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Posts posted by yatsek

  1. 2 minutes ago, Going through said:



    YOU said this, not me:



    Yes, tha'ts called a general statement which doesn't apply to anyone in particular unless  >>>you<<< make it do so.

  2. 1 minute ago, Going through said:

    .  And who said anything about the OP (or anyone else) "putting one over during the interview"?  That's rather insulting to the OP.

    Apparently you just did

    I only made a general observation related to your comment focusing on the finacial aspect and forgetting the rules under which the b1/b2 visa is issued. I have never said or suggested anything about the original poster.

  3. 44 minutes ago, Going through said:

    Some people can afford to travel for months and are unemployed.  I did at points where I was unemployed, paid my own way, and didn't rely on financial support during my holidays that lasted a few months here and there.  I'm by no means "rich"---but people can and do rely on savings for extensive travel/holidays.


    We don't know what the OP's financial situation is, and we shouldn't assume to.  Also, considering he works for a business owned by his mother, I'm guessing she isn't very strict on allotted vacation time...

    You missed the point. You think the  IO will be satisfied with a such answer? "I am unemployed and have saved up money"? And where are your ties to your home country? It's amazing how people think they can put one over during the interview and once - visa in hand - noone will check them again.

  4. The IO will want to know what job you have back at home that allows you to take 5 months off, yet it pays well enough to do extensive travelling. And no, flashing your credit card won't impress him.

  5. 1 hour ago, cdneh said:

    OP, your Mother by all means can apply.  Her chances are slim, but if she doesn't try you will never know. 


    I apologize for some of the sarcastic and really quite rude responses you are getting here. You are new to Visa Journey, and may not be aware that some people who post here do not always do so in a helpful manner.

    Sure she can apply. Everyone who has disposable $160 can. The question is whether you should pat them on the back and send them on their merry way to a quick denial. I think that's cruel.

  6. 2 minutes ago, ljroul said:

    Haha, thank you! We only hired the lawyer because we didn't know the process and thought it was the safe thing to do. Now I understand that we have a very simple, standard case and could have easily done it without her. 


    It does sound like she is trying a little too hard to earn her money.

    The only red flag you have is  that you hired a lawyer in the first place.


    i am not applying in under 3 years rule because i am here in the US for 10 years already. my husband and i are still married and not officially divorce. before i apply i inquire some help which am i going to choose. A. applying  under 5 years rule or B. applying under 3 year rule (but need to be living with the USC husband). and most of the people here told me that applying under 3 years rule will not applicable to me because I've been here in the US for 10 years already.

    Precisely. Under the 5 year rule you don't need to be married  to the person who sponsored you for the green card anymore and yet IO grilled you about your marriage. I find it worrisome. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, CAPRICEJAH said:

    Is this another fan? You say him calling the electric company moving on? Stange numbers from Ghana all times of the night/morning moving on?  He is not moving on when he refused to take his name off my bills?  This man is not worried about his nane because I always pay my bills.  Moving on means stop playing games.  I will find a way to get it off.  I also believe in my country.  Nothing I could/would do compares to what he is dealing with. In God we trust.

    No, I call it "persecution complex". So now you claim he or his buddies are calling you from Ghana? And how do you know it was him who called the electric company?

  9. 1 minute ago, dawning said:

    I don't understand why you would say that... If he is sending the electric company to her house to shut off the power then her not "letting go" is quite legitimate.  And if he has moved on then he shouldn't have a problem taking his names off the bills.

    Is he?? or has he moved on and ceased all contact with her. Leaving his name on the bills opens him to liability, so he should be worried not her.

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