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Status Updates posted by EAbbas

  1. Thank you lovelies for asking about Kate.. she really isn't doing well at all having more pain.. she was doing so well the last two weeks and now its much worse... Inshallah I pray daily my husband can come home its so hard to do all this alone and im so worried about our daughter :( Inshallah she will be ok

  2. Thank you for the prayers I really need them.. she had a bad bad night crying her pain was so bad so i slept with her ...I dont know what to do its hurts me so much to see her like this.. but she's finally sleeping without pain it seems so Thank GOD for that.. hopefully she will wake up and be ok today..

  3. HAHAHA!!! THANK GOD YOU MADE ME LAUGH!!!!! KAte's having severe headaches today and im stressing and worried.... but Allah WILL see this thru... I just pray she doesnt get worse.. if she does we see the neurosurgeon and im scared... but im not alone... EVTHING WILL BE OK WITH ALL OF US... please believe this if nothing else!!!!

  4. Im stopping by to check in on you.. my thoughts are with you as you struggle thru this process... this isnt over.. you just have an extra hurdle to overcome.. and you CAN do it.. stay strong and have faith!!! my love and prayers are with you!!!

  5. checking in on my girls... thinking of you all today.... i pray you are doing ok and able to pull yourself together .. it's not over.. you have just another bridge to cross... Inshallah things will be ok...love and prayers to you

  6. Every time i hear his voice calling my name or listen to him talk to the children... or laugh... i fall in love all over again...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. saleem maria

      saleem maria


    3. EAbbas


      LOL i'm waiting for that day Inshallah... and good luck on the job hunting

    4. Anas & Ayesha

      Anas & Ayesha

      Mashallah......I love your statement. Yes...it is amazing how love with stand such hardship. My prayers are with you. Hugs dear.

  7. Thinking about you today... my heart is so heavy lately for us too.. just want to be with my husband and start our family but we are at the mercy of the embassy and the black abyss of AP... Much love and prayers to you and praying you get some results soon!!!!

  8. Thank you all.. we are just taking a day at a time.. being with eachother as much as possible... he calls to check on our daughter and she's in somewhat stable condition right now but any minute things can change but we are just happy to be in the present and everybody ok.. would be much better to be together but thankful none the less for our love and respect and our marriage and family

  9. thinking about you... hoping he is approved and here soon!! Inshallah

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BerryNRocco
    3. heartandsoul


      The words to Far Away are the perfect description for the relationships we have. What a beautiful and romantic gift to you. I hope that you and your hubby and your daughter are doing well. I pray for you all daily.

    4. heartandsoul


      The words to Far Away are the perfect description for the relationships we have. What a beautiful and romantic gift to you. I hope that you and your hubby and your daughter are doing well. I pray for you all daily.

  10. Hey.. thinking about you... haven't heard from you in a while so just stopping by to send you love and prayers!!!

  11. Happy one year anniversary AP :(((

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EAbbas


      Thank you so much Ben and Jill we both appreciate your thoughts and prayers our daughter is stable for the moment but under watch for signs of stroke God willing our purgatory will be over soon

    3. Heartwarming


      wow a year already?

    4. Anas & Ayesha

      Anas & Ayesha

      My heart brakes for you.........no words I can say to ease your pain but know, I feel you. My prayers with you.

  12. Hey!!! Just wondered if you finally got the visa after you sent your medical in? THat's really good that they requested that.. they don't ask for it unless your completing your AP!!!! Inshallah you had good news!!!

  13. daughter doing a little better with the meds to reduce swelling in her head but awoke this morning wish such pain she cant even stand up... we were told to keep watching her for vision changes and vomiting.. just praying we can get the swelling down before any operation has to be done.. Inshallah she will be fine soon!

    1. ssb1987


      even being a man i do,nt have courge to see my kid in such kind of sitution you r such a brave lady butt allah is with you u will come out of this situation very soon inshallah happines is just on about your door step allah may u live long

    2. EAbbas


      Inshallah and thank you for the kind and understanding words

    3. EAbbas


      LOL thanks Mim..... idk when we will see the end to AP but all I know is nothing will come between us and our marriage will remain strong... AP is just an obstacle that will be gone soon... Inshallah

  14. He was picking me up from work and we were all going out to dinner... laughing having a wonderful time... and then i woke up :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EAbbas


      yeah... i woke up crying... it's ok... i figure its all in God's timing.. but im a little impatient now... but will keep my dreams alive and my hopes positive that soon our family will be complete!

    3. ssb1987


      hard time has pass dream will come true inshallah

    4. EAbbas



  15. Neurosurgeon discussed 3 different types of brain surgery and said our daughter needed to be on medication to reduce swelling in her head... that and the migraine meds and hopefully this will work for now but if it doesn't then they have to do surgery ... the cyst takes up almost her whole left side and moves into the back of her head.. I pray to GOD daily for her and pray my husband can come home... will anything help now... just wish there was something that would.. :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tr3sh4


      I am praying for your daughter...can't you file for a hardship clause for your husband showing your daughter's medical condition or at least contact the embassy, DOS or senators with it so maybe they can consider your situation. In sha Allah everything will be fine and you'll have your family altogether soon.

    3. EAbbas


      Thank you all... Inshallah our prayers will be answered in Allah's time...

    4. Olomi_811


      Sorry to read that you're going through this. Have you thought of sharing this with DOS or the powers that be? You never know what might provoke them to move!

  16. Hanging in for another week.... counting each minute that goes by without you

    1. evelyn1140


      Hi Dear, how are you. Hold in there God is the best lawyer we could ever have.

    2. EAbbas


      your right we must trust God in all this... and im just hanging in.. barely now.. but im ok...

  17. aww thanks foreverwaiting... shes ok.. her cyst is the size of a softball :( and she is in pain if she stand for an hour or so and gets dizzy.. our appt is in a couple of weeks so hopefully they can help us soon otherwise shes resting and taking meds for the pain... we will get thru this and my husband hopefully will be home soon!!!

  18. 3 days with two kinds of migraine meds and yet my little girl still having pain....neurosurgeon appt soon... praying they can find what's causing her to be so sick... and wanting my husband home with me!!!! JUST SO UNFAIR NOW!!!!!

    1. Josie-Be-Happy


      I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. My prayers are with you and your family. I haven't been on VJ in a long time and I was hoping that your AP was over. No one should subjected to what you and your husband are going through. May God bless you and put an end to you heartache and pain.

    2. EAbbas


      Thank you... Inshallah our day is coming and our daughter will be well soon!!!!

  19. Thank you foreverwaiting... I will continue to be strong but it hurts so much now. We have an appt to see a neurosurgeon in June as soon as we get all her papers from her original Dr who did her brain surgery and then with that info and the new MRI hopefully they will come to a diagnosis... nobody should be taking two meds for migraines and still hurting. and wishing Adil were here to lean on most

  20. tifo... i so wish I had good news on here for you... I feel that the immigration process is failing me badly... I love my husband and the children so much and watching my little girl suffer some life threatening situations is horrible and then to see that we are still in AP when my husband should be home is simply heartbreaking now...

  21. my little girl had an emergency MRI today and has been told by the DR she can't return to school until they find out if it's the brain cyst causing the migraines or something else... Dear GOD I NEED MY HUSBAND HOME!!!!!! I can't do this alone!!!

    1. JJ:(


      file an expedite request.. you can for medical emergency. Call Uscis

    2. EAbbas


      We aren't at USCIS... we are in AP 11 months after interview with Islamabad.. no expedite will help...nothing will help...:(

    3. EAbbas


      Thank you so much for the kind words I just pray this process isn't for you like it is for us nobody should have to go thru what we have gone thru to be able to live their life and start a family inshallah we will know something soon all of us!

  22. Dear god please I beg you now our baby has arachnoid cyst in her brain taking up 33% and is now suffering severe headaches pls god I can't go thru brain surgery with our daughter without my husband by my side I pray to god she won't need it but if she does it won't e fair for him not to be here I'm heartbroken

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EAbbas


      thank you for the prayers.. and Inshallah.. my faith is strong and my marriage is solid.. but Allah will hear my cries... and he will not forsake me.. Inshallah our time is coming

    3. Adeelwali


      My prayers with you.. InshAllah u will get ur visa soon

    4. EAbbas


      Thank you... Inshallah

  23. Missing him more today than yesterday.. missed all our firsts together and now most of our seconds... dear GOD hear my prayer..let us be together soon... AMEEN!!!!

  24. 11 months of AP today.. never thought I would see AP for this long... wondering if AP can be a word that nobody can ever say again after all this is over....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SM2010


      Inshallah it'll be over soon. I'm praying hard for all of us stuck in AP for this long. It's not fair :(

    3. EAbbas



    4. EAbbas


      Thank you all I pray daily for us all in this terrible tragic black abyss

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