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  1. Sad
    Jo&Ro got a reaction from LC2010 in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    I've never been so sick of dealing with anything in my whole life as I am dealing with this process. We are 16 months and 1 day in and no chance of her being here by Thanksgiving and very little chance of having her here by Christmas. I've already run the gamut of emotions and just at numb feeling now... I've been pissed beyond words, I've been sad, I've been pissed, I've felt helpless, I've been pissed. Now I don't really even know what to say at this point. I'm just so ready for it to be over. I haven't taken a day off work since June of 2018 because I've been saving them for her arrival. Now I have to burn it all the end of the year for nothing and then likely burn at least half of next years vacation Jan of 2020 when she does finally get to come here.
    NVC seriously denied my documents 1st time the 1st time because my Affidavit of Support was a old version because they took so long to approve it they had a new version with an extra page. They denied it because I didn't randomly know this and put a BLANK sheet of paper at the end, nor did they give a specific reason why they denied it. I double checked and resent it because I tried calling for 9 days 38-45 times a day with no luck and got impatient. Got through a few days later and found out why it was denied but I can't fix it until they deny it again. They told me they would deny it. My congressman called and they also told him they would deny it so I could fix it. 3 weeks today after telling us both that they would and STILL not denied! Has me pissed all over again... My wife is taking it even worse than me. It really is taking years off our lives! 
    This post serves no purpose other than for me to vent...haha 
    Well, for a little purpose in this post...haha  What do you all do to deal with the stress of this #######? 
  2. Sad
    Jo&Ro got a reaction from Hilde in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    I've never been so sick of dealing with anything in my whole life as I am dealing with this process. We are 16 months and 1 day in and no chance of her being here by Thanksgiving and very little chance of having her here by Christmas. I've already run the gamut of emotions and just at numb feeling now... I've been pissed beyond words, I've been sad, I've been pissed, I've felt helpless, I've been pissed. Now I don't really even know what to say at this point. I'm just so ready for it to be over. I haven't taken a day off work since June of 2018 because I've been saving them for her arrival. Now I have to burn it all the end of the year for nothing and then likely burn at least half of next years vacation Jan of 2020 when she does finally get to come here.
    NVC seriously denied my documents 1st time the 1st time because my Affidavit of Support was a old version because they took so long to approve it they had a new version with an extra page. They denied it because I didn't randomly know this and put a BLANK sheet of paper at the end, nor did they give a specific reason why they denied it. I double checked and resent it because I tried calling for 9 days 38-45 times a day with no luck and got impatient. Got through a few days later and found out why it was denied but I can't fix it until they deny it again. They told me they would deny it. My congressman called and they also told him they would deny it so I could fix it. 3 weeks today after telling us both that they would and STILL not denied! Has me pissed all over again... My wife is taking it even worse than me. It really is taking years off our lives! 
    This post serves no purpose other than for me to vent...haha 
    Well, for a little purpose in this post...haha  What do you all do to deal with the stress of this #######? 
  3. Sad
    Jo&Ro got a reaction from DesmondF. in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    I've never been so sick of dealing with anything in my whole life as I am dealing with this process. We are 16 months and 1 day in and no chance of her being here by Thanksgiving and very little chance of having her here by Christmas. I've already run the gamut of emotions and just at numb feeling now... I've been pissed beyond words, I've been sad, I've been pissed, I've felt helpless, I've been pissed. Now I don't really even know what to say at this point. I'm just so ready for it to be over. I haven't taken a day off work since June of 2018 because I've been saving them for her arrival. Now I have to burn it all the end of the year for nothing and then likely burn at least half of next years vacation Jan of 2020 when she does finally get to come here.
    NVC seriously denied my documents 1st time the 1st time because my Affidavit of Support was a old version because they took so long to approve it they had a new version with an extra page. They denied it because I didn't randomly know this and put a BLANK sheet of paper at the end, nor did they give a specific reason why they denied it. I double checked and resent it because I tried calling for 9 days 38-45 times a day with no luck and got impatient. Got through a few days later and found out why it was denied but I can't fix it until they deny it again. They told me they would deny it. My congressman called and they also told him they would deny it so I could fix it. 3 weeks today after telling us both that they would and STILL not denied! Has me pissed all over again... My wife is taking it even worse than me. It really is taking years off our lives! 
    This post serves no purpose other than for me to vent...haha 
    Well, for a little purpose in this post...haha  What do you all do to deal with the stress of this #######? 
  4. Sad
    Jo&Ro got a reaction from snowdog in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    I've never been so sick of dealing with anything in my whole life as I am dealing with this process. We are 16 months and 1 day in and no chance of her being here by Thanksgiving and very little chance of having her here by Christmas. I've already run the gamut of emotions and just at numb feeling now... I've been pissed beyond words, I've been sad, I've been pissed, I've felt helpless, I've been pissed. Now I don't really even know what to say at this point. I'm just so ready for it to be over. I haven't taken a day off work since June of 2018 because I've been saving them for her arrival. Now I have to burn it all the end of the year for nothing and then likely burn at least half of next years vacation Jan of 2020 when she does finally get to come here.
    NVC seriously denied my documents 1st time the 1st time because my Affidavit of Support was a old version because they took so long to approve it they had a new version with an extra page. They denied it because I didn't randomly know this and put a BLANK sheet of paper at the end, nor did they give a specific reason why they denied it. I double checked and resent it because I tried calling for 9 days 38-45 times a day with no luck and got impatient. Got through a few days later and found out why it was denied but I can't fix it until they deny it again. They told me they would deny it. My congressman called and they also told him they would deny it so I could fix it. 3 weeks today after telling us both that they would and STILL not denied! Has me pissed all over again... My wife is taking it even worse than me. It really is taking years off our lives! 
    This post serves no purpose other than for me to vent...haha 
    Well, for a little purpose in this post...haha  What do you all do to deal with the stress of this #######? 
  5. Like
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    In the end this is all that matters. 
    Looking into the eyes of your spouse and knowing you did everything humanely possible to be together. 
    Those that want to wait are content with waiting and knowing they ignored a method to be with their loved one sooner. They can live with themselves that's cool too. 
    Time can be spent, or wasted but once it's used it's gone forever. Time can't be gained or traded. And you never know how much time you got. 
    Unless you're holding out on society and found a way to create more time in life. 
    I definitely not going to waste time waiting for inefficient govt agencies. That's why I made all the noise to get my petition pushed forward. Calling out Nebraska SC mismanagement. I sure wasn't going to sit on my hands. When the k-3 things started I went on a two month trip and I was going to file it as soon as I got back but no need on my case. I probably annoyed the right folks with all those USCIS and dhs employee emails I sent. 
    So in reality I skipped the line by being an annoying a hole
    Spend your time wisely and take advantage of any avenue to not waste time. Unless you found a way to create it and are cool with looking into your spouse eyes and letting them know you did your best. 
    Govt works for the citizen. Being obedient was not an option. I made sure in my case I didn't wait unnecessarily. 
  6. Like
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    If you want to read more about IOE numbers. Please go here. https://www.visajourney.com/timeline/  Once you fill it out. The answer will be revealed. 
  7. Like
    Jo&Ro reacted to Andy & Val in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    God never forgets anyone.
    He knows what you're going through.
    He sees your heart.
    He listens to your prayers.
    If He can do it for us, He's going to do it for you as well.
  8. Like
    Jo&Ro reacted to Saci Singh in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    Thank you friend.  I know God will make a way... I know I'm facing a little hard time now.  But I'm positive.  
  9. Thanks
    Jo&Ro reacted to LilyJ in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    I don’t see how timelines are useless just because of K3s. If you see an early approval, check their timeline notes to see how, since many I’ve seen usually explain it if they used I129f or expedited, or if they don’t have it in the notes, you can always just message and ask. Not a big issue, really. Honestly it’s especially useful because you can see how they got it to be faster. Plus like JMPM already said, timelines are still useful for NVC and embassy. If you don’t like the timelines on here because of K3 filers you can always just check USCIS’ timelines instead 🤷‍♀️
  10. Like
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
  11. Haha
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    Careful there's an anti timeline cult out there. It's not about automated stats the website spits out. It's the progress made by nvc and embassy that are as important but they are mad about the k3 filers or mad that it didn't work for them who knows.  Patterns like the k-3 process wouldn't have been noticed without the timeline. 
  12. Sad
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    So my Rep finally responds a letter in a form of political propaganda. I don't know how dense these individuals are. It's great that they too came here for a better life, but being disconnected with the question of "Why is Nebraska USCIS getting further delayed?" and not providing a focused answer. And lumping statistics with LPRs yes LPRs are waiting much longer, but that's the law, a visa has to be waiting for them. 

    If she really wanted some change she would file a bill and get supporters to reform immigration law, but neither side wants change the laws. Inquiries will fix nothing.  Sorry a bit of a rant (I am still on the fight for better processes even though I am already past the USCIS phase)  
  13. Like
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    We've been trying to get that person to create a timeline since Feb. lol They don't want to contribute or do their own research they just ask questions. 
  14. Thanks
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    The answer will be revealed when a timeline is created.
  15. Like
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    VJ being a small  community doesn't include those lawyers, or individuals out there that are filing anyways offsite so what are we adding to what is out there might just be just a drop in the bucket so basically nothing.  There was a noticeable uptick on the 129F denials last quarter in nebraska. Assuming all 129F forms are grouped as the same thing for statistics no matter what the visa type K1 vs K3. Let's see next quarter how those numbers are. Or maybe they don't count K3 denials to the I-129F petition statistics maybe it's ignored since the I-130 was approved. 

    Either way Nebraska is still horrible approving 50% of what they intake. While Potomac and Texas are at par or exceeding the number of intakes. 
  16. Sad
    Jo&Ro got a reaction from DesmondF. in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    We are July 10th 2018 Nebraska filers. No RFE's (so far...) and Embassy in Singapore, which is a very fast Embassy. Nebraska times are getting longer and longer times. It's absolutely ridiculous! Projected time when we started this was 5-7 months... Contact your local political figures and blast USCIS Nebraska office every chance you get...
  17. Sad
    Jo&Ro got a reaction from Hilde in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    We are July 10th 2018 Nebraska filers. No RFE's (so far...) and Embassy in Singapore, which is a very fast Embassy. Nebraska times are getting longer and longer times. It's absolutely ridiculous! Projected time when we started this was 5-7 months... Contact your local political figures and blast USCIS Nebraska office every chance you get...
  18. Thanks
    Jo&Ro reacted to Niia in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    Thank you for sharing that, will probably start on the I-129 soon... good luck to you, hopefully not too much longer till you can be together! 
  19. Like
    Jo&Ro got a reaction from Sea Leslie in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    Without the I-129, I'm betting a MINIMUM of 15-18 months before you're cleared to enter the U.S.  My wife and I are at 14.5 months and at least a month out still. And she is at a really fast Embassy in Singapore. NOA1 date of July 10th '18.  I'd highly recommend you file for the I-129 or raise hell with USCIS literally EVERY DAY... Best of luck to you and your spouse! 
  20. Like
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    I gotta say ACH payments are the worse. The state dept needs to wake up in the future and accept credit card payments. (I love earning points could have potentially been 1200ish points for travel) 
  21. Sad
    Jo&Ro reacted to literallyrachel in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    Day 389 here....still nothing and didn't file K3 because when I first heard about it in July I thought it was too late to file, thinking we'd hear soon enough without it. I am so mad at myself for not filing but oh well, I shouldn't have to file something for them to approve the i-130...it's their bad system. 
    I did submit an inquest with my Representative in July and I spoke with the case worker today. She told me that my petition is with an officer and that if we don't hear anything in three days that she will call back but that's also what she told me two weeks ago. This process feels endless..when we applied over a year ago the estimated processing time was 5-7 months...now it has doubled. It's truly unfair. 
  22. Like
    Jo&Ro got a reaction from snowdog in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    We haven't been very active on here for a couple months, but I see LOTS of new names. My wife and I just needed to step away a little and get our spirits back up. As you probably know, this process sucks the life out of you. I'd like to wish you all good luck and VERY VERY VERY much encourage you all to contact your political representatives (you'll likely get nowhere, but even 1 good contact is awesome!) over and over over! Be polite but firm and direct with as many facts as possible. Also reach out to both parties, you may be surprised by both of them, good and bad surprised... Get out of your comfort zone and don't be afraid to question your own parties lack of help. Push them just like your oposing political party. These clowns are supposed to be working for us... You'll probably be surprised how little EITHER of them care about us that are trying to do the right and legal things in this process. You'll likely be surprised how little facts they know, if they know anything at all. Assuming you find 1 or 2 that will actually entertain you and not just spout off their normal bla bla bla,,,Vote for me cr&p... I've contacted 20+ and have only had one that would even remotely entertain me and he just happened to be my local congressman so I got SUUUUUPER!!!! lucky. I'd highly recommend talking with his office. Even if you don't agree with ANYTHING else he believes politally, he has a good idea of the reality we are dealing with going through this process. He definitely sympathizes with us and seems to be making an effort, but letting his office know your story couldnt hurt. He is congressman Thomas Massie. I also recommend the same with NSC and raise as much he!! as you can there... Even after this nonsense is over, I'm going to continue to a pain in as many a$$es as possible and hopefully the people following us won't continue getting screwed like we are... Good luck to all and don't be afraid to ruffle some feathers! 👍👍🍻🍻
  23. Like
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    Awesome you got time though. Yes Taiwan was great. I do want to see the South Western side of it. Taking the high speed train over.  I just stayed in the capital and visited some of the areas north of it. 
    It wasn't that expensive but I figured my credit card would work in a lot of places but nope it was hit and miss. So I had to use my atm card three times to take cash out. And the fees weren't that bad but my Chase Sapphire doesn't have any foreign transaction fees. So I got bummed about that and the missed points. 
  24. Like
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    We have all the documents that we can think of. I went with her to NBI last Friday. She has to come back on Sept 11. She had a HIT. It's lame despite us following directions in putting the previous NBI certificate she had to prevent the HIT. 
    She has all the original certificates already from me. Copies of my passport bio/stamps. She has all the other PH documents already. I did also leave her with copies of my W-2 and tax transcripts. So anything else that she may need will have to wait till she finishes nvc process and pretty sure they'll let us know what to bring. 
    We are waiting for a case number. Doubt she would need anything else I covered most of the bases and photos she's going to hand pick 25-30 and make a small book. 
  25. Like
    Jo&Ro reacted to JMPM in All Nebraska I-130 Filers -- Part 5   
    Seems like they did a big batch with yours. My friend who works with me. Just messaged me this morning that his also got approved and the k3 was denied. He applied in August tho. 
    I'm glad it's still working but still upset that Nebraska is still lame 
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