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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Boiler in husband said "its not necessary to be a citizen"   
    The English language requirement for Naturalisation is minimal, most Americans could pass it.
  2. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Darnell in What does the word MOIST make you think of?   
    What does the word MOIST make you think of?
    female genitalia
  3. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Nich-Nick in We got approved! Now next stage?   
    Start reason here http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/350185-london-2012-k1s-from-noa2-to-interview-thread/Continue reading til your eyes get blurry. LOTS of London specific information in the thread. Take a break and read some more.
    Oh and DO click the links provided as they will lead you to information you need to know and bookmark.
  4. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to KayDeeCee in Help with I-134   
    He is over 18, works full time and is not a dependent on your latest taxes, so no, he is not included in your household count.
  5. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to Lynkali in second thoughts...   
    There are days in this multi-year process where even the best of partners will get cold feet, worry, have second thoughts, and be scared. This is A SCARY THING for anyone, to pick up and leave their entire life behind, trusting blindly in the future and the love of a partner who is half a world away. It's terrifying and it requires intense patience and trust and sometimes just blind faith. I don't begrudge or think ill of anyone who starts to doubt -- I think it's entirely normal, sane, and human.
    However, there are also many more days -- the majority, I am sure -- where we cannot imagine life without our partner, where we are willing to fight and struggle and undertake massive effort to be with our loved one. Where we consider all the good things, the joys and the future together, and all of the effort seems minuscule compared to the payoff.
    Unlike some of the responders here, I don't think you need to call it off at all, nor even to worry overmuch. I do think you need to communicate better, and find ways of staying intimate, supportive, and laughing with each other about the absurdities of this horrendous process. I know that there have been times -- months even, before we actually filed and were trying to decide how it all was going to work -- where we both felt it was hopeless, that we'd never make it, that the obstacles were too great. You in particular have been hit with extra delays, and I hope you can find faith and humor in each other, to survive.
    My best suggestion is: either visit if you can (the absolute best option, but depending on timing and money, not always possible), or find some new way of maintaining humor and intimacy. Start a new videogame together, make a playlist for each other, document your journey to be together, start any project together that you can share and enjoy again. Let him recapture the joy and love he feels when he's in your presence, and those cold feet will warm right up!
    I'd also remind him (as I do with my fiance) that he will not be "trapped" here if things do not work out as you plan. If he leaves before you're married, he goes home, no problem. If you divorce after AOS but before ROC, also no problem: he can remove conditions on his own based on your bonafide intent when you married, or he can return home. His choice, he is free and there are no ill repercussions, apart from the money.
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    LORIEandPHIL reacted to aplummerjr in Who will fly, When its Time!!!!!   
    First, I plan on flying there to be with her during the interview (Philippines), I can only stay a week at the most. Then, when she has the visa in hand and finished with the CFO seminar (required for Philippines), I'm planning on going overseas and flying back with her. She has never been on an airplane before and may get confused with the layovers, forms, etc... I want to make sure everything goes smooth, especially since I'm going to pay for her ticket with my CC and I may have to present it at the airport. I know I can send a copy of my CC to her and she can present that or i can visit the airline and put a note in the booking, but I just feel better being there. Also, it will be nice to be there at the POE (which will be JFK) just in case there are any issues there.
    I'm starting to save money now so when it is time, I won't have to worry about that either. She has 6 months after medical (or is it 6 month from visa issue, I can't remember) to use the visa, so I can pick her up in that time frame. Good luck!
  7. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to TylerDurden in After 3 weeks... Is CSC slowing down again?   
    Sir, With the deepest respect we point out that our efforts are in fact of little difference with your own previous protests. Over the years the immigration process has become ever more complex and the information your site provides has been invaluable in assisting others. In those years the battle for fairness still continues, but the landscape of immigration changed. The delays at USCIS formerly INS has evolved, doubling and tripling. If 100 days and less warrants protest, then surely these delays of 200 days, and 300, and more, warrant action. No longer does INS/USCIS respond in the same way to protest and inquiry. These people would scream with joy to have the conditions as good as those that you protested against. It used to be that an inquiry from a member of congress caused immediate action. USCIS has become so quagmire that now USCIS commonly provides conflicting information and misrepresentation to congressional representatives. The immigration of our loved ones is viewed as negative, and petitioners are viewed with suspicion and even distain. An information war has been waged against these petitioners. A media persona has been established, painting them as dysfunctional, on the edge of society seeking sex slaves. Spousal and fiancé(e) visas has become synonymous with human trafficking painting images in the mind of the public of depraved or unworthy men and helpless poor young girls willing to sell themselves only for a green card or sly scammers fooling their mate out of greed. They are seen as villain or victim, without understanding that these couples are no different than any other. Laws are continually added for ‘protection’ from these villainous visa seekers. A 70 year old man murders his 20 something Filipina bride in Florida and it becomes national news. Used to serve the purpose of marinating the visa process. A 19 year old and his 20 something reject brother set off two bombs and now student visas, refugee status immigrants, and naturalized citizens are painted as a threat. The war is being waged against you and you are losing. When these people remain quiet, others will put words in their mouth. When they remain idle, others will act against them. The landscape has changed, this is now an age of information and perception. Facts have become interpretations. The details are lost only the talking points remain. TV and radio is not what it once was. A protest of a few dozen people now would at best land you a few minutes of local news and there is equal chance you would be viewed as a joke in that report. In this age USCIS will not move because of a few people with signs, they would find it laughable today. Organizations daily pay ‘protesters’ to carry signs. Without thousands in a protest it has lost value. We believe in peaceful protest, we have not advocated violence or harm in any way. We have advocated remaining within the law. The times have changed and your methods much change with them. This site once decided to create the timelines to give members information, a tool for them to have some rational of progress and means to seek assistance from representatives. The information that we provided was no different, just more direct. People on this site look to you for guidance, support, protection, and leadership. Unintended as it may be, that is the result of the role you chose. Lead them, do not let them be overrun by a system that has become ever worse to deal with. These are a few thousand people who will be lost in a stampede of millions. Like it or not they see you and their advocate. We assure you, without leadership, the days of spousal and fiancé(e) visas as a viable process are numbered. The separations that families awaiting visas must endure often now exceed those of people on military deployment. While the reuniting of military families is rightfully celebrated and rejoiced these families are ignored. As we speak mothers are being forced to be separate from the fathers of their children even for the entirety of their pregnancy. Children are being born and the father is not allowed to touch the hand of his child. The strain, expense, and hardship put on families can only be seen as cruel, unusual, and unneeded. While no voice is made, no protest engaged the plight will only get worse. Even if you hate our group because of the actions of views of other branches, surly you can see the need for change, and protest. To paint Anonymous with the brush of every member is no fairer than painting visa petitioners with the brush of those who commit fraud, human trafficking, and even murder. Hate our group if you must, but make us serve your goals. Take the data we provide and use it to assist the cause of righteousness. These people are gathering under the banner of this website to protests because even in your own words this is what the site was founded for. If you do not lead them in this protest at the very least do not render them impotent to the powers that have conveyed against them. We have given them a tool, nothing more. We plead with you on their behalf. Allow these people to protest the injustices perpetrated on them. Allow these people to use whatever tools and information they can in the service of the greater good.
  8. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from nigerwife in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  9. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to BaBamSam in ‘I am willing to give up some of my constitutional rights … to be safer’   
    Definitely alarming that a teacher would force students to write out that mantra. Students, especially at such a young age, should be provided with an unbiased education - not force-fed the opinions and beliefs of anyone else whether it is a parent or a teacher. Let them learn the facts, experience the world, and come to their own conclusions.
  10. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from david'sgirl in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  11. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from oohpartiv in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  12. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Penny Lane in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  13. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from didopage in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  14. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from katie & sifa in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  15. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from mjqjazzbar in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  16. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Tygrys in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  17. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from winnie george in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  18. Like
    LORIEandPHIL reacted to NigeriaorBust in Must I visit??   
    Getting a K1 or CR1 visa is a special trial by fire in part caused by the huge amount of fraud that happens there. It is almost the norm to have to file twice. More than one Nigerian to Nigerian couple I know have been denied the first time let alone the ones that are not Nigerians. The people there at experts at decieving each other. Go to Lagos and you will see "this house not for sale beware 419 " stencilled on buildings. Their culture allows that a fool and their money are soon parted. It is not the same world there. Whole families will assist a member to get to the US. If they are lucky to win the lottery that is the path they will take. If they find someone that they can sweep off their feet to get here , that is ok too. Not all behave this way, and those that have honest relationships have to go the extra yard to prove they have not been taken advantage of. I know of many horror stories through the years. The one that happened last week. Another where the Nigerian wife played the part of a sister living in the house while she served food to her husband and his USC sweetheart. Stories of wives sent home to the village while the USC is visiting. Some are playing multiple woman at the same time looking to see which will bear fruit the fastest. This is why Lagos wants to see that you have spent significant time together. That you know his family. That you know the culture. They know all to well the dismal long term success rate for marriages from Nigeria. Yes many relationships are true and survive the test of time. Not a single person currently going through the process will stand up this moment and say that their relationship is anything other than 100% real. But I have seen too many find out after spending years of their life and tens of thousands of dollars that they are the stepping stone for a man , his wife and the rest of the family to come to the US because there is no other viable path for them. Be aware, be educated and be safe.
  19. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from charlottelizabeth in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  20. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from charlottelizabeth in VSC   
    You only applied two months ago, not sure you can really blame USCIS. Maybe you are both not ready for this.
  21. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from Boiler in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  22. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from meagan in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  23. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from MedRoni in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  24. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from HK12 in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
  25. Like
    LORIEandPHIL got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Must I visit??   
    You do have to meet within two years. Would you really want to marry someone you have never met?
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