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Posts posted by Missabc

  1. 5 minutes ago, Estibaliz said:

    I'm sure you know this, but if you can't verify identity electronically for the Informed Delivery service, they offer the alternative to go to your post office to verify it and set it up for you there.

    Not that it helps much, since what really matters here is for USCIS to work in your case :unsure:, but just in case you'd like to get it and know what's coming in the mail... We set it up and it's working fine. I like having that option since my fiance doesn't check the mailbox every day and I don't want to be annoying telling him to do so :P

    Yeah he did that, they said they would send a letter to him but we haven't received it as of yet. I told him not to bother as it will probably be about a week for us to received it and to send it back and then I've heard it takes about a week for the service to start working. Exactly like you said i hate asking everyday if he's checked the mail as i feel like I'm bugging him so I've just stopped now, i know as soon as we get it he will call. Would've just been nice to know we had a letter on the way, never mind! :(

  2. How many of us are still waiting for the NOA2? I feel like we've been put on the back burner and forgotten about :( 

    What makes it worse is that my fiance cant even get the UPS mail tracker as one of the questions we cant answer as we don't know what the answer is due to someone attempting to steal his identity a few years back and putting that he worked somewhere he hasn't. So i quite literally feel like I'm living in the stone age having nothing to check where our case is at. We haven't heard from the congressman either, I checked his website to see if there was a form that someone mentioned that would speed it up but i couldn't find one anywhere.

    On a positive note, I'm getting my report from my Dr and booking my vaccinations on Friday. :) 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Dave&JoJo said:

    So after what's felt like an age my case has finally been received and listed as ready by the London embassy! I've scheduled my medical for the 14th July at Knightsbridge doctors, completed my ds160 and have just made the arrangements for my consulate interview on the 27th July and yet I still feel like I've missed something! 


    Incredibky happy that things are moving along and just want to say a big thanks for everyone on this post for being so helpful and friendly during this whole process! 


    Cheers folks!

    I'd love to know how you get on at London so I know what to expect!

  4. 37 minutes ago, bluruce said:

    let me know how this goes.. my noa1 was 2/23/17..


    may have to write one up as well...but is there a thread that shows you how to write to your congressperson?

    I will do, I literally just put our experience with uscis, how they have blatantly lied on the phone to us and also the app and website not being updated. I mentioned that several people in March are now being approved and that there doesn't seem to be a logical order that they are approving the cases etc... 


    I asked my fiance to find out who the congressman was in his area and we sent it to him via email. 

  5. Hey Guys,

    My fiance is getting the letter from his employer for proof of his employment, i just want to make sure the list ive given him of stuff that needs to be on the letter is correct and i haven't missed anything.


    - Salary

    - Contracted hours

    - Start of employment

    - Part time / Full time

    - Permanent / Temporary 

    - Name of employer 

    - Job title 

    - Company letter headed paper / Printed, signed and dated  




  6. 7 hours ago, TriloByte said:

    I would reach out to your congressman. I was approved 7 days after I did that. I can't prove it helped, but it seemed to have. 


    I love how they seem to do everything in their power not to update people. So annoying.

    We've agreed to get a letter written up and if we still haven't had anything by next week which will take us to 120 days then we will be writing to the congressmen. I'm being optimistic that we may get something this week but I don't want to get my hopes up!

  7. 5 minutes ago, Irisandjoel said:

    Congrats! My fiance just got an email today with NOA2 and our case has been approved!! NOA1 was feb 28th.

    So happy!! Wasn't expecting this at all, I have been updating our case status non stop all last week and no change, he called USCIS on monday and they said they were processing dec 15th and I almost broke down.. So I signed up here thankfully and calmed down fast seeing Feb appliers are already getting approved.. but I expected to wait a few weeks more at least!


    And the timing is perfect, I'm flying to the US tomorrow for the first time in 5 months to see my future husband and we're celebrating our first anniversary tomorrow night :wub: Now we can celebrate this too!

    Congratulations!! :D

  8. 7 minutes ago, TexasHeartsIndia said:

    APPROVED! I got the email from USPS that I had a letter from USCIS and i had to go home and check. The file was approved 6/10 and i received the letter today. No email or app update. 


    I couldn't be more excited! I video called him and we opened it together. Happy tears!

    Congratulations!!! I can only imagine your excitement!! :D

  9. 14 minutes ago, SugarLai said:

    I may suggested you send an inquiry on their website,I sent it to them on May 12nd, and actually I didn't know I could not send it if my case was still in processing time,but they responded me the end of May,then I received my letter on June 8th.not sure it helps but just try it.I don't think you can not send an inquiry if you are in processing time,it doesn't hurt. Plus,you can schedule an appointment to infopass, they can access the system and see the same information as tier 2

    I just tried and it didn't let me as I'm in normal processing time..... never mind. :( 

  10. 2 hours ago, RJandHamid said:

    You can make an online inquiry, but it will only let you submit the inquiry if your case is outside of the current listed processing times (Jan 15).


    The online form can be found here: 



    They pretty much tell you the same response as on the phone as far as I know...

    Ah, so i cant do that either :( never mind. Thankyou anyway i'll keep it in mind

  11. 13 minutes ago, janet3 said:

    I called again today....they refused to send me to tier 2  (and I was polite). I got the standard "processing December 15 cases and haven't started processing February cases" 

    The way they make it sound now is you have to wait 6 months.....that's the answer I have gotten twice now (from USCIS)

    I'll try again tomorrow :rolleyes:

    My fiance got exactly the same response, he even asked to speak to a supervisor and they also refused. SO annoying.

  12. 14 minutes ago, TriloByte said:

    I REALLY hate to see this. I felt exactly the same way. I had even joined the March group and was seeing them get approved even though I had started out in the January group. Then each time I opened informed delivery and saw no mail, it just chipped away at my hope, even though logically, I knew I would most likely be approved. It's a special kind of torture to keep loved ones apart from each other in limbo. Please hang in there and don't lose hope because it's worth it.


    My guess is they are simply waiting on something simple like a background check. Have you tried sending a letter to your congressman? I did so and was approved 7 days after USCIS responded to them. I can't prove that that helped speed things along, but maybe it did.


    I'm here cheering for you!

    Thank you for your kind words

    I can tell you this for free, USCIS really do know how to test peoples patience. It's cruel but i know this will be a small blimp in our lives and it will be worth it to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. 

    I'll be back to feeling positive again tomorrow, my emotions are just like a roller coaster at the moment as I'm sure everyone here can relate lol

  13. 14 minutes ago, goldenboi said:

    Hey it's completely normal and acceptable to feel down sometimes. I totally understand the frustration as I've been feeling the same recently. Our case was easy as well - no previous marraige, a lot of evidence since we lived together for 3 years and just had a trip to asia this year, no children, no big age gap, met in college. It doesn't make sense that March filers are getting approvals. I am happy for them but it makes me wonder how this system works. Knowing that people before me especially some January filers that are still waiting makes me think how this process is unfair. We are all helpless with this process and all we can do is wait. My fiancee always tells me that it's God's plan that we're still waiting. But I know that she is also worried that it's taking so long.

    I pray that everyone (including me and my fiancee) will have patience and calm with this journey. 


    Day 110 and feeling :unsure:

    Ive said this too, it just really confuses me the way they seem to work, i suspect my papers are on someones desk catching dust at the moment. 

    Lets hope we get some good new this week, we definitely deserve it!

  14. 1 hour ago, TriloByte said:

    Today was root canal day for me. I had a run in with a crappy dentist three weeks ago, who sent me to the ER after drilling into my sinus and pouring bleach into it. Today I had a specialist go in and fix all that damage, so I was extremely nervous and scared about today. However, I woke up and checked the informed delivery and there it was. The golden Wonka wrapper, the USCIS letter.


    I didn't tell my fiancee because 1) until I opened that letter it could have been and RFE and 2) I wanted to record a video of me opening the letter so that she and I could get the good news at the same time.


    I sat through the 1.5-hour root canal cleanup job, staggered out of there and headed toward home toward that mailbox. About 5 minutes from the house I started recording a video and talking like nothing was up. Then as I pulled into home, I changed my tone to be much more excited and told her that I hope to have a surprise for her. I walked to the mailbox, pulled out the letter so that the camera could see it, walked to the car and got in, took a deep breath and NOA2!!!! :D:D 


    Received: Jan 31 

    NOA1: Feb 2

    NOA2: June 7


    Please hang in there everyone who is still waiting. I know how hard it is, but the good news is on the way. I have said it before, and I will say it again, you all are the strongest and greatest people I know.

    Congratulations!! I'm so happy you finally got it! 😃😃

  15. 1 hour ago, TriloByte said:

    He just ran into a low life. That's all. Don't let it phase you. Everything will be OK. You saw that 98% of all cases get approved by USCIS right?

    That's what I told my fiance, we were just very unlucky to get through to 2 very unhelpful agents. 


    Do you think maybe trying again in a week or so and calling in the morning  (maybe they'd be be more willing to help if we're one the first people to call in of the day *optimistic*)  in hope we get a better agent on the phone, or are we just going to annoy them lol 

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