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Posts posted by Balamban

  1. K1 Process (Manila, Philippines): This is my understanding, is this correct:

    The I-129 sits at USCIS and checking its status shows “My Case was received” at https://egov.uscis.gov/casestatus/mycasestatus.do

    Then after a hundred days or so “My case was received” will change to “Sent to NVC

    Is that correct?

    Then you go to https://ceac.state.gov/ceacstattracker/status.aspx and wait until it says:

    “At NVC

    Then you wait for “At NVC” to change to “In Transit” and then to… I’m not sure what it says next but it will say something indicating that the file is at Manila and then you can start the next process.

    Would someone please clarify if the above is correct or not?

    Thank you.

    By the way in my timeline is this: "Date Case #, IIN, and BIN assigned : 2018-02-06" What is BIN?

  2. I wasn't allowed to edit the above but wanted to add this from:  https://mypathtocitizenship.com/using-savings-864-without-income-will-approved/


    How Much Savings & Assets Do You Need?

    If you want to use savings and assets to prove your income for the affidavit of support, you first need to know what the qualifying amount is. Another important factor is that your savings and assets are liquid and available quickly.

    Liquid assets can be stocks, bonds, rental real estate and anything else that can be sold quickly for cash. You cannot use your personal residence in the calculation of assets because if you sell it, you will need a place to live which will quickly reduce the cash you received.

    Your savings balance and/or total assets need to be 5X the 125% poverty guideline for your household size. You can use the following table to calculate what your number will be.

    2017 USCIS income requirements:
    Household Size




    100% Poverty Guideline


    Active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces
    125% Poverty Guideline


    For all other sponsors

    2 $16,020 $20,025
    3 $20,160  $25,200
    4 $24,300  $30,375
    5 $28,440  $35,550
    6 $32,580  $40,725
    7 $36,730  $45,912
    8 $40,890  $51,112

    K1 Visa example: If your household size is 4 (parents and two children), then your cash and liquid assets need to total $151,875. This is equal to 5X the amount for 125% of the poverty guideline for non active duty military.

    My house has no debt but I own an apartment house.  I can (I think) use the assets in that, though not the asset of the house.  Five years ago I comfortably met the 5x $101k, today probably not.  Therefore for me double up on finding another job.

    Five years ago my apartment house was worth $220k based upon my local assessment, today 185k.  Yikes, that's a drop of $35,000.  Times, they are a'changing...and none for the better.  I'm glad you asked this, better to know know than in a few months.  Note: Poverty guidelines change in March I believe.









  3. It's a good question Darshada and I may be in a similar boat.  And I fear that  we may need to bail to keep the boat afloat.


    From what I understand the income must be from American income.  I've read that being overseas as a defense contractor employee may be acceptable as well as military but not much else.


    Your income (if there is two of you and you will live in one of the 48 contiguous states) must be 125% of federal poverty guidelines (I think).   See this (commercial/lawyer based--you are warned) website for a good discussion:




    As I see it you would need about $60k in "ready" assets (stocks/bond/401k/cash/vested portion of real estate) to qualify assets only IF they are accepting assets only for K1.  Part of the qualification is "job stability."  I'm an RN, and though unemployed my job is considered eminently stable.  If you work seasonally picking apples, that may well be reason to disqualify you.  A good job but likely not "stable."  If you have/had what is perceived as a stable job in Belgium the interviewer may be more lenient.


    If you have 3 years of income tax showing that you had stable earnings, as mentioned above then return to America and get a job promptly even a job at McDonalds.  The combination of a new, even low paying job plus the $32K might be good.  You have $32k(US) and need as I think it about $60k in assets, "if" they deem you economically stable.  I think for assets it is 3x required poverty guidelines.  So if you came to America and worked a few months at McD's earling only $15k annually, the other, in hand,  $32,000, assets may be considered enough.


    I'm no expert but from what I've read an American working overseas, even with very good income, but without the 3x assets is a no-go.  Because you had a great job in Timbucktoo, does not mean you'll find a job when you return.


    I'm sort of in the same boat, in a way.  Unemployed, collecting Unemployment benefits (and yes they do count as income).  I see a lot of K1 statements lately: cannot use only assets but many years ago I did a K1 and the application was approved on assets only  This raises the question: has something radically changed?  (I"m hoping someone can elaborate on this and provide some evidence).


    I'm now wondering if I must wait until I find a new job, even if it means accepting one that I would not normally accept, for the Interviewer to accept and pass the application through.  If so, then this is what I'll do even if I must accept 13 week travel assignments.  (Note: Since I have very stable employment for the prior three years they'd likely accept temporary or travel (short term jobs).


    Be very careful.

  4. On 1/27/2018 at 1:20 AM, Tea_pgtips said:

    You can download an app called ‘case tracker’ and if you search your own case or a case before yours you can see about 50 cases before and after yours to see if they’ve been updated :-)


    Keep in mind that sometimes, though the case tracker works, the USCIS system does not update online.  We received our NOA2 many days ago and on the tracker and online it still shows as "received" not as "approved."  So keep an eye on your mailbox when the expected date approaches.

  5. 1 hour ago, Kadija Koroma said:

    We checked with Ghana police. They said since he is outside the country, it'll cost him $500 to get a police report that will only be valid for three months. 


    I just want to make sure that it's necessary to get the police report even though he left Ghana 5 years ago.

    OMG!  $500 that is so insane.  The average per capita income is only ~$4500.  That's equivalent to police in America charging $5,000.  That's corrupt.  I feel so badly for you and hope you can get past this.

  6. Verbosity Warning! (Leave now if you don’t like long-winded posts)


    If I were the adjudicator, your case would cause me to wonder.  Please note that I am not judging you in any way or making accusations but a story will show you how the adjudicator who reviews your case might think:


    Around 2010 I struck up an online relationship with a woman who lived in Northern Mindanao, Philippines.  We chatted on and off for a week or so and one day she came right out and asked me: “I have an Aunt that wants to come to America to work in a cannery in Alaska with her relatives.  She is willing to pay you $4,000 US.”  She went on and explained that I could marry this woman and then she would be gone and after some time we could divorce and I could keep the money.  This is a true story.  I explained that was illegal and I would never do that and never talked to her again.  I also promptly filed an online complaint with all pertinent data at ICE.gov (US Immigrations & Customs Enforcement.).  ICE never contacted me.  Whether this case was investigated or not, I do not know, but I hope that it was.


    That this occurred to me says that it occurs and USCIS knows this.  In this case a woman was willing to pay to come to America.  The women told me that her relatives had also done this.  Therefore, I would advise you to proceed very carefully and get what you need in order to absolutely prove your case.


    Your husband is on SSD.  You either file taxes or do not.  If you do file you would file as “married-joint.”  It would be a huge red flag if your husband had filed as single.  It would not be a red flag if he had not filed at all and was delinquent.


    That you live entirely of-the-grid is amazing, double thumbs up.  It can be done and is done but very rarely.  Loren Y pointed out most that use solar power are still connected to the grid.  It is possible to be unconnected.  Generally, it is not cheap.  I would suggest that you prove this with photos of your set-up (inverter, collector units on the house, battery storage, etc.) to remove doubts.


    Even if you do not file taxes, you are required to have health insurance.  Do you, or does your family have health insurance.? That would give solid data as to where and who you live with.  Having children without health insurance may be construed as a negative thing.


    Are your children school age?  Utilize the school records, get record of communication between mom and teachers?   Do you go to church, or social gatherings?  Get signed (preferably notarized) letters attesting to the fact that they (priest/teachers/school officials even neighbors) have known you, the husband and the kids. Have your kids been immunized, get copies of your medical records, they will show your family status.  Ask for a copy of your medical history and hubbie's as well as te kids for they will prove status.  A medical cover sheet is enough and you can black out sensitive information.


    As Orangesapples stated: “Having kids and taking care of them together is the strongest evidence there is.  I will agree with this as long as you show solid evidence that you and your husband care for the children together.


    As for credit: If his credit is terrible having a savings account together will not hurt you.  I suggest that you do not have him put you on a credit card that has problems.  I do suggest that you (just you) try to get a store credit card, many are very easy to get.  Then buy some stuff monthly, even $10 and pay it off each month—in one year you’ll start getting VISA credit card offers.  The credit machine wants to see reliability and buying $10 each month and then paying it off for a year shows that.


    I see that you attained a BS in Nursing from the Phils, consider doing a LNA or CNA (Nurse Assistant) class.  In many states classes are free or will reimburse you making the cost zero.  You can have a job the day you get your LNA license and most employers will pay for the classes you need for an ADN (Associates Degree in Nursing) then your income will jump from $~26,000 to over $40,000 if you worked full time.  Your credit score would soar.  You’d glide through an ADN program because you know all that stuff—just a thought from one nurse to another.


    I hope that there is something helpful here and wish you all the best.

  7. 2 hours ago, Van & Tiger said:

    You know...there are a lot of things I take offense that my tax dollars are supporting (pointless wars/foreign adventuring, subsidizing certain agricultural products that make people sick and overweight, tax cuts for people so wealthy they won't even notice the extra money let alone use it to prove trickle-down economics isn't a crock of you-know-what, among other things), and I have a new item to add to my list!


    Literally my tax dollars are paying for these people to LIE to us!  This would be funny if it weren't so sickening.  Who do they think they're fooling?  We're not stupid, but they're treating us like a bunch of clueless morons.  :angry:

    Just own whatever the problem is: these people are horrifically overloaded/understaffed, they're incompetent, they're apathetic, whatever.  Own it, and stop lying to us.  I'd be far more forgiving of this ludicrous process if it weren't so transparently disingenuous.

    I can sympathize with your pain especially with us being July 5 and seeing so many pass us buy.


    A few things to think about: USCIS is totally funded by fees, therefore "tax dollars" do not come into play.  You could write your Senator and Representative and ask them to raise K-1 fees to allow them to hire more people. 


    As far as telling lies, it appears that they give out the "farthest back date which is pending."  Some here have said they are in June and have not been approved therefore it does appear that they are working on June.  We know they are working on July also.  If I was the person answering the phones and knew people would call every day, or twice a day, or three times a day, when they can go online and look at change of status every bit as fast as the person who answers the phone can, I think I'd start saying: "call back in a month too."  Like us, they are just human. And I'm very impressed that they update promptly.  On our end "we" are one (the couple) on their end, well they forget the emotional content that a K-1 applicant would have.  Long ago I designed and ran a jewelry manufacturing factory.  The hardest thing I had with employees was that each order was in their eyes one of a hundred.  But I'd remind them that for each of those orders that was the only one that shop, it was their ONE order and important to them.  I think we run into the same thing here.  I've found that in the few times that I've called I've been treated quite nicely and professionally but I have only called when it was very clear that there was something unusual. 


    Just trying to put things into a bit of perspective.

  8. 24 minutes ago, Jaquelly said:

    It's normal.


    Also, try not to think that you're a late receiver. I'm July 6 and there are SO many cases after me that have been approved. The cases are NEVER done in order, so they'll get to you and me, but just gird your loins and prepare to see lots of cases after yours get approved. :) 

    Nice advice, though I'm not quite sure how to gird my loins.....haha.


    I searched and here it is:




    Now where's my scimitar?

  9. 3 hours ago, Naes said:

    @Jaquelly thank you!! I think maybe you should put some in your signature too? We need a few more of these moving around 



    the wait is at least 30 days at the moment so good luck.

    I think this is the old one.






    Thank you for catching that.  What a spread of data.  From 10 days to 59...yikes.

  10. Thank you, I don’t know why I could not find that page. 

    Let’s see if I have this correct.

    Assuming that we get approved we’re likely to receive NOA2 this week (We’re July 5 and many July 5’ers have been approved)

    Then step 3 based on history is Approval of NOA2 and then shipment to NVC.  This appears to have been as short as 17 days but currently is around 36 days.

    Step 4  is processing time at NVC, about 7 days.

    Step 5 is shipment from NVC to Embassy, about 7 days.

    So we’re looking at 51 days for our K-1 to arrive at the embassy (Manila)

    Then it sits at the embassy for a while till we are notified.  Then we can schedule medical.

    Does my above calculations seem correct?

    I’ve heard that from NOA2 to NVC has been in one case 6 weeks and in another 2-3 months.   Neither seem to reflect historic times.

  11. 3 hours ago, Ann 87 said:

    Thats good to know. I applied myself as well. I heard that if you are doing it through a lawyer you get the approval faster. 

    There is zero evidence that using any sort of service, or lawyer will get you through one single day faster, period.  There is no mechanism for any lawyer to do anything other then check your forms to make sure everything is in order, otherwise you might be held up for a RFE (request for evidence).


    Trump's actions have only affected visitor's visa, H1B visas and visas originating from predominantly Muslim countries.  Why things are longer is simply unknown.

  12. 14 minutes ago, LazyPug said:

    I just called their customer service number to get an update on the case, NOA1 received on July 13th here.


    I was told the processing time will take another 1-2 months for my case. Hopefully that is not true and just a number they pulled out of their butts since people here are posted conflicting news with their NOA2 approval.


    Just wanted to rant....hopefully I hear good news this week.

    สวัสดี    ครับ


    I think they just tell you that because they don't want you calling every day which a lot of people do, so I would not take the 1-2 months seriously at all.


    They know that you can check on the internet, and most likely do x times a day....

  13. I just found this group, ha!  I didn't even know there was such a group until I saw someone's post that said   "August 2017 1-129" filers so I went looking.  Nice to find you guys... 169 pages, wow!


    July 5 filer, not particularly worried even though 20 other July 5 filers obviously have priority over us.......or....uh oh.... I hope they didn't find about my axe murder... really it wasn't my fault.....


    Our original VJ timeline estimate for NOA2 was mid December so this is running over a month later than expected.  Is that the case for all?


    A couple of years ago the NOA2 > NVC was only about 10 days.  I've heard that now that portion of the journey takes 4-6 weeks, is that true anyone?  Is it country specific or the same for everyone.


    I just checked and it still says NOA1 received....


    Nice to meet ya' all

  14. I'll agree with Greenbaum.


    I am sorry to hear that you are going through this I can imagine it was quite a shock.


    You will not die this year, or next year or even ten years from TB.  Left untreated you might die from in when you are sixty though.  You have a problem that many have and it is excellent that 1) you now know about it and 2) the experts at St Luke WILL tell you how to rid yourself of the infection in a way that is acceptable to them.


    Facts: An estimated 200,000 to 600,000 Filipinos have active TB.  293 Filipinos out of 100,000 are being infected every year.  About 90% will NEVER develop symptoms.   Many millions of Filipinos have latent TB.  Latent TB may never become active but the risk is there.   TB is a world-wide problem.  It is still a problem in America.


    Tuberculosis is a mycobacterium.  This type of bacteria is much, much harder to kill than most bacteria.  They say you have “active” bacteria in the sputum test.  This means that they took some of your sputum and placed it on a plate with nutrients and put it in an incubator.  The few mycobacteria that were in the sputum grew and grew until there were tens of thousands.  These are then analyzed.  Therefore, there has been no mistake.


    Now for the good news:  Get treated properly and in time ALL TB bacteria in your body will die, you will be cured and you will live happily ever after.  It is that simple.  The problem is this:  You feel fine.  If you feel fine, many think : why bother with taking so many pills?  Therefore, some never start and many never finish the medication regime and they end up still having active or latent TB.


    There is zero point in saying anything about your doctor or your pulmonologist, good or bad.  Though what I hear from what you say makes me cringe.   St. Lukes runs under American mandate meaning they do exactly what the USA demands.  They do NOT trust any other doctor or medical facility, period--unless they know them.  You could go to 5 doctors and take five sets of meds, they do not care.  Deal with them or have your visa delayed and maybe delayed again.  .  Comply or never come to America.  It is that simple, or unfortunately that complex.


    If I was you and I could (economically speaking), I would work closely with St Lukes and do what makes them happy but still gets you the visa in the shortest amount of time.  If you cannot go to St. Luke’s consider asking St. Luke’s for a doctor in your area that St Luke’s trust.  It is possible that you could do a shorter drug regime and in that case, they might clear you in several months, not six or more months.  I am not a doctor but I think that it is unlikely that you even need a pulmonologist and a Public Health doctor affiliated with the Philippine government and therefore with St Luke’s might be a better option (ask St Lukes).  That  is not a suggestion rather something that you might use when you talk with St Lukes to see what can be done in the shortest amount of time.


    Yes, you are infectious but TB does not transmit easily, still you might want to take some precautions especially with sick, elderly, children or people that you get physically close to.


    This is a good source (I think): From: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tuberculosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351250


    Protect your family and friends


    If you have active TB, keep your germs to yourself. It generally takes a few weeks of treatment with TB medications before you're not contagious anymore. Follow these tips to help keep your friends and family from getting sick:


     Stay home. Don't go to work or school or sleep in a room with other people during the first few weeks of treatment for active tuberculosis.  Ventilate the room. Tuberculosis germs spread more easily in small closed spaces where air doesn't move. If it's not too cold outdoors, open the windows and use a fan to blow indoor air outside.    Cover your mouth. Use a tissue to cover your mouth anytime you laugh, sneeze or cough. Put the dirty tissue in a bag, seal it and throw it away.    Wear a mask. Wearing a surgical mask when you're around other people during the first three weeks of treatment may help lessen the risk of transmission.


    Finish your entire course of medication


    This is the most important step you can take to protect yourself and others from tuberculosis. When you stop treatment early or skip doses, TB bacteria have a chance to develop mutations that allow them to survive the most potent TB drugs. The resulting drug-resistant strains are much more deadly and difficult to treat.


    If you’ve been intimate with your partner you can either continue or wait the few weeks after starting medication.  Let your partner know and their doc might do one of the new tests such as the QFT-G and may repeat it perhaps 6 months after you are done with your med regime.


    Again, I’m not a medical Practitioner, so this is simply thoughts and information.  Always rely on your doctor (or in this case St Lukes).

  15. I think you wrote this earlier in this thread Hank:


    "Additional Information
    Income is based upon GROSS income  - USEM is not known to accept assets for qualifying."


    We'll be doing the interview ~ March-April (NOA2 should come through any day now).


    I work as an RN sub-specialist and my past few years of earnings have been excellent.  Last August my job ended (but last years income was well in excess of what is required) and instead of looking for new work I enrolled in a ADN to BSN (Associates Nursing to Bachelor's of Nursing) which is becoming more and more a necessity in nursing these days.  So I have no income right now though I have plenty of assets and could even opt for taking social security though I would prefer not to.  The comment: "USEM is not known to accept assets for qualifying" scares me. 


    Do I need to stop my studies and find a job?  I could do this, but would rather not.



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