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Posts posted by Transborderwife

  1. On 1/3/2018 at 5:30 PM, Brother Hesekiel said:

    President Trump is not anti-immigrants. After all, his current wife is an immigrant and so is one of his ex-wives. He won the elections primarily based on his promise to get a hold of ILLEGAL immigration and immigration abuses. DACA is part of illegal immigration and the H1-B visa abuse is part of legal immigration abuse.


    Like it or not, President Trump promised "the wall" and it is destined to become part of his legacy. In order to pull this off, he offers the Democrats  800,000 get-out-of-jail cards free, to be distributed to the DACA recipients. If the Democrats do not play along, the USCIS will use the list and ICE will visit the parents of the DREAMERs, invite them to a drive, and process them for expedited deportation. That will not sit well with the voter base, so my educated guess is that the Democrats will agree to work with the Republicans on a compromise.


    Every legal immigrant should have no problem with getting control of illegal immigration and abuse of the legal immigration system. We can by sympathetic to DREAMERs, and most people are, but on the same token we need to understand that no country can tolerate having many millions of illegal aliens living within its borders.


    I don’t believe that this is true.  DACA forms state that the information cannot be used against them.  Uscis and the government would likely lose a huge lawsuit if they chose to do this.

  2. 1 hour ago, kaveh said:

    That's the problem. How do you know which one is good, while in most cases people say their lawyer actually told them to file concurrently and then figuring they shouldn't have? The same thing my (good) lawyer has advised to do.

    That's why I'm looking for people's experience rather than relying on the so-called professional lawyers.


    Look at ratings on reliable websites with testimonials from satisfied clients 

  3. 3 minutes ago, TheSkywalkers said:

    I am glad they're starting to be really strict with this one. It is so unfair for us who followed the rules and chosed to do it the right way, tested our patience until it's time for us to be with our S/Os if there are people who wishes to do everything in a shortcut not minding those who can be affected when they violate immigration policies.


    bottomline is tourist visas are just for visiting, not settling down and staying here for good.

    It would serve you well to read every response.  This really isn't changing anything.

  4. 1 hour ago, TBoneTX said:


    Over the years, I've been continually puzzled and dismayed by how many VJ members have seemingly been totally unaware of the K-1s' AOS requirement or who haven't budgeted for those fees.  Optimally, everyone needs to be a student of the entire immigration process and keep looking ahead -- both practically and financially -- to future steps.

    Naturally, a k1's overstay is forgiven just as any overstay spouse would be. But, a k1 is also tied to that petitioner unlike the other visas.  It just seems responsible that way.  I'm not a k1 fan overall, but I'd even support a lower AOS fee for them.

  5. 1 hour ago, Bill & Katya said:

    So wouldn't that simply be putting a deadline for filing the AOS?  As you know, a lot of people believe that the AOS from a K1 has to be filed in the 90 day window which probably isn't a bad thing.  But the fact that currently there is no current deadline for filing the AOS, maybe putting a deadline on it wouldn't really impact many.

    I think that a deadline would be an excellent idea 

  6. On 9/15/2017 at 10:11 AM, jayjayj said:

    You are equating a U.S. citizen bringing their spouse to America, with DACA recipients who entered the U.S. illegally?  That is outrageous!  I would love to hear you elaborate on this argument.

    You're missing my point entirely.  I'm saying that what if what's being proposed in say the RAISE act was extended to spouses.


    also overstaying a k1 is no different than overstaying any other non immigrant visa

  7. On 9/10/2017 at 10:58 PM, LIBrty4all said:

    None of it really "bothers" me.  I have never met an illegal immigrant that I know of, nor a DACA recipient.  They have zero impact on my life, and I would imagine the same is true of the majority of people discussing it in this thread as well as other venues.  (At least here, people know what it takes to immigrate legally, as opposed to the people I see online asking why the DACA recipients haven't applied for citizenship in the past 5 years.)


    But if you are asking me if I think that overstays are as wrong as the DACA illegals, then of course they are basically the same.  Illegal immigrants.  By our current laws, also subject to deportation.

    So someone comes on a k1 and something happens they overstay, they should be deported as well?

  8. Just now, cyberfx1024 said:

    There is a decline in Illegal Immigration from Mexico because they see that there is an actual MAN in the White House and not a community organizer. So they can't just come here and be given free rein anymore. Also last I heard the Mexican economy ain't doing so hot anymore either, so it's about time for that wall to be built.


    I am not racist at all even though I have been called that twice this past week. I have mixed race kids that get confused to be Mexican all the time because of their skin color by other Mexicans. So how can I be racist against my children?

    I'm sorry, what sex was Obama?  An actual MAN?


    by the way, this MAN you speak of seems to want to have some sort of comprehensive immigration reform as of late

  9. From what I've read so far from actual DACA holders, they're thanking Trump and seeing this as a victory.  It's looking more and more like they'll receive their amnesty.  I believe Sarah Huckabee Sanders said yesterday that he did this to PROTECT them, not get rid of them.  Hmm...


    it will be interesting to see the impact on processing times as early renewals are being accepted 

  10. 20 minutes ago, gob332 said:

    Thanks! Do you know if Canada offers a package to watch all the games or are we limited to what is regularly scheduled on channels like TSN?

    I believe that there's an NFL Sunday ticket package with bell or rogers or whatever cable provider.  Expect an arm and a leg lol

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