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    eth reacted to helpneed in help on who is expected to schedule k-1 interview date?   
    I got the interview letter right away at the embassy and they wrote on the attached interview letter to fill the online DS-160 form which replace the previous DS 156, DS 156k and other forms.
  2. Like
    eth reacted to dwheels76 in need help !   
    To your question. This is not an immigration issue. there is no fraud. The government (Immigration ) does not care nor want to know about someones sexual conduct. This is a personal matter. he should have just listen to the woman and let her stay in her country until she was ready.
    No they can't "Take off" her 2 year green card.
    Yes he can cause "immigration problems for her" by lying because that is what he would be doing which is not cool.
    What he can do is if he really wants his marriage and wants to work things out where she is comfortable to even be with him than he needs to seek counseling go to their religious leaders or whoever they seek and talk. There are some serious issues that he seems to not want to deal with. he wants the booty and if he don't get it he will cause trouble. What kind of man does that.
    He can also be a noce guy and buy her a ticket back home and be a gentleman about it all. I wish them all the best.
  3. Like
    eth reacted to VanessaTony in how a divorce affect citizenship   
    Actually it makes perfect sense if you look at it like USCIS will. You came to the US.
    You obtained a GC through marriage to a USC.
    Your marriage to the USC you got the GC through entered pretty quickly (before the 2 years).
    You started dating someone else while married to the USC.
    You marry someone else soon after divorcing the USC you got your GC off.
    Basically, it looks like you married your first spouse to get to the US. Once in the US you divorced them to marry your "real" love. It looks like you used the first person, it was never a bonafide relationship, and why should they remove your conditions when you committed immigration fraud.
    While this might not actually be what happened with you, it is common enough that this is the "go to" assumption if you begin another relationship "too soon" after your first one ended (or while it's still in process). It's one of the reasons why if you applying for a spousal or fiance/e visa after naturalising and a divorce from a USC, there MAY be a wait time for that application. it's to minimise fraud.
    I would not marry again until after your ROC is complete. N-400 it won't matter. Also remember you need to file ROC as soon as your divorce is final, or during the 90 days, whichever comes first. So if you get your decree in about 2 weeks, you should file then.
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    eth reacted to maziid.je in interview approved, they take my passport too but it's shows AP   
    soooo Happy for you
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    eth reacted to aaron2020 in not etting married and returning to phils. in k1 visa with my u.s citizen baby   
    So, it's okay to deny a mother's love?
    Why should you want to deny this child the love and care of a mother?
    How is life with a US father who doesn't know how to care for the child when there is a loving mother?
    Why do you assume that life for the child would be better in the US?
  6. Like
    eth got a reaction from JeanneVictoria in My marriage began as a sham   
    First of all you make a huge and embarrassing mistake by admitting anything online.... With that said the only options from here are to be truthful and honest... Me speaking as a US Citizen (BORN) I can only say that I am very judgmental to those who defy the actual immigration laws even if all of us at one time were immigrants. There is a process and the laws are specific... Follow them and you have at least a leg to stand on, but dancing around the laws or trying to play with them will make it much more painful if you both are serious... First if it is required for him to leave while you go through this process then " So Be It", it is a process and there is a right and wrong way to do this.
    There is nothing more offensive as a US Citizen to have to go through this process and have to prove a relationship and that I have or make enough money to support my fiancé. I see day in and day out plenty of US citizens having kids that can not afford them yet, I have to prove that I make enough money only to marry the love of my life... If you really want to know the truth... I suggest you talk to him and if you are serious about your relationship, you need to follow the laws that have been placed regardless of how ridiculous. I will not begin to go through the "HELL" me and my fiancé have been through and trust me if he has been living HIGH on the horse illegally its time that you both were humbled and do it correctly... If Love is the foundation then it wont matter, but by you coming on here to post this "Your Story" publicly you have already sadly made you and his journey more difficult... Time nor Distance never interferes with love.... You all have been playing from state to state, try playing from country to country!
    Do it right and be truthful.... It may be painful, but I live by the standard of "The Truth HURTS, but Will Set You FREE"...
  7. Like
    eth got a reaction from amberlynnloves in My marriage began as a sham   
    First of all you make a huge and embarrassing mistake by admitting anything online.... With that said the only options from here are to be truthful and honest... Me speaking as a US Citizen (BORN) I can only say that I am very judgmental to those who defy the actual immigration laws even if all of us at one time were immigrants. There is a process and the laws are specific... Follow them and you have at least a leg to stand on, but dancing around the laws or trying to play with them will make it much more painful if you both are serious... First if it is required for him to leave while you go through this process then " So Be It", it is a process and there is a right and wrong way to do this.
    There is nothing more offensive as a US Citizen to have to go through this process and have to prove a relationship and that I have or make enough money to support my fiancé. I see day in and day out plenty of US citizens having kids that can not afford them yet, I have to prove that I make enough money only to marry the love of my life... If you really want to know the truth... I suggest you talk to him and if you are serious about your relationship, you need to follow the laws that have been placed regardless of how ridiculous. I will not begin to go through the "HELL" me and my fiancé have been through and trust me if he has been living HIGH on the horse illegally its time that you both were humbled and do it correctly... If Love is the foundation then it wont matter, but by you coming on here to post this "Your Story" publicly you have already sadly made you and his journey more difficult... Time nor Distance never interferes with love.... You all have been playing from state to state, try playing from country to country!
    Do it right and be truthful.... It may be painful, but I live by the standard of "The Truth HURTS, but Will Set You FREE"...
  8. Like
    eth reacted to Darnell in Should we file a new AOS now that my wife is here in US?   
    What's the deal?
    You've established a pattern of not only asking questions about how to game the system ,
    but you've gamed the system once already.
    Now you are taking another opportunity to game the system.
    You really expect people to not have reactions to you and your continued attempts to game the system?
    Really? Truly ?
    Wow. OK.
    Note to readers - it's exceptionally useful to study this fellas prior posts here. I did, and came up with his pattern of continuous gaming of the system, for 2013.
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    eth reacted to THEMSRILEY in Help Please My Wife's Visa Denied   
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    eth reacted to odus blessing in Interview approved.... Thank God   
    first of all I Just want to thank The Lord Almighty and everyone here on visa journey for their help. I had my interview today and i was approved. Pray , pray, pray. May God that did my also do yours for you amen. Rebuke any denial.
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    eth reacted to David & Diana R in The Journey Is Over - Now We Are In Hawaii TOGETHER   
    Zoila and I arrived in Honolulu together on Saturday 7/20/2013. We are now on my home island. Immigration was a bit nervewracking in Honolulu...but all questions asked of my wife were questions she knew the answers to since we have a bonafide marriage. Immigration officer had me stand back as she asked my wife 10 or 15 questions. What is your address going to be, your husbands parents names, etc... No surpirises. The Immigration officer (female) was very kind to my wife and I. She called me up after interviewing Zoila and explained the AOS procedures to both of us. Then after a few minutes took my wifes fingerprints and said those three words we both have been waiting to hear for over 8 month now, "WELCOME TO AMERICA" Wow, we both wanted to shout be we managed to control ourselves although I got pretty teary-eyed. There is something about coming HOME to America each and every time I return but this was the sweetest entry into the US I have ever made in my life. I was with my beautiful Filipina wife...nothing could have been better. Then we exited immigration and proceeded to our interisland flight arriving there at about 6:00 p.m. to find my brothers wife and their three grandchildren there to greet us with handfuls of flower lei. Then my oldest son came and picked us up. One of the best days of my life so far. Thanks to all ot you who have helped, thanks for all of your prayers, thanks for all your kindness. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!! We wish everyone the best and will be praying for all of you that are waiting for the day we just experienced. Aloha and Mahalo Aloha Ke Akua
  12. Like
    eth reacted to leader114 in Please what Should I do, Ready for interview?   
    Loughrey, In Addis Ababa they don't have packet 4, you will just get the interview letter and packet 3, That's what I've heard, also I'm not sure if my fiance can go to the embassy and ask them if they can give to her case number so she should start the process..
  13. Like
    eth reacted to Possiblymaybe in Don't want to marry her anymore!   
    I could be wrong, but I don't think you're going to get a whole lot of help on this forum.
    It's people like you that make this process so difficult for everyone else. Thanks for that!
  14. Like
    eth reacted to ClydesdaleCouple in Don't want to marry her anymore!   
    Dude I would honestly get the hell out of that right now. If you are caught doing that, you could face time in prison.
    Just tell her its off and cut your losses. Or go to prison and start a business with a guy named Brick,+

    On another ANGRIER note. Its because of people like you doing like this that honest, real couples who are in love (aka me and my husband) have had to live in near poverty because the government makes such tight guidelines.
    so eff you.
  15. Like
    eth reacted to The Mean Lady in I called NVC !! and got a bad news   
    Yes, turtle.
  16. Like
    eth reacted to UK_Fan in deported for welfare fraud???   
    I think its a troll also... a black philipino one, judging by the way it talks lol
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    eth reacted to Peter_Pan in I got scammed the biggest scam of my life   
    You are wrong, as long as it isn't legally binding, you can have a billion of ceremonies with a billion men and not be a bigamist.
    Seems to me the OP is the one with cold feet.
  18. Like
    eth reacted to lost_at_sea in I got scammed the biggest scam of my life   
    This doesn't sound like a scam. You'd expect someone scamming to get as far as travelling to the US and marrying and then doing the about-face.
    Could it instead simply be a case of nerves? Visa in hand, leaving country suddenly a true reality? It's a big and scary thing to leave your life behind for a new one.
    Before jumping to conclusions, I'd give it a reasonable amount of time for the realities of the situation to settle down and wait until she is communicating and her actual concerns/wants are known.
    As others have said, a legal wedding outside the US will null her K1 and her entry and legal stay into the US, if she does use it, is also based on the legal US marriage. Also, the K1 has a use-by date, so there is a deadline for this to be resolved.
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    eth reacted to Cathi in PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENT   
    who said she was being selfish? seriously? she merely asked if it was normal in the US
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    eth reacted to amanda1005 in PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENT   
    This message is for TINMAN

    I know that this discussion will fall under "money"...I just want to make sure I am clear here...I am not upset or sad because the prenup agreement will leave me nothing...
    I,from the very start is not after my fiance's money...I may not be rich but I live comfortably...I am educated and I can survive...The reason why I was hurt is because I didnt expect that this kind of situation will happen to me....(complicated)

    Now giving bad comments is like being an idiot..I guess we are here to help each other.
    You even mentioned this:

    "Don't be selfish. If it wasn't yours, it belongs to someone else!"
    My answer would be:

    Tinman,I am not selfish..the reason why I am asking for opinions is because this is new to me....I think you have bad experiences in the past...Think before you react!!!!!!Okay?don't be such pig!

  21. Like
    eth reacted to soon2bemrs in Moved out but now what?   
    My heart goes out to you! This is not the end but the start of you wonderful life. In this life we are living we meet different type of character and in your case, that character was not going to stop at nothing to get to the states for his own benefits. Although there were many signs that u saw, it is to late to put any blame on yourself. I pray that you find the strength to forgive him and move on and let karma catch up with him. I am glad u did not have any kids with him .Take good care of yourself and heal from all the pain you might be going through. I am a true believer of woman power. THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
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    eth reacted to livindadream in Moved out but now what?   
    Sorry this happened to you...and sorry that some people on here throw their two cents in without an ounce of compassion...I hate online gangsters, especially the ones that wont dare to show their picture! I don't blame them though because VJ allows them to bully people that are already feeling down and they reward them with 'platinum status' which they accept proudly as if it's getting them a free room upgrade somewhere. ANYHOW...I went thru something so similar as you, in fact as I was reading it...I had to ask myself if you were somehow married to my ex. lol. I know you are feeling like you wasted so much time and money..I know you are emotionally spent, angry, hurt and confused. I felt all those things when my ex did it to me. I was embarrassed and ashamed! As for you staying and continuing on with the relationship even though you knew something was wrong from the start, don't beat yourself up over that. People do it everyday...for the kids, for finances, etc. My ex came here on a fiancé visa and before he even got here, I felt something was not right but I still went ahead with everything because I felt like if I didn't I'd be letting him and his whole family down. So I convinced myself that everything was fine instead of listening to my gut instinct. You feel like you invest so much to give in, so you just keep going praying for something to turn around. Well, it didn't...in both our cases. But I can tell you, it's not worth dealing with him anymore. Whatever is going to happen with his immigration situation is going to happen with or without you. My ex got to stay cuz he had the nerve to say I put him out and filed that VAWA or whatever it's called. I was so mad at first and all I wanted to do was fight fight fight for my name not to be dragged thru the mud. But at the end of the day, I realized he wasn't worth it. My best advice to you is just let it all go. You moved out of the house and that is a good start. You reported to the right people already that you are no longer with him and that is all you can do. The system does not work in our favor at times and I had to learn to accept that. The best thing I did for myself was to move on and close that chapter in my life. You say you are single with no child...but it's actually better you didn't have a child with him right? You will find someone one day that is worth all the things you do for him....who will appreciate all the things you do for him. Anything that a man sows, he reaps. He'll get his one day! Its been 5 years since my ex formed up his argument and walked out the door. To this day he is single, still trolling dating sites online and working in a factory just to have everyone back home stretching their hand out to be fed. I, on the other hand, am prosperous, happy and married! Every dog has his day, and he will surely have his!
  23. Like
    eth reacted to Lynkali in second thoughts...   
    There are days in this multi-year process where even the best of partners will get cold feet, worry, have second thoughts, and be scared. This is A SCARY THING for anyone, to pick up and leave their entire life behind, trusting blindly in the future and the love of a partner who is half a world away. It's terrifying and it requires intense patience and trust and sometimes just blind faith. I don't begrudge or think ill of anyone who starts to doubt -- I think it's entirely normal, sane, and human.
    However, there are also many more days -- the majority, I am sure -- where we cannot imagine life without our partner, where we are willing to fight and struggle and undertake massive effort to be with our loved one. Where we consider all the good things, the joys and the future together, and all of the effort seems minuscule compared to the payoff.
    Unlike some of the responders here, I don't think you need to call it off at all, nor even to worry overmuch. I do think you need to communicate better, and find ways of staying intimate, supportive, and laughing with each other about the absurdities of this horrendous process. I know that there have been times -- months even, before we actually filed and were trying to decide how it all was going to work -- where we both felt it was hopeless, that we'd never make it, that the obstacles were too great. You in particular have been hit with extra delays, and I hope you can find faith and humor in each other, to survive.
    My best suggestion is: either visit if you can (the absolute best option, but depending on timing and money, not always possible), or find some new way of maintaining humor and intimacy. Start a new videogame together, make a playlist for each other, document your journey to be together, start any project together that you can share and enjoy again. Let him recapture the joy and love he feels when he's in your presence, and those cold feet will warm right up!
    I'd also remind him (as I do with my fiance) that he will not be "trapped" here if things do not work out as you plan. If he leaves before you're married, he goes home, no problem. If you divorce after AOS but before ROC, also no problem: he can remove conditions on his own based on your bonafide intent when you married, or he can return home. His choice, he is free and there are no ill repercussions, apart from the money.
  24. Like
    eth reacted to kwakun in buying a house as a conditional resident   
    Ignorance of epic proportions.
    But according to you, you'll never be a "genuine" american so why go through all the stress when your spouse could have just joined you and your nice life back home?
  25. Like
    eth got a reaction from pddp in buying a house as a conditional resident   
    i hope you are not the petitioner with this kind of thinking , if you are i feel sorry for your finace.
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