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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
VINNYD VinnyD & Manni Seattle 2017-04-22 - High TN Application / Approved. 2020-11-23
Rachel Ann & Eric Seattle 2019-06-21 - High 2023-07-22
Chris and Jenn Jenn & Chris Seattle 2020-03-13 - High 2021-01-08
Meg101 Meg & Jake Seattle 2019-12-04 - High Entered at Seatac airport, went to the queue for people with visas rather than ESTA or U.S Citizens. I got incredibly lucky that there were only about 5-6 people ahead of me. Was called to a glass booth and asked for my passport and the white packet I received in the mail with my K1 visa. My fingerprints were taken, along with my photo and then I was asked how much money I had on me and if I had any food. It was explained that I had 90 days to get married and the date that my visa would expire if I didn't do that. The lady was a little abrupt but I feel it was her attitude from having a bad day rather than any reflection on me. I collected my bags and went to the second officer who wished me, "welcome home" and was extremely friendly and polite. A good and very quick experience (10-15 mins) overall. 2024-03-07
Ma. Crizel & Ricardo Seattle 2019-10-25 - High 2021-07-05
Lyv & Chelle Seattle 2019-09-26 - High 2021-01-16
Ninar95 Nina & JD Seattle 2020-03-07 - High 2023-02-27
Alaskanicelander Nataliia & Gary Seattle 2019-03-26 - High 2022-05-21
Kalpana & Peter Seattle 2020-07-21 - High 2020-06-07
HDia & HDia Seattle 2020-07-17 - High 2022-05-19
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