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Posts posted by SAD2017

  1. 41 minutes ago, NICK & PAULA said:

    OOOOHHHHHH MYYYYYY GOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!! OH MY, I AM CRYING! CONGRATULATIONS, DOC! You and your S.O can breath in relief now. I am so happy for you, DOC!:wub::jest:

    Thank you so much. I am so happy. I didn't get it at first. Like my brain refused to understand it. I still can't believe it. 

    Let's cross fingers that cases will move forward towards your approval. Because obviously they started to speeeed  up. 


    7 hours ago, Michelle M said:

    I got a rfe notice, my heart is beating out my chest.....NOA1 8/7/17.

    Hello. Just wanted to say that everything will be fine. Hope it's something minor. And you will get your NOA2 soon😊 wish you a huge amount of luck. 

    6 hours ago, shalyn said:

    On my uscis tracker app, i got a notification saying something about my result changing.. I had thought I had gotten news about the case.. but I have no idea what this means. Why they gotta play me like this 😭💔


    Well can't tell I got a heart attack but guess I felt an extrasystole. Should I buy cardiac pacemaker already? Just in case this will happen again. 

    5 hours ago, CaptainAmerica said:

    I also received a weird email update from USCIS... I didn't know what it meant, as it all says is "there was a post decision activity" on our case. My heart started pounding, worrying what I thought it would mean. Then I saw this!!!! 




    Wow. I'm still in disbelief it's happened. Six months and two days to approval. I'm so happy to be finally past this stage. I'm also tempering my excitement as there still a number of hurdles to jump until I'm finally through this process. But for now, I can revel in a little bit of happiness. 


    Naturally, I really feel for anyone else still left waiting during this absurd process. I wish everyone else their own swift approvals! 


    Hello Captain😊 Congratulations on your approval. I am very happy to see such good news. Hope everything will be smooth at NVC and interview for you😊

  3. 2 hours ago, Naes said:

    Vj goes by an estimate without the outliers and get I believe right now a 196 days to noa2 so yes they dod get it 1 week before.


    However, Not all august 1 filers will get it at the same time.


    also, july started on day 192 for a July 3rd (first date of July) filer, and August started on 189 for an August 1 filer. So yes for now their starting date sped up. We don't know how the averages will go.

    Thank you very much 😘

  4. 5 hours ago, Naes said:


    Happy Monday Augustines!!!

    It's right after Super bowl Monday and my biggest news is not even who won!
    You won!
    either USCIS employees were really hangover from yesterday, or well It was 188 days for August 1 and it is just regular flow.
    But we have August approvals!
    It 6:30 am here, and I don't know what woke me up and scan.. 
    I will later when I'm at my other work will post instructions and some helping quotes from other months. 
    And here are our first Approval bulk!
    2/5  Mid-day Scan  Total:11
    08/01/17 02/05/18 Your Current Status: Case Was Approved
    08/01/17 02/05/18 Your Current Status: Case Was Approved
    08/01/17 02/05/18 Your Current Status: Case Was Approved
    08/01/17 02/05/18 Your Current Status: Case Was Approved
    08/01/17 02/05/18 Your Current Status: Case Was Approved
    08/01/17 02/05/18 Your Current Status: Case Was Approved
    08/01/17 02/05/18 Your Current Status: Case Was Approved
    08/01/17 02/05/18 Your Current Status: Case Was Approved
    08/01/17 02/05/18 Your Current Status: Case Was Approved
    08/01/17 02/05/18 Your Current Status: Case Was Approved
    08/03/17 02/05/18 Your Current Status: Withdrawal Acknowledgement Notice Was Sent
    Due to TOS and privacy of those who are not in vj, we are not posting WAC numbers anymore. However these are the receive date/movement date/current status.
    And these are the colors of August! We will make this whole thing Greeenn!!!!
    Other than these approvals above are all expedited cases that were approved before please do not consider them when calculating how far they went.
    Good Luck to All of You!!

    Hello @Naes thank you very much for what you are doing for every month that you are working on or will be. You literally made my day. 😊 Although I understand it's not our time yet until they are done with July. And I wish they would go in a monthly order just not to cause these things in our community. 

    Dear @NICK & PAULA I wish you luck and I wish I could hug you to support😉 

    And I wish luck to all July and August filers for their big day to come. 🤗

  5. 1 hour ago, NICK & PAULA said:

    Wow! Congratulations for passing your exam. Proud of you, doc!  Hahaha! And about losing weight, I did lose after my Nick went back home but I think I'm gaining them back again. Geez! My hormone levels went crazy. I hope I'll still fit in my wedding dress. Lol :D

    Thank you so much😁😊 I think after we get NOA2 we just go to gym and have our 6 pack or whatever pack we anatomically have🤣

  6. 1 hour ago, Naes said:

    Counting...130 days since noa2 89 days left to quit job. 😁


    Sooo I still have at least 60 days with nothing to do... that's why I ended up looking at AOS (I  admit it turned my head, I don't want to do any more formsssss 😭


    How are you?


    (Snow calmed down here today so everywhere is slippery and I already fell twice😭😭😭😭

    Please be careful.🤗

    For me it's day 169. Thought this process would take less but we are where we are. Passed my exam today kinda happy. Had to go to another city to pass it because the city where I practice is 6 hours away by bus. This week is about to be so cold like -35 or so. Hope those -40 never repeat 🤣😂 Thanks to this community I'm still not a psychiatric patient😊 And yeah I wish I lose weight instead of gaining 😂 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Naes said:

    Uscis is not affected but visas related to labor is, because they need their approval from department of labor ;)



    and my tears goes out to you for -40!


    the worst I ever had was -25! And there was no food home. I seriously debated on going hungry or going out to buy something and freeze myself (food won btw)

    😂 hahaha that's very difficult choice really. Especially if someone smart stays without glucose for brain. 

    What I'm thinking is maby there is some person here who can just hack system? I mean statistics is very useful tool but legal if you understand what I'm saying😂

  8. 1 hour ago, Naes said:

    Hey guys


    I just wanted to send my best wishes as for me it is already a Monday, and it is a Monday here in japan without uscis.. so I like Tuesdays better in my case 🤣


    It is snowing here so it is also a crazy day!


    just wanted to add that yes july started later than even June but (we don't have enough data prove yet) but it also looks like it started stronger than June's first 2 weeks! June didn't see barely reach 100s in the first two weeks!


    lets still keep it realistic but hopes up! Mouths also upwards: this is how it goes :) 


    good luck in a full week (and well I don't want to be this evil but department of labor is kind of closed because of shutdown so let's hope uscis will be coming our way to fiancé and spouse visas!) 

    Hello,Naes.  It's Monday for me too. And it's -40 by Celsius 😊 so I guess we are winter ppl. Going by bus to another city about like 6 hours. Hope it won't stop somewhere🤣 Please tell me how USCIS and department of labor are actually connected? I mean what this shutdown has to do with USCIS? Thought USCIS is not affected by this shutdown. 

  9. 46 minutes ago, NICK & PAULA said:

    I'm all smiles here at my work (humming a song even) Geez! I just can't believe waiting for noa2 took a toll on me these past few months. Been depressed, angry, frustrated, no appetite, been crying a lot - but as my everdearest Nick always tells me "Be happy because we're almost there". He is the positive one between us. Lol! And of course, thanks a lot to VJ family for keeping me sane. I really hope that USCIS will start to kick up and will do send approvals quickly to everyone who are waiting at this point. Good luck to all of us! :wub:

    Guess all that we have is right now)) and right now is not that bad😁I would even say it's pretty nice. 

  10. 49 minutes ago, NICK & PAULA said:

    Hey guys! There are 2 July cases approved already! Not expedited. :jest: I'm just so happy that they somehow slowly starting July this week. I really hope they'll finish May and June quickly. I feel so sad for those people who were skipped and them not updating their website and apps online is frustrating, ridiculous and mean! They (USCIS) shouldn't torture people like that. I hope that they'll start to put things in order for everybody who are still waiting.  

    :DOMG thank you so much for such a good news. Like even Siberian winter is not that cold anymore. 

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