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  1. Confused
    BigRedCat got a reaction from LenaT in Been waiting for B2 interview slot for months   
    It says the current wait time for an interview is 300 days. I have no idea who is actually getting an interview since none are ever available. 
  2. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to millefleur in Shipping clothing to the US from Russia   
    I think we paid around $80 USD to ship the box, it weighed around 12 pounds. So, yeah, it seems like $200ish for 90 pounds is even a going rate or good deal by that standard. I doubt for air mail (which is what EMS is) would be cheaper anywhere. But hopefully someone else here on VJ can chime in if they know any other options.
  3. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from CM&KV in Fiance lost foreign passport, interview in 3 days. Help!   
    Hey guys, so really not having a good week. My fiance has to do the sputum test so that is causing a 6 week delay and now my fiance says she can't find her foreign passport. She seems have lost during her medical exam.
    Her interview in Moscow is in 3 days. What do we do if she can't find it? We have a color scan of the photo page. 
    I read it takes three weeks or so to get a new one but what do we do about the interview if she can't find it? Should I have her call the us embassy in Moscow?
    What a disaster! 😔
  4. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to Dashinka in More bad news: Russian consulates ordered closed   
    No doubt, and all based on a made up narrative.
  5. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to TBoneTX in More bad news: Russian consulates ordered closed   
    Sorry to hear this, guys.  Keep the faith.
  6. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to Dashinka in More bad news: Russian consulates ordered closed   
    I agree.  I will need to apply for a new three year visa next year, and I hope things clear up some before than.  I have sympathy for those caught up in this political mess right now.
  7. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to millefleur in More bad news: Russian consulates ordered closed   
    This just in...
    Smoke seen billowing from Russian Consulate office in San Francisco, a day after Trump orders its closure
    This just gets weirder and weirder. Sigh.
  8. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to millefleur in Shipping clothing to the US from Russia   
    When we shipped from Russia, EMS and regular international mail were practically the same price. So, it makes sense to just ship EMS.
    We ended up checking a second bag as well, I believe it was around $50 for an extra bag. No idea about charging for multiple extra bags though. Might make more sense just to ship it since EMS in Russia isn't that expensive anyway. If they actually charge $150 for a second bag, that's ridic. EMS shipping would probably be around half that. It takes about two weeks to arrive once it leaves Russia.
  9. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from adcafsf in Moscow medical exam, anyone have experience?   
    Great! This is just what I was looking for, thank you guys so much! 
  10. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to adcafsf in Moscow medical exam, anyone have experience?   
    Hey! I had my medical appointment in IOM 2 weeks ago. Let your fiancee read this from me:) :
     Привет! Я проходила МОМ 2 недели назад в Москве и так же как ты ужасно боялась. Однако, на деле ничего страшного в этом не оказалось
    Как уже рассказали люди с этого форума, для записи тебе просто нужно позвонить по этому номеру 88007008723. Назначить время и день, которые тебя устроят. С собой принести 6 цветных матовых фото 3х4, загранпаспорт, справка обо всех прививках, так же приглашение на интервью или знать номер кейса и категорию визы, то есть номер МОС и то что твоя виза называется К1.
    Придя по адресу в МОМ (2я Звенигордская дом 12 строение 6) в назначенное время, скажи охраннику, что ты на медосмотр на визу, он спросит фамилию. Далее идешь к администратору, заполняешь простую анкетку и ждешь когда тебя вызовут. После того как тебя позвала милая тетушка, отдаешь ей все свои документы, она тебя фоткает, заполняет что-то и направляет тебя на оплату (2 недели назад было 14100 руб). Оплачиваешь, тебе дают большой конверт и адрес клинику, в которую тебе надо поехать. 
    Приезжаешь в клинику, на проходной говоришь что ты на медосмотр мом, тебя отправляют к администратору, он берет все твои документы и выдает с листок с номерами кабинетов, в которые тебя надо пройти. Будет анализ мочи на гонорею, анализ крови на сифилис и рентген легких. Все это проходится очень быстро, только после рентгена нужно посидеть подождать свой диск с результатом. Далее идешь обратно к администратору все с тем же листком. Потом остаешься эдать пока тебя вызовет терапевт. Он спросит рост, вес, чем болела, чем не болела, в общем очень простые вопросы. Померяет давление и послушает легкие. После всего этого он отдаст тебе таой прививочный сертификат и диск с рентгеном (они нужны будут га границе США) и ты свободна  
    Все люди что в МОМе, что в клинике, очень добрые, приветливые, вежливые, все прошло очень быстро и налегке. А я очень переживала.
    Так что бояться абсолютно нечего! Если есть еще вопросы напиши мне вконтакте, буду рада помочь  vk.com/kuckakuca
  11. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to Alya and Joe in Moscow medical exam, anyone have experience?   
    hi, i have expierence, i just passed through this medical exam couple of weeks ago. i am having my interview at 25 of august, so i did medical in advance. 
    FIrst thing you have to check - your old vaccinations. as they want to see tha previous vaccinations papers from the fiancee...what kind of vaccinations thay will need, depands on AGE. i am 39 so i needed to have: MMR (measles, mumps & rubella - корь-краснуха-паротит) and Td/Tap (дифтерия-столбняк). so i went here: http://www.vse-privivki.ru  and made everything that i neded (took 1 day, the same day they make vaccination and give you the paper/ very fast). it cost me 2350 rubles for all. Here you can see prices: in russian - http://www.vse-privivki.ru/stoimost_vakcinacii.htm    well, maybe your fiancee have old documents from the childhood ehat vaccinations she had...so in this case maybe she does not need to do new vaccinations) my childhood information about vaccination was lost so i made new vaccinations , no problem)) after this she has to call IOM Moscow (international organization for migration)(http://moscow.iom.int/russian/)  - 
    Бюро МОМ в Москве
    Бюро Международной организации по миграции (МОМ) в Москве
    Российская Федерация
    123100, Москва
    ул. 2-ая Звенигородская д. 12
    Часы приёма посетителей в Бюро МОМ в Москве:
    Понедельник – Четверг с 9.00 до 17.00
    Пятница с 9.00 до 16.00
    Тел.: +7.495.797 87 22
    Факс: +7.499.253 35 22
    E-mail: iommoscow@iom.int
    Web: http://moscow.iom.int
    Для записи на обследование вы можете позвонить по телефонам: 
    8-495-797-87-23 или 8-800-700-87-23
    all information here:  http://moscow.iom.int/russian/ractivities_migrationhealth_health-assessment_USA.html
    so after this she will has the date of her medical. First she comes to IOM!! (there she PAYS the fee. in my case it was 235 usd. you pay ONLY CASH in RUB, they do not accept credit cards or usd. they make her photo there, check all documents and give her paper with ADRESS of the clinic where she has medical.(she will have it SAME DAY, so everything is done in ONE DAY) in my case they gave me adress in the center of Moscow, 15 minutes with bus from IOM. she goes there and have the medical. it will take 1-2 hours. they make x-rays (upper body nude), take blood, urine, watch breasts (yes!! checking risk of cancer i guess...), ask some questions to check if you are not sick mentally)))))))they will weight her and check the hight. ask about the date of last womens time and several more questions about general health, check the blood pressure and thats it! the doctor is man, very nice and polite. if you have more questions, im here for you) good luck!!
    ps: IOM needs photo, do not forget to bring it with you!!!and also you will need your NVC number - so bring the copy of this paper (where they have you MOS.....number) - they will ask you before the medical in the clinic)
  12. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to Mr Geminian in AP status after NOA2, is this normal?   
    Did the beneficiary in the foreign country received a mail with Interview Instructions?. "AP" is normal.
  13. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to tanderson64 in Russia cutting US diplomat staff at embassies   
    The Visa was $270, and $33 for them to review the application and make corrections, and print - so $303 total.  If you did everything by express mail it was an additional $85.
  14. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to twoDs in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    I think we have one more 3/28 NOA2 as of today. But yes, the end of the month is clearly thin.
    Also, in case anyone cares, here's how the July NOA2 approvals break down by date as
    of last night -- looks like we need to add a couple more, thankfully!
    Note that there's going to be some bias towards earlier dates because as we've seen, it
    can take nearly a week for recently NOA2s to show up in the mail:
    2017-Jul-01 1 2017-Jul-03 2 2017-Jul-05 7 2017-Jul-06 2 2017-Jul-07 3 2017-Jul-10 1 2017-Jul-11 1 2017-Jul-12 3 2017-Jul-13 7 2017-Jul-14 3 2017-Jul-17 1 2017-Jul-18 1 2017-Jul-20 1 The 5th and 13th look like the biggest days so far. This is still hardly anything compared to May and early June.
    It looks like there's roughly 160 of us March filers still waiting as of last night.
    Awesome! Congrats!
    Nice to see at least some good news coming out today!
  15. Like
    BigRedCat reacted to troika in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    Your fiance must be so relieved ... congrats !
  16. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from L&LM in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    Finally got my NOA2 approval today marked 7-19!  (I'm NOA1 March 20th for those still waiting). 
  17. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from Emmsan in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    Finally got my NOA2 approval today marked 7-19!  (I'm NOA1 March 20th for those still waiting). 
  18. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from TearsOfBabylon in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    Finally got my NOA2 approval today marked 7-19!  (I'm NOA1 March 20th for those still waiting). 
  19. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from Elisaveta in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    Finally got my NOA2 approval today marked 7-19!  (I'm NOA1 March 20th for those still waiting). 
  20. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from Alysia&Luis in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    Finally got my NOA2 approval today marked 7-19!  (I'm NOA1 March 20th for those still waiting). 
  21. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from od17 in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    Finally got my NOA2 approval today marked 7-19!  (I'm NOA1 March 20th for those still waiting). 
  22. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from Hurry&Wait in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    Finally got my NOA2 approval today marked 7-19!  (I'm NOA1 March 20th for those still waiting). 
  23. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from Justtwoofus in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    Finally got my NOA2 approval today marked 7-19!  (I'm NOA1 March 20th for those still waiting). 
  24. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from Estibaliz in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    Finally got my NOA2 approval today marked 7-19!  (I'm NOA1 March 20th for those still waiting). 
  25. Like
    BigRedCat got a reaction from PB&FM in I-129F March 2017 Filers   
    Finally got my NOA2 approval today marked 7-19!  (I'm NOA1 March 20th for those still waiting). 
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