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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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  1. Syrians are able to interview at either the Beirut or Amman embassy, since there is no consulate available in Syria. As far as I know, those are the only options!
  2. I am petitioning the I-130 for my mom -a Syrian citizen- to immigrate to the US as a US citizen myself and I am at the process of choosing the embassy. I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience and whether their choice affected the wait times for the visa. Does anyone have any clue if choosing one over the other would make a difference. She will be getting the IR5 visa. Thanks for your help!
  3. I would recommend checking again. Same thing happened to us this morning, but it took a couple of hours before anything appeared, and even longer for the actual notice to appear in the documents section. Check now to see if you've gotten anything new. We just received notification of biometrics being scheduled for April 7 🎉
  4. Thanks for starting this thread! I looked for it yesterday early morning and couldn't find it. Was just thinking I'd start it myself! My husband filed today 3/15. Fingers crossed for a speedy process 🤞
  5. The interview was definitely easy. We were just asked for a general timeline of our relationship. I lived with my husband in Turkey for nearly two years, and the officer was definitely interested in that. She was asking a lot of geographic questions, but in a way that I wasn't sure if it was because were were telling her which places to visit when she goes, or because she wanted to make sure we both knew which cities we were recommending. My memory wasn't so great in this part. She asked how far away we lived from Ankara, the capital of Turkey and I would say, "Two hours by bus?" but my husband would answer, "No. Six hours by bus." I think it definitely helped that we gave our cats flea baths the day before and when we told the officer, we both showed her the cat scratches on our arms at exactly the same time. Pretty hard to fake that! Probably the hardest was when she asked about our future plans. Do you want any children? Are you going to travel together? What are you going to be doing in the next few years? My husband and I shrugged, and said we were going to Washington for Thanksgiving. She was really sweet. She would go into tangents about her own husband and life, and then say, "So that's me! But... we're here to talk about you, huh?" She was the same officer that interviewed the prior couple that ended up having a stokes interview, however, so maybe it's case by case dependent. Good luck with your process! I hope you get an interview date soon. Yes, we'll be filing the N400 as soon as we can so maybe I'll see you in that thread next year, too!
  6. We got approved! Long story short-- Shortly after we got the notice for interview on August 30, we got a second notice for August 25. My partner called USCIS and they told him to appear August 25, so we did. The appointment was set for 6:45 AM. A couple with their lawyer was ahead of us, and I think they did a stokes interview. They called the husband and wife in separately. At 8:40AM, they were still not done interviewing and the interviewer asked us the time of our interview. It turns out the August 30th date was correct, but they were able to accommodate us to interview today since it was USCIS that told us to come in on August 25th. We were finally seen at around 9:40AM, and our interview finished at 10:50ish. The officer said she would approve our application pending some background checks, and then we were on our way! If we don't receive my partner's new green card in 180 days, we're supposed to call in. Yay!
  7. National Benefits Center, field office is Los Angeles. We didn't do anything to expedite and were definitely thinking we'd hear back some time next year. The letter came as a surprise. There was the actual notification from USCIS, and then someone scratched out the date in red ink and wrote a new date. It had correspondence included saying the date was rescheduled from August 25 to August 30. The online portal just says fingerprints were updated, so I think we'll probably call to confirm.
  8. We got our interview-- Request for Petitioner to Appear for Initial Interview. It's set for August 30. Anybody else?
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