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Status Updates posted by EAbbas

  1. Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband... there may be miles between us but the love is very deep...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Musashii


      Adilabbas: did you get visa approval finally? Can go to your wife on 28th March? and, Happy Birthday to you (belated)

    3. EAbbas


      Awww no he's trying to make me feel like it's soon cos im so heartbroken.. he keeps giving me dates to look towards... so this is one of them... he 's still in AP :(

    4. sandybell


      My husband AP seems never ending its been over 11 months what about your husband case

  2. many many congratulations!!!!

  3. Ready for this to be in the Past and our future ahead of us... Please let this end

    1. saleem maria

      saleem maria

      same here.......now a days its fine and happy times coz my wife and my son is here wid me.but its really horrible to see them going back.and i dont know when visa will workout its kinda stupid we need a damn piece of paper to live together.i wish they could live here with me but hot summers are really unbearable especially for baby.now more six seven months distance.

  4. congratulations!

  5. Just popping by to say Im thinking about you and wishing all this was just a dream.. hang in there your a strong woman and you will prevail and there will be others to be lead by your example...

  6. thanks for the compliment.. yeah its our wedding pic.. :) hope your journey continues to be smooth and good luck for the rest!!!

  7. miserable without him!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anas & Ayesha

      Anas & Ayesha

      ...I understand :( Unbelievable....They cant or wont tell you anything?

    3. Anas & Ayesha

      Anas & Ayesha

      been crying all day...tomorrow my 1 year anniversary...and to think we have not even got to interview yet... unbelievable. Just sent out our ds-230 and i-864 this morning. inshallah everything goes well with it...

    4. EAbbas


      They won't tell.. it's confidential lol urgh... but all we know is they are working on it.. and from what i've seen if it makes you feel better it seems the longer time it takes to get noa2 the less chance you have of a longer AP or no AP at all!!! Just praying this pain ends soooon.... for all of us!

  8. Glad to know that your ok im sorry that your ap is still ongoing... thought a lot about you over the last year. Stay strong... several of us have come out of ap just in the last two weeks maybe yours is next!

  9. Well.. an end to one week a beginning of another... ;(

    1. worth_the_wait


      Keep your chin up! Each day that passes is one lost since you last saw each other but also one gained in getting closer to no more goodbyes.

    2. EAbbas


      I keep telling myself that.. but still no good news... :(

  10. tired stressed missing my husband lol wish he were here i need the strong arms to help me put this furniture together!!!!! AHHHHh hate this AP!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Olomi_811


      LOL@ put this furniture together.

    3. Olomi_811


      LOL@ put this furniture together.

    4. EAbbas


      LOOOL!!!!! Olomi if you could see me trying to do it you would be like whyyyy is he still there n not here to help emmy!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!

  11. he's missing the first snowfall of the season.. he should have been here by now..this AP has kept us separated far too long

    1. Anas & Ayesha

      Anas & Ayesha

      yes, far toooo long. My heart reaches out to you. Inshallah AP ends sooon. My prayers are with you.

  12. tried to locate something for you to read check this website if this doesnt answer your question then you should post a thread about this and im sure you will get answers.........


  13. thank you... it's the most difficult watching others get their visas so fast and here we sit stuck in the unknown... im happy for them and grieve for us... I pray you wont go thru this it's truly heartbreaking

  14. why does this have to feel so bad when you love someone so much and yet all you can do is wait...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Anas & Ayesha

      Anas & Ayesha

      I'm living the same pain......

    3. Sabian


      it just shows how much you really love one another.

    4. sandybell


      Like Ana & Ayesha said i am living the same pain. I am waiting for my husband since may 2011.

  15. prupleblue.. yes we have our congressman involved since 5 months.. he sent two inquiries and will send another one at the end of FEb.

  16. hmmm close to 8 months on AP.. at first it wasn't so much of a big deal.. now... well it totally stinks and i go thru different emotions daily.. mainly heartbreak waiting to finally be together!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rozi


      friend dont loose ur hope.. insallah u will hear good news very soon.. i know what u been go through.. insallah everything will be fine..

    3. Heartwarming


      This is very sad. Praying for you.

    4. AroojandAmin


      just hang in there..everything will work out inshaAllah :)

  17. thanks for the prayers.. really needing them now.. its getting so difficult and breaks my heart each day Inshallah our turn is coming soon

  18. Yeah it can be mailed to the chicago lockbox no problems with that even if she isnt in the country right now she can still mail it

  19. WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!! now if only we could get something good to tell.. :( good luck with evthing and if you need any info about NVC let me know ;)

  20. Im here checking on you... Hope your ok... let me know.. i can only imagine how you must feel but know im thinking and praying for you... ((((HUGS))))

  21. All we can do is stay strong.. altho i seem to break more often into tears and heartbreak. Just wish this pain would end... the ap would be over and our lives could begin and we could finally start our family:( thanks for dropping by .. im really glad things are working out for you hopefully soon you will have good news!!

  22. We're full into Feb.. maybe this is our month to see the end to AP and finally begin our lives and start our family!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. sufyan.ahmed63


      hey i live in raleigh u in charlette right?

    3. sufyan.ahmed63


      inshallah a jaiga.......

    4. Erik And Anum

      Erik And Anum

      Our prayers are still with you. Inshallah this will be the month where you will finally hear the good news.

  23. im just really thankful that i hve ppl like you in our lives who understand and simply see us for what we are just as we see both of you ... inshallah our marriages will be made strong and solid and nothing will break us. Our ap will be over soon...

  24. praying your right.. im broken... im breaking every day now.. all i want is to be with my husband and for him to say its ok.. but being able to touch my hands and wipe my tears :( i pray for you daily.. i dont understand this anymore... i just keep trying to have faith it will end... :(

  25. Last two days in JAn...going into Feb now with AP

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nadsha



      i pray for those who r in AP

      .My interview was on28th june2011..i m also IN AP processing...hope inshaAllah we all hear good news this week

    3. Wendy<3Ahmed


      We'll be completing 4 months in 2 days, as well. Praying that we all get out of this black whole soon. Im really starting to lose it.

    4. rozi


      i wish all the AP will end soon.. pray to allah and he will hear our cries.. and he can see we r having so much pain :(

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