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    paul_kay got a reaction from crazysauce in CFO NAIA hours   
    You need to call them ahead of time. Tell them your flight details so someone from their desk at NAIA will wait for you to give you your sticker.
  2. Like
    paul_kay reacted to rlogan in Waiting..... Waiting   
    Darren Gretchen drama. Las Vegas bookies are saying it's 3:1 that the thread is eventually closed. The smart money is calling it a moderator KO sometime before the sixth (page).
    Can he do twelve rounds? Hard to say. Darren comes out early in the first swinging hard but in the middle rounds it is all about bobbing and weaving, counterpunching, and not getting hit. Ultimately in the late rounds it comes down to stamina. OK, so he comes out with a haymaker: going to spring the hot new babe on the family.
    But he took a solid body shot, straight up the middle with calling his wife a friend. He has to come back off the canvas from that one folks, or he's done for. I'd say this one is going to be over early. The refs will have to stop this one. Another shot like that and someone's got to throw the towel in for him.
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    paul_kay reacted to ~Johnny~ in Divorce after 1 month in US....Long-sad-story   
    It’s been almost 4 months since my last post on VJ. Mainly I’ve just been too embarrassed by recent events with my marriage and upcoming divorce. I’m mainly posting this story so others in this situation can learn and use this to help protect themselves from these horrible things that DO happen to good people. Some folks here know that I’ve been through the K1 process earlier this year and brought my fiancé over from the Philipines. I won’t go into the Visa process as it was very quick and effortless thanks to experts here on VJ, but here’s what happened after she arrived in the US:
    We were originally planning to be married a month after her arrival but her family began freaking out about her living with me (in Sin) for a month and they said we need to be married immediately or my fiancé needs to live with relatives Las Vegas until the wedding. After much arguing and disagreeing, we decided to get married on May 15…about 12 hours after her arrival in the US. She had a very controlling aunty that lived in Las Vegas and we lived in San Diego. Her aunt was ultimately a big player in our separation. Exactly 6 days after our marriage, my wife found some old photos of me and some old girlfriends on my laptop. She immediately began yelling at me and then locked herself in the bedroom and called her aunt. Two hours later her aunt sent a cousin to come pick her up and take her to Vegas. I tried talking to her and telling her this was in my past, I’m sorry I forgot to delete old photos…nothing could change her attitude. Her aunt was even worse as I tried talking to her and telling her that we are having our first argument and she needs to just let us handle this on our own. Her aunt began yelling at me a cursing me out and telling me that I have no place in telling her what to do with her niece.
    So, my wife is whisked away in the middle of a Friday night and taken to Las Vegas to stay with her aunt. For nearly a week she refused to talk to me and called me lots of bad names and such. Then a friend of mine emailed me about a profile on this dating website that looks like my wife. I had suggested that he try looking at the website Filipinaheart for his match (because that’s where I met my wife). Sure enough, it was her and she had a profile posted using the photos of her taken during our wedding (of course minus me)! I made copies of the profile and saved them in PDF format. I was at work and immediately became emotional and just made it to my car before I broke out in tears. I got home and called my parents as they were coming to San Diego in two days to meet my wife and my daughter was coming to San Diego the following day. I told my parents the whole story because I wasn’t sure my wife would be there to meet them and I figured they should know the scoop. Then I sent a few text messages to my wife and she knew that I was pretty upset and that I knew about her profile on the dating site. I told her I was filing for a divorce the following week and that I hope she finds her “Knight in Shining Armor” which was her profile’s statement. She tried talking to me but I just hung up the phone. Her aunt called me later and tried talking and I said it’s over. Her aunt apologized and said she didn’t know her niece was doing this, she said her niece told her that we were talking and getting along and she was coming back home to me soon. A side note: while I’m talking to her aunt, I can hear singing in the background….happened to be my wife singing Karaoke. Pretty distraught huh? I even told her aunt, wow sounds like my wife is really taking this badly. Her aunt said, she’s just having fun! And said “don’t start thinking bad.” I told her aunt I can’t deal with this any longer and that it just isn’t going to work and I told her goodbye and God Bless. Five hours later at 1 am, there’s a knock on my door and it’s my wife and her aunt. Her aunt dropped her off and said you guys need to work this out.
    So we talked and decided to try to make it work again. I went to get my daughter the following day in Denver. I have a beautiful 8 year daughter. We both arrived back in San Diego that evening and we all went out for dinner. My wife and my daughter really got along well. My mom and dad showed up the following day. My mom agreed to be nice to my wife. My mom was not happy about my wife leaving me 6 days after the wedding for something as trivial as old pics on a laptop and then posting her profile on a dating site. BTW my wife said she only posted on that site because she was bored and wanted someone to talk to…..I said…well you could have talked to your husband instead of ignoring my calls.
    She remained with me for three more weeks asking me on a daily basis to do her AOS. I told that we’ll do it when we have more money and when we know it’s right. Of course my mom/dad and daughter were all there on vacation as well. My wife seemed to change from the person I met in the Philippines. She spent ALL her time on the computer chatting with friends and doing her Facebook thing. Of course her Facebook had her listed as single and there was no mention or anything of me on there. She would lock herself in the bathroom for hours with the laptop and would be chatting with friends. About the second week, I was sitting on the sofa with her and I looked over on the laptop and noticed her chatting with a guy on that dating site. I said….whoa whoa whoa…not in my house you don’t and I closed the laptop and said..No you don’t not in front of me. I told her if that’s her game then she needs to go back to her aunt’s house because I don't want a wife talking with other guys on a dating site. We began arguing after that episode and at one point she called me a “stinky old man” in front of my daughter. My daughter said "daddy you don't stink, why did she say that?" I had to explain to my daughter that she was just being mean to her dad. She left on Jun 28. A week after she left, I notified ICE and sent them copies of that dating profile I saved, and copies of the original wedding photos she used for her profile. I gave them a complete write-up of events to date and gave them a copy of the divorce papers I filed in court. A very nice ICE agent from Las Vegas contacted me and told me that this appeared to be fraud and it appeared that it was a marriage of convenience. She said this is very common. She advised me to forget about the girl and please send them the final divorce decree when I get it so they can put her into removal proceedings.
    That was in July, I have since moved to New Orleans and have taken a great job here and I'm trying to start a new life and forget this past summer. Three weeks ago I received a call from,,,guess who? Apparently she called me and wanted to know if I would “help” her adjust her status. I said no, I can’t do that because we are not living together and I filed for divorce and ohhh BTW I haven't heard from her in 3 months!! She then asked me what’s my plan? I said huh?? She said well…for her? I said I have no plans for you other than not seeing you again. She said that her and her aunty applied for AOS without my sponsorship and she said all they need from me is to sign the sponsor papers. Wow! I said uhhh NO! Well apparently, since they filed for adjustment, the USCIS now gave her 87 days to secure my signature or else her AOS will be denied which will be on November 20, 2010. And her last words to me 3 months earlier were “we got what we needed from you, we don’t need you anymore.” Well, after our conversation, I contacted the ICE agent in Vegas and she didn’t know about them filing AOS because sometimes the inter agencies don't communicate well between each other and then she said it just makes their case look more and more fraudulent by knowingly applying for status without the petitioner's involvement.
    So, two days go by and I get a phone call from this guy. He apparently is her boyfriend in San Diego she is living with him and he is asking me to do her sponsorship. He said if I care for her I’ll do this for her! I said what??? Some %$# nerve for a boyfriend to call the husband.. and then I refused and he said…well then divorce her so he can marry her and she can stay in the US. I said…it doesn’t work like that dude but I am divorcing her. And told him good luck. Again, I contacted the ICE agent and she was shocked at the events and told me that everything to date that I have provided her is part of my wife’s “A” file. She said, she wishes more people would look beyond their hearts and notify ICE sooner when these problems first start. Her reasoning to me was; typically what will happen is the beneficiary will become desperate and begin an abuse claim (VAWA) as it’s usually the last ditch effort to stay in the US. And this is ususally the first time Immigration is even aware of a problem with the marriage. The unsuspecting USC is not even notified during a VAWA action and is never even given a chance to enter the other “side.” She said, most times the USC doesn't even know a VAWA case was filed against them and said it was something to do with protecting the abuse victim. She said that in my case, there’s more than ample evidence and data entered into her “A” file and that will all be reviewed during any possible VAWA action. She said if there’s ever a VAWA case started; the first thing the adjudicator asks for is the “A” file. Again, she commended me on keeping them informed and recommended I try to forget this experience and move on with my life. The ICE agent told me that it will be extremely difficult now for my wife to fabricate a convincing VAWA story that will stick without any very convincing evidence.
    So, there’s my story. Also...I was kind of disappointed that it looks like ICE doesn't really go after Visa-dodgers but rather they wait for them to eventually show up and then catch them and deport them. The agent told me in some cases they do go after these folks depending on the circumstance. I really appreciated everyone’s helping me try and realize the dream and it was really just my fault for not paying attention to early red flags in this relationship. I have moved-on and have re-kindled an old flame, who until recently, I didn't know even cared for me so much.
  4. Like
    paul_kay reacted to b & q in Gretchen & Daren   
    Dear Gretchen,
    I have a little brother who just turned 19 years old. He is a nice guy, will not lie to you, and has a very bright future ahead of him. If you are interested in leaving this slob then feel free to send me a private message.
    (I'm not serious by the way..)
  5. Like
    paul_kay reacted to Tahoma in Gretchen & Daren   
    Anyone who's followed Darren's threads knows that he's a busy guy, so it's not surprising that we haven't heard from him. Here are a few things Darren has been working on:
    > He's scheduling a face-to-face meeting with St. Lukes so they can apologize to him for the guard who almost peed on his leg.
    > He pledged to change the laws regarding visa expedites to include those who don't eat at McDo's every day.
    > He's out shopping for boats to fulfill the trade deal he made with his father-in-law.
    > He's planning how he's going to singlehandedly lift Gretchen's entire barrio out of poverty.
    > He's waiting for a phone call from his mother-in-law to see if she will lend him some money so he can pay for Gretchen's AOS.
    > He's researching old Filipino tribal customs in order to figure out why he spent so much money in the Philippines.
    > He's still searching for his lost glasses.

  6. Like
    paul_kay got a reaction from BobGee in What needs to carry/bring before Travel?   
    Bring a pen so you won't have to borrow one in the airplane when you have to fill up the I-94 and Customs Declaration Form.
  7. Like
    paul_kay got a reaction from edwardteresa4ever in Why a Girl from the Philippines   
    Lmao. I don't know how this thread went from dating Filipinas to dating Filipina bar girls but my opinion is...
    despite of their job description, I think bar girls also dream of having a normal happy relationship with someone who will appreciate them despite of the nature of their job, whatever it is. That's why they tend to give more attention to their husbands, because they want to get out of their present emotional situation.
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    paul_kay got a reaction from edwardteresa4ever in Why a Girl from the Philippines   
    To each his own.
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    paul_kay reacted to edwardteresa4ever in Why a Girl from the Philippines   
    Sometimes I think their is some misperception as to how girls from the philippines are, I can only relate my own story. First I have always thought that girls from this part of the world are beautiful both inside and out. I was fortunate to have been to the Philippines when I was serving in the USMC and have been to diffrent parts of Asia for business since then.
    To me a girl is a girl is a girl meaning yes there will be cultural influence and yes maybe certain attributes that are local to that community or area but beyond that is a woman, a woman who just happens to live in another country who sometimes eats diffrent foods, speaks other languages and lives in a diffrent climate. What woman anywhere in the world does not want to be loved and cared for, and to feel secure, and I answer most all women do. once in love geography goes right out the window.
    Of course there is an attraction to a better life, but thats just an attraction, the real thing is the same old things that have drawn couples together and kept them together for centuries, Love, Committment, chemistry, similair beleifs and attitudes, being able to make one another laugh and just that over all feeling of being meant to be. I think there are a lot of misperceptions both on behalf of westerners as well as east, I think though if people search their heart they will find that it all comes down to love, no matter where you may be from.
    For me, I know I met a girl who just happens to live in another country and for me she is the girl I love, not a girl from the philippines, but just a beautiful woman inside and out. I think most of the people here on VJ know this and are lucky, so that being said cheers to us all, God Bless us and our realionships today,tommorow and the next.
  10. Like
    paul_kay got a reaction from Matt & Bing in If Visa Interview Appointment is at 6:30am. What time should we arrive?   
    Save yourself some sleep and don't arrive too early. I arrived later than the early birds (30mins before appointment) but one of the first few ones to get approved and left the embassy at 9:00AM.
  11. Like
    paul_kay got a reaction from Austramerican in Support needed- how to cope with waiting for NOA2???   
    Lol Thank you! And thanks for saying I look super young coz I really am not (I think). I'm in my mid 20s already.
    I got ideas from this website too http://www.lovingfromadistance.com/thingsforldrcouplestodo.html
  12. Like
    paul_kay got a reaction from CristiFur in Things You Hate & Love About The Philippines   
    I miss being able to commute because of the jeepneys and taxis.
    The cheap movie tickets!
    Cheap and good food!
    The HEAT!
    The aura when Manny Pacquiao has an incoming fight/ when he has a fight
    Rice in McDonald's and in just about any American fastfood in the PI
    Filipino humor
    etc etc etc
    too much heat (lol)
    power tripping govt workers
    etc etc etc
  13. Like
    paul_kay reacted to TeapotGirl in Fiance backed out from interview   
    I can provide CENOMAR anytime but it doesn't mean I will marry you.
    CENOMAR is a certificate of no marriage not a certificate of being loyal or not being in a relationship.
    Willing ladies will be honest about previous but undissolved marriage. A lot male petitioner even help out with the annulment expenses.
  14. Like
    paul_kay reacted to Tahoma in so worried now :(   
    Where did the OP say that she had any friends "stuck on getting a one way ticket to the states?"
    If the process meant as much to you as it truly means to some of us, you wouldn't make rude, ridiculous comments which only serve to tear people down so that you can feel better about yourself.
  15. Like
    paul_kay got a reaction from Matt & Bing in Dress for success   
    When I had my interview in Manila US Embassy I saw a USC wearing "Barong", which is a traditional Filipino clothing. I thought it was funny but cute at the same time. I wore a dress which is a little above my knee, some would think it's inappropriate but since the interview was in a window where the interviewer won't see what you're wearing from waist down, I don't think attire is a big deal.
  16. Like
    paul_kay reacted to Ann Marie and Leo in NEED Advice 2   
    As i mentioned in the other thread, also try, http://www.mag-anak.org/ lot's of people that can help you there as well.
  17. Like
    paul_kay got a reaction from NY_BX in Is it just me or has going through immigration really put wedding planning into perspective?   
    I feel for you! We were planning to have a small wedding within 90 days of entering the US and a bigger one next Spring but one day the weather became better and we didn't feel like doing 2 weddings anymore. So we planned a traditional outdoor wedding in 6 days! Cost about 2k for 30-50 people and it was a beautiful Fall afternoon.
  18. Like
    paul_kay reacted to crazykuya73 in help with mama   
    I guess I should consider myself very lucky. My future-in-laws doesn't expect me to pay them and they told me, "Just love her with your heart". I done that and alot more. I was upfront and honest with her parents. I told them I'm not rich and don't drive a fancy car, but "I love your daughter more than all the money in the world". I even asked her father for her hand in their Visayan dialect. I still continue to learn to show them I respect them and their culture. I told them whatever money I send them, its up to them how they spend it or save. They didn't have to feel obligated to me or anything else. I told them to live their life the way they want.
    You seem to act like you're the expert of the filipino culture ? My fiancee has read your thread and her thoughts of your knowledge of the filipino culture.. Well.. One word summed it up.. CLUELESS ! I read most of your threads, including this one and one previous about your last trip there. So many things should be kept to yourself and not for the whole world to know. This is a free country and you can post whatever comes to your mind, but think long and hard before you do.
    I have two filipina aunts (by marriage) and both of them were already here when my uncles married them. I learned some about the culture from them and if you think you are going the be "Amo" (boss) of your future wife, you better think again !
    I sent them the links to see your comments for themselves and they had some choice words... Loser and IDIOT were the nicest ones I heard.
    Do yourself a favor ? If you truly love your lady.. Keep the personal stuff to yourself and you won't be subjected to all the backlash.
  19. Like
    paul_kay reacted to Scott & Annie in K-1: Am I allowed to bring my dog?   
    Funniest thing I've ever heard on VJ!!

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    paul_kay got a reaction from Penny Lane in K-1: Am I allowed to bring my dog?   
    You need a petition for your dog and get a K-9 visa.
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    paul_kay got a reaction from Matt & Bing in K-1: Am I allowed to bring my dog?   
    You need a petition for your dog and get a K-9 visa.
  22. Like
    paul_kay got a reaction from kennym in K-1: Am I allowed to bring my dog?   
    You need a petition for your dog and get a K-9 visa.
  23. Like
    paul_kay got a reaction from Scott & Annie in K1 visa fee gone up in September?   
    The fees in dollar will remain the same. It's just the foreign exchange that changes. I noticed the the Peso value is going up. But yeah you may contact the embassy about it.
  24. Like
    paul_kay got a reaction from Scott & Annie in Question about DS-230   
    Hmmmm I was a K1 I didn't fill out any DS 230 form.
  25. Like
    paul_kay got a reaction from B_J in Where do you buy your tickets going to US?   
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