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Posts posted by SarahX20

  1. 7 hours ago, KlametJourney said:

    I have heard many stories where GENIUS attempts to trick spouses or defraud the system in getting to the US  but never anything like this. I though these type of stories can only be heard from Africa but I guess I was wrong and This is definitely in the top 10 of my all time stories.


    So sad to see this lovely woman going through this ordeal but at the same time happy to see she has a strong friend that are helping her along.


    Thank you @SJordanS, I wish anyone in similar situation would get a friend like you!



     That is so sweet of you to say. Sarah  is a friend worthy of helping believe me when I tell you that. It’s recovery time for her and as I said, better to know now than later.  

    7 hours ago, cdneh said:

    And live well. It's the best revenge.

    Amen!!  That’s what I said. Best revenge is moving on, having fun and most of all being happy 

  2. Just now, SarahX20 said:

    I see it now 😄 

    so Ill re-write it here, to answer the poster GOING THROUGH comment, I have evidence that myself and the other woman were sent the same romantic posts and during the duration of our relationship. He claimed her sent it to her years ago and she posted it recently but I cant take his word for it. I have chat messages bween me and two sources. Not much else? I sent a statement I hope his visa doesnt get issued. 

  3. On 4/12/2019 at 9:59 AM, Going through said:

    They can always apply for a visa again at any time---getting approved for one is another matter, of course.  And presumably would face more scrutiny if a previous finding of fraud/misrepresentation was actually placed in their file.


    Something placed in his file would depend on the type of concrete evidence (if any) presented by her.  If it's only written statement of assumption/accusation, won't go far.



     I hope this is not the case. I’m working on all of the evidence. 

  4. On 4/12/2019 at 7:15 PM, Cathi said:

    I wish the same for you! ❤️


    I don't think it's necessarily an "Arab" man problem, I think it's a societal problem, male and female. No matter where you go or the culture and no matter the gender, race or religion, you will find people who cheat. It isn't any more prevalent in the Middle East than it is here, in Europe or anywhere else. It just is.


    Sarah is a lucky woman to have a friend like you. I'm glad you've been there to support her through this.

    Thank you. 

  5. On 4/10/2019 at 2:47 PM, Ben&Zian said:

    Hopefully they will put a note in the system about him so for any future visa they will see the reason for this cancellation and hopefully will restrict him in the future, because he will do it again clearly.

    Yes he will. Thank you. 

    On 4/12/2019 at 4:24 PM, Sarah&Facundo said:

    Even if he doesn't receive a ban, at least Sarah will not end up used in a loveless marriage. That is the main point here. I admire her strength at this difficult time. Sending hugs!!!!!

    Thank God and Thank you. 

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