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Posts posted by MjC772

  1. 13 minutes ago, 90DayFinancier said:

    You really shouldn't project your own assumptions into my questions. If you have a question for me to clarify, ask away. 


    The level of rumours and speculation around this outbreak has been revealing and in many ways has potentially threatened people's health. Asking for reliable sources is perfectly reasonable, otherwise it's just a viewpoint with no science.


    I am always about science....the media is way over-hyping this, in part for click bait and in part to reflect negatively on Donald Trump....it is really obvious.

  2. 1 minute ago, 90DayFinancier said:

    Like Warren Buffet says, a mixture of 10% Bonds and 90% SP500 will outperform 65% of all investment funds out there over the long run. If you need the funds in less than 5years you are just speculating.

    Ohhh  poor liberal baby....wanted to fire him for stock going down 1000 but not give a hoot for it going up 1000....I know you guys think it's Obama's economy....

  3. 2 hours ago, laylalex said:

    I dunno, because there is anecdata I myself have heard from my parents' generation and my grandparents' generation (and I suppose I could have heard it from my American great grandmothers if I had ever met them) that it was taken as a given that the wife would vote like her husband? My great aunt told me that when she voted for Kennedy she hid it from her husband and pretended she supported Nixon. My mom laid out the law very early on to my dad that she would vote however she damn well pleased. It was enough of a thing then in the mid-70s still that she thought it was important to say. I have heard similar stories from other boomers (my parents were both born in 1955) that it was kind of still an idea some people had back then, you were a household and you voted how the head of the household voted. There are of course still these kinds of dynamics in very old-school relationships, or in relationships where a partner is abusive and the abused partner is afraid of retribution. Although you are alone when you vote, when someone gets in your head, you don't know who or what you can trust anymore. That is not to say that abusive relationships are the same as old-school ones, just that the phenomenon can happen in both.


    OHHH good grief!...my wife watches whatever news channel she wants and is completely free to make her own decision. Despite watching CNN sometimes, she is truly a Trump supporter ... so let's just end this ridiculous misogyny poop right now.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Jorgedig said:

    I am well aware of how to do my job, thanks 🙂

    Then do it! I did my job because...scary sometimes, yes, but I did it in the hopes of helping people.....at large and I loved it! and I like to think that by working on things like rotavirus, HIV and secondary infections related to HIV, I was doing just that....every single day.

  5. 3 hours ago, 90DayFinancier said:

    It is not clear to my why there is not more testing. I know the first pattern was messed up, but can't this be rolled out to every lab for immediate consumption? Sorry , I don't know how that works, but it does look like an opportunity to improve looking from the outside.

    Dr. Redfield served as a member of the President’s Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS from 2005 to 2009, and was appointed as Chair of the International Subcommittee from 2006 to 2009.

  6. On 2/27/2020 at 11:34 AM, 90DayFinancier said:

    Stock market news live: Wall Street plunges as coronavirus pandemic fears rock markets

    Yahoo FinanceFebruary 27, 2020, 3:32 PM UTC

    Markets are reeling again on Thursday, after the U.S. reported its first coronavirus case involving a person who didn’t travel to an infected country, and didn’t knowingly interact with someone who did. Experts are becoming increasingly resigned to a worldwide spread of the disease, even as China’s new infections slow.


    10:27 a.m. ET: Selling intensifies, all major benchmarks deep into the red

    The Dow (^DJI) is now off by about 700 points, or 3% on the day, while the Nasdaq (^IXIC) is plunging by more than 3%.

    And the mood on Wall Street is grim: Goldman Sachs now expects no earnings growth this year at all:

    Well, today its back up. What now?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Angelica48 said:

    I've watched the movie CONTAGION.  Movie's premise is very similar to what is happening right now. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/02/16/802704825/fact-checking-contagion-in-wake-of-coronavirus-the-2011-movie-is-trending 

    RELAX! We're not even near that point....and don't really believe too much of what the media says. They seem to be over-hyping - click bait and sales - and it seems to be more to attack the President than based on actual fact-based evidence. Is the virus a concern? Of course it is. Follow the precautions I stated above.  IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN, teach them the importance of the steps I mentioned.....and make sure they do it! AT HOME AND SCHOOL! 

    BTW, I am interested (and a little excited) to see if the antivirals work against covid19 ...that would be good news in the interim of vaccine approvals...sorry, I worked at a bio-safety laboratory in microbiology and virology with lots of different things so I am following this pretty closely. 

  8. 2 hours ago, 90DayFinancier said:



    President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign said on Wednesday it was filing a libel suit accusing the New York Times of intentionally publishing a false opinion article that suggested Russia and the campaign had an overarching deal in the 2016 U.S. election.

    In an escalation of the Republican president’s long-running battle with the news media, campaign officials said the lawsuit was being filed in state court in New York.

    Separately, Trump assailed two other news organizations that he frequently criticizes, the cable TV news channels CNN and MSNBC, accusing them of presenting the danger from the coronavirus in as bad a light as possible and upsetting financial markets.

    A campaign statement said the aim of the suit against the Times, among the most prominent American news organizations, was to hold the newspaper “accountable for intentionally publishing false statements against President Trump’s campaign.”

    Good....seriously, the "most prominent American news organizations" ....lololololol ..... they are not nor have they ever been. This, the same organization that suddenly seems willing to pad up Bernie and ignore his ACTUAL praise of communist and socialist regimes throughout the world and throughout history? 

  9. 54 minutes ago, yuna628 said:

    First case in LA of unknown origin, person did not travel outside the country or have contact with a known infected person. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/coronavirus-china-live-updates/2020/02/26/f889693a-580e-11ea-9000-f3cffee23036_story.html#link-MP4FCTJP6AZ5NJNJK4QSQTRML4

    This is interesting....but it feels to me like there maybe more to this story than has been uncovered thus far. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    Heck, South Korea may end up being an even bigger Petri dish.

    Of course, if you look at countries most affected right now, SK included, they are all countries that rely heavily on often overly-crowded public transportation, busy marketplaces, close contact, etc....so it's not really surprising to me that cases are increasing. 

  11. Steps right now:

    1) Wash your hands religiously (hard to believe how many grown men I see using the restroom and walking right out the door; I hear things in the women's restrooms aren't much better).

    2) Here in Peru, I suggested we stop kissing every person we meet (as is the normal tradition)

    3) Change bad habits: biting fingernails, rubbing eyes, touching face, picking nose (see far, far too many grown people here doing that), etc...

    4) Wash your hands again.

    5) Hand sanitizer - use it.

    6) Masks, ok if you can get them.

    7) Avoid public places, especially confined ones....like over-crowded public buses, etc...

    8 - If you are showing symptoms of cold or flu or, if you are in an area where there are cases of covid19, stay home (if you honestly and truly think you have covid19, call the public health department and report it to them before going to your doctor or local hospital. If you are in "emergency condition," and need help immediately call 911 and inform them that you believe you have covid19). 


    And yes, so far the US is "in relatively good shape" (60 cases, 50-something from a single cruise ship, and all are contained is a good day in epidemiology)...probably there will be more cases, let's hope not but I expect there will be. Anyway, I would much rather be in the US than in Peru (or anywhere else for that matter) if there is a pandemic. 

  12. 15 hours ago, 90DayFinancier said:

    I didn't imply anything about corruption or lack of corruption either. If implied anything, it is that these DOJ prosecutors resigned for professional or moral objections and not political reasons.

    Ohhhhh please! Wake up....every person willing to resign, leave, and/or rat on anything Trump does is immediately issued a gofundme account, book deals, etc....so please don't give me stuff about morals and ethics....

  13. 5 hours ago, ALFKAD said:

    LOL on the teeth.


    If I were a voting person back in the day, Clinton was the last democrat I would have voted for to this day.


    I think if I don't vote Trump, my wife will make me regret it for a long time.  She loves Trump.  Gets very vocal (just between us) whenever someone starts trying to drag him down.

    Yeah, actually most all of Clinton's success was a derivative of Newt Gingrich being House Leader and setting stuff straight....but compared to the Democrats of today, he was fairly normal.


    OMG! My wife can't vote since she is not a citizen, but if I vote for anyone else but Trump, I am pretty sure my balls would be in a sling!

  14. 18 minutes ago, 90DayFinancier said:


    What wrong doings?

    I didn't accuse the Bush adminstration if wrong doings.


    My apologies, but you seemed to imply it.


    Eric Holder: Fast and Furious Operation that went terribly awry....one of those guns ended up killing a border patrol agent (maybe you're enthused about that).

    Eric Holder: (as Attorney General) actually said he was Obama's "wingman" 

    Eric Holder: Held in contempt for not testifying before congress....boy, does that sound familiar....

    Obama I am sure just heard about all this stuff "through the news reports....like everyone else" 


    Seriously, I am a pretty reluctant Trump supporter, but most of his policies I agree with...but I am a bite your teeth and vote kind of guy.....Honestly, the Democrats have put up no candidate that can take my vote....I didn't mind Bill Clinton, he did an OK (and I mean just OK) job .... but the clowns the Dems have put forward?  Maybe they should have spent more time getting a viable candidate for ALL of the US instead of impeaching and doing whatever the hell they've been doing for the last four years. 



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