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  1. Confused
    Bobio got a reaction from Crazy Cat in What's the point of doing things legally?   
    I already said the reason in my op; disgust with the hypocrisy of our current regime. Only an idiot would wait two years to be with their own spouse if there's an alternative that is actively encouraged by our current government and takes roughly a month with minimal risk.  My wife is my life, what would you do to be with your everything? 
  2. Confused
    Bobio got a reaction from JSWH in What's the point of doing things legally?   
    How long did it take? Spoke with an attorney two weeks ago and she told me 2 years... to be with my own wife. Pay a Coyote and she's here in a month. Since this country obviously has no respect for it's own immigration laws, what's the point of doing it the "legal" way, when there's no ramifications for doing it the other way? At this point, we're fools for following the letter of the law when again, the democrat party is literally encouraging illegal immigration. She won't get deported, we all know that. 
  3. Like
    Bobio reacted to Timona in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    You can do a second big wedding in the US. However, your first wedding is what USCIS will go with.
    I would just do a small inexpensive Colombian wedding - Civil/ court etc. Just to get married. 
  4. Like
    Bobio reacted to Dashinka in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    There is a regional forum for Mexico, Latin America and South America.  Here is a Colombia specific thread that you may be interested in.
  5. Like
    Bobio reacted to Timona in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    I would just get married and do CR-1.
    Even though you stated she is okay with not working immediately, I would still go CR-1.
    @Lucky Cat already gave you a good breakdown. Basically, with COVID times, if you do a K-1, it will take you close to 3 years from filing to GC  and you have to pay extra to get the GC after she arrives. CR-1 will be half that time and no extra pay. The only difference in CR-1/K-1 visa (not GC) issuance is like 3 months. That being said, I would go CR-1. You are going to Colombia next month. You may as well get married. 
    Basically, let us say you are filing now for either process.
    For K-1, it may be until end year to just get the visa issued (Dec 2021). She comes over to US. You marry, file AOS ($$ to pay again). With COVID timeframes, you are looking at 2 years before your case lands on someone's desk for interview or waived interview (So mid 2023 to Jan 2024). For CR-1, it may be anywhere from Dec 2021 to mid 2022 for her to receive both the visa and GC. No extra cost.   
    Oooo and btw, if you go CR-1, she lands and get a GC asap. Having GC makes her eligible for loans/ grants for the schools she wants to go to. K-1 will not grant this till 2024 when she gets GC.
  6. Like
    Bobio reacted to Juliet57 in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    Reach out to people waiting for visas in Bogotá consulate, they should be well aware of the time it took to process either visa in pre covid times, and they usually actively communicate with other people in the same boat.
    The K1 is not being scheduled in my Consulate, so even if it's supposed to take a shorter time, if the visa category is not being scheduled then it might take longer, that's why it's important to check with people who went to Bogota Consulate or are waiting for interview in Bogota.
    There might be facebook groups, and you can also check the Regional group here on VJ.
  7. Like
    Bobio reacted to NigeriaorBust in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    For most the spousal visa is a better route.  A little more time, less paperwork in the long run.  For me , I had employment that looked negatively at spouses residing in foreign countries so the K1 was better for me. 
  8. Like
    Bobio reacted to Removed20210801 in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    Yes be ready to get sent to secondary. It’s not guaranteed but we have been harassed by them on a trip before. They will demean you and otherwise treat you like you are committing a crime. Like I said it’s not guaranteed to happen but I has and unfortunately a lot of them are not nice people.
  9. Like
    Bobio reacted to TBoneTX in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    Thread is moved from the Mexico/Latin/South America forum to "What Visa Do I Need."
  10. Like
    Bobio reacted to Dashinka in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    I agree, that I would go the spousal visa route especially with four people coming at the same time.  Much less headache after arrival and cheaper in the long run.  
    Good Luck!
  11. Like
    Bobio reacted to aaron2020 in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    For the K-1, would her children be coming with her?  Or will you want them to come later?
  12. Like
    Bobio reacted to aaron2020 in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    I would go the spousal visa route.  Lots of VJ veterans would do the spousal visa.  No one has regrets doing the spousal visa.  Lots of people have regrets doing the fiancee visa.
  13. Like
    Bobio reacted to aaron2020 in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    Under US laws, all visitors are presumed to want to illegally immigrate.  It's their burden to show that they intend to return home after visiting.
    If a person has an existing visitor visa, then visiting the US is easy. 

    If a person needs a visitor visa, then it's much harder to show non-immigrant intent when there's a US citizen seeking to bring them to the US to live.  
  14. Like
    Bobio reacted to Crazy Cat in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    There is no firm answer.  In Pre-Covid times, the processing time for K-1 visas was, on average, a little shorter.  That is not necessarily true now, due to the travel bans and Covid shutdowns.  Spouses were exempt from most of the travel bans...while Fiances were not.
    Many people, including me, think that the spousal visa is far superior for several reasons.
  15. Like
    Bobio reacted to aaron2020 in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    The K-1 is faster by a few months but it's a longer and more expensive road to a green card.  The BIG DOWNSIDE is not be able to work legally or travel internationally without abandoning the green card process for about 6-8 months while waiting for the EAD and AP.  If working is important and she doesn't want to be idle for 6-8 months, then the spousal visa route is better.  Quicker should only be one of the considerations since there are significant drawbacks to the fiancee visa.
  16. Like
    Bobio reacted to Crazy Cat in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    It is true that ALL visitors are assumed to have intent to stay illegally in the US.  However, many spouses visit during the process.  See the following thread
  17. Like
    Bobio reacted to Crazy Cat in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    Many spouses visit the US during the visa process.  All entries are subject to the discretion of CBP at the border.
  18. Like
    Bobio reacted to Dashinka in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    I would suggest starting by reading the guides located at the top of this page.  The choice between a K1 (fiancé visa) or CR1/IR1 (spousal visa) is often discussed here on VJ.  In general, the spousal visa is superior, but takes a little longer generally (not sure that is still the case right now with Covid19), but of course before you can file for a spousal visa you actually have to get married legally somewhere.
    Anyway, start with the visa guides, and then if you have specific questions, there are always folks here willing to help.
    Good Luck!
  19. Like
    Bobio reacted to Crazy Cat in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    There is a lot to consider:
    Every couple has their own priorities, and each couple must decide which visa is better for their situation.
        More expensive than CR-1    
        Requires Adjustment of Status after marriage (expensive and requires a lot of paperwork)    
        Spouse can not leave the US until she/he receives approved Advance Parole (approx 5-6 months)    
        Spouse can not work until she/he receives EAD (approx 5-6 months)    
        Some people have had problems with driver licenses, Social Security cards, leases, bank account during this period    
        Spouse will not receive Green Card for many months after Adjustment of Status is filed.
        A denied K-1 is sent back to USCIS to expire
        Less expensive than K-1    
        No Adjustment of Status(I-485, I-131, I-765) required.    
        Spouse can immediately travel outside the US    
        Spouse is authorized to work immediately upon arrival.    
        Spouse receives Social Security Card and Green Card within 2 or 3 weeks after entering the US    
        Opening a bank account, getting a driver's license, etc. are very easily accomplished with GC, SS card, and passport.
        Spouse has legal permanent Resident status IMMEDIATELY upon entry to US.

    Edited to remove faster arrival for either visa.
  20. Like
    Bobio reacted to Crazy Cat in Please help. I am overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin   
    Visiting during the spousal visa is fine as long as she has or can obtain a tourist visa.  It is exactly the same during the K-1 visa process.  
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