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Posts posted by malenliam

  1. Have you checked into the monthly NVC thread? Everyone moves to the new month, and many are there from June 2013.

    Iguess im the only one left behind from a june 2013 filer..the are done with nvc I think. My only question is how long before the iv bill appear available after filling the ds261..coz we just fillef the DS261 last monday. I heard NVC were having issue now in iv billing.

  2. How long beforethe iv bill appeared after DS261 filled up. We are done with AOS paymeny and laready sent last month but my hubby missed to fill up the DS261 until last monday when he called NVC to ask for IV bill that he needs to fill up DS261 before the IV bill appear. I heard some petitioner has been waiting to long for yhe iv bill to appear. Im losing hope with this application.im a june 2013 filer and I guess im the only one left behind. We had allllll the delays. :(

  3. She needs to go back to the CFO office and show her visa, the CFO certificate (given to her when she attended the seminar) together with her passport. The CFO officer will be the one who will put the sticker on her passport. Thats how they explained it to me when I attended the seminar.

  4. After reading all the shared stories ..I considered myself lucky. Me and My husband met in Kuwait. My USC husband worked in US government in Kuwait and I worked ad a Nurse there

    When I finished my contract I went back in the philippines and my husband came to visit me and we got married in mycountry. He's still working in Kuwait so I moved back to kuwait but this time not yo work but to be his wife. At first its like "cook your own food" but after three months I learned how to cook his food thru google. We never had problem. I just stayed at home cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing. .yes im just like a maid for him...but im happy doing that for him. Maybe because I really love my husband. I dont have any complaint to my husband..he's so nice and sweet. And he appreciate everything I am doing for him.seriously we never had problem..but unfortunately he got layed off so he moved back to US and I moved back to the Philippines. .now were just waiting for my visa to be together again. .. its love how we can accept everything..its the person who is with us who makes the place beautiful.

  5. No need to attend seminar again. Just present the certificate she had received when she attended the seminar, together with her visa (when she already have it) then they will just put sticker on her passport then she is ready to go.

  6. If your wife had a first marriage before you...she should write her name using her ex husband's famiky name in AKA ...if she already use your family name, then she should write her name when shes still single. Look ather NBI clearance theres a part there written AKA (also known as)

    Just sharing this because during my friend's interview at US Embassy manila..this is what they had asked from her. She had a first marriage before her US citizen husband

    If your wife had a first marriage before you...she should write her name using her ex husband's famiky name in AKA ...if she already use your family name, then she should write her name when shes still single. Look ather NBI clearance theres a part there written AKA (also known as)

    Just sharing this because during my friend's interview at US Embassy manila..this is what they had asked from her. She had a first marriage before her US citizen husband

  7. I went to CFO before , I still dont have visa, actually its still on USCIS. But because its a requirement to change my family name to my married name, they let me. And I was instructed just to show the visa when I have it so they can put sticker on my passport. They just gave me a certificate after ther seminar. And oh I get there 7:30 in the morning, and the seminar started 9:00am.

  8. You need first to annul themarriage in the philippines if the marriage is registered in NSO. Just present the divorce paper to an attorney in the philippines, it will take one month for yhe process. After that they will issue a decision and that paper need to present in NSO. You will wait another weeks, maybe 2-4 weeks before it will be registered. Then thats the time you can get a CEMAR, in which the two marriages iswritten but the marriage with the korean is null and void.

    here in the philippines, they didnt recognize the second marriage as legal if the first marriage is still not annuled.

  9. You missed the point, I wasn't speaking about the CFO Seminar, I was telling the OP that there is no requirement for his wife to change her name if she doesn't want to do so. I also Googled the page you mentioned and I didn't see anything on those pages that requires a woman to change her last name when she gets married.

    i got your point now. You should have not quote my post coz i just told him to change famiky name here in the philippines she must attend CFO seminar. And yes its not really required fir a wife to chsnge her famiky name to married name...but in USCIS its included in a document to prove a genuine marriage....any ID that uses the married name, well as I remember.

    try google renewal of passport in the philippines/ changing family name to a married name .

    anyway attending CFO seminar is not a waste of time. She will use it too before leaving the country, so its two in one purpose.

  10. Im sorry but not here in the Philippines. Department of Foreign Affairs will require you yo attend CFO Seminar , you will then present the certificate when you want ti change your family name to your married name....IF YOU ARE MARRIED TO A FOREIGNER. I Just did. Go ahead google it DFA Philippines

    Different countries has different rules

    Incorrect, there is no requirement for any person to change their last name when they get married.

  11. Anybody know how much time I would add on if she had it sent to Ballesteros (northern province) instead of Manila? I want her to spend her waiting time with her family in the province instead of idling in Manila, but not if it will add weeks onto the time.

    if iWere you, you should do pick up. They are doing that pick up inside the mall.they will call or send text message to your fiance. Remember the visa should be handled with care. They you can book het flight as soon as they called that your visa is ready to pick up.

  12. Buying a ticket flying to Singapore is more expensive, risky, than just to attend half day seminar. Beside your finace will learn something from seminar.

    I attended the seminar because it is one of the requirement to change my family name to my married name in my passport.

  13. You are not alone! There are others on the same boat, and we all understand how frustrating and upsetting this is.

    My husband and I spent 2 hours in line for our infopass, we explain that we never received our RFE letter (they never sent, but they keep telling us they did back in October), we bagged and demanded that they print us a copy, asked them to tell us what is missing from the 400 page file we sent...we already opened 2 service request and 30 days later still no letter... their answer to us is that we they were going to request NBC to transfer the files to them and that would take 30 days, plus 30 more days for them to get back to us.

    I left the Chciago office crying in anger. Why is it so hard for them to mail a piece of paper or at least TELL US what do they need from us. We did everything right, and someone at USCIS screw up, but obviously they wont admit it, there has been no progress in 6 months and now we are looking at having to cancel the honeymoon we have been planning and paying for 1 year and a half now.

    One thing I know though, I'm not taking a question mark for an answer. AS my husband says, we are going to throw them the kitchen sink.

    we also received an email last dec 11 2014 that our case was RFE. Weve waited for yhe hardcopy until month of january and nothing.hubby calked and they told us they will send another copy, february came and nothing mu hubby called again and same thing they told us,they will send another copy. He called again before the end of february finally USCIS admit their mistake, they had sent the hard copy in kuwait while infact month of july last year we already changed our mailing address. So they told us after 15 days we will hear frim them...after 15 days what we received is a ketter telling us...after 15 days you will receive the hardcopy for your RFE. i dont know why i want to cry...i cant understand why instead of sending the rfe hardcopy they sent us a letter to wait fir another 15 days again. 3 months had wasted ...

    goodthing after they received they received the rfe..only one week we hot approved.

  14. My advice is to extend another year in japan. Me and my husband live in kuwait before, he is usc and hes working in kuwait before. Then last april 2013 the company didnt renew his contract so we decided to file spouse visa so he can bring me in US. But no more USCIS office in US embassy kuwait so we mailed ourapplication last June 2013. His work in Kuwait is until first week of August, so obviously the visa was still on the process. My heart was broke when August 2013 came and i need to go home in Philippines and my husband will go back in US. My visa just got approved this March 25 2014. Yes weve been apart for how many months, but he visited me last December 2013 here in the philippines. Yes we got approved but another journey in NVC is waiting....for how long we need to wait is I dont know.

    I really miss my husband.

    so if i were you, while youre I130 visa is on the process, stay with your wife.

  15. hi ... my pd is 06/03/2013 still waiting... nothign

    06/03/2013 pd

    10/21/2013 interview

    11/07/2013 RFE issued

    12/16/2013 RFE responsed

    02/24/2014 service request

    03/04/2014 answered by uscis WAIT!!!!

    still nothing!!!


    Be patient...you know whAT HAppened to us..our rfe hard copy was sent to Kuwait twice..although we already changed our mailing address.then finally after three wasted months my husband received the rfe hard copy...we responded, when they received the documents they requested.. after one week we got approved. hold on..im sure it will not take that long and you will get approve...goodluck to us.

  16. My husband doesnt like fish...and i respect that. We live in Kuwait for 1 year and 5 months before we applied for my immigrant visa. Everything i cooked he loved it, specially my pork adobo, my pork steak. And actually about my language, he is learning by his own thru google. I guess its how you love the person, how to accept everything about him/her.

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