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We Keep Receipts

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    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from CarlosAndSveta in Teenagers jailed for attacking two families in southern France as 'women were wearing shorts'   
    Funny how he never uses this lingo when it's a meth head on a killing spree...
  2. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from CarlosAndSveta in Republicans warn that Trump's critique of Clinton's "look" fuels accusations of sexism   
    If you are voting for Trump because you're against Hillary lying, but completely cool with Trump lying, you might be a sexist.
    If you think Obama is a dictator for saying he has a pen and will use it, but was rooting when Putin took the Ukraine, you might be a racist.
    The GOP freed the slaves and fought for civil rights. The Democrats used to be the party of the KKK. Now, the Dems have the first black President and about to elect the first woman President. The The GOP has NEVER had a minority President. And it let a racist, misogynistic, Democrat hijack its party and convolute it with the alt right, KKK, and every other white nationalist group that used to be irrelevant. But I should be voting for the GOP because what do I have to lose?
    Yes, it's that simple a 6 year old could figure it out.
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    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from Jacque67 in Obama disrespected on final Asia trip   
    What's so funny about this? Merry didn't say ANYTHING about the PI. The comment was a broad statement that we've all seen happen time and time again from women in various countries. But for some odd reason, men married to women from the PI are in here trying to defend themselves when no one was attacking them in the first place.
  4. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from CarlosAndSveta in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    Yep, but you're leaving out the other ones. They weren't his wives.
    And Trump wouldn't have been because he lacks the fortitude for it. He got his Purple Heart the worst way possible. It was given to him, and he accepted it.
    That's because you're weird.
  5. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from CarlosAndSveta in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    And Trump has been accused of rape, by his own spouse AND under aged minors.
    Slightly more repulsive than cheating on your wife with multiple partners don't you think?
  6. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from CarlosAndSveta in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    She really doesn't have a choice now does she? Because while Matt Lauer spent most of this time asking about emails, he made it a point to not challenge Trump about, oh I don't know, his false statements about the Iraq war, Trump U scandal, his attacking a gold star family, not believing the President is American born, etc. And we not going to start about the rape cases( and we have to be specific here since Trump has quite a few), or since Hillary seems to have to carry the sins of her husband, what about Mrs. Trump?
  7. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to The Nature Boy in Obama disrespected on final Asia trip   
    Someone hit the cliff notes
  8. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to Janelle2002 in Obama disrespected on final Asia trip   
    Great situation where you were correct without being nasty about the truth. I wouldn't call what you said not being politically correct, you told the truth in a direct and not indirect way.
    And no, Marvin's not fat. I see him IRL!???? I know you didn't imply this. I don't b understand why people are so hurt by this thread and your comments if they don't apply to them.
  9. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from Janelle2002 in Obama disrespected on final Asia trip   
    Then explain it to me. Why does it turn your stomach when you think about electing her? Because Trump, the man you're voting for, is just as(IMO dirtier) than Clinton. Ties to the mob? Multiple bankruptcies? Discrimination lawsuits? A university that scammed thousands of Americans out of their hard earned money? NB made a comment about her enabling Bill and how awful that was. She's such a monster. Your candidate has been accused of rape. Multiple times. Some were minors. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. We not even talking about his wife. You know? The one who, in order, might have come and worked on a tourist visa, took nude pics while doing said work, and might have been an escort at some point(allegedly). There's a reason why you haven't seen her lately. If any other candidate was married to her, they couldn't be a politician. But Trump once again gets a pass.
    So it's not that we say if you don't like them you're racist/sexist. But let's be very clear about this. When one make comments about Obama like chimp, monkey, or tar baby, yeah it's racist. But in Clinton's case, how is it possible to cite a moral indignation about voting for Hillary when Trump has been proven time and time again that he's not fit to lead? And it's very telling how Clinton's every move is judged while Trump gets to literally insult/bully his way into the WH and no one seems to care. If Clinton had one incident where someone was beaten up, spit on, or anything at her rallies, her campaign would have been ended. Trump has had several, and it's been excused, over and over again. So tell me why Clinton is held to an impossible standard as a politician, but Trump is not held to any standard at all?
    I wasn't worried about Merrytooth's comment. You know why? Because I knew it didn't apply to me. As adults, we all know that it happens. Let's be real. We all know the ones who've been through it. IRL and in the effects forum. I took it as a joke since I've seen it happen. And there are some scammers out there that do this. But you and NB seemed to take it personal. Like it was aimed at you or something. That's what I don't get. Because Janelle and I have had to come here and hear about how bad we are as a race of people forever. There isn't a day that goes by where black people AREN"T a topic of discussion, but we tend to take it in stride(somewhat). And we've had some folks tell us we're the problem.
    There's a difference between being successful and being able to take care of someone. But your last point is mostly true.
    I was
  10. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from Janelle2002 in Obama disrespected on final Asia trip   
    And I just want to point out, Merrytooth's observation was based off the Effects forum, and yet it seems like coming for my wife and I was easiest reaction, even though, no one was talking about you. Just remember this the next time a black person sucks thread comes up. No one likes generalizations.
  11. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from Janelle2002 in Obama disrespected on final Asia trip   
    A couple of things:
    We were living overseas when we met our spouses. We didn't go "looking" for a particular race of person. She was a teacher, I was stationed there and found mine by complete accident. We both married for love, just like the rest of you. It didn't work out, but neither myself or her are bad mouthing foreigners. We know a few couples that are international and no issues. In fact, we've explained our rationale behind it, even before things worked out. Because VOL was talking this same mess if I recall correctly...
    And again, why do you think the song is about you, Roy, or this other random person who just somehow found his way here and is now going after my wife specifically? No one is talking about your wives or their families. It's so strange to see you all get caught in your feelings about this when we have to hear about how criminal black people are day in day out. I mean, damn, that crime stat should be in some of your signatures. But talking about gold digging wives from overseas got y'all so upset this other dude came in just to say something about it. I'm shocked to say the least. Really at the fact no one was even talking about you or anyone else's spouses.
    Roy, if that's you,
    Um, if you know anything about us, you'd know that's not true. Janelle is a successful woman in her own right, with more than a few degrees and was working making more than enough money to live without a man. She doesn't need a man to take care of her. Matter of fact, she left a good paying job just to come here and be with me. So your comment is way off base. She married someone who could contribute, this whole marrying a dirt bag mentality is beyond me. And I hope it's beyond you.
    If you think integrity and Trump go together, please tell me how is he more trustworthy? I'll be here all night.
  12. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to B_J in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    Which is the bigger issue?
    Being misogynistic and sexist
    being married to someone who is misogynistic and sexist?
    Not such a difficult decision really.
  13. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to ready4ONE in Republicans warn that Trump's critique of Clinton's "look" fuels accusations of sexism   
    You do understand that the OP is referring to Republicans expressing concern over Rump and his strategy?
  14. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to Dakine10 in Republicans warn that Trump's critique of Clinton's "look" fuels accusations of sexism   
    There's been a few times now where I've googled something that NB posted and ended up with a link to the scrabble website.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to Janelle2002 in Trump attacks US foreign policy, political press corps on state-owned tv network   
    Why don't he just move to Russia?
  17. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from Janelle2002 in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    She really doesn't have a choice now does she? Because while Matt Lauer spent most of this time asking about emails, he made it a point to not challenge Trump about, oh I don't know, his false statements about the Iraq war, Trump U scandal, his attacking a gold star family, not believing the President is American born, etc. And we not going to start about the rape cases( and we have to be specific here since Trump has quite a few), or since Hillary seems to have to carry the sins of her husband, what about Mrs. Trump?
  18. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to Póg mo in Clinton bought used Blackberrys on eBay   
    Who cares? If she running against anybody else, then yeah, it might matter. Saying you'd vote for the Donald, because Hillary is corrupt, is akin to voting Hitler, because you believe Winston Churchill was a little bit racist.
    Sorry but the Donald is nothing but con man, who has been caught lying on an industrial scale again and again. The man won't even release his tax returns, because if he does, he will loose a large part of his support base, who weirdly seem to support him because, to quote someone I met who supports him, 'I like Donald Trump because he has all the money'. Seriously you would have thought that more Americans would have figured out what happens when you elect someone unsuited for the job. I detest Hillary Clinton, but at least with Hillary Clinton, I don't really need to worry that she going nuke half the planet, because she felt the need to vent.
  19. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to Ebunoluwa in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    Trump keeps trumping himself so badly and the bromance with Putin will soon be taken to the next level....I can tell....by his
    body language.
  20. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to Janelle2002 in Teenagers jailed for attacking two families in southern France as 'women were wearing shorts'   
    They are from the hood? ????????? hilarious dude
  21. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to Janelle2002 in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    I plead the 5th.I have a theory on the 1% but I plead the 5th.???
  22. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to Janelle2002 in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    99% of people voting for trump are voting for these reasons
    #1 ending PC (basically being respectful). They don't want to be respectful and PC so called forces them to be. It's funny, people will travel abroad and demand respect but don't want to be respectful in their home country. It's 2016 no one will continue to allow you to disrespect them. If Trump is elected I forsee people with missing teeth.
    #2 bringing back racism and discrimination. He promises to get rid of brown people. Lying about the south border while the majority of illegals come from people who come to the u.s. legally then overstay or leave their spouse of fiance at the airport. He promises to put black people back on the bottom and this will make America great again.
    #3 misogyny. Stop the progression of women. His misogynistic comments clearly sends the message that women need to go back to their original positron, the kitchen and the bedroom, not CEO or politics. Historically white men have held white women back from progression and this is why white women benefit more from AA. If not, they'd still be popping babies and keeping their mouths shut.
  23. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from elmcitymaven in A beauty contest was judged by AI and the robots didn't like dark skin   
    All AI starts from a human interface. IMO it's just reacting to what it's been programmed with. I'll wager there were parameters in place and the robots went off that.
  24. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to yuna628 in A beauty contest was judged by AI and the robots didn't like dark skin   
    That's okay, if you have no idea.
    If Colin Firth is English, he is also British. If Idris Elba is English, he is also British as they reside and were born in England or what is colloquially known as Great Britain, or the United Kingdom.
    If you are Welsh, you are Welsh. Do you consider yourself British or Welsh or both? Do you consider yourself European? Do you consider yourself a member of the human race on planet Earth?
  25. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to yuna628 in A beauty contest was judged by AI and the robots didn't like dark skin   
    Right, except that I never made that assumption at all. A question was asked and I answered it. There are according to census data 81.9% white British people. Referring to my husband as quintessentially British has nothing to do with the colour of his skin and I never made such assertions that only British people are white. Idris Elba is also quintessentially British as Colin Firth. Straw grasping...
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