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talean nawaz

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    talean nawaz reacted to M_&_R in Big Big Problem.... Please need help and advice!!   
    I do see a judgment here, twice - "you're looking to not pay for something you got." That's not how I read this. He didn't know if she was eligible. He DID ask, and was told no. He accepted that and was looking for alternate methods when *they* contacted *him* to say oh you're in luck, we found a way to get you covered. He thought, "oh, thank goodness" - not knowing that the way they did it was to falsify a piece of information that he clearly gave them *accurately*.
    Now, the issue is that if he had researched alternative ways, he would have gotten *assistance* with the situation, as someone in need of help because he did not have coverage. Anyone who has ever had a lapse in coverage knows that medical providers will work with patients of lesser means to assist them in meeting their obligations. Typically, they charge them quite a bit less.
    That didn't happen for OP, because medicaid told him he was covered. So his wife's care was billed at full price.
    Whatever you might think about the fact that different people pay different amounts for the same services, it's a fact. And the fact is, OP would have been billed less for everything had he used alternative resources to pay for the pregnancy.
    So now OP has been billed at the "insured" rate and is being told he has to pay back at that rate. When it's not his fault that he was billed at that rate - he was honest and legitimately believed he was covered. Now what he has to pay back is way more than what his bills would have been had medicaid stayed with their original judgment of turning him down.
    That is, in fact, not fair to OP, as it was Medicaid's mistake.
    He's not looking not to pay for the care. He's looking to pay what he *legitimately* owes - which is the reduced rate offered to under- or un- insured patients. There's nothing wrong with that.
    Just my 2 cents.
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    talean nawaz reacted to Mithra in Denied   
    Don't fool yourself, they care about everything. If someone appears fraudy, of course they aren't going to worry about how many times his SO visited him. Don't worry about other peoples' cases, focus on your own and gather info about the technical aspects of overcoming a denial. If you do get denied then you will know what steps you'll have to take to overcome it. I'm telling you, listening to the women in your support group is not the way to go. Everyone's case is different, everyone's relationship is different and most of the time these women are not going to be completely open and honest about why they were denied. Who wants to admit their husband looked super fraudy or didn't know jack about them? The person who got denied because they didn't know how to point out their wife's state on the map was not denied for that reason alone.
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    talean nawaz reacted to Grant PDX in out of status in K1 visa   
    People can be so harsh. The OP is asking about an immigration issues and people have to throw judgement in, based on their own issues. There was some good advice, but a lot of folks being pretty judgemental.
    Take out the immigration issues from her situation and it's an EXTREMELY common situation. Boy and girl break up, boy and girl meet new people, frequently within weeks. She was probably devastated. People offered to help. For all we know she met some totally genuine guy, who offered to help and they made some emotional connection. Who knows if they would ever marry but with some emotional connection they don't want to throw away the possibility by making poor immigration decisions.
    In my experience, filipinas are very emotional people. They become emotionally attached deeply and quickly. To say that during a time of a devastating issue someone coming to her rescue built an emotional bond quickly is immigration fraud is just nuts.
    Give them a break. If you don't have help to offer, stay out of it. It's easy to throw stones but you have no idea what her real situation is. I know I've been judgemental in the past too, but I've learned that real life tends to throw curve balls.
    Edit: Wow, on rereading the original post it doesn't even say there is already another guy. It just says asks what she would need to do now so that it was possible for her to be petitioned again in the future. Not that she already has someone lined up. Other people must be projecting their own issues.
    By the way, wanting to marry someone from another country doesn't mean there is immigration fraud. So some filipinas like kanos... I happen to like filipinas, some guys like Ukranians, some like hispanics, some like Vietnamese... Just because they know what they want doesn't mean they are committing immigration fraud when they get it. And just about everyone who gets married has been in prior relationships. Some moved on quickly, some not so quickly. Don't judge, most of us wouldn't look so good if the mirror was held up to us.
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    talean nawaz reacted to GandK in When should I have a Senator petition on my behalf?   
    The others are right. My K-1 interview was approved today and there is one single truth I have learned in the last 7 months. It is this
    There is no one or no way you can speed up this process unless you have a valid reason for expedite criteria. The sooner you realize and accept this, the better you will be off during the waiting.
    I wasted a lot of energy and emotional strength to be sad and depressed. Looking back, I would accept that it will take as long as it takes and try hard to find something productive to do and distract my mind.
    Your senator and congressman cannot petition on your behalf. They can inquire on your behalf.
    Speaking from experience, unless your case is beyond normal processing time (still 5 months I believe) Your congressman office will not even write to USCIS, they deal with this kind of request daily and they know all too well that the USCIS will not even bother looking at your case unless it is beyond processing time.
    If your case is beyond published processing time, your congressman office can inquire your case status for you. The USCIS has an obligation to response to an congressional inquiry within 48 hours.
    However, they don't get better answer than you will. All we got was, we will hear from the USCIS within 30-45 days and that is IT and your congressman cannot do anything further.
    The talk about congress inquiry "putting pressure on the USCIS" is an urban myth. Most people who contact their congressman had their case way overdue and was about to get case decision anyway. People associated this fortunate coincidence with unsupported fact.
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    talean nawaz reacted to Ning in Translation of documents....   
    You can do it yourself or use anyone that can comply with the statement I copied for you here. This has been accepted by USCIS for a long time.
    Certification by Translator
    I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.
    Date Typed Name
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    talean nawaz reacted to EAbbas in Fiance visa I-129 F refused want to go as visitor   
    I agree with Talean it is very difficult to gain a visitor visa to the USA and the best option would definitely be for her to visit you. AFter that meeting you can then frontload the packet showing a few pictures and her boarding passes as well to prove you did meet within the 2 yr requirement
    This will also allow her a chance to meet your family and know more about your culture..
  7. Like
    talean nawaz got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in SEAL training range will no longer show Muslim woman as target   
    As a muslim myself, I am not the least bit offended by this. There are enemies in all countries and ethnicities and that's important to recognize. I'm quite sure this was not the only target...
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    talean nawaz reacted to Ban Hammer in Muslims who can't stand free speech.   
    thread closed for:
    Post Content intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against a broad demographic or group of people identified by a unifying trait or characteristic (discrimination). For instance, racist or sexist content may be considered hate speech.
    do not restart this topic.
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    talean nawaz reacted to Ihavequestions in Need help, I am very worried...   
    Re-read her post. This guy is her fiance; he doesn't have status in the US to jump and run with.
    Why would there be a go around with the ex-wife's family? Probably to finish out the divorce; maybe she hasn't received what she was supposed to receive in the event there was a divorce and her family is trying to help her collect her due. It happens all the time.
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    talean nawaz reacted to Ihavequestions in Need help, I am very worried...   
    Send me his mobile number in a PM. I will have a male call him and report back to you immediately (I'm in Egypt).
    Also, if you have phone numbers for his family, preferably a home phone number, send that, too. His mobile could be lost or stolen. Even IF the home internet was out, there are net cafes everywhere.
    One step at a time ... I will get help for you.
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    talean nawaz reacted to Beauty for Ashes in Need help, I am very worried...   
    Why exactly would he be talking to his ex wifes parents? As hard as this is to hear this, if a man is in love with you,not heaven or earth or skywriting will keep you apart. My guess is he is fine and probably with his own people at this point and YES I have been where you have been and the truth is usually as unpretty as it gets. If you have been together for a while and he is not contacting you , he may be getting ready to leave you when he returns to the states because NOT contacting you is NOT a good sign honestly. You need to brace yourself for a split when he returns.. NOT contacting you is a very very very bad sign for your relationship and you dont need to be blindsided with grief and pain when he arrives home. I am so sorry to be the one that tells you this but for whatever reason, alot of the women here havent been in the marriages long enough or after they have been dumped, stick around long enough to tell anyone else what happened. My guess is hes busy. You need to find something to occupy your time and if you are really engaged or this is something that is real....he will let you know. He might be getting engaged to a woman from back home or had second thoughts about your relationship..He has his status .. and most likely he is going to get someone from back home if anyone to be with , not an american that he cant be bothered to contact.Sorry.. its horrible and hurtful but its better coming from another american than you living in la la land making up bs excuses for his piss poor behavior
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    talean nawaz reacted to ^_^ in Country of Beneficiary   
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    talean nawaz reacted to Kathryn41 in just wondering....???   
    Not any longer. The thread does not violate TOS. I have reviewed it and have decided to keep it closed, not for TOS violation but because it has gone widely off track with all of the suppositions and assumptions made by people who did not read very carefully what the OP actually wrote.
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    talean nawaz reacted to Kathryn41 in just wondering....???   
    Actually, this is not quite accurate. She informed USCIS prior to her interview that she had worked illegally with a fake SSN. She did not claim citizenship and she did not lie. She told the truth. Her voluntary admission is on record. Her working illegally was 'forgiven' when she was approved for a green card as the spouse of a US citizen. USCIS is aware that she worked using a false SSN and did not feel it was a barr to obtaining a green card. The circumstances of the fake SSN were not disclosed to us, although they were to USCIS, so at this stage there is a lot of speculation and a lot of mis-reading about what - if anything - will happen to her. She did not commit fraud in obtaining her green card. She did not lie to USCIS. She did admit to using a fake SSN and she did admit to working without permission. It is up to USCIS to determine what impact using a fake SSN will have on her but please do not mis-state the facts. She did not lie to USCIS.
  15. Like
    talean nawaz reacted to NigeriaorBust in Older spouse- denied without US spouse interviews   
    Your emotions are much like mine where years ago when we had our denial ( the CO insisted that may husband provide her with details of my projects at a classied job if he wanted a visa ) It will pass in time. Turn your emotions into something positive. Get working on your response now. Write it and re write it until you think it is perfect. Have your husband write a transcript of the interview day . Every detail he can remember. Did the CO talk to others ? Write note, what did your husband do ? Every detail . It can help with the package. Every verbal exchange even the greetings. Did the CO walk away at all.
  16. Like
    talean nawaz reacted to Sandra G. in FOOD STAMPS   
    Betsy El sum she was victim of domestic violence because of that she is entitled to receive public benefits. Who are you to say she is a burden to the taxpayers?
    The Law allows her to receive public benefits and there is nothing wrong with that.We need to be more compassionate towards those who suffered domestic abuse . She wrote that she got prima facie determination it means she was victim of domestic violence and the USCIS approved her case to get public benefits.
    Bjandrea I am so sorry for all suffering you endured here in the USA. Forgive those people that don't know God's words about respect and compassion and have no clue about Immigration Law as well.
    Take care my dear.Peace.
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    talean nawaz got a reaction from sn530 in Best of the worst immigration stories   
    It is trying, that is for sure! Especially from where our loved ones are from! When my husband and I were separated for over a year I just tried to keep myself busy. I was working 2 full time jobs and going to school. I was strong because I didn't give myself time to think about it all. It also made the time go faster. If I had a free moment, the tears just didnt stop! He's been here for 8 months now. I am out of the home babysitting a half hour away and have not seen him in over a day and I'm all back to crying again! I really love that man so much! Inshallah I will go back home on monday! It's gonna feel like the day he arrived in US lol. THAT DAY WAS THE HAPPIEST OF MY LIFE!!. I really felt like I was dreaming! Sometimes I still do! We do have major issues, however. It is not easy for him to adjust, but through these big trials, I feel we get stronger! It's really worth all of this in the end! Hang in there!
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    talean nawaz got a reaction from Holliday in marriage on visit via   
    Let's get it straight, coming on a tourist visa with intent to marry, that's ok (ie...destination weddings), but coming with the intent to immigrate is illegal. Marrying and immigrating are two different things. However, even if you were coming to get married and not to immigrate (let's say you planned to get married here and return to your country- no intent to immigrate) if a CO knew this, it is highly unlikely you would even be granted a tourist visa as a spouse living in the US would not be showing sufficient ties to the US.
    You may wish to consider having her visit you, this will be a lot easier, if the sparks fly and you wish to get married, either apply for k1 to marry here, or get married there and file for cr-1
  19. Like
    talean nawaz got a reaction from Adriene H in Turkish Airlines and Dulles as POE   
    My husband also traveled for the first time when he came here. What we decided to do was fly him with no luggage, only a carry on bag. We bought any clothes he needed here and his family wanted to arrange shipping for his clothes to the US, but he decided he didn't need anything. It worked out great. Ot was less time and confusion.
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    talean nawaz reacted to NigeriaorBust in going to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process   
    So everyone that isn't Nigerian sees the word and they brains go into scam overdrive. They are usually every well intended but they actually have very little effect on the relationship. Scammers still succeed and many a legit relationship falls to a USC that becomes convinved that she is being scammed.
    Any time you are dating someone from a high fraud country it is a good practice to go slowly. Some people from these places are the sweetest most honest people in the world. However there are some that will sell their parents for a way to get out of the country. Every relationship will have issues with the differences in cultures as I hinted at in my earlier post.
    As part of learning I suggest you go to the yahoo site romance scams and read a little. You will see how tens of thousands of people have become convinced they are madly in love with a dream and send huge sums of money to strangers that promise them the world. I would just lurk and read if I were you as they will try their best to de program you and get you to run away from everything Nigerian.
    Read the books "I do not come to you by chance" and "A culture of corruption" You should be able to find both used on Amazon or Ebay
    Do NOT marry on your first trip. It doesn't look good immigration wise and you will be swept up in a huge bunch of emotions and need time to digest everything you will experience.
  21. Like
    talean nawaz reacted to Gary and Alla in Scheduled Wedding before receiving K1 Visa   
    Simple. Schedule another wedding but not until the visa is IN HIS HAND.
    No one is going to "speed up" because you scheduled something. And you have the NVC and consualte to get through before the visa is issued. This is a long process, four years or more until citizenship and they NEVER consider your plans. Call the rest "tuition" for the educational experience
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    talean nawaz reacted to Iyawo Ijebu in I opened my eyes!!!   
    Personaly and I might get labeled as a controling fascist, again, BUT not everyone is indeed cut out for the long distance relationship thingie. How can the OP think what happened here was justified?
    Sexting? Seriously, if the worst thing your SO do is sexting then you have it made. You can work on that, IMHO. If the SO using his/her nose like a vacuum, he/she likes pre teens, a kleptomaniac, etc then yes but sexting?
    It seems most people are dreamers. You are supposed to grow together with someone not just pick up a finished product from the assembly line.
    The longer I am on this forum the more I se a thinly veiled "I imported you so you must be perfect, be what I want and be under my thumb 24/7" from certain sectors.
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    talean nawaz reacted to newlyweds2010 in going to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process   
    Just my two cent, and please don't get offended: regardless of (or in addition to) the immigration process, be very careful. Would you really cross the world and go to Nigeria to marry a person that you have never even met face to face? And add his name to your bank account? I would rather travel and meet him (no strings attached): you can spend some time together, get to know each other a little better, take a few pictures of you two (useful for the immigration process, btw), and then you return to the US. THEN, after all of this, you will think whether you still want to pursue this path. In the meantime, you will have educated yourself on the immigration process, the difficulties with consular interviews in high-fraud countries, the affidavit of support and the 125% rule. Best of luck.
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    talean nawaz reacted to EAbbas in interview done, but blue slip given   
    They don't have to say specifically AP even if they are going to put him on AP. Yes it sounds like they wanted to see if he could be the father of your baby. Islamabad embassy is one of the most difficult to get thru without AP ... We have a real relationship but have been on AP 11 months. Just send them everything they ask for and expect it to take some time. I need my husband here too.. the baby misses him badly and the stress is affecting my health but all we can do is do what the embassy asks and hope for the best.
    Document review can also take up to a couple of months or more... Try calling DOS and get updates... they told us when our requested docs had gotten there and when they were under review.. took about two weeks but there are those that has taken several months.... Hang in there...
    Good luck and hopefully it won't take too much more time
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    talean nawaz got a reaction from hikergirl in deportin help   
    You may have that all and it may prove she is cheating, but like I said in my previous post... cheating is not immigration fraud and not grounds for deportation.
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