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Posts posted by DavenRoxy


    One waitress says she can't believe the generosity of some of her customers.

    Cindi Grady works at a Cracker Barrel in Branson, Missouri.

    She says a group of regulars came in over the Thanksgiving weekend and requested her section. She says when they left they handed her $20... a 30% tip and that made her happy.

    But she was in store for more...


  2. This is but a brief quote. To understand the 13 numbers, you will need to visit the site, too much to paste here.

    The world's worst Ebola outbreak is far from over. While news about Ebola has all but disappeared from U.S. TV screens and social media in recent weeks, the deadly virus continues to wreak havoc in West Africa.

    Peter Piot, one of the scientists who first discovered Ebola in 1976, warned last week that the epidemic could get worse before it gets better. "Let's not forget that this whole epidemic started with one person -- in other words, it will not be over until the last person with Ebola is dead or has recovered without infecting other people. That is the daunting task we face," Piot said.


  3. Isn't crashing oil prices one of the major reasons the ussr crumbled?

    I'm too young to remember if that was it, or Chernobyl, or perhaps a combination of the two.

    Speaking of Chernobyl, the sarcophagus that was put into place was supposed to be completely covered over in 30 years to ensure no more radiation leaks out. That deadline is less than two years away, and I don't think they will meet the deadline.

  4. Oil prices have been dropping sharply over the past three months — a huge energy story with major repercussions for dozens of countries, from the United States to Russia to Iran.

    But on Friday, prices went into serious free-fall. The reason? OPEC — a cartel of oil producers that includes Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and Venezuela — had a big meeting in Vienna on November 27. Before the gathering, there was speculation that OPEC countries might cut back on their own oil production in order to prop up prices. But in the end, the cartel couldn't agree on how to respond and did nothing.


  5. For some reason I used to smoke swisher sweets when I was a teenager. The habit didn't stick. Now I just enjoy a fancy cigar from time to time.

    I don't smoke on a regular basis, but I have partaken of the occasional cigar over the years. Once a guy sent me two Cubans, and man, I gotta say, those ARE some primo cigars. No harsh bite, no bad aftertaste. Amazing, even to an amateur such as I.

  6. America no longer takes the time to say thanks or gives time to do so to many people who are now forced to make their way to work rather than having dessert after the turkey dinner. Is it just me or is anyone else annoyed that stores now open on Thanksgiving Day? Midnight on Black Friday isn't good enough anymore. Has to be 5pm on Thanksgiving Day now. What the hell is wrong with this country? What's next? Shopping on Christmas and Easter? smh

    Happy Thanksgiving. Yeah, right!

    Quite a cynical post old chap. But I agree with you. I refuse to leave my house either Thursday or Friday during this holiday. Spent it quietly at home, just my small family and some good food. Thankful for all the blessings I have and for the roof over my head. Things that many people don't have today.

    Best wishes to you and yours.

  7. Thank you. I wish I could have gotten there sooner. I feel like a very bad wife.

    Sorry for your and your husband's loss Janelle. You are far from a bad wife, you're just caught up in a bad situation. Never feel guilty for loving and caring for someone enough to want to travel so far to see them one last time.

    Peace be with you and your family during this tragic grieving period.

  8. Maybe it runs in the family?

    The mother and stepfather of slain teenager Michael Brown are under investigation in Ferguson, Missouri, for an alleged late October violent incident with other Brown family members, a fight that erupted over Justice For Mike Brown merchandise.


    And earlier this month...

    Michael Brown's mother has been named as one of the 'attackers' who assaulted and robbed vendors selling t-shirts commemorating the youngster's death.


  9. Uhhh, black Friday is when Businesses go out of the red (if they are) and into the black meaning they have made a profit.

    To me black Friday is the only good thing associated with blackness. Why change it?

    Let's have a Mixed Friday. I want all races to mix up so much there is no such thing as discrimination because one is black or white. Let's promote this day instead of Black or White Friday.

    Ummmm, close. Actually, the term came about in Philadelphia, from the police, and referred to the immense amount of foot and vehicle traffic on the day after Thanksgiving. It was made worse there by the Army-Navy football game that played the weekend after Thanksgiving.

    Many, many years before anyone associated it with operating "in the black" for retailers.

  10. No it isn't ,despite the foot stomping, crying and whining of conservatives welfare has not failed our society.

    If what you mean by "welfare has not failed our society." is that this woman can continue to draw it, then you are correct. IMHO, welfare fails when it goes past the point of helping a family that needs a "boost" to get them thru a rough patch and continues to reward them for not getting out of the situation they are in and making a better life for themselves. IOW, welfare promotes laziness in a lot of people.

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