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Voice of Reason

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  1. Haha
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    Mebbe so.  I can't remember between the previous and current accounts, prolly cuz I am old.  🤣
  2. Thanks
    Voice of Reason reacted to laylalex in Is anyone watching the debates tonight and tomorrow?   
    Thank you for the opportunity to set the record straight! We split the bills down the middle, which we think is fair. We have one joint checking account for bills and one joint credit card for paying for household expenses, but we keep our personal spending separate. That way I can't moan about the boxes upon boxes of clothes that arrive for him regularly (even though I do). I am a little more small "c" conservative about spending believe it or not -- I have a small wardrobe that I add to sparingly, my biggest indulgence is beauty products, and right now there's no trips to the spa or anything like that. He likes nice clothing and shoes and electronics (probably a function of growing up in a household where there was a lot of making do), and his money is his own to spend as he wishes.  
    With all that being said, I am not pleased with the Nintendo Switch he just got. He is obsessed with some game called Cuphead and he plays it constantly in the evenings, and got snippy with me the other night when I came in the bedroom and started talking to him about... something. Apparently this distracted him and he died, and oh it was the total end of the world when I accidentally did it again. He did apologize later for it, and said he was an idiot for prioritizing a videogame over me. (He used a slightly less polite word than "idiot" though.)
    Oh, and I will be watching one of the townhalls tonight. Just to go back to topic.
  3. Thanks
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from laylalex in Is anyone watching the debates tonight and tomorrow?   
    I hate to ask, but I feel it is my responsibility due to fair reporting...
    Do YOU pay for the internet access?  Or does Alex?
  4. Like
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Dashinka in Facebook and Twitter reducing distribution of New York Post Hunter Biden story [merged threads]   
    I was thinking about getting one of those new-fangled emulators that play those old games.  Space invaders, pong, PacMan, etc.
  5. Haha
    Voice of Reason reacted to laylalex in Is anyone watching the debates tonight and tomorrow?   
    I have Netflix AND wifi in my ditch, so don't think all ditches are the same. 
  6. Haha
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Dashinka in Nationwide riot megathread   
    Reparations are in order!!  antifa deserves better...
  7. Haha
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Dashinka in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    I'm old fashioned, gotta get me drunk first.
    Speaking of, an Old Fashioned or three would be a good start...
  8. Like
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Burnt Reynolds in Instances of voting interference or fraud   
    Well, that's one person he messed up the election for, at a minimum.  I wonder how many other ballot requests he dumped in the previous few months?  Sad...
  9. Haha
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Dashinka in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    Mebbe so.  I can't remember between the previous and current accounts, prolly cuz I am old.  🤣
  10. Like
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Dashinka in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    It's all good man, I am sure @Burnt Reynolds won't be visiting you anytime soon to slash your tires.    
    The point was that one doesn't have to reside in the US to be affected by Trump or his policies.  And no one here thought you had anything to do with the word trashy, you were just used as an example of a member who isn't currently living in the US, but who is certainly entitled to their opinions of Trump and his policies.
  11. Haha
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Burnt Reynolds in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    I'm old fashioned, gotta get me drunk first.
    Speaking of, an Old Fashioned or three would be a good start...
  12. Haha
    Voice of Reason reacted to Burnt Reynolds in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    Don't think anything of it. I know your posts and respect your opinions and service greatly.
    Couldn't have put it better. 🍻
    Married? I can't seem to make it past first base. 😭
  13. Haha
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    I used to be able to do the same thing for you, if I closed my eyes while I typed.
    And then you had that accident that rendered your steering wheel unusable, and you slid into the left ditch.  But I think your traction control is working once again, and you may soon find your way you once again.  🤞
  14. Haha
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Burnt Reynolds in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    Your attempt at flattery, while ineffective for my ego, is noted and appreciated!
  15. Haha
  16. Haha
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from laylalex in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    Your attempt at flattery, while ineffective for my ego, is noted and appreciated!
  17. Thanks
    Voice of Reason reacted to Nature Boy 2.0 in Facebook and Twitter reducing distribution of New York Post Hunter Biden story [merged threads]   
    email has a header with an IP. Should not be that big of a deal to verify. Why is no one really denying it.
    Trump supposedly called some troops losers. No verification what so ever--still front page news and treated as if it were true 
    The whole Golden shower Trump thing. No evidence what so ever but was front page news and investigated for 2 years.
    Rachel Maddow gets a snippet of a leaked Trump tax return supposedly--Front page news
    Trump took MLK statue out of Oval office. Complete falsehood and easily verifiable. Front page news,
    I am sure If I felt like googling I could come up with many many more
    Surely you will admit there is a huge double standard
  18. Haha
    Voice of Reason reacted to laylalex in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   

    Was CanAm on before? Also you are not old, you are merely ageing in the cask.
  19. Like
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Burnt Reynolds in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    It's all good man, I am sure @Burnt Reynolds won't be visiting you anytime soon to slash your tires.    
    The point was that one doesn't have to reside in the US to be affected by Trump or his policies.  And no one here thought you had anything to do with the word trashy, you were just used as an example of a member who isn't currently living in the US, but who is certainly entitled to their opinions of Trump and his policies.
  20. Like
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Burnt Reynolds in Facebook and Twitter reducing distribution of New York Post Hunter Biden story [merged threads]   
    Yeah, my network is much different nowadays.  This was back when there was very little cyber attacking going on in suburbia, just folks piggybacking who didn't have a clue how file sharing on their PC works over a network.
    I'd love to see someone with some actual skillz try to hack into my network today.  Not saying it is impossible, but I feel it's pretty darn secure.
  21. Haha
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Is anyone watching the debates tonight and tomorrow?   
    Those words are nowhere NEAR strong enough with emotion.  Cash me outside.
  22. Like
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Burnt Reynolds in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    Methinks so.  If I am wrong, @Burnt Reynolds will be along soon enough and put me in my place.  But I am pretty sure his beef was with SB if you go back and read the previous page forward to here.
  23. Like
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Burnt Reynolds in President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19   
    I think you're barking up the wrong tree my friend.  The argument (and the "trashy" comment were directed at Steeleballz, not you.  It stems from Steeleballz trying to tell Burnt that what Trump does doesn't affect Burnt because he is a USC living in Canada.  Much like CanAm doesn't live in the US, nor do you.
  24. Like
    Voice of Reason got a reaction from Burnt Reynolds in Facebook and Twitter reducing distribution of New York Post Hunter Biden story [merged threads]   
    If the computer is going back to the original owner, true.  If the computer is abandoned, not true.  Also not true if you happen across someone's personal data on your own network.  To me, I don't care HOW they got the info... but if it is accurate, then crimes need to be paid for, period.  
    I know this because I handed over a criminal who kept getting on my un-locked network back in the day to the FBI.  After kicking him off several times, I decided to go digging in what he had shared.  One phone call to the police in the town this guy was from, a brief conversation that essentially went, "Uhhhh, can I get back to you on this?"  He called back 10 minutes later, and asked permission to give my number to the Atlanta FBI, which I gladly gave.  By the time the FBI called me a couple of hours later, I have burned a CD's worth of files.  About 10 days later, two dark sedans arrived, an agent stopped by my place for the CD, they escorted the network interloper into one of the cars, and gave the guy a free ride somewhere.  Never saw him again.  His wife moved out shortly thereafter.
  25. Thanks
    Voice of Reason reacted to Burnt Reynolds in Facebook and Twitter reducing distribution of New York Post Hunter Biden story [merged threads]   
    Ethics of attaining the data aside, it's either true or isn't. We don't get to try and mold reality because it came to us in a way not preferable. This also seems to be a problem for the left and Assange, or I suppose the left and anything else.
    In the meantime, waiting on some souls stuck on that shoddy platform to put a nail in its coffin already, not by legislation or government means, but by ditching the toxic trash heap and pulling away an enormous chunk of its userbase. It really makes me wonder about motive when people just endlessly complain and don't do anything constructive.
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