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Status Updates posted by Saylin

  1. Just got a package from my husband. Box of Hugs & Kisses and a huge, red bear :D

    1. Heather&Matt


      Thats very sweet of him. :-)

    2. armstrob
    3. Saylin


      It was Heather :)

      And ty, dear husband :)

  2. Decided to call an operator up today to see if they've received or reviewed our I-864 and DS-260. Was told they're not in the system yet and can take 20 business days. Oh well, I'm calling up again next week!

  3. Just read someone went through NVC in 25 days and did electronic processing and the new online forms!! Hoping to go through just as fast, if not faster!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Saylin
    3. Norwood


      Thanks Sayling for posting the spreadsheets! Are these new online forms for all countries or only Canada/Mexico?

    4. Saylin


      Yes, they're only available for a few countries. See the table at the bottom: http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_5165.html

  4. Just submitted the DS-260 (took an hour to do!) and emailed the supporting documents. Now to wait for CC!! :D

  5. That's why I'm doing EP Loto ;)

  6. Yup, EP along with the new online forms.

  7. IV bill became invoiced this morning and my husband immediately paid it! :D



      moving quick heeh..nice..!

    2. Saylin
    3. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Very quick, so awesome!!!!!!!! Soon u'll have the interview date... :)

  8. Yes, I want to be through NVC as fast as possible! And indeed, Montreal has dropped to about 2 months, from the 5 month backlog previously.

  9. Thanks Loto! Just got to pay the IV and fill out the online DS-260 left, then CC and interview! :D

  10. Just emailed off the I-864 package! Now back to waiting. Hoping the IV bill appears soon so we can pay it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Saylin


      Thanks! Just have to submit one more package then all done! And then wait for CC and an interview! Which reminds me, good luck on your interview coming up! It's actually on the same day another VJ friend has her interview (although it's in the Dominican Republic), lol.

    3. MAlove


      Lol thanks the nerves are definitely acting up now that we're close. Plus I haven't seen the man in 3 months so that's part of it I'm sure. The NVC stage does go by fast but at least you feel like something's happening. Just be prepared to go back to waiting after CC but they are not as backlogged so you should get a date pretty soon :)

    4. Saylin


      Oh, jeez, 3 months? I'm sure you'll be great though! Better write a review when you can ;) With the new online forms at Montreal, you actually find out your interview within a few days and now it's down to a 2 month backlog, so not as much waiting as before :)

  11. Ohhh, just realised I became a Gold Member yesterday, more than 400 posts, lol.

    1. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      haha, wow!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Husband paid the AoS fee this morning and I sent off the DS-261! Yay for progress! :D

  13. Just got her case number and IIN! ^__^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matt and Evieve
    3. Saylin


      Next time I call, I'll get the beneficiary ID number then.

      The DS-260 is the online form of the DS-230, but only a few select consulates have this available, Montreal being one of them.

    4. Matt and Evieve

      Matt and Evieve

      I see. Thanks for the info!

  14. Oh very weird, just added myself to my own spreadsheet on NVC processing times O_o

  15. Just realised she can stop looking at the processing dates on Igor's List everyday now. What am I supposed to do at 2pm now when my alarm goes off telling me to check? :D


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. marklovetina
    3. CanuckChick
    4. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      hoooooooooooooray!!!!!!!!!!! sooooo happy to hear that!!!!!!!!

  17. It's been exactly 4 months since our NOA1. Come on NOA2 :D

    1. ricel jake

      ricel jake

      i feel you Saylin.. :(

  18. Merry Christmas everyone! So happy I get to spend it with my husband who's visiting me! ^_^

  19. It's my husband's 22nd birthday today! Can't wait to celebrate it with him in person next year ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Saylin


      Ty! Oh boy, 24, lol. I'll be 24 in 2 years, minus 2 months.

    3. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Happy bday to your hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish you2 all the best....... <3

    4. Saylin
  20. Yeah I had heard of the DS-260 before but that it was just optional at the moment. The DS-260 has only been around since October I believe. I would think they would need more "testing" before it came mandatory. I'll see once I get there though.

  21. From the RCMP or your local police station. As long as it says on the PCC that the CPIC or the national criminal records was checked.

  22. Um wow. I want to do EP, but I don't want to do the DS-260. I wonder why they wanted you to do it even though you had already submitted the DS-230.

  23. My police check just arrived in the mail. It's yellow and so tiny!

    1. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Mine was tiny too, just not yellow!! haha :) If we would be criminals would be big & probably some strong colour like red, lol. :)))

    2. Saylin


      Yes, glad it came back tiny. Wouldn't want a "dirty" record.

    3. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      No one would!! Even bad guys would like it tiny... :)) (lol this can be interpreted many ways, haha - guess is only thing bad boys would like small) hahah :))

  24. is off to get a police check done. Hoping that no one with my name, born on the same day, has gone around murdering people. I want my PCC to be clean :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Saylin


      I'm sure too. Paid $40 and expected to get it between 7-10 days. Now, just gotta get that NOA2 :D

    3. CanuckChick


      Hear, hear!! I constantly have to remind myself (or have my honey remind me - i.e., when it's a bad day) that we will definitely get approval, and it's only a matter of time and toughing-it out over the speedbumps before we can be together for good. Take care. p.s. I enjoyed reading your blog.

    4. Saylin


      I have a little post-it note on the bottom of my monitor that says: The NOA2 is on its way! I say it over and over again. It puts a smile on my face :D Stay positive! We shall both be with our loved ones soon enough. ^_^

  25. It's been exactly 3 months since NOA1 today. Hoping my NOA2 is on its way soon!

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