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Posts posted by B&Z

  1. On 9/6/2017 at 2:24 PM, CookieCat said:

    How did you find out? Now I can see why Jorge looks like he's in revenge mode.

    Just from regular Google gossip news. I've also seen reports that she's been working as a stripper and is on some porn site. I guess we'll find out for sure this Sunday when Jorge gets his angry vengeance onscreen!

  2. 7 hours ago, Mary Lou said:

    This girls friends were saying the guy she met is a porn star. The half naked pictures with handcuffs lol  Only texting, never talking to him, something isn't how it appears me thinks. She seems quite naive. 


    Darcy was getting on my last nerve, asking Jesse if he was going to change his status on Facebook, umm, what age are you? Yep she's marriage crazy.


    When Sean was giving Abby all her presents ect, it looked like he gave her a laptop too? I missed some of the show.

    A laptop AND an iPad!

  3. 4 hours ago, JFH said:

    I watched the little "What Now?" clips on the app. Alan and Kirlyam (he's gained a fair bit of weight and she's pregnant now), Matt and Alla (she can finally say she loves him), Melanie and Devar (baby on the way, sister Bev still giving her opinions). 

    But there's something not right with Josh and Aleksandra's baby. She definitely looks African-American. The thing that instantly popped into my head was her "best friend" in Prague that she used to speak to on Skype before she married Josh. He was African. Surely not....?

    That's why they won't show the baby's face on camera. I heard that the comments Josh and Aleksandra were getting about the baby were so brutal in the past that Aleksandra quit Instagram altogether and stays offline now. It's glaringly obvious that it can't be Josh's baby, but they're Mormon so they can't divorce over it...guess they've just got to try to make their marriage work.

  4. 1 hour ago, JFH said:

    Jesse and Darcie - there's got to be something else with this couple. This is TLC - it lives on scandal and drama. Out of all the couples that applied to be on the show I can't believe that (in their current state) these two were the best TLC fodder. He has a very good life with a career and a nice place in a western country. He's not green card shopping. Apart from their age difference there's nothing particularly dramatic about them. They are not my type of people but they are well-suited. TLC viewers don't want to watch a series of "I love his eyes" and "I love her hair and she has a great body". They want a new Nicole and Azan, a new Danielle and Mohammed. They want to scream at the TV set "he's using you for a green card!!" So what is it with is couple that meant that they made the cut for the show? It's obvious why Abby from Haiti and jungle boy and girl were selected. But what's shocking about a personal trainer from Europe and a clothes designer from Connecticut getting together? 

    My take is that Darcy is going to be "too much" for mellow Jesse. He's already basically complained about how energetic and bubbly she was at the airport and Darcy is going to come off as desperately husband-hungry - she's going to want solid commitment and wants to leave with an engagement ring and he's going to be put off by it. And I caught a preview glimpse of Jesse's friends telling Darcy that she's out of Jesse's league, so I think she's going to have some problems there, too.

  5. My husband applied a lot of pressure to people when we were going through the process to get married (fall 2011). We got everything done in just a week (because that's all the time I had before I had to go back home - we got married a few months later on another trip I made to Morocco). Perhaps if you're annoying/persuasive enough, you may be able to get things moving quicker...the most limiting factor may be the time you have set aside each day to put into getting everything done.

  6. 12 hours ago, Tima and Hamza said:

    Yeah that's the thing. I have a copy of the certified copy. Should I write on the back of it that it is blank or should I attach a sheet explaining that it is blank? I don't know if this is a big deal because i'm including my birth certificate and a copy of the pages of my passport as citizenship proof.

    I didn't write anything about mine having one blank side. I suggest you just write "blank" on the back side of the copy...no reason to add another page.


    You should not include both birth certificate AND passport. You should only use one or the other (if you were born as a US citizen).

  7. 11 hours ago, SabrinaJerome said:

    Indeed! Evading!! Yikes!


    That's why I sent 2015. Because I have always been a good 'Merikan - a public servant even. And I have always paid my taxes... ohhh have I paid taxes.


    I would love to see the day when the IRS comes looking for me because they owe me $300 from 2011... because they did and I didn't file. Never heard a word. Funny that.

    Paying taxes monthly through your paycheck and filing your income taxes afterward by the deadline are two different things. You won't get anything back from the IRS if you don't file your income taxes...hence why you'll never see that $300 from 2011 because you never filed and now you're past the 3 year span in which you could still file and get a refund. Regardless of whether the IRS owes you a refund or not, you still are required to file for an extension by the April deadline. Those are the rules, and you only get a 6-month extension anyway. There's no guarantee your spouse would arrive and get his SSN by that deadline.


    Your options are to file married filing separate using "NRA" as his SSN and later file a 1040X amendment (you have up to 3 years to file the amendment), or you can fill out the forms as married filing jointly and send his passport + ITIN application along with your income tax forms when you file them.

  8. 57 minutes ago, SabrinaJerome said:

    Hi Jessie, thanks so much for your response and work!

    This information is exactly why we only sent the fiche anthropometrique/police report/certificate...

    And this is why we received a checklist. You'd think that it would be logical that if your police certificate is clean you wouldn't need a court report, no? That's what we thought too. 

    apparently you still need a court record from Morocco even if your police record is clean.

    It is - I saw it and sent it to the NVC

    So we are trying to get the court report/casier judiciaire in the easiest way possible.


    How the heck do I get other Moroccans to see this post? 

    Don't worry. Your post automatically shows up in the Morocco portal here on VJ (that's how I saw your post) because you have Morocco selected as your country.

  9. No offense to those dealing with Nicaragua and Canada who have answered in this thread, the US Consulate in Morocco requires translations from only the approved translators mentioned in the link that was provided by RJandHamid above. However, jenafid is also correct that the OP should be able to file the initial K1 paperwork with USCIS without any translations needed, and will only need translated documents when it comes time for the interview.

  10. If the symbolism is so important to you, why not just get together with your fiance and your mom & dad (just the 4 of you), have your dad write a little speech about giving you away and then your dad reads the speech aloud, he then places your hand in your fiance's hand, then your fiance can say something about his acceptance of the responsibility, etc. Just a tiny little meaningful interaction between the 4 of you with NO PICTURES and no one else present, and not resembling an actual wedding in any way, but more of like a blessing of the future union.

  11. My resume is 4 pages long and I've had no trouble getting jobs I've applied for. 5 years ago, I got the only job (non-supervisory) I applied for (still my current job) when I only had 10 years of previous experience (now I have 15 years of experience, obviously, and my resume is now at 4.25 pages, and that's cutting out the irrelevant stuff). 


    (Government & security-related work)


    So, clearly, I think the format and length depend on one's field.

  12. This is my story, i had a b1/b2 visa for a validation for 10years.

    I enter in houston texas and over stayed, both me and my husband are not feom the united state. We iver stayed for 3years and we also have a son that was born there.my son is in america in his school now.

    We left volunteer departure. But i tried to re enter on same b1/b2 visa again and i was deported at the port of entry.

    Now my question is, its been now 10years since i stayed away from united state. Is it safe for me to reapply for a tourist visa again? Or iam banned for life of doing so. I havent seen my son for 5years now. And now his passport expired. I just want to know what are my options, and what do i need to do to proceed. Please advice thanking u all.

    Have your mom help him get a new passport to come visit you.

  13. Contact the DMV in New York to ask whether they want you to mail your old NY permit back to them, or destroy it. Now that you have the IL licence and are living in IL, you don't have any use for the NY permit and it's now invalid anyway, since you got your drivers licence. If you move to another state, then your IL drivers licence should enable you to just get a new licence in your new state (not another permit). This won't affect your record.

  14. Thanks so much for the welcome.

    ​I have my birth certificate (I don't need my social security card, do I?)

    I will also have my 2 most recent check stubs, a letter with my intent to marry in Morocco, aaaaand a police report.

    ​Please let me know if I need something else. :)

    ​For my police report - I should just be able to go to my local police department and pay for one & leave with it that day - right???

    Thanks again.

    You are correct, your local PD should be able to give it to you in just a few minutes. You won't need your social security card. Everything else, you'll obtain in Morocco (that's the fun/hard part). ;)

  15. Welcome to the forum, Ashley!

    There are many of us (Moroccan + American couples) here, and many others on this site who are very knowledgeable about many aspects of the spousal immigration process.

    Feel free to ask any questions you have as they come up throughout the process. If you have any burning questions in your mind right now, fire away!

    Have you obtained all of the documents you will need in order to file for a marriage license in Morocco? You'll want to make sure you get a few things together and take them with you to Morocco.

  16. I really hope Narkyia's family was watching last night's episode where Lowo straight up said he's in it for the green card!!! Narkyia needs a reality check on that loser. Oh, but he claims he "fell in love with her at the end of the day". YEAH, RIGHT!

  17. It seemed pretty clear to me that Matt and his mom didn't actually tell Alla the reason why they were steering her away from a beach wedding. They kept talking about how his third wedding had been on the beach in Cancun TO THE CAMERAS, but I never saw them tell Alla. I bet if Alla had known that, she would have dropped the idea on her own.

    I haven't seen anything about Chantel and Pedro's names not being real...I did see conjecture about Jorge's name, though, because he apparently is going by "Andrew Lopez" on social media sites.

  18. A lawyer us definitely not necessary. However, make sure you start by choosing the right visa. A CR1 visa is for a spouse, a K1 visa is for a fiancé. You would have to be married before starting the CR1 process.

    Oops, I totally didn't catch the "fiancee" in their post!

    "What Visa Do I Need?"




    K-1 Fiance Visa:


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