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Everything posted by pushbrk

  1. If you have no other way to satisfy the financial sponsorship requirements besides US income, then your wife will need to find a job in the USA before submitting the affidavit of support. Wait times for interviews in Montreal mean that she'll need to do that 8 to 12 months prior to the visa interview. You....COULD wait until the petition is approved for her to do that, but it will delay your ability to get through the NVC stage and into the Montreal interview queue. Essentially, the timing of her needing to be working is the length of the interview queue plus at least 3 months.
  2. Always difficult to some extent from Pakistan but nothing about your history would make it worse.
  3. Since you are looking at a 1.5 to 2 year process, yes, your plan will work. Neither domicile or affidavit of support issues will be a problem, as you will have documentation you're returning to your job. In reality, you can time you "year" so that you are back to work before submitting the affidavit of support. If your liquid assets are sufficient, that works too. I noticed some of the other answers assumed you would be gone for the entire process. One year is far less than the entire process will likely take. Your 84 year old mother is "elderly" so not a great choice as a joint sponsor. (She might not be around to fulfil the obligations of the contract. It's a contract, not just a statement of income and assets. Her equity in her primary home is not helpful to any sponsorship issues.
  4. Your choice. No telling what NVC will say or if they will DQ you with evidence of income that will not continue from the same source. Personally I would be more concerned with ultimate success getting the visa, than with timing. If NVC still doesn't accept and DQ you, then you've lost all the time between now, and then anyway. Your call. You're priorities. Hindsight always tells me it would have been better to do your homework and do it right the first time. Studying and understanding those instructions and questions on the forms, is absolutely critical to your ultimate success. In my opinion, the sooner you do the right thing, the better.
  5. Depends on what you already shared. Read that "evidence...." part of the instructions again and pay attention to the words, "In addition to the required...." meaning "not required just suggested" What DID you send over and above what was required? Notice you will not see terminology similar to "all you have" or "as much as possible".
  6. Then if you get DQ'd provide the new I-864 and documentation AFTER you have an interview date. However, I don't think an employer letter that's not on company letterhead will be accepted. Assuming this income was foreign anyway, it's best to correct your mistake with a properly completed affidavit that is accurate today.
  7. Update means update. You'll sign and date the new form. Information above your signature should be current on that date. Supporting documents should support the asset numbers above your signature too.
  8. Probably, but your circumstances change and this is what you need to do. Do it now or face a delay with the visa is denied because the affidavit no longer reflects the current truth.
  9. NO. Why not delete the affidavit and submit a new one stating zero income. Those are the facts today. You aren't using income to qualify anyway. Forget about what they will make you do. Do the right thing based on today's facts. Clearly your income was not usable as not continuing from the same source once you went to the USA anyway.
  10. No cost except the postage and paper. Sending it does no harm and might speed things up.
  11. People advising filing the I-129F for spouse here are not thinking it will result in a K3 visa. The purpose is to get the I-130 pulled out of queue and approved early. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.
  12. It means unless you are actually IN Senegal, you cannot get the report. Therefore, it is NOT REQUIRED. If you live there, you can get it and it's required. Other countries have the same issue.
  13. OK, that's a temporary denial. Hopefully, your email will overcome it. Something actually not available, is ultimately "not required". Officer just didn't know and didn't check. Curious if she told him it was not available. That might have prompted them to check.
  14. No, she does not. If the certificate is truly unobtainable from outside the country, then the Consular Officer was wrong to insist on it. Human's make mistakes. To the OP. Was the visa denied, and she was given a paper with instructions for submitting it? If so, the appropriate response is to refer the Consulate to the page where this wording is found. Procedure for Obtaining: Applicants inside Senegal – Application should be submitted to the civil court in the region of birth. Fees may be paid in person. They cannot be mailed. The courts are located in the following regional capitals: Dakar, Diourbel, Kaolack, Fatick, Kolda, Louga, St. Louis, Tambacounda, Thies and Ziguinchor, and Matam (which is operational). Records are normally processed in 24 hours. Applicants outside Senegal - Unavailable https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Senegal.html
  15. I don't pretend to know how much you know about the process. I just tell you and anybody else readying, what it appears you/they need to know. Aside, in my opinion, the I-864 form takes about the same amount of time, or more, and is the most difficult form to get right. It just comes later in the process. Lots of homework yet to do.
  16. Your opinion is noted, but I've seen plenty of misunderstanding leading to major disappointment, stemming from incorrect terminology, including but not limited to members thinking the I-130 is the only form in the process. Been here a long time and seen lots.
  17. Note that one does not apply for an I-130 and the I-130 is not an application for anything. The I-130 is a petition for alien relative. Your US Citizen spouse downloads it and "files it" to start the spouse visa process. It's good you're asking questions, but this process starts with action from your husband. He has some homework to do....or....he can find professional help here. https://www.visajourney.com/partners/
  18. First, you MUST separate in your mind ANYTHING to do with tax returns from "current income". Tax returns and information from them are required but they have NOTHING to do with current income. For your retired parents, their Social Security and other pensions give "declaration letters" that are used to document and calculate current income. For example a Social Security Recipient and or other Veterans or Government retirement program receives 5.9% more in 2022 than in 2021. If your parents are not required to file a tax return for 2021, then there will not be one. Use the Declaration letters to document current income.
  19. Unless you are self employed, your current income does not come from a tax return. Tax returns are about the past. A complete copy of a tax return includes W2s and 1099s. If you have a W2 you are not self employed. Sure, update everything including your current income as calculated from your pay stub. Include the pay stub as evidence of current income. Current income is gross pay for a full pay period times the number of pay periods in a full year. 1k a week, is 52k etc.
  20. What is "enough" depends on the facts of the case, which you have not mentioned. If you have lots of time together in person, sure document that and you probably don't need anything more, but it's fine to send what you've listed.
  21. It's difficult to be of much assistance without more information about the circumstances, but.... 1. Spouse beneficiary income can be added only if it will continue from the same source once in the USA 2. Spouse beneficiary liquid assets can be used to help. Takes $3 in liquid assets to overcome each dollar of income shortfall 3. This is all explained well in the Actual I-864 instructions. If the OP/sponsor would study those first, then may come back with information and questions we can be more specific about. This is not as clear for a fiance case because the I-854 is not generally used until after the marriage when adjusting status.
  22. Saying that now will not help. You have to address the actual issues. What did you actually say in your letter to USCIS? Without knowing that, we cannot help you.
  23. That doesn't sound like a withdrawal. You are making zero sense.
  24. Did you give a reason for the withdrawal? If you did, then you need to be ready to explain why those reasons no longer apply. It's good that you made another visit. Take this "explaining" very seriously.
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