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Posts posted by Chris2870

  1. 2 minutes ago, JeniandMatt said:

    Thank you Chris 😊 so youll be sending the 1040 or the income tax  return too basically as what is Matt is sending me. Just want to make sure we have everything before he sends the 😉

    I'll send that stuff plus

    1) copy of 129f

    2) copy my BC both sides( for CFO)

    3) copy of biometrics page if my passport (CFO)

    4) new letter of intent to marry

    5) Western Union remittances for house purchases

    6) proof of ongoing relationship ( FaceTime call records, emails and copies of messanger chats

  2. 4 minutes ago, JeniandMatt said:

    Yes . I  am feeling restless earlier so instead of getting just the nbi clearance I also got the Cenomar and 4 copies of me and my daughter's birth certificates:jest: but would have to be back on Thursday for the release of the Cenomar since it's 3 days processing here in the Philippines. 


    Yes please send me your good vibes so we can have our Noa2 this week :)

    Awesome...Faye is supposed to gather all that this week as well :jest: 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Cruise77 said:

    It's called putting something up on a public forum that COULD BE MISINTERPRETED.  I think we all agree it wasn't meant that way but again that's not the point.  Thanks for admitting it's a bad idea, even though no one (even me) took the idea seriously.     


     Thank you for not putting words in my mouth as the other poster did and being respectful after the fact.  I apologize for calling you classless earlier.  That wasn't cool and I admit it.  in the end however we will simply disagree on this one, but I understand where you are coming from.  Whether you posted the picture or not you used it in your post and used it as a prop.  But point being again I never misinterpreted your post.  I simply stated it was a poor idea to put a suggestion like that on a message board joke or not.  And then the other poster decided to swoop in and really make a big deal out of my well thought out comment. 


    That was my original post. My whole point was 1. I get its not a joke.  2. Joke or not it's not the best idea to post stuff like that.  We need to show these guys at USCIS some love for the hard work they have been putting in.  THAT WAS MY WHOLE POINT.  I wasn't offended in any way shape or form.  Not so much in the April thread, but in March there are countless knocks on USCIS and conspiracy theories with no basis ect. and it gets tiring.  Personally I wouldn't have vented and stated my frustration in the same way.  To each his own.

    This was the other poster.  He CLEARLY puts words in my mouth TELLING ME there is no need to get offended when in the FIRST PLACE I WASN'T.  And then telling me this is a place where people can vent and express their feelings.  HUH?? Really??  I never said that LabOz couldn't express feelings.  I simply DISAGREED which does not equal being offended or "making a mountain out of a molehill".....sheesh.  I guess this poster MISSED the whole point about the golden rule.  *sigh*  


    I admit I should have just ignored the poster as he/she misread my whole post. (Saying I was offended, making a mountain out of a molehill. *sigh*)  Point again, (and perhaps that was my fault for not being clear enough) things can get misinterpreted on a message board whether we like it or not.  That is what really irked me, not your original comment.  It irked me that I couldn't just make a well thought out comment without someone coming in and THEN MAKING A BIG DEAL OUT OF IT.  That's the last I'm going to say about this whole incident.  Hopefully we can all learn from this exchange and just be happy with our fellow thread mates who are getting their approvals.          

    Hugs for everyone ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻

  4. Congratulations and we're happy for you @Estibaliz Hope you stay active in this thread..you're a great help when it comes to updates, trackers, etc..something that not all of us can figure out or the version of our apps don't show..hope we get ours too real soon..we've already catched up to our timeline so hoping it moves smoothly..you're now a step closer to being with your man, I'm so happy for you😊 Godbless❤️ Faye🌷

  5. 1 minute ago, JeniandMatt said:

    Oh lucky you. Perks of being able to visit 😉. But I won't try to mess with his remote controls he can keep it the way it is as long as the thermostat in house is comfy for me which is at his set thermostat as usual so doesn't matter if it's Farenheit or Celsius 😊

    I'm nervous about what Faye thinks is comfortable lol. And everytime I think of her in Kansas in January, I start cracking up. I'm a terrible person I know.:jest:

  6. 3 minutes ago, Estibaliz said:

    Oh, hah! Smart you. That might be a good trick to get to talk to a tier 2 easily :o Will have to keep it in mind, just in case ;)

    Just be polite and respectful, tell them you know they are busy and working hard, you are just concerned with the extended processing times messing up your wedding plans and they should let you know if everything looks good and approximately where you're at. In our case it was waiting for final approval.

  7. 4 minutes ago, JeniandMatt said:

    You made me laugh with the candle light 😁

     Yes Matt is trying to get me used to Farenheit and Miles instead of my usual Celsius and Kilometer. Still couldn't go without a converter lol

    Yep I think the only time we use Kilometers here is for marathons. Faye is a runner but I'm not lol. She'll tell me about a 5 or 12K and I have to look it up. Too far I know that :jest:

  8. 1 minute ago, bobinna13 said:

    My fiancee was struggling to understand how he was supposed to write it thanks to dodgy internet.  So I changed mine to show him how the body should look... long story short he didn't change the header with his address on the top of the letter and I didnt change mine back to my name so both say I Anass.  I cannot believeI did something so stupid or missed it this whole damned time...gah!

    Oops...I would have Him send a new one back to you ASAP..I think they still require the original with ink signature( if a copy is ok then someone will correct me here). And find your sites TOS disclosure and print it so it ready to respond to RFE...Don't beat yourself up about it, things happen.

  9. 15 minutes ago, LabOz said:

    Someone else posted the picture. I just made the comment. If people took it seriously or were offended oh well. Can't please everyone. Others found the Levity as a form of relief during this stressful time.


    I gave my rant on politicians, bureaucrats and not approving humanitarian petitions for 7 years last week so I for one won't judge. Do I think they are working hard? Yes..Do I think there is so much needless red tape they have to navigate to make a decision? Yes...Is our immigration system broken? It has some hairline fractures to be certain...Do I think that your remark was meant to be tongue-in-cheek? Indeed....We're all friends here..Let's relax.  Chris

  10. 7 minutes ago, bobinna13 said:

    Alright my dumb butt has a question... i was going everything I sent in a couple days ago and saw a made a mistake on the letter of intent to marry.  Something really stupid and how I didn't notice is so far beyond me.  Then I saw you guys posting the TOS from dating site...I didn't send that either... so do I just wait for the RFE or can I fix it now? Gah!!!

    What particular part of the intent to marry you had a mistake with? If you met on a full pledge dating site, TOS is necessary..who knows you might be just lucky depending to the adjudicator but just have the TOS printed and ready so you can submit it at anytime if in any case you get an RFE, it's good to be ready..

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