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    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from icanbenobody in H0TELS in Manila   
    Sweetheart, I don't know anything about the other hotels "cause we only stayed Diamond.
    Would have been nice to have a...none of the above... option. Not complaining. Just saying.
  2. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from X Factor in Roll Call of Fallen Commrades   
    My wife is Filipina. My wife is NOT a submissive. (& Thank God she is not) I am NOT a submissive. (but) WE are submissive to each other.
    My wife strives to be an excellent wife & expects me to strive to be an excellent husband. This results = us being Best Friends. Equals. Partners.
    We maintain the POV = A Husband or Wife which is truly empowered in their relationship puts the best maxed out love into the relationship.
    I suspect a submissive Husband or Wife is incapable of maxing out their love meter when dominated by the other. & I suspect the dominator has no clue what he/she is missing out. (but) I suppose a narcissistic person doesn't really care anyway...so each their own..(shrug).
    ETA: Is this thread taking a turn to Marriage advice..? Wow...this thread is a beast living it's own life the way it wants.
  3. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from Marc_us82 in Filipina   
    I am frustrated with the constant (posted) stereotypes, male chauvinism, abusive sexism and regular insults...thrown at Filipino women and culture.
    IMO and my observation...There are not many men (relatively speaking) that seek and marry a Filipina following "western" relationship equality guidelines (so to speak). "It's a man's world" is the dominate mentality amongst (many but not all) men in Fil-Am relationships. That is (often but not always) why we see posts stating.."my Pinay" or .."my Filipina". (at 46 years old I have never heard an American..man or woman...refer to their spouse as...my American)
    I refer to these (most but not all) men as "predators". They go to PI hunting a product.
    One VJ poster often refers to Filipino women as "units" (even typing the statement makes my blood pressure rise). Not woman...lady...girl...or even female. Nope...he chooses .."unit". Tell me..is he thinking product or person?
    Another will state..."having been married to 3 Filipinas...(get this) I KNOW THEM NOW AND HOW THE FILIPINA THINKS." (I don't think it's a good idea to take advice from a 3 time loser. Common denominator? The 3 time loser.)
    Another poster..."believe me...I've been around the Filipina and I know how they can be." (Have I lost something in translation? Isn't this a blatant stereotype comment made by a racist?)
    (I can quote many more examples but 3 is good for now.)
    My question...what's the motivator? The root or roots of these offenses?
    Asian Flu? Yellow Fever? Olongapo? AC? (The lure is cast and the fish bite?)
    (is it) "Age doesn't matter in PI...? (I welcome stories about Pinay / Pinoy marriages with large (20+ years) age gaps...any1? any1?)
    (could it be) Kano's rejected and burn out with failed "western" relationships having no confidence but the (often very few) Dollars they have in their pocket used to purchase a (better future) wife from a hopelessly impoverished family "gifting" away a breadwinner for a better tomorrow?
    Thank you for reading. Any and all feedback is very welcome.
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    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from Tahoma in Can We Schedule the Interview without the NVC Letter?   
    How many times have you been there?
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    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from Tahoma in Can We Schedule the Interview without the NVC Letter?   
    .... .... ....
    1) You took the "risk" 'cause you were flat azz broke. Walang pera...emptied pockets...You shot your wad on the last trip knowing you were "all in". You did not believe your (then) fiancee could manage the medical / interview on her own. You spent your bank to be there to close the deal. (I wonder what would have happened if she got a 221g...)Phew...knew what you were doing...
    2) Ability to adjust? A fellow employee (of yours) quit 2 weeks prior to your (already paid for) trip. You threw a fit at St. Lukes 'cause you weren't allowed in. (remember? you stayed outside and watched the guards urinate) You behaved a desperate man 'cause you did not have the ability to adjust. It was one and done and make or break.
    Jeeeez ...not all (the) VJ's reading your posts are newbies. (and) Unlike someone else no1 should rely on your "spin" for fact.
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    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from nebolskymark in Crackdown On Sexual Predators   
    Facts are stubborn indeed & Facts show that more than 50% of registered sex offenders go on to repeat their offense (& that's post therapy)....
    Normal people don't streak - AKA = Exhibitionism.
    Normal adults don't have sexual relations with minors ("consensual" or not)
    Normal people don't commit sexual assault.
    That's the behavior of abnormal people. Some abnormal people "rehabilitate" in one way or another..to one degree or another...but more than 50% do not.
    A system flawed with errors...? = Better safe than sorry is the best approach - rather than risk subjecting innocent people to predators.
    Life is full of consequences...good and bad...& sometimes consequences last a lifetime. I say = Good.
  7. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from Jacque67 in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    The basic structure design is moving along nicely. I agree with the entry restrictions. Mod selection? Please be sure to build in objectivity. Others might disagree...(but) I think TBone is best choice. (I am basing - on his public handling of disputes. He seems to maintain objectivity when judge of a dispute)
    I think the "Offense" mentioned by Ewok - still needs to be clarified.
    My suggestion = Keep it Simple. Allow me to explain.
    This thread is a perfect example = Many opposing perspectives expressed = Snarky.
    1st - IMO - the snark cannot be taken out of the snark. Emotionally mature people (which I am trying to become) are not affected by Snark (too much). So - I vote - Snark & let Snark. Some might prefer a snark free environment...but...That's ...unrealistic hope. Snark is allowed.
    What constitutes an offense?
    Racism & Hate Speech = Slurs & Disparagement. (postings like Danno's & Marvin's...allowed. Whether I agree with them or not - They each do a good job representing both sides of the discussion. & neither utilizes slurs or disparagement)
    Pornography = No nudity...(up to) "PG" rated content acceptable.
    Ad Hominem = (direct) Character Assassination. (It is very apparent the participants in this forum are adept at insulting another without resorting to name calling)
    (I want to be sure = Ridiculing Sexual Orientation with left handed insults - including - You're so LBGT "jokes", Misogynistic Comments & Degrading Sexism should be included in Hate Speech category).....
    How is this different from current TOS? Coz we take out the "ruining my enjoyment" aspect. Strip the offense guidelines to the basics = Gloves off...have fun. Sometimes a debate ruins the enjoyment of another..the loser. Get over it.
    Enter the cage with eyes wide open = Sensitive types = Beware of the VJs. Coz sometimes they bite.
  8. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from GandD in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    I have an idea = How 'bout we let this thread be focused on the current task at hand = Site Modification - Specifically the CEHST forum.
    & how about take the Cheerios discussion to the thread which the post was...posted = Role Call.....?
    Is that a good idea?
    Coz all this unrelated (to the specific task on deck) back and forth is a distraction...from the point of this thread.
    Just sayin'.
  9. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to Captain Ewok in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    How about 7 days? I can not do posts 'and' duration after joining. I can do one or the other. If someone wants to spam then they probably want to do that immediately -- 7 day seems like a long wait and probably around what it may take someone to get 50 posts.
  10. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to Captain Ewok in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    Well, I appreciate all the passion.
    I'm always a fan of starting with a measured approach when making larger changes to the site. If we need to evolve to accomplish things then that is fine, but it is better than an over reaction. Also, I suspect that despite my best efforts no matter what decisions I make some folks will disagree. Regardless, I do want to help what I see as legitimate concerns folks have raised.
    What I am thinking of starting with:
    - Decide on a local mod that is respected by the CEHST forum members and will be proactive about steering things away from being a problem to begin with. They will be our forum mod expert and can be a key part of related mod decisions.
    - Limit access to CEHST to members that have at least 50 posts on the site. This is to help reduce drive by sock puppets.
    - For habitual offenders in CEHST, instead of using suspensions first, access to the forum can be removed (either temporarily or semi-perminently) still allowing them to post elsewhere on the site.
  11. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to spookyturtle in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    This is getting serious. Here is a picture of a bunny rabbit with a turtle on it's head to calm everyone down.

    Oh do I have a comment for that, it would be completely innocent and factual, but it would start WWIII.
  12. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to GandD in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    OHHH, I remember that one. I prob did +1 that and would again. The one in question is quite angry.
  13. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to The Nature Boy in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    Who pissed in your cornflakes has been around for ever.
  14. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from B_J in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    You guys get a room...or take it to PM....This is a FF site..
  15. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from Kathryn41 in Roll Call of Fallen Commrades   
    I'm gonna give Ryan a prop =
    My last site suspension was handed to me by Ryan. Now..granted Kathryn, Charles! & Krikit have been trying to rehabilitate me for several years now. & I do recognize they all planted seeds...but Ryan got the harvest.
    Why? I'm not sure. He just did.
    Result = I'm a convert. A changed man. I know I will maybe slip back a little here and there..but..I think I got the groove now and I wager I will NEVER be suspended again.
    Unless I post drunk...then I kinda become a bit of a snarky a-hole. But here's hoping that doesn't happen. & since my wife is coming back...my chances are good. My wife keeps me locked down tight...most of the time.

    Very welcome. You are one of the good guys...& besides...you have a Gardening thread to tend to. Can't leave that hanging. It will get all weedy and yucky!
  16. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from Kathryn41 in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    You guys get a room...or take it to PM....This is a FF site..
  17. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me got a reaction from spookyturtle in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    Interested in seeing how the "FF" will spell out.
    IMO - the CE&HST forum is not "FF" by nature. I wouldn't want a minor reviewing the threads (in that forum). The child would come out with PTSD.
  18. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to B_J in Roll Call of Fallen Commrades   
    Did you say that when you close your eyes you see a black?
  19. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to Operator in Roll Call of Fallen Commrades   
    How the hell do I know what you see when you close your eyes. I you trying to play some Jedi mind control trick on me?
  20. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to B_J in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    Which is another reason why there should be another set of rules for CEHST
  21. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to B_J in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    Read the notes, here's what I understood:
    Amnesty: We'll bring back one person who's political opinion is exactly like almost everybody else. Others - not so much.
    Review of Suspensions: People get a link to accomplish what exactly? I know it will be quicker; but what is really changing?
    3 Strikes: We're working on that.
    Family Friendly rules: We're working on that.
    Warnings: The rules aren't changing, just the way we're informing people about it.
    Wording on warnings: meh.
  22. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to B_J in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    I mentioned my posting history because I think it is relevant. The moderation doesn't affect me in any way except for my enjoyment of the site. I'm not one who gets in any trouble but I still have issues with the moderation. And not just one mod. Here is what I have issues with.
    There is so much inconsistent and, to an extent, partisan moderation. I'm really not sure why some words, names, phrases are allowed while others are not allowed. Why is it okay to talk about some subjects but if you talk about others in the exact same way, the thread will be closed.
    What happened to the ideas of CEHST being a restricted forum? What about the idea of having different set of rules for CEHST, while still not allowing racism, sexism, etc? How about choosing mods from the regular and respected CEHST posters who can monitor CEHST more effectively? No offense, but these were the things I was hoping to see; not that two people can now talk to each other.
  23. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to spookyturtle in Mod Meeting Watch 2014   
    I certainly was not setting him up to fail. I reposted his deleted post with his permission after I sincerely thought it was cleaned up enough to suit being posted here. I look at is a man down a bit needing to vent to some familiar faces. He needed to get it off of his chest, so I encouraged him to continue with his story. I found it entertaining and I wish him the best. I don't think he was trying to push moderation's limits, I think he was trying to tone it down from when he was here before. But it didn't work out. I did not judge him, others delighted in it.
  24. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to GandD in Mod Meeting Watch 2014   
    Spooks was genuinely interested.
  25. Like
    Crashed~N2~Me reacted to mota bhai in First quarter GDP revised downward - drops into negative territory at -1%   
    Wall Street was expecting it to be negative due to the harsh winter. This is not a surprise.
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