support may open a bigger can of worms than you want to deal with as he may file for some sort of custody, as is his right.
  21. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Hank_ in Family Find Out I Am Married   
    FB sucks! Its like living in a glass house and wearing cellophane clothes.
    There is a saying:
    You can pick your nose
    You can pick your butt
    But you can't pick your family..
  22. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Obama 2012 in Teacher tells student, "Go back to Mexico"   
    What she said is fair.
    If the kid was saying that out loud over and over again, then the little ####### should be smacked and sent back to Mexico!
  23. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Gary and Alla in Preschooler’s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria “Nuggets”   
    It would be the last day my child attended that school.
  24. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to Obama 2012 in Preschooler’s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria “Nuggets”   
    Buy Ammo. Lots of ammo.
    Might want to start buying guns too....
    Seriously, where in the hell does this government get the fvcking authority to touch a child's lunch and take it away from them. We're going down a horrible path and it's a path that needs to be stopped in its tracks. If it's not, then we're in for some serious consequences all around.
  25. Like
    Ontarkie reacted to slim in Samuel L. Jackson voted for Obama because he's...   
    So black people are still allowed to be racist and white people aren't. Until that changes, we'll still have racism in this country.
    If we truly want to eradicate this "negative" from our midst we must call it out every single time. Not just those times when whitey's doing it.
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