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Posts posted by BOKURAGAITA

  1. At the end of May is the last update of USEM in Manila that they will reopen June 11, the big question is will they reopen tomorrow? So far no news or any extension realease. 


    cross finger guys.

  2. 6 hours ago, Greenbaum said:

    We are in a pandemic and the governmental offices and the embassies are running with a skeleton and in some cases are completely closed. Nothing is going to happen until this virus dissipates. There will be action announced closer to the opening of the embassies on how they will address those who had interviews scheduled and those who want to schedule an interview. Also, if you have a NOA2 about to expire there is no reason to panic or be concerned. That too will be addressed by the embassies once they are closer to opening. We are in a wait and see mode till the embassies start opening again. BTW, this is my opinion and that is the embassies will begin to open with those that are in a less affected area then move on to those in highly affected areas. I believe that the embassies will reschedule those that were cancelled and then open the schedule for those who are ready to receive an interview date. Best place to be tuned in to what will happen at the embassy level is to be on their webpage because that is where the announcement and further instructions will be posted.  

    Thank you for your informative response and the webpage in USEM in my country do not really update cancelations but Media does, the only update they always have is the "Health Alert" and the USEM new partnered Bank for payments. All is good. 



  3. Hello. 

    Good day guys! I have a question.


    My ceac status is "in transit" since last Apr 14, 2020 and now nothing changed but understandable bcos of covid and we didn't make a schedule for interview and medical exam not until the embassy reopen. My question is, when exactly the status of my case will turn to "ready"? will it after making an appointment for interview or whenever the NVC sent our approved petition?


    Thank you and Godbless! 

  4. 11 hours ago, Matrix13 said:

    I wonder if the SLEC visa medical exam will now include coronavirus testing.

    Base in their website there is no covid testing, but we don't know yet in the future. 


    Im guessing the Medical Certificate that you will going to show and bring with you while travelling domestically will be their basis. Im not sure. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Allovertheworld said:

    Hard time? It's Good Times for me in the USA, My state went back to work weeks ago and my business never stopped working due to my business.  We never had curfew here.  We have been having a a lot of work since March and super busy with work.   


    My Family in Philippines that are blood related can pack up and get on a flight out of Philippines. any time they want, I suspect this mess with virus and lockdown goes on much longer you will see them and many other foreigners leave the Philippines.


    Philippines is a great place to Party, but the flight is long, I am looking at Cancun Mexico which is about 2.5 hours flight time, with all inclusive deals include 5 star hotel on the beach, with all the food and drinks and alcohol you want included and also the airline fee is part of the package for about $700 US Dollars each person for 5 days on the beach, About the same price I would pay in Philippines maybe cheaper,


    The beaches in Cancun will make Boracay look like a cesspool and they are about 100 times larger, We have options in the world for our US Dollars.    

    yet you still complain about philippines when you have options 🤣🤣🤣 jesus.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Allovertheworld said:

    I don't care what the President of Philippines does or does not do, Thankfully it not my country, I am just a visitor there and never get involved in Philippines Political Discussion while I am in Philippines. I just go along with whatever happens  since in reality it doesn't effect me. I personally like the guy but will never engage in political discussion there. Philippines Politics is your nightmare to figure out, Not mine.

    you still have another year to wait. be patience. stay updated. 😄

  7. Just now, Allovertheworld said:

    No you don't need more babies in Philippines, I see way too many living on the streets.  Go to Cebu or Manila and the kids around age 10 to 13 will try to pick pocket foreigners, I suspect they are part of a syndicate or one of the family members make them do it.  Go to Davao City where I have never had a any kid try to pickpocket me there, you have child beggars all over the place.  Yes, I have had multiply children try to pickpocket me in both Cebu and Manila, and Davao is bad for kids begging.  No we don't need more kids in Philippines, we need education on birth control but since it's a Catholic country I don't see that happening .

    like i said, let the government make a solution for that. At the end of the day its not your problem why this country is in poverty i dont know why you are really into that.


    *fix your country first before diving ours. 


    You better make a one good letter to the Pres. of the Republic of the Philippines to answer your issues. 


    just be patience. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Allovertheworld said:

    I am good with Philippines being locked down and under curfew, all it does is cripple the country more and kills the economy even more.  My US dollar will go much farther and there will be so many bargains to be had, especially larger ticket items. I am no hurry to return since it is now summer time here and many things to do, especially traveling and going to the lakes and beaches here.


    I would only go to Philippines alone and as I have said I will not go if any quarantine is in place, and will not get stuck in a 3rd world country with limited medical facilities.  


    There are tons of people especially in Manila, Cebu and Davao who are not paying there rent and bills due to being out of work, once things settle down I think you will see a mass exodus of people who came to Manila/Cebu/Davao to work going back home to their province and hopefully the traffic will thin out in these places.  Also expect a large baby boom as well, as you may be aware Philippines has a problem with unwed mothers having children out of wedlock, I can only see this increasing as well. 




    Also, let the government make a solution of the country's problem. I understand whats your point our country is not perfect but tourism helps, you like to be here and party yet you complain of what is happening around you. 


    You will never be the President's shoe, he is not working to a one region but a country and thats why he has a lot of complains because people around him is corrupt, filipino's who has a crab mentality and foreigners who doesnt like him question his capability who keep on complaining but never give solution. 


    My family, friends, and fiancé also having a hard time and not only you. People here waits and me too, its understandable to complain if you have a blood related family that was left behind or business or whatever that means a lot  but just to party no i dont think soo. 


    You will never be part of the solution, be patience. 


    Godbless you.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Allovertheworld said:

    They have the country brained washed that COVID is very dangerous.  On Duterte while I am a fan of him for what he has done in Davao and his Death Squad, he does make some idiotic comments from time to time, and the vaccine is one of them.  

    Okay not dangerous but i dont know why america can't stop the increasing deaths of covid. People/country not taking it seriously has more deaths. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Allovertheworld said:

    I am good with Philippines being locked down and under curfew, all it does is cripple the country more and kills the economy even more.  My US dollar will go much farther and there will be so many bargains to be had, especially larger ticket items. I am no hurry to return since it is now summer time here and many things to do, especially traveling and going to the lakes and beaches here.


    I would only go to Philippines alone and as I have said I will not go if any quarantine is in place, and will not get stuck in a 3rd world country with limited medical facilities.  


    There are tons of people especially in Manila, Cebu and Davao who are not paying there rent and bills due to being out of work, once things settle down I think you will see a mass exodus of people who came to Manila/Cebu/Davao to work going back home to their province and hopefully the traffic will thin out in these places.  Also expect a large baby boom as well, as you may be aware Philippines has a problem with unwed mothers having children out of wedlock, I can only see this increasing as well. 




    Let the government do their job and wait. I would suggest america should make more babies 😊 and yes more babies here too. 

  11. 49 minutes ago, Allovertheworld said:

    There is no luck in the Philippines, You know the rules and laws and play the game by them.  While so many people want to escape the Philippines, it is an hidden oasis for some foreigners whom travel there. 


    Unlimited entertainment in the larger cities such as Cebu and Manila areas, cheap airline travel in the country, the US dollars go so far there, it can be party party time in the Philippines for some of us

    Duterte knows the law not me lol he is a prosecutor and a lawyer. Iam only sharing updates. There are a lot of people who can send him complains maybe you can. Just saying. 


    Philippine is still lucky, we may don't have the "best" health care somehow we don't have a lot of deaths from this pandemic we don't want to break the record. 


    No offense but i know you want to travel with your wife and party, unfortunately no tourist yet. Be positive and update or make his mind change. 



  12. 1 hour ago, flicks1998 said:

    I have a question on what you would consider locals and I know this is the wrong board to probably ask as we are all here to support each other in this long visa process we find ourselves in.  For the last 10 years I have lived and worked in Manila and returned to the US in January for the first time since March of 2010.  I have an almost 8 year old son in the Philippines who I am the biological father and the legal parent as the mother passed away 6 years ago.  Luckily my fiance and some others have been able to watch him but why am I not allowed back?  Its this stupidity on why all of us decided to start the fiance visa process and leave as there is no future for my son there anyway. I have contacted the Philippine Embassy in DC and no one can even give an answer.  I get the "its just the way it is", the same reaction I would get in Manila.  I am seriously considering the drastic step and have my son dropped of at the US Embassy and left there, would I then be allowed to come get him? :) I have researched myriads of other countries who still have bans on foreigners, but everyone I have researched I could come back if I had kids there.  But not the Philippines.


    Also and this is our cultural differences considering complaining.  Americans love to complain, its part of our culture and if its done in a constructive nature, can actually help.  It CAN get things done.  However, this was the most frustrating thing for me working in Manila, is nobody would complain, everyone would just accept the situation and I constantly saw locals get walked all over because of this.  I understand its a very top down approach in the Philippines and very few people can make decisions without consulting their manager (because thats the way it is) but when people accept pure incompetence, its when frustrations set in.  The way this situation has been handled in the Philippines has been a comedy and I have very little faith that much will change this year.  In fact, most locals dont truly understand the nature of this virus. Most are still under the impression that every 20 year old exposed to it is going to die. Also, I lost the little respect I have for Duterte when he said schools will not open until a vaccine is found.  Well, there never has been a vaccine found for a coronavirus and people seem to think that early next year its possible, but thats best case scenario and very optimistic.  How are students going to learn remotely where a good portion of the country doesnt even have reliable internet?  I dont want my son in a school there, its one of the reasons why we are leaving.  


    These are all rhetorical questions and you dont need to answer them, Im just giving you a hard time but just showing you another perspective.  However, I would love to see Filipinos start to push back as a group on many of the ridiculous rules in place now.  There is no coordination.  Look at the chaos in Manila on Monday when there was practically no transportation but people had to go back to work.  My respect for the locals would increase so much if they finally did complain and push back on the myriad of rules and laws, and passes that are required to do anything there.  People just accept every situation and thats not how it should work.  I remember I had team members commuting 3 hours one way from Valenzuela, Antipolo, south of Calamba on a daily basis when the subway around Manila should have been built 10 years ago.  I have seen the blue prints, seen where are the station are to be located but nothing gets done as nobody pushes as they just accept and dont want to complain.  So what did I have? Completely exhausted employees every day with total commute times of up to 6 hours.  And yes, corruption does created other problems.


    As I said we are all in this together at this point, but the frustrations are at about peak level because as most of the world starts to open up in someway, the Philippines still has zero coordinated effort in so many different aspects, and through my experience there, it will always be chaotic which is scary as many of us may have to wait until next year or who knows when.  Maybe the godfather says no foreigners until there is a vaccine :)  


    This post is long enough. :)  At least good luck on your visa process. :) 





    I wanna make things clear im not a profesional who can answer questions like media but base of what i read and watch, soo many things have changed , new regulations, extending lockdown, new normal. I dont wanna be mean or rude to everyone here since its not my intention im just sharing of what i read and know every media and website updates. We are all hoping and excited to see our love one's and spend time with them or swimming on the beach😁. I hope everything went well to your visa process and to your family. 

  13. 34 minutes ago, flicks1998 said:

    I have a question on what you would consider locals and I know this is the wrong board to probably ask as we are all here to support each other in this long visa process we find ourselves in.  For the last 10 years I have lived and worked in Manila and returned to the US in January for the first time since March of 2010.  I have an almost 8 year old son in the Philippines who I am the biological father and the legal parent as the mother passed away 6 years ago.  Luckily my fiance and some others have been able to watch him but why am I not allowed back?  Its this stupidity on why all of us decided to start the fiance visa process and leave as there is no future for my son there anyway. I have contacted the Philippine Embassy in DC and no one can even give an answer.  I get the "its just the way it is", the same reaction I would get in Manila.  I am seriously considering the drastic step and have my son dropped of at the US Embassy and left there, would I then be allowed to come get him? :) I have researched myriads of other countries who still have bans on foreigners, but everyone I have researched I could come back if I had kids there.  But not the Philippines.


    Also and this is our cultural differences considering complaining.  Americans love to complain, its part of our culture and if its done in a constructive nature, can actually help.  It CAN get things done.  However, this was the most frustrating thing for me working in Manila, is nobody would complain, everyone would just accept the situation and I constantly saw locals get walked all over because of this.  I understand its a very top down approach in the Philippines and very few people can make decisions without consulting their manager (because thats the way it is) but when people accept pure incompetence, its when frustrations set in.  The way this situation has been handled in the Philippines has been a comedy and I have very little faith that much will change this year.  In fact, most locals dont truly understand the nature of this virus. Most are still under the impression that every 20 year old exposed to it is going to die. Also, I lost the little respect I have for Duterte when he said schools will not open until a vaccine is found.  Well, there never has been a vaccine found for a coronavirus and people seem to think that early next year its possible, but thats best case scenario and very optimistic.  How are students going to learn remotely where a good portion of the country doesnt even have reliable internet?  I dont want my son in a school there, its one of the reasons why we are leaving.  


    These are all rhetorical questions and you dont need to answer them, Im just giving you a hard time but just showing you another perspective.  However, I would love to see Filipinos start to push back as a group on many of the ridiculous rules in place now.  There is no coordination.  Look at the chaos in Manila on Monday when there was practically no transportation but people had to go back to work.  My respect for the locals would increase so much if they finally did complain and push back on the myriad of rules and laws, and passes that are required to do anything there.  People just accept every situation and thats not how it should work.  I remember I had team members commuting 3 hours one way from Valenzuela, Antipolo, south of Calamba on a daily basis when the subway around Manila should have been built 10 years ago.  I have seen the blue prints, seen where are the station are to be located but nothing gets done as nobody pushes as they just accept and dont want to complain.  So what did I have? Completely exhausted employees every day with total commute times of up to 6 hours.  And yes, corruption does created other problems.


    As I said we are all in this together at this point, but the frustrations are at about peak level because as most of the world starts to open up in someway, the Philippines still has zero coordinated effort in so many different aspects, and through my experience there, it will always be chaotic which is scary as many of us may have to wait until next year or who knows when.  Maybe the godfather says no foreigners until there is a vaccine :)  


    This post is long enough. :)  At least good luck on your visa process. :) 





    Okay. I will going to answer (try) your questions base of what i read and non stop online news. 


    As what i have read to an airline website and DFA update , a foreigner have a Philippine visa, ofw, filipino seaferriers, diplomats can enter the country. There are airlines that have flights but few states. 



    To be honest you and my fiancé have the same thoughts about this virus and the new school regulations. My fiancé has more complains almost everyday but as possible as i can make him understands, i know how you feel because almost 7mos i havnt seen my fiancé its tough and hard everyday, and i feel you. I know the govt will not going to lockdown, restrict or ban people and families to be together ofc there is a way. And im sorry to hear that you being away to your son. 


    My fiancé is also updating if there is a flight for him to travel before or after my interview. It will be okay the government and media always update. 


    The commute, the struggle is very real i swear bcos i have friends who starts working not in Manila but in Cebu (Visayas Region) i hope the govt can make up a solution for that. 


    It's alright, my fiancé has the same issue of what is going on thats why im not offended at all. We are waiting when exactly the Embassy will let us in to make an appointment for my interview and another online appointment  for my Med Exam in SLEC , slowly but surely and i hope your visa process will be okay. 





  14. 18 minutes ago, flicks1998 said:

    I have a question on what you would consider locals and I know this is the wrong board to probably ask as we are all here to support each other in this long visa process we find ourselves in.  For the last 10 years I have lived and worked in Manila and returned to the US in January for the first time since March of 2010.  I have an almost 8 year old son in the Philippines who I am the biological father and the legal parent as the mother passed away 6 years ago.  Luckily my fiance and some others have been able to watch him but why am I not allowed back?  Its this stupidity on why all of us decided to start the fiance visa process and leave as there is no future for my son there anyway. I have contacted the Philippine Embassy in DC and no one can even give an answer.  I get the "its just the way it is", the same reaction I would get in Manila.  I am seriously considering the drastic step and have my son dropped of at the US Embassy and left there, would I then be allowed to come get him? :) I have researched myriads of other countries who still have bans on foreigners, but everyone I have researched I could come back if I had kids there.  But not the Philippines.


    Also and this is our cultural differences considering complaining.  Americans love to complain, its part of our culture and if its done in a constructive nature, can actually help.  It CAN get things done.  However, this was the most frustrating thing for me working in Manila, is nobody would complain, everyone would just accept the situation and I constantly saw locals get walked all over because of this.  I understand its a very top down approach in the Philippines and very few people can make decisions without consulting their manager (because thats the way it is) but when people accept pure incompetence, its when frustrations set in.  The way this situation has been handled in the Philippines has been a comedy and I have very little faith that much will change this year.  In fact, most locals dont truly understand the nature of this virus. Most are still under the impression that every 20 year old exposed to it is going to die. Also, I lost the little respect I have for Duterte when he said schools will not open until a vaccine is found.  Well, there never has been a vaccine found for a coronavirus and people seem to think that early next year its possible, but thats best case scenario and very optimistic.  How are students going to learn remotely where a good portion of the country doesnt even have reliable internet?  I dont want my son in a school there, its one of the reasons why we are leaving.  


    These are all rhetorical questions and you dont need to answer them, Im just giving you a hard time but just showing you another perspective.  However, I would love to see Filipinos start to push back as a group on many of the ridiculous rules in place now.  There is no coordination.  Look at the chaos in Manila on Monday when there was practically no transportation but people had to go back to work.  My respect for the locals would increase so much if they finally did complain and push back on the myriad of rules and laws, and passes that are required to do anything there.  People just accept every situation and thats not how it should work.  I remember I had team members commuting 3 hours one way from Valenzuela, Antipolo, south of Calamba on a daily basis when the subway around Manila should have been built 10 years ago.  I have seen the blue prints, seen where are the station are to be located but nothing gets done as nobody pushes as they just accept and dont want to complain.  So what did I have? Completely exhausted employees every day with total commute times of up to 6 hours.  And yes, corruption does created other problems.


    As I said we are all in this together at this point, but the frustrations are at about peak level because as most of the world starts to open up in someway, the Philippines still has zero coordinated effort in so many different aspects, and through my experience there, it will always be chaotic which is scary as many of us may have to wait until next year or who knows when.  Maybe the godfather says no foreigners until there is a vaccine :)  


    This post is long enough. :)  At least good luck on your visa process. :) 





    Give me a moment to answer and will try to answer you question while im.making my coffee. brb. My english is not the best but i guess i have few answers for your questions and if i have wrong info or unconfirmed then i will apologize. 

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