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Mer and Matt

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Posts posted by Mer and Matt

  1. 1 minute ago, Greenbaum said:

    You don't need to be calling as they will send a notice when approved. The notice goes to the petitioner so I hope he has a place to receive mail in the U.S. How's that going to work for you? You'll need to complete the DS-160 and use the NVC case number to complete. Once you have the DS-160 complete then you will print off the confirmation page and use that number to follow your case after NVC on ceac.state.gove.

    Got it! Thank you so much. He’s not home for a long time but the nvc gave me everything just now. Got my medical scheduled too. I’ll send you the email today. 

  2. On 3/9/2019 at 9:31 PM, Greenbaum said:

    Yes the may send you if you register for email and by mail typically to the petitioner. Details on first page first post.

    I already send an inquiry, 2 emails and calling every day with no luck. Fiancé is deployed now so calling is kinda a pain in the but from Holland. Do I need the case number for the ds-160 and when do you need to pay the fee for the ds-160? 

  3. @Greenbaum do you know if there is another way to get your nvc case number? We tried calling them the whole time but it’s too busy and they keep asking us to call back later. My fiancé is “out” to sea in a while so it’s going to be hard this way. Weird thing is: got my package already (which I will send you) but is the nvc going to send me something with my case number!? 


  4. 25 minutes ago, Robin Redemsky said:

    Hi everyone, I could use some advice. I went to drop off paperwork for my RFE today to my attorneys office. I told the paralegal about my fiancé visiting from March 30-April 6. She told me they may not let him in through customs when they see we’ve applied for the K1 visa. So I started sobbing in my car because we want to visit each other. I left a voicemail for the customs office he would go through asking about him visiting on the K1 visa so waiting for them to call back. What are the chances he’d be turned away? We’re doing this legally but it would break my heart knowing he’d be half a mile from me and then turned away. 

    I am with my fiancé right now in the states since feb 16 and I even took 3 suitcases full of stuff that I have to move (didn’t even  have clothes in my suitcases). They do have a new form I got for the first time. you have to fill out in the plane where they ask about any immigrant or non immigrant visas you applied for, when you did this and if it got denied or approved so I have no idea if they have new rules about crossing the border while waiting for a visa like this. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, DanielPlainview said:

    Right, and we also sent some evidence as well.........pics, airline itineraries of trips we took together, some financial stuff......but we did it only because we saw others doing it not because it was required.   Well, it must have been fine as we got the NOA2.   

    I'm surprised you got by without the intent letters though, as that is spelled out in the instruction.   Maybe they were happy with rings as preponderance of evidence.  



    I think so, that’s why we send it and they can see everything on our fb cause we opened a lot of stuff for them so they can see everything from the last 5 years. We had an appointment at the uscis to give them the letters but at the appointment they didn’t wanna take it cause everything was fine for us 

  6. 1 hour ago, DanielPlainview said:


    OK, here's a question on the bona fide relationship.   Technically, the i-129f application does not require relationship evidence, outside of letters of intent and trips to see each other in the past two years.  (obviously, people include other evidence such as pictures, and we did also, but it's really not required)  Packet 3 does not require relationship evidence either.   In Thailand, we're instructed to bring the relationship evidence with us, and I've never heard of anyone having their evidence reviewed.   Seems the interview consists of a few simple questions, then out the door.     

    So my question, what are they really basing the bona fide relationship on prior to the interview?   Or how are they determining that at the interview if they don't even review the prepared evidence?     Is all this prepared evidence for the event that somehow your letters of intent, or your airline tickets are not in order and further questions develop?    Seems strange. 

    We thought exactly the same thing! It doesn’t say you have to send all that stuff besides things that you think would help to poof that you’ve met and that you wanna get married ( that’s why we send pictures of the wedding rings and engagement ring) I think it’s different for every application. We only send 3 pictures together (with and without my son) and 2 of the engagement and wedding rings with no explanation on the back, no letter about how we’ve met and no intent to marry letters. Only Plane tickets and visa information of 2 trips and never got a RFE 

  7. 1 minute ago, sarahw907 said:

    That is even better!!!! Im waiting in the RFE letter to find out what they need. I sent sooooo much information. I called and while the lady claims she doesn't have access to the information of what they are asking for she said don't panic it's usually something silly ....I'm hoping that was her giving me a hint😂

    Hahaha I can imagine. Most RFE’s aren’t really hard to fix. Hopefully it doesn’t take too much time but keep in mind.....the longest wait is over! 

  8. 18 minutes ago, Greenbaum said:

    I have known some who have used the military expedite process and have been in contact with the military helpline at USCIS. I'd recommend that you do a little research on the topic and see what you come up with. You may find you can cut your time waiting in half. I've included some links below to start researching. I have not used those websites nor am I knowledgeable to be able to help you. If you could keep me posted on your progress it would help to learn and maybe the next military family that applies I can share this topic with them.



    From and old Salty, thank your husband for me for is service.


    Definitely will Greenbaum! Thank you!


    We tried to expedite our case with multiple good arguments but still the answer was no. Letter from the captain didn’t work either. It’s ok we have to take it as it is. We decided to wait until June to move, even when we have our k1 already. I can’t transfer with him anymore. With the government shutdown we are more busy trying to make sure families around us have food and money right now. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Brylie said:

    Remember how it feels to be with your someone... remember their smell and the happiness you share. There is no one else in the world I’d rather be with, it makes this worth every hour and every minute of missing him. Find as many ways to connect as you can. And no matter what,  don’t forget the happiness you’ll have at the end of all of this.

    Thank you! Totally right. For my son it’s really hard. He’s only 6 and wants to see his dad 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Nafisa Zaripova said:



    Can't even dream about that..it's very expensive for me to fly somewhere, and I need visa for most of the countries) our passport is very weak) and my fiancé can't come to my country because of his job restrictions..

    My fiancé can’t come over either and it’s very expensive but I’m not moving before June cause he’s transferring to Florida after that (military) so this is a break in the waiting time. We’ve been doing this for years now so I’m kinda used to it ( he's at sea often) I really hope everyone gets approved fast! 

  11. 1 minute ago, Nafisa Zaripova said:

    Guys, how do you all deal with distance?😭 I've seen my fiance 8 months ago😭 and sometimes we can't even hangout, because some calling apps and Facebook got blocked in my country and sometimes even VPN apps don't help😭 plus this time difference..and now the RFE makes the waiting time longer..

    We can call each other every day.

    I'm an August 16 filer and still nothing so I booked two tickets (for me and my son) to see him in 3 weeks. Haven’t seen him for 6 months and my son is so sad.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Greenbaum said:

    1. KKK - Ku Klux Klan: Is an organization in the United States formed in 1865 that encourages white supremacy and anti-Semitism as well as resistance to gay rights.



    I know what it means. That’s why I’m asking. Can’t be rude and say he dude why are you saying kukluxklan? I knew he didn’t mean that. 

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