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Posts posted by slim

  1. Where are you sending this document and who is the approving authority? 

    If you're sending it to a mortgage company or something it's probably not a big deal. Sign a copy and send it in. If you're sending it to the government maybe get the bank to print you out an official copy with your signature on it. Or just send in your original and keep a copy.  

  2. I've been off VJ for a long time and I come back to see the same people ignoring the facts and posting off emotion and what the people on TV tell them. Looks like I haven't missed much.

    I applaud you for sticking to your guns though. It is quite entertaining and it's always nice to see the full circle argument go from "You're all racist" to "Well, that's how they do it in ______ and obviously that's better than America." Keep up the good work!

  3. Yeah I know you think that. The funny thing is some of those posters are dirt poor themselves.

    I had a convo with some of my college-educated friends a few months back. You know, the ones who "do it right" and "follow all the rules" who are now hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt because they went to school, bought a cookie-cutter house and have a couple car payments, kids and a boat?

    They were telling me how poor I was and I was the only one in the group with a positive net worth.

  4. The NC senate just passed a bill to require mopeds/scooters to carry insurance and register with the state. I'm glad these jag-offs will finally have to pony up like the rest of us however it's gonna cost $1m to oversee it. Maybe instead of making them buy insurance they could just remove the fines for running them off the road. Seems like a better punishment than just suspending them for a year.

    This is a free market answer!

  5. AK's are still legal just the russian ak is forbidden.to import, Just makes all guns a bit harder for poor folks to afford. ... don't know why the kenyan hates poor folks so much.

    Russian AKs are "top of the line" and poor folks couldn't buy them anyway.

    Poor folks buy SKS or Mosins instead!

    there are less wealthy VJ posters who think that poor people are poor because they are lazy and deserve it.

    Count me in that group.

  6. I can say without a doubt, one of the reasons i rarely drink, is because I am always driving. My wife does not drive. I will not chance drinking and getting behind the wheel. The penalty is just not worth the risk. If there as no law against drinking and driving, I am sure I would drink and drive from time to time

    if weed were legal and readily available here, I might partake. Since it is not I do not.

    Are you sure you'd cause accidents and harm other people or do you think you'd be self-responsible since crashing your car and hurting other people isn't good for you either?

    for most licensed drivers who also happen to be black out prone alcoholics, the threat of losing their driver's license is enough to keep them off the road while drinking. usually black out prone alcoholics get to that point of self restraint after having to jump through hoops to get their license back after offending. you can't say that drunk driving laws have zero affect on keeping drunk people more weary of their actions. if there were no possible consequence other than maybe possibly causing an accident and killing someone..there would certainly be more drunks on the road at any given moment.

    Is that why many people with four, five, ten DUIs stop? Because of the hoops?

    See my above comment. At some point, it's harmful to ourselves to drink and drive. It may take some people longer than others to get that through their heads but the point remains it's not cost-effective to go through life being a drunk - whether driving or not.

  7. I get the so-called logic behind their rationale (funny to use logic and rationale in a sentence about cheating women) but it's inaccurate not just because volume isn't a good measure but because women are never satisfied by strictly physical encounters. No matter what they say.

    And we should probably put it on record, Peter North is the dude.

    We should also put it on record that you never give the side chick the whole deal. Just the tip. Just for a second, just to see how it feels.

  8. I'm not sure why you guys think just because something isn't prohibited people will automatically go around doing it all the time.

    So we say kids can drink. Does that mean parents are going to get their kids drunk? We can drink and drive. Are people going to do it more? Eventually, the individual must take responsibility for themselves. It's not the state's job nor anyone else's to take care of us.

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