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Posts posted by DavenRoxy

  1. Well, I keep reading here about all that wealth drain from overtaxed and over regulated states like NY and CA and all that wealth migration to more friendly states like Texas. And then there are these cold, hard facts that don't comport with that narrative. I find that interesting. You might not and that's okay. No need to post in this thread, then.

    Ok, now I get where you are coming from. Wasn't bashing ya just didn't get it at first.

    But I reckon that more people want to live in FL, NY, and CA than TX, WY, and AL. And since it costs more to live in the first three, it stands to reason that people with more money will be drawn there...

    (Though for the life of me I cannot imagine someone wanting to move to CA or NY, ever)

  2. Hey Janelle, remember me? Every single one of my posts is riddled with sarcasm. I sincerely hope Darren Wilson continues to have a meh-life with his meh-bride in his meh-town. He's a scourge on society and deserves to disappear quietly (lol not).

    I can't imagine losing a child. My heart is with the family, as it has been and will be.

    You're quite a hateful one, wishing ill upon the Wilsons like this. For shame...

    Both families HAVE suffered, and will continue to suffer. I feel bad for the Browns' loss of their son. No matter who was at fault, his parents probably loved him unequivocally and without reservation. A family is torn, and that plain sucks.

    OTOH, Darren Wilson acted in the line of duty, or at least I am able to draw that conclusion due to the grand jury decision. Killing a person is never an easy thing to live with, and it will haunt him for the rest of his life. He probably lies awake at night, replaying the situation over and over, wishing it had ended differently.

    Unfortunately there will probably be more stupidity by folks who don't have any stake in the game other than to run amok and cause more mayhem. But both families HAVE suffered and both will CONTINUE to suffer for a while longer. May peace be upon both sides.

  3. My best man nearly wasn't allowed in because he had 3 DUI's on record. They made him show them the invitation and then they (after 4 hours) gave him a visa for the duration of the wedding plus one day. Then they told him not to come back.

    ETA, btw, my wife's family was turned down by Australia and the US when they left Hong Kong. Canada let them in.

    Canada won't let American soldiers cross their borders to get to AK if they have a DUI that Canada catches at the border. They have to fly into AK.

  4. You're likely right, but I wanted to fill everything in for informational purposes to help others. Regardless, it won't let me make any changes if I don't put in a date of marriage, which I can't do. Any moderators reading this post?

    If you were to PM Charles! or TBoneTx you'll likely get the help you need. They are pretty awesome mods!

    Good luck m8!

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