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    lmatos1978 reacted to Umka36 in Don't want to renew wife's green card   
    I think you are in for a ride if you think you have the upper hand. Prenup is meaningless in regards to the I-864. Not trying to sound like a downer, but why are you making this like a game (especially with the daughter's petition). What's your end game if you already know it's not going to work out between your wife? Divorce and move on with your life.
  2. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to Boiler in Don't want to renew wife's green card   
    Highly unlikely that pre nup is enforceable.
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    lmatos1978 reacted to Cyberfx1024 in Don't want to renew wife's green card   
    I don't think that she has fully adjusted all the way. I know it took my wife a little over a year to fully adjust to life here. She thought that she would come here and just not have to worry about anything at all, and it took me explaining to her and showing her how life is here then she was fine. It didn't help that 2 1/2 months after she got here a typhoon hit her province and she wanted to help out alot, because we were in the middle of a custody battle with my x-wife for my kids from my first marriage.
    Now she understands that hey WE have a budget we have to go by every month. We have to live by that budget so that we have enough for bills, food, and whatever else we want to do. I told her I WILL not be sending any extra to the philippines than what is allotted unless it is a verified emergency, and only after all our bills are paid. Since I am the only one working right now she understands that.
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    lmatos1978 reacted to Transborderwife in Don't want to renew wife's green card   
    Just be aware that divorce doesn't cancel your obligations in the affidavit of support. Be careful
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    lmatos1978 reacted to Merrytooth in Don't want to renew wife's green card   
    *Sigh**, But the reality is that you are just a stepping stone to better life in US.
    Learn the lesson, protect yourself now, since she has shown you her true intention.
  6. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to Kastrs in My wife green card expires in about 6 months, is it time to apply for citizeneship?   
    She can file up to 90 days before her 3rd anniversary of becoming a resident-so June of 2017, first you will need to file RoC for your current GC in order to keep her legal status and get the 10 year GC
  7. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to Unidentified in Get Human paid $9 for them to call about case number NVC..   
    Ever heard of Identity fraud? They can do A LOT with your full name and date of birth. If they are also getting money from it, they will ask for your credit info and you can say bye bye money and your identity and you will never get it back.
    They can also do a lot of damage with your case too.
    This is not one of those things you let someone else do. Just call NVC yourself.
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    lmatos1978 reacted to Unidentified in Get Human paid $9 for them to call about case number NVC..   
    Or the "Congratulations you won $10 000 000!" or "Congratulations you won a Green Card"?
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    lmatos1978 reacted to Mike-eeh and Odie in Get Human paid $9 for them to call about case number NVC..   
    So basically for $9.00 you just gave away your petitioner's case number and vital information all on a random web pop-up? Do you also believe those web pop-ups that say "your PC is infected, click here to clean now?"
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    lmatos1978 reacted to trudi in Get Human paid $9 for them to call about case number NVC..   
    You gave yours and your fiancees personal information to a stranger to save a few minutes in a call queue?
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    lmatos1978 reacted to Unidentified in Get Human paid $9 for them to call about case number NVC..   
    So you're saying that somewhere there's people who offer to call NVC for you for $9 so you won't have to deal with calling them yourself? Doesn't sounds safe. I wouldn't want some total stranger get my info. I have never called NVC myself but I would assume they do like USCIS and asks for some personal info to see if they are talking to the correct person. Info I would not like to give a stranger. And even if NVC don't ask that, I would still not feel comfortable with letting a complete stranger have anything to do with my immigration process. So many scammers are targeting immigrants.
  12. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to Kastrs in confused on when wife can apply for citizenship   
    After you have been married 3 years AND she has been a legal US resident for 3 years
  13. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to aaron2020 in URGENT: Traveled to US with someone's passport!!   
    He is so FUBAR for claiming to be a US citizen to government officials to gain entry into the US. This is NEVER taken lightly. There is no waiver. It's game over.
    Your friend and his wife may have to accept that he will spend the rest of his life here as an illegal immigrant subject to deportation. Will not matter that he has a USC wife or USC babies.
    Google "false claim to US citizenship" and you will find no waiver is possible. Your friend is toast.
  14. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to ikeNme in URGENT: Traveled to US with someone's passport!!   
    I just wanted to make the point that the person who gave him his passport to use is probably going to be in serious trouble as well. Even if he now tries to claim that he "lost" his passport, I think under the circumstances, they are going to look into it. You initially said he was "working using his friends papers"......that will also get the other person in trouble because if a job Is reporting Social Security wages under someone's social that is not actually working there is going to be a big fraud case with that too. Your biggest question shouldn't be "HOW he managed to go through CBP with someone's passport"....but how is he now going to save himself, the owner of the real passport, and his wife from spending a considerable time in federal prison.
    I feel like this topic is fishing for answers for someone to get away with a serious offense, but believe me, VJ members are not going to help with that. Best of luck to your .....friend?
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    lmatos1978 reacted to NigeriaorBust in URGENT: Traveled to US with someone's passport!!   
    Falsely claiming to be a USC is one of the things that there is no forgiveness for EVER. Not by marrying a USC not by producing babies. So if they determine he is guilty of that he is done. Not sure what level of claim they use to determine that but one that has been done there is no hope of staying ( I know several people that did this and once they find they enter on a USC passport they can drag out the appeals but all eventually get denied and have to leave ) I am not aware of any basis for asylum from Peru, but that would only delay the deportation. Anyone that is "helping" him stay here illegally could be in trouble also , especially the wife and the person who has been lending out his ID.
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    lmatos1978 reacted to LoveMyTico in URGENT: Traveled to US with someone's passport!!   
    Yep...impersonating a USC is a lifetime ban. I don't think there is a waiver for that. How has he been paying/filing taxes? With his friends social security number? Filing jointly with his wife?
  17. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to Amhara in Culture shock / adjusting   
    Yeah, I don't know if this guy was trying to convince you to stay with him for "immigration benefits" or not since he was behaving so crass. However, one thing is for sure, he things that he can use people, especially women, throughout his whole life. What kind of father is he going to be? At best, an absent one, I gather...
    CubanLove, you did the best thing you could do for yourself. You showed the strength that any woman that loves her man would find a hard time gathering. I'm proud of you. After you heal, you will make a great wife because you have shown that you love yourself. In the future, you will be able to love a better man in a healthy way. You did it and your future is bright! All his fault and none of your own!
    Some men...
  18. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to oceanborn in Culture shock / adjusting   
    I'm so sorry to read the entirety of this thread; what an awful situation to be in.
    I echo the thoughts of everybody else on here - you're well rid of him, you clearly deserve much better, and he clearly did not respect you (nor does it particularly sound like he has the capacity to respect anybody)
    Good luck on your journey, you're doing the right thing.
  19. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to TBoneTX in Culture shock / adjusting   
    Found it! Here's an extremely enlightening thread from someone who was also hosed. It explains the FDNS unit, and more.
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    lmatos1978 reacted to inlovewithacuban in Culture shock / adjusting   
    As if this didn't hurt enough... I have learned of a woman back home, a child on the way, and have seen emails from his sister talking about ways to take my money and lie to me about going to Canada, but get his papers here because he is Cuban, etc. He is partying it up in Miami right now, but sends me emails saying he wants to come back to California and work on our relationship.
    This man deserves and Oscar for the acting he did. I am as skeptical as they come, and have been completely blindsided by this.
    I need this man out of my life. I need this man to not disrespect my country and my government and the sacred bond of marriage. I do not want to be implicated in his horrible behaviors, and I feel horrible I brought this con artist into my country. I want to do the right thing, but I don't know what that is? Sit idle until the 90 days is up and that's it? I am guilt ridden with a larger sense of responsibility than that.... Please help me Visa Journey!
  21. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to Ebunoluwa in Culture shock / adjusting   
    There is nothing to do to inform immigration. You have not married, therefore not filed AOS so there isn't anything to withdraw.
    Just let him do whatever he chooses and lay in the bed he makes for himself. He is on his own little self now and can gripe, moan, groan and complain
    his way all the way through the CAA if that even applies to him having entered on a K1 or he can return to Cuba and maybe his friends will have a welcome
    home party for him
    Change your number and make a clean cut. He will come crawling back when he realizes how good he had it with you. Geez Louise, what a basket
    case he is with his hissy fits.
  22. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to inlovewithacuban in Culture shock / adjusting   
    First off, I want to say thank you again. I have never reached out to an online community before, and you all have NO IDEA the strength you have given me. I was absolutely weakened by manipulation from the man I loved, and I probably would not have had him leave if I had not reached out in this forum. The outpouring of support warms my heart greatly.
    Sarah&Michel I have thought the same thing about the CAA. I am not certain how that superimposes over our situation. I think he can apply but still has to wait for a year. For those not familiar, Google "Cuban Adjustment Act" and you'll see that Cubans are afforded special privileges after entering the country.
    When he bought his ticket here, he had to buy a round trip. We tried to call the charter company a million times to change the ticket, but they never picked up the phone. I sent him to Miami and he was going to see if he could change the ticket or buy a new one. He claims he needs a few days to think about everything, and if he wants to maintain our relationship. I had told him I didn't understand what he didn't understand about "Counseling or Cuba" being the only two options. I think really what he is doing is waiting until he can get ahold of some money to buy the ticket (money left behind for his family).
    Regardless of what he does, I would like to set things straight with immigration. There are people who would kill for this opportunity. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the government that they go out of their way for lovers to be together. I feel horrible knowing there are people who are denied visas every day, and we were so lucky to receive one, only to have it last less than two weeks.
    I was head over heels, I did everything for him, spoke to him every single day, and moved mountains to be with this man. I couldn't believe that I finally found "the one" and felt so happy as if my life was starting anew at 40. Mind you, I'm a successful, fun, happy and pretty woman who has never had a problem meeting men (I get hit on daily and remain humble), and was in no way desperate to have a relationship. I just hadn't met any man I wanted to devote my life to until now.
    The only information I have found about "canceling" a visa is before the person arrives. Whether or not he stays under the CAA is immaterial to me, because I know how he spends money and he will never be able to survive. I just want to do my due diligence, and afford the respect to my government to let them know of these irreconcilable differences.
  23. Like
    lmatos1978 got a reaction from Amhara in Culture shock / adjusting   
    I've showed your post to my coworker from Cuba and he was not surprised by your fiance actions! I'm proud of you! You did the right thing, sorry you had to go through that but at least you didn't get married and had to go through a divorce!
  24. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to inlovewithacuban in Culture shock / adjusting   
    I really can not thank you all enough for the wisdom and encouraging words. This was all incredibly difficult for me. I spent a week telling myself to be patient and kind to this man who left his beloved country and family behind -- full of self doubt as to what to do. As I read through the 7 pages of unanimous vote, it became clear to me how much I was being taken advantage of. I am so happy I reached out. Thank you all.
  25. Like
    lmatos1978 reacted to heo luoi in Culture shock / adjusting   
    Terrific measured response and you got prompt resolution.
    GOOD. on. YOU. OP +100,000 points.
    CONGRATULATIONS on your freedom!
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