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Everything posted by Timona

  1. What's your heritage? Where is your cousin? Are you female or male? Which state do you live in? Calling @Boiler
  2. Contact USCIS for what? And Lawfully is a third party site. Give it time. Relax.
  3. Nigeria is known for fake documents. Make sure you get the right one, lest you get rejected again. No need to go back. Just get some credible attorney
  4. The highlighted is what we are asking. Tell us exactly what happened/ what you have. As someone else said, pulling out a petition isn't abuse. Is it written on the VAWA criteria/ qualifications? I'm 100% sure NO. From how it's going, it looks like you don't have a case. I stand corrected.
  5. So why are you here asking? The title of your post and your response above don't correlate. For anyone here to give you a conclusive answer, you have to tell us the story. Otherwise, you may wanna withdraw because you're overthinking/ you may have a legitimate reason to withdraw.
  6. Expedition request? Why? What reason? Merely canceling I-485 is not a basis to file VAWA. Did you actually meet the criteria for VAWA?
  7. You may be having another potential problem coming. Hope your card gets deducted, because if not, it's coming back to you. I always advocate money order
  8. So how old is this son if he filed an IR5 for you? Did you have this son out if wedlock with him (dad)? Or is he not the father since you said "my son" as opposed to "our son?" Whom did you divorce in 2014?
  9. Where are you right now? Where is your son's father right now? Why aren't you and your son's father married?
  10. Thats going up a long road. Just apply for your wife's N400 online today. They're being adjudicated fast. That'll push the I-751. As soon as she gets N400, daughter becomes citizen too..less of a hustle. Save your money. No need for lawyers, etc and adoption headaches
  11. Isn't the mother not already eligible for N400? If that's the case, her naturalization will be faster than you spending $$ on adoption, court cases etc As soon as she naturalizes, the 13 year old pighy rides too
  12. Exactly. Even if his other divorce would have been finalized 1 day, 1 min, 1 month before the interview, his current wife would still have been denied visa. Why? 2 marriages overlapped. For you to benefit, there shouldn't be any overlap, regardless that there's one ongoing divorce case. US divorce and marriages are dependent, nor independent. One has to end before the other starts. While you can remarry in Pakistan while your current divorce is processing, if you're to seek US immigration benefit, there shouldn't be any overlap. If overlap occurred years ago when you had no interest in going to US, but now things have changed, you'll still have to divorce current wife, then remarry her to seek benefit. Dates can't overlap
  13. The US Embassy, though in Pakistan, is an extension of USA. When you step inside the embassy gates, you're technically supposed to follow US laws. That's how politicians used to claim asylum back in the days. Now, polygamy is legal in Pakistan but not US. So, not sure what your relative was arguing about. Infact, he or she can't marry and bring 2 spouses successively to US because "polygamy is legal in my religion."
  14. This story is too good to be true...how is this *woman* who keeps telling people to go to Sierra Leone come across intending immigrants? Why is she the one that calls you and is the middleman between you and the hospital? And as you said, you got to the embassy and met other people linked to the same woman? If you were able to find this information easily, how come US embassy Sierra Leone hasn't sniffed this woman and what role she's playing? And the hospital hasn't sniffed her too? I don't believe this. Reads like an attempt to solicit clients off VJ, who'll regret later. Why you trust strangers with your case number?
  15. Perhaps someone can find it- I’m having no luck right now. I knew you'd come through, our great librarian/ archive finder!! Tteok-bokki for you. Look for me to collect. @Redro should be considered for mod-ship.
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