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    • EatBulaga

      We are K1-to-AOS, and soon-to-be ROC filers.
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    • cherine brooks

      I file a K1 visa for my husband in 2021 and they refuse him, because of controlled substance and they gave 212 (a) (2) (a) (i) (ii), they claim he is inadmissible. we got married in July 2021 of the same year. and I file an I 130 in 2023, waiting on a response, I'm worried if they will denied me again.
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    • Prosper_s

      Category: F2A
      PD: 31 January 2019
      QD: December 2020
      Been waiting for interview at Lagos consulate like forever. Please how long does it take to get an interview date? What more can I do? The waiting time is really frustrating.
      · 0 replies
    • BoyMoma

      2 years late to file I-751
      I am two years late in filing my I-751 form. Here’s the situation:
      - We completely overlooked this particular form.
      - After my initial green card expired, we applied for the I-90, which has been in process for two years.
      - With the extension they provided, I was able to travel and receive my driver's license.
      - In April this year, I filed for the N-400.
      - During this entire time, I received no communication from USCIS regarding missing documentation.
      - Today, at my naturalization interview, I learned I was supposed to file the I-751.
      - After some back and forth with the officer, he still conducted my interview. He mentioned that since I am married and have children, I should not have a problem, and he asked me to submit an affidavit of explanation plus supporting documents.
      - Later today, I received a letter in my portal asking for "missing documents," specifically the I-751. They gave me four days to provide evidence of the I-751 acceptance or processing status.
      I am unsure of what to do. Please help and advise.
      · 0 replies
    • noman shahid

      Hi any one can advise me USCIS denied my case because they ask for RFE and my petitioner didn't check in account and the respond time expired and USCIS denied my case . please tell me can I appeal in this scenario?? 
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