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Status Updates posted by EAbbas

  1. Happy Mother's day to all Moms and moms to be!!! Praying this is the very last mother's day without my husband by my side!!!!

    1. Hope15
    2. Sailor Moon

      Sailor Moon

      Hi Eabbas,I been following Pakistan forms here on VJ and see u stuck in the AP for such long time, i thought we were in AP for longest time but boy u guys been waiting for to long,, May God give u patience and help u get out of this horrible time.

    3. EAbbas


      thank you... Inshallah.. we still have faith that one day our time will come but it's beginning to break me and i ache for us to be together...

  2. I mean to say dos has told us several times there isn't anything wrong with your case it's pending the processing and I do know we were sent to mandatory ap ao it's deep checks I'm sure but 11 months should be plenty of time to complete :(

  3. Idk if we are close or not nobody will give me any hope embassy won't answer except congressman to say normal processing and pending and dos won't tell me anything except pending and there's nothing wrong with our case but it seems ap lately for Pakistan is really taking longer than last year lots are waiting from last year or longer

  4. thank you for the wonderful thoughts... It's been hard and a real struggle not being with my husband but our marriage is a good one full of love and respect and i know our time will come... don't know when but i know it will.. God doesn't put soulmates together to keep them separated...Inshallah our good news will come soon

  5. It's the way they do for men especially from Pakistan and those that are genuine suffer for the mistakes and fraud of those who aren't. We will get thru this our love is genuine and our marriage strong someday our happy ever after will be ours inshallah

  6. struggling.... crying... missing my husband.. oh what i would give right now to have him hug me and whisper everything will be ok.. :((

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. EAbbas


      thank you... just trying to pass the days with positive thoughts ... i pray our long waiting is pretty much over and only a very very short time ahead before we have our happy ending

    3. sandybell


      i been praying for you and for myself hopefully soon everything will be fine and my 2nd marriage anniversery is on 6th May and it will be one year of AP and two years of our marriage. I just feel like crying right now.

    4. EAbbas


      oh sandybell!!! im so sorry for you... happy early anniversary.. do something special that night on skype.. have a candlight dinner... or watch a really good movie together.. we do that all the time and it feels almost as if we are together.. inshallah your time is coming soon and ours too...

  7. AP=Absolutely Painful......

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sandybell


      i agree with you as well. It will a year next month. I hope we both hear good news soon.

    3. R and L

      R and L

      Hi just wanted to send a hug to you! Your AP waiting time sounds painful!! But one day closer to him being next to you! That day will come!

    4. EAbbas


      thank you so much.. i know that each case is different but dear god why do we keep having to wait... all we want is to live together in one home one place and forge our future together

  8. wish i ws one of those ppl who could take a month leave from work and go to my husband.... but.. if i do that.. my job will be gone... :( dear GOD hear this pain im going thru... hear the tears we cry at night and during the day... pls find a way to bring us together... just want our happy ever after too....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Adnan&Liane


      I know exactly how you feel - I have not seen my husband in a year and a half due to work and $$$...I am finally going to see him next month, but sadly it will only be for a week...it won't be enough - but I have no choice...I hope your AP finishes and you can see your husband soon! :)

    3. Adnan&Liane


      I know exactly how you feel - I have not seen my husband in a year and a half due to work and $$$...I am finally going to see him next month, but sadly it will only be for a week...it won't be enough - but I have no choice...I hope your AP finishes and you can see your husband soon! :)

    4. lei1111


      amen! be well and i will pray for you and your husband to be reunited soon.

  9. 10 months of AP and counting..... :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wendy<3Ahmed


      Inshallah your wait shall be done soon. Keeping you in my prayers.

    3. sandybell


      May 6th is my wedding anniversery and it will be a year of AP. I heard many people got their visa with in 6 months. I totally understand this. I hate AP

    4. Ryan H

      Ryan H

      I really hope you hear some good news soon.

  10. Thank you... need all the prayers and thoughts I can get... its slowly breaking my heart now

  11. I'm really hating the way AP is making me feel it hurts badly

    1. Mel & Ahmed

      Mel & Ahmed

      I know how you feeling ..just keep strong..InshAllah it will be over soon. this is absolute torture, but worth every bit.

    2. Adnan&Liane


      I am really pulling for you and your husband to get out of AP soon...you deserve it - you have been such a huge support to everyone here! You've got to be close to the end...you will be one of the next ones to hear good news - I just know it!

    3. EAbbas


      thanks guys... Inshallah i hope soon... We never minded the checks they must be done it's just now so much time has passed and it hurts....but at the same time what good is it not to use what weve been thru not to help others deal with it... inshallah the end for us all is soon!

  12. If you filed CR1 then you should have gone thru NVC and that is where you get the information for the ds230 and sending your i864 packet...

  13. If this is for a k1 then I'm not so up to speed on those cases... Check the k1 forum and find out if it's mailed etc. I did the CR1 and we didn't go thru the packet received part we had to send thru the NVC. good luck

  14. Always my first thought when I wake is of my husband... so blessed to have him in my life...

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      Awww how cute :)

    2. dwheels76


      Loving the profile pic. Beautiful.

    3. EAbbas


      thanks that was our Valima~ our wedding reception in pakistan

  15. Just stopping by letting you know i haven't forgotten about you and pray for you daily that your life in USA is happy and filled with joy always!!!!

  16. Thinking of you and thankful you have a plan and can go forward with your life in another country... at least you have that to look forward to.. wish i had answers as to how to get his passport back so you can move! Much love and luck to you!

  17. literally falling to pieces... :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EAbbas


      Thank you... I'm doing the best I can...I pray I can get back up from this and be able to remain strong... I'm broken .. but still deeply in love with my husband but when I hear the sorrow in his voice i completely lose it..I can handle losing the first year of things.. but not the 2nd year of everything :(

    3. Anas & Ayesha
    4. sandybell


      I understand you because i am suffering like you i die every day God knows when we have our husband in our life just be strong

  18. WOWW!!! just woke up early this morning and realized that even tho we are still in AP i'm the most blessed to have such a loving husband and family and that even tho it hurts to be separated Im so happy and in Love!!!! He still makes my heart melt ;)

    1. Olomi_811


      It's a wonderful state of being!! I find myself saying "lord I love this man," "I'm in love," and still wanting to scream how I feel about him.

  19. :) Love being on skype with my husband all night.. i get to wake him up for work in an hour :P LOVE THAT!!!! but missing it in real :(
    1. evelyn1140


      I know the feeling. I do that too. We talk everyday for hours.It feels a little normal by the fact he is so far.

    2. SmilesAbroad


      hahaha greatttttt. we do this too. even falling asleep together on it :D technology is making separation a little less painful :)

    3. SmilesAbroad


      hahaha greatttttt. we do this too. even falling asleep together on it :D technology is making separation a little less painful :)

  20. Im ok hanging on emotions are like a roller coaster as you can imagine.. i hope your doing well... anything new on your case?

  21. Just stopping by to tell you im thinking of you and praying that in time things will be ok again...

  22. Ready to fix coffee and bfast for my husband... just waiting for that day that I can!

  23. New week my Jaan I miss you and love you

  24. haven't heard from you in a while so i'm stopping by to check in... hope things are going well and hopefully your at the end of all this!

  25. Thank you Kim and samnjensi I'll be ok soon just struggling the last little bit thanks for the hugs and love it's much needed to say the least

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