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Nature Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Nature Boy 2.0

  1. No doubt . As I sit here this morning. I usually ear bran flakes and blueberries for supper. It really keeps you regular.
  2. Great job. Not nearly as funny as Charles x y joke, but still humorous. Shame I have no upvotes
  3. I thought Tbone had posted this, I was laughing so hard then I rechecked as I did not think he could have come up with such clever humor. I was right. Good one Mr. Ban Hammer
  4. I don't really follow the news much anymore, makes me a lot happier. However I have to ask, what do the Germans have to do with this ?
  5. Its hard to shoot with no bullets. There is a conspiracy afoot. I don't really understand why yall limit my ability to show apperception for my loyal followers . I think the FBI or DOJ is involved
  6. There is a hilarious joke about a moped and overweight chick's, I just can't seem to recall what it is.
  7. Odd thing. In my old age I have started buying store brands. Using anything other than Heinz ketchup use to be blasphemy. Now I use the Kroger brand and it's way cheaper than heinz. Also the wife gets 20% discount on kroger brands. Now still got to have my diet coke. No generic soda for me.. no sir
  8. Odd thing. In the car business when a manager if feeding deals to a salesman its called cheese. Very well known tern. Usually it is some undeserving low life that would not sell anything If left to thier own. Also called the house mouse.
  9. Actually it's a real pain in the butt. Of course I was goofing but it can be a pain in the butt.
  10. I read somewhere that Biden asked a secret service agent what town they were in while at the white house. Can't seem to find it.
  11. How could I be out of upvotes this early. I demand an investigation. Who is running this place the DOJ
  12. It used too. Unfortunately now with all the equality and nanny state appeasement policies, the stupid are allowed to breed and operate with impunity
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