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Posts posted by Gtuf22

  1. 3 minutes ago, Naes said:

    Believe me you guys will know in an instant when it happens! 😊😊


    please try to relax..


    vocaledge has mornings covered and I have the night times, if anything even a leaf moves, we catch... and even the scans don't catch right that minute until someone will shout noa2 😊


    seriously I'm at work but I'm more available here 😂😂😂

    @Naes @vocaledge....will we be getting an official update with scans in a couple hours? I mean for the "midnight scan"?

  2. Just now, vocaledge said:

    haha - I just meant I've turned your name to the sexy blue tag style on the list...

    What I'm actually gonna be doing is running two daily scans of the entire list of USCIS database for June filers, and if I have your WAC number on the list, I can tag you to let you know we have information for you, potentially before you get your mail :-)

    @Lotts and @Catseal - I've added you both to the list as requested

    @vocaledge you’re the bomb.com! Thank you 😊😊

  3. 2 minutes ago, vocaledge said:

    @msscarlette @GarryAndMarie @Hoosier81 @JM1219 @sammylee116 @Kween @Gtuf22 @dulxecita @MinalN

    You're all done.

    Anyone I haven't tagged, for some reason its not letting me tag you... are your display names definitely correct?



    @vocaledge what exactly did you do with our receipt numbers? In other words, what do you mean when you say “you’re all done.”


    I just want to know if you plan on using those for anything in specific so I’m aware.


    thank you!

  4. 5 hours ago, vocaledge said:

    OK everyone... @The Squirrel and everyone else...

    Feel free to add your date to this document so that we can just keep track and hope good thoughts for you!

    (You can just click the link and add yourself - don't worry too much about the formatting, I can abate my OCD tendancies daily and make it 'look right')


    @vocaledge I updated the google doc with my case number and received date

  5. Just now, msscarlette said:

    uhmmmm...Isn't it 5:21AM in California right now. 


    I'm confused...:blink:

    Yes, but the NSCS is the main customer service center. Should be separate from all other Service Centers. At least that's what I thought...


    Anyone else who has called, can you provide the phone number you called along with what option to selected to get to a representative? Maybe I'm clicking something wrong...

  6. Just now, Hadassah123 said:

    The call center then, right? East Coast? Central time? I get confused with these time zone namings all the time, haha. Cause California doesn't start work for another couple hours.


    Can't wait to hear what they tell you though!

    So, according to their website they are open from 8am - 8pm M-F in every time zone. However, i just called and its their automated system telling me to call back during that time. WTH!?! I'll tell them that their website provided false information (thus lying to its customers), and to avoid a lawsuit they need to approve all June cases ASAP.

    What does everyone think?? ;)

  7. 1 minute ago, Naes said:

    Still please call!!! We don't have a real answer more calls means we are closer to getting an answer about what happens to June-August cases.  


    I have oh oh so many theories. Vermont is also a theory.. other transfer posibilities also theory. Them going Oprah on us (my favorite theory) 😊


    but yes you're right it is not a glitch. It seems like correct infor they are processing september (nope no updates on the cases tho  🤷‍♀️ 


    There re was chaos here 😂 You came at the right time... everything is calmer...

    The USCIS is open in 9 minutes. I will be calling in exactly 9 minutes. I'll update you all on what I hear ;)

  8. Ok, so there have been a TON of posts over the past couple days that I am catching up on, so forgive me to repeating what has already been said...I just want to be clear.


    To reiterate, the USCIS' website says they are processing K1 apps as of Sep 1st, and everyone is nervous because of this correct? And we are speculating that they may have moved our apps to the Vermont Center...is that right?


    I am about to call the USCIS to ask, but I trust this forum over their customer service reps (which is pretty said to think about)...but goes to show how awesome you all have been!


    Information here would be fantastic so I can be on the same page with you all. Thanks!!

  9. 1 hour ago, Naes said:

    Dear Juners, 


    Please hold on a bit more, 

    It will start painful but hopefully end quickly like ripping the band-aid off.. seriously numbers are picking up to awesome levels!!!



    Goooood Morning Everyone


    So I scanned April and added up "what really happened this Saturday with my app going crazy for a while there" cases of 11/4 :D 


    And  WOW!!! 


    11/04/17 74
    April 19
    May 55
    11/06/17 214
    April 42
    May 172
    Total 288


       ♡ I'm plain HAPPY  ♡


    Now guys please give me another 200+  Cause boy isn't this addictiv??!!

    (And seriously my timeline shows March :mellow:)



    @Naes this all sounds good, but I’ll be honest...I don’t quite understand what all this means.  Can you please clarify since I am not too familiar with what these numbers exactly mean (at a bigger picture). Thank you!

  10. 2 minutes ago, June2017UK said:

    Not touche. More tongue in cheek :). Your expectations are on-par with the rest of us. Generally av.170 days ..could be longer.

    There are still one or two Feb filers waiting right now so caveats all round.

    But stick with the average that’s being reported on VJ.

    If longer, report back here and VJers can, and will give advice. Best wishes.

    Alright...thank you @June2017UK

  11. 2 minutes ago, June2017UK said:

    Hey, I’m the Queen of Speculation with my abacus firmly under my arm... and please don’t tilt my crown.

    But we need to know what your expectations are / were before it’s up for debate.

    Haha touché. I am not trying to debate...I am trying to be informed on what everyone is talking about.


    My expectations, as of 15 minutes ago, were that it would take 160-170 days for NOA2. The USCIS received my application on June 26th. My timeline estimates I will receive NOA2 between Dec 8-11. I am only trying to understand if this estimate is being pushed out further or not...

  12. 2 minutes ago, John & Rose said:

    Not really.  170 still seems like a great estimate. Things just got weird for a second but all is well now


    2 minutes ago, June2017UK said:

    Potentially, yes. But we’re trying to keep our spirits up. The Squirrel’s plethora of gifs keep us smiling 

    @June2017UK what happened that we could “potentially” see longer wait times? Or is everyone just speculating?

  13. 30 minutes ago, John & Rose said:

    Fill out your timeline and we will do our best. 

    Thank you @John & Rose! I just filled out my timeline, and my estimate for NOA2 should be between Dec 8th and 11th. Crossing my fingers for everyone on this forum!


    Also, I did some research on others' timelines. My fiance is from Vietnam, and it looks like similar cases to mine are seeing about 155-160 days for NOA2 approval from NOA1. These timelines I am referring to were submitted in May.

  14. 18 hours ago, John & Rose said:

    Right now we are between 160 days and 170 days, depending on who's math you prefer to follow.  That puts June 1 filers at between November 8 and November 18 for review.  We are all hoping the sooner.  Keep in mind that USCIS id off on November 10 and November 23 & 24.  A 4 day week followed by a 3 day week.  What I am seeing here in my government job is that people are taking the three days off of Thanksgiving week so they can get an 11 day weekend that only costs them three days of vacation!

    @John & Rose, I am new to this forum and received NOA1 on June 26th. Do you have an approximation of when we should be receiving NOA2? This wait is excruciating!!


    Thanks for providing support 😊

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