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Posts posted by Alysia&Luis

  1. Hello VJers!  I am helping my fiance with his DS160 and we have a question regarding the previous US visits.  For the past four years he has worked on a cruise ship for 4-6 months at a time.  During his contracts he would be in and out of the States on his C1/D visa. For the question of previous visits to the US we are at a sort of loss to what to include as it is pretty difficult to recall every instance he was at a US Port. Should the date/duration be his first entry during a contract and that duration? Any insight or experience with this is appreciated!

  2. 7 minutes ago, TearsOfBabylon said:

    Haha yeah, I feel him lol 
    I die in every weather. For me permanent spring would be great. Hoodies and sunglasses.... that's my world <3 

    You just reminded me, that I finally have to learn Fahrenheit and US measurements. I always have my chart open here haha.

    Yes!! I know they are kind of annoying and don't make much sense, but it is just one of those things :(  Every time I mention something in Fahrenheit, pounds or miles I just get a big sigh from him :) 

  3. 6 minutes ago, TearsOfBabylon said:

    Haha yeah I said to Scott yesterday on Facetime that I'm kind of screwed, because my glorious time of unemployment will probably end once it starts heating up again haha.
    So I can scratch the hermitting, and be hugged by the air instead! :D

    LOL meanwhile I have my fiance complaining daily of the "cold" Peruvian winter right now.  I look on my weather app and it like in the upper 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit there!

  4. 4 minutes ago, TearsOfBabylon said:

    I hope it goes like for all others: a week before VJ estimate. Mine is first week of July right now. It moved so far... I'm hoping for this or next week. 
    Would be sweet to have medical and interview done by my birthday, which is August 17th. Wishful thinking I guess, but IF the NOA2 would come before July starts there's a little chance :) 

    I guess it's only storming at your place. Scott just told me it's super hot in Newport News, VA. He's on the way to work baking ^^ 
    I'm "soooo much looking forward" to Virginian heat and humidity hehe

    That would be awesome to be done with everything before your birthday!  I really hope they have started speeding up at CSC with the major bump in Dec (folks filing before fee increase) seems to be out of the way.  Fingers crossed!!. 


    I am such a hermit in the summer! One of my friends wanted to come over to use the pool at my apartment this weekend...I told her she could come, but I would be staying in the apartment where there is AC!!

  5. 10 minutes ago, TearsOfBabylon said:

    Oh cool! Then we might have days of joy in 2 corners of VA!! :D
    Maybe one day we go for a coffee, since we're statemates then? :) 

    Yeah, luckily the doc I will go to has no appointments, just walk in. So as soon as I know the case number, I will just run there the following day, just to have it done and know my lung is fine. 
    Never thought I'd creep out so much! 

    For sure!!! 


    Hopefully you get your NOA2 before your VJ timeline estimate (ours fell exactly in the middle), just so your can get going with everything and have the medical in your past!!

  6. 11 minutes ago, TearsOfBabylon said:

    Hello back from heated up Bavaria! :D
    It's so hot here - and almost as humid as in VA! :D

    Still no NOA2 I guess, because I haven't heard from him yet. Maybe in the morning! :)
    It's so weird... I'm not stressed out, I'm not impatient. Only freaking out more and more about the chest xray. ^^

    And... I have counted for fun today:
    If it WOULD work and I'd fly out around September 15th... I'd only have 12 weeks left. And only 10 of them at work.
    THAT'S NOT MUCH!!!! 
    It's so close but so far away.
    I hope this medical will be done soon, so I can really start looking forward! :) 

    I hope you're having a great day!

    It is storming here now, so hopefully that will cool things down for a day or two maybe! 


    That is really exciting - I am hoping my fiance is here by mid-September as well!! Can you do your medical as soon as you get your NVC number?  I know some countries can, but we have to wait for the embassy to get the case and have the interview appointment set before my fiance can go to his medical. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, pajobra said:

    My word you all talk a lot lol. Harder to catch up on my phone than my desktop. It's much cooler today thankfully. I have a combination of heat stroke and high altitude sickness. The last few times I was here the altitude didn't bother me. This time ugh. I still have a headache but it's less today. We just went out for dinner and watched Netflix instead of going to the movies. We are going to go see the new Pirates of the Caribbean today. Chris has only just seen the first one. We are also going to go have an ice cream waffle cone at the Colorado City Creamery in Old Colorado City. Also walk our ice cream off wandering around the cute shops there. 


    I really hope hope we all get our noa2's soon. This is a view from our apartment in Colorado Springs. 


    I hope you start to feel better soon!! Hopefully the cooler day helps! That really is a nice view from your apartment!  Enjoy you day wondering around your soon-to-be new home! :) I really hope you get your NOA2 while you are there!!

  8. 37 minutes ago, MD&MC said:

    Hey guys, I've been reading a lot but haven't posted anything in quite a while. Now that we are starting to see some movement on march cases I have a couple questions. How do we get notified when these cases are received at the NVC and then sent to the embassy? How and when can we request having the packets delivered from the embassy to our beneficiaries by email instead of regular mail? I'm still running to my mailbox as soon as I get home from work looking for a NOA 2.

    Hello!  After about two weeks from your NOA2 date you start calling NVC ((603) 334-0700) to see if they have received your case and will give you a case number. Once you have that case number you will be able to track your case to the embassy at this website https://ceac.state.gov/ceacstattracker/status.aspx. For the packets you should email the embassy for your fiance to see if that is possible - that would be something that varies from embassy to embassy. I know Peru emails it automatically, but others might not. Good luck with your journey!! 

  9. 34 minutes ago, Sangar said:

    Hi all, this is my first post. this is a great blog, my noa1 date is march 21st, this is extremely stressful journey and full of anxiety. I think The anxiety will remain there until my fiancé steps on an American soil. Hoping that I should have an approval notice by the end of first week of July. U guys r amazing, good luck to u all

    Welcome!! It is nice to see other Virginians here :)  I hope you speedy NOA2!

  10. 30 minutes ago, Estibaliz said:

    Today I'm coming with silly questions, lol.


    I just noticed for the affidavit of support (i-134) they say you should fill in the portions that don't apply with "none" for numeric answers or "N/A". However, I just noticed the form doesn't allow you to type nothing but letters, so no way you can type N/A (because of the /).


    I know some of you might have already filled in the form... I think it was @KULtoATL the person I talked about this before in some other thread. So silly question coming. How the *** do you fill that in, "NA"?

    I have a mixture of N/A and None on my form - I hope they are ok with it! 

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