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Loren Y

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Everything posted by Loren Y

  1. Just got my case DQ at NVC on the 27th of this month, it took 74 days for them to review from date of submission, and that seems to be the norm 70-80 days as it varies a few days every month it seems like. Here is the link that seems to be pretty accurate. https://visawhen.com/nvc
  2. This has been argued here before. Many, many people have done double sided statements. Only their actual forms need to be single sided. Many utility bills and statements are double sided, and no issues. Maybe I'm the lucky one who has never had an issue sending soluble sided evidence from the K1 process onwards.
  3. This is exactly how to do it. also for the statements you can print them double sided, so a 6 page statement becomes a 3 page statement. I only selected a random sampling of all the different evidence, but like mentioned send every page of the statements you do send, even the page that says " this page intentionally left blank" that you get with some statements. So far no RFE, but i doubt they will ever get to our ROC, as we will be filing N400 this November and end up with a combo interview I'm sure.
  4. If you need any help or advice, I have done the K1 from Thailand myself back in 2018-2019, and I have helped 3 other people with their K1's from Thailand. You can backfile, or file now for your past few years of taxes and have transcripts in plenty of time for the interview. Have your girlfriend work on the vaccinations you need to get done before she does the medical. Takes about 9 months to get them all done, so start on them now, If you want to PM me I can give you my recommendation for where to get the Vaccines done, and you can get them all completed for around 4000 Baht total, spread out over the course of the series. I also can help you with the police clearance certificate you are going to want to get about 7-8 months into the process. Takes about 5 weeks to get, or I have a connection at the Special police that can do " Express processing" if needed, but better to avoid that when your girlfriend should be able to get it on her own for around 200 Baht. Depends on where she lives in Thailand. IF you need any pointers, message me and I should be able to answer any Thailand specific questions. And when she gets here, you can take a quick trip to Vegas, and I can get you married and certificate in hand in about an hour. Since it looks like your in Phoenix, that is a short flight or drive.
  5. Let me tell you about that nightmare if you want to do it. I have been researching the process of renouncing US citizenship for well over a year, because I plan to have nothing to do with the US as soon as my Thai citizenship is complete. They just raised the cost from like 400 dollars to 2350 ( See below) and it takes at the minimum a year to get it done if you are lucky, has been taking 18 months or more, and then they access a fee to finally do it based on how much money they think they will lose from you in taxes. If you are retired and over 65 they usually let you slide on this, but my friend who was 38 at the time I think they tried to hit him up for like 75,000 dollars. Simply boggles the mind. And everyone else in the world thinks is so great to be a US citizen..... Until they live it. $2,350 The fee to renounce is expensive. You'll be charged $2,350 to give up your U.S. citizenship. This payment cannot be waived. Furthermore, if you qualify as a “covered expatriate,” you may have to pay an exit fee on gains from worldwide assets.
  6. Here is a sample of the letter you get from NVC as a K1 applicant. I had to dig because out of the 10 people I have helped file a K1, only this one actually got the email from the NVC, But this is what you should have from the NVC.
  7. The NVC does sometimes send what they all a welcome letter via email with your case number, most people never get it ( I didn't) I had to do the call on the phone late at night right before the NVC call center closed to get my case and invoice number. I have seen people get the email he is taking about, but your better off deleting it, because honestly your better off without it. Like others have said, follow the CEAC case tracker to keep up on your visa status, but until it says at the consulate, and then the status changes to "Ready" there is not much to do. I will throw in the fact that I successfully completed my wifes K1 process without uploading anything to the NVC, so I agree with all the other posters, you do not upload anything to NVC with a K1.
  8. It was worse during covid, they have definitely relaxed, but just a little bit. I traveled in the height of covid thru Tokyo, and it was worse. It was almost comical. They would line everyone up entering the country, and they would deplane first, then they would line people up by connecting flights. Anyone on flight xxx going to Bangkok line up now. after every one was lined up you would be instructed to follow the person holding the xxx color flag. It was a non stop escort to your next plane. You couldn't stop for anything ( think restroom) and if you got out of line you risked being shot it seemed like. Straight to your next flight as fast as possible then goodby, don't come back. About a month ago I was thru there again, and they are letting you transfer on your own, and you can mingle in the secured area of your terminal, you cannot cross into the other terminal ( Pissed me off because the best lounge at the airport was in the other terminal, so no chilling at the lounge before the next flight). Hopefully things have gotten better now, I don't go back thru there until October now, and maybe things will be back to normal by then, but they are definitely taking their time allowing visitors.
  9. Japan is a real tough one still. You can only enter on escorted tours, and it's limited to 30,000 people a month, so last month as I recall about 50 people from the US ( 1 country) was allowed entry with an escort ( Babysitter) to follow you around. Skip Japan for the moment, doubt it will get better come October, they are still seriously locked down. I transit thru Tokyo quite a bit, and I when I leave the plane, they come and ask for who is entering Japan to exit the plan first. out of 300 plus passengers, there may be 5 that are entering the country, everyone else is transiting to another flight.
  10. Don't send an album, it will end up in the trash, or File 13 as it is called at the center. LOL. looks like you have a decent amount. Throw in copies of your vehicle titles and registrations if they are in both your names, and sams club or costco membership cards. Maybe some joint credit card statements.
  11. FD-1164 is the fingerprint cards you need to have done. They are pretty much the standard in use around the world. You can usually get them done at your local police station and have them signed off on so to speak, then mail them wherever they need to go. Some countries have come around to allowing electronic fingerprints to be submitted for authorized agencies. Here in the US we have places like Identi-GO, and other places that are authorized to capture and send them electronically. Doubt Indonesia is that high tech, but worth checking, but the old school fingerprint cards should be acceptable.
  12. Out of the past 20 years, maybe 5 of these waivers have been granted, it is very hard to accomplish. Just go visit and refile, or since your going there marry and do the CR1. No way around a visit in your future I would think. As a side note, covid variants are a big money maker, and are never going away. B.5, B.6 is next month, I heard B.7 should be here by September, and then the BIG winter and cold season begins in October/ November when everyone will be locked in their homes again because B.8 is here now, and it is the most contagious ever. But don't worry , by then they will have a new booster from Pfizer that will solve all your problems, and you won't be able to buy water and toilet paper again, but don't worry, Daddy Biden will be there getting you vaccinated while asking for your vote.
  13. Have a 1500 square foot newer home in Las Vegas,NV and it costs just under 400 a year for homeowners insurance. I have extra coverages for some things, and I do get an alarm system discount ( 60 dollars a year). Depends on many factors, definitely shop around.
  14. Welcome to the efficiency of the US government. This is standard fare in any dealings with the US government, My wife was so excited to be able to come here to the US because money grows on trees, and you get a free white house with a picket fence for free when you live here. Well, she has been here over 3 years now, and is more fed-up with this country than I am ( Hard to believe as I have almost 50 years here). We file the N400 this November, but the way things are going we may not be living here long enough to even make the interview. She used to think I was nuts for wanting to live in her country, and I warned her before we began this journey, but now we are definitely on the same side. Want to know what really pisses me off, they jacked up the price to renounce your citizenship. was around 400, and I was ready to pay, now it's 2400 and takes over a year or longer to get done. You can't even leave this country without paying and waiting.
  15. USCIS is completely funded by the application fees, like the post office is from the sale of stamps and postage. Your taxes do not fund their salary's. Is USCIS federally funded? Unlike most other agencies, USCIS is “fee-funded,” meaning that its funding comes primarily from fees charged to those applying for immigration or naturalization benefits, not taxpayers.Apr 8, 2022
  16. As a follow up, my wife is from Thailand, and every time we went to Mexico all she did was show her Thai passport, and her EAD/AP card and we rolled right in, no questions asked. The most they asked was how long are you staying, I always said 3-5 days or so, and away we went. On a side note, there is nothing in Mexico that can't be fixed with the drop of a 20 dollar or 50 dollar bill in my experience. I've been stopped dozens of times, your window tint is too dark on your windows ( 20 dollars and it wasn't that dark), oh you don't have mexican insurance ( 20 dollars and instantly I did), Sir, you can't park your car there, that is for police vehicles only ( 20 dollars and I had guarded parking for a few hours) you get the idea.
  17. My wife and I entered mexico a few times with her EAD/AP combo card. I even went thru the hassle the first time of applying for her to get a visa at the Mexico consulate here in Las Vegas,NV. we went to the interview to get the visa, and they said she has EAD/AP doesn't need a visa, it's considered the same as a green card. My wife and I went to Mexico at least 3 times on just her AP/EAD card with no issues. If she has EAD/AP, you should be fine. Trust me that getting into Mexico is not a problem, as long as you have the proper documents to reenter the US, that should be your concern.
  18. I send an original with my 485, and copies for the 131 and 765. When we had out AOS interview I saw our original marriage certificate in the 3 inch thick folder as the IO was flipping thru the thing. Here in Nevada the original is pretty colorful and has all sorts of safety things to make it secure such as color shifting ink. heat sensitive paper, and when you copy it it shows a copy watermark on the copy. Had no issues.
  19. Yes and yes to both questions. You can apply up to 180 days before the expiration date on your AP document. They have been processing the renewals electronically now, so it shouldn't take more than a few months, but earlier is better.
  20. it will be another 75 days from the date you upload the required documents. So however long it takes to get the birth certificate, and upload every W-2 or 1099 or proof of income you can think of, the US government has plenty of server space available.
  21. Most states have free Tax help centers, you might try one of those, or worse case scenario with citizenship on the line I would make a trip for an in person visit to their office.
  22. Add her during open enrollment, they will be happy to begin taking the extra money out of your paycheck right away. Technically you don't need a SS number to add her to your insurance ( You may have to be firm about this as most insurance people are ignorant to this fact). Tell them to use a placeholder SS Number until she has hers. They may ask for proof of marriage ( All I had to do was send in a scanned copy of my marriage certificate), and you should be good to go.
  23. Follow these instructions, and you will be fine. as stated, DO NOT sign I-407 relinquishing your green card and LPR status. Depending on the CBP officer you get, most are fairly reasonable and won't give you a hard time, be honest, and other then a Stearn warning at the most, they will let you in.
  24. Depends on the consulate, many have switched to electronic forms, so you only get a piece of paper saying everything is sent electronically, and then they look everything up on the computer at POE. My wife and I had to lug the folder to the POE back in 2019, but now Thailand is electronic, no more folders or packets.
  25. You definitely need to get on this. The visa when issued is only going to be valid for 6 months from the date of the medical exam. If you spend 5 months waiting for a interview and pass, you will end up with a visa that expires in less than a month, not a good situation to be in for travel plans, so definitely call and see about scheduling an interview.
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