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Posts posted by DavenRoxy

  1. No, I am a Puerto Rican woman. What does THAT have to do with anything?

    Now to be fair, I shop at a grocery store where 90% or more of the clientele are black. I HAVE heard the clerks asking the women, "Debit, credit, or EBT?" as the swipe their cards. I can only assume that there are a larger proportion of black women who shop there using EBTs than at say Walmart, since they are asking. Perhaps it's just my WP, or maybe the fact that I have never swiped an EBT and the clerks know that, but I have never been asked. Nor would I be offended if I were to be asked. They are just doing their job, yanno?

    So you are a black woman?

  2. Just to clarify...

    How many times have you been shot?

    How many times have you been arrested for buying a TV or a car?

    How does one "assume one uses an EBT card"?

    You've received some already. :yes:

    Are you followed when you are shopping?

    Are you arrested after a big purchase?

    Are you shot when you are asked for your license?

    Do people assume you are paying with EBT when you go grocery shopping?

    These are just a view things you have received due to your WP membership card. *Note, this privilege may not be passed on to people of color. :lol::lol:

  3. I KNOW that you are smart enough to realize that Equal and sugar are not the same. One is created by man, one is a blessing from whatever HigherPower you choose to believe in.

    No worries. GM advocates will tell you that all sugars are created equal. And that's true. Except some are more equal than others.

    I make a pretty damn good one of these. Your mouth would water...


  4. Would you expect any different? Whites hang with whites, and blacks with blacks, for the most part. So it makes sense in my mind. Not too many whites invited to black family reunions (and vice versa), ergo not as many white-on-black crimes take place.

    Kind of like how there aren't as many American-on-Aussie crimes as there are Aussie-on-Aussie, yanno?

    Help me answer some of these questions up here LIB?

  5. Me thinks your numbers are a tad off, Spooks...


    I think that the average person stereotypes more than bikers. If you take the top four gangs worldwide membership numbers, it's under 20,000, maybe closer to 10K. So everyone who rides a motorcycle is dangerous, all tens of millions of them worldwide. Anyone who rides a bike and wears a leather jacket suddenly is a dangerous low life.

    Just like Muslims, less than 1% are troublemakers or radical! but that makes all of them bad news. Ditto for blacks and Hispanics. Everyone stereotypes something, but people generally only get upset when they or something they like are the target.

  6. No, I called you a whiner because you are one of the first to cry racism, even when there is none. Not just this thread. Not just this month. Not just this year. But constantly. Here on VJ, for several years now.

    Now I ask you... are you holding me responsible for what you are accusing my ancestors of? Seriously? Am I to blame if/when you were treated unfairly because of your skin color? And more to the point... have I ever treated you differently because of your color?

    I cannot tell you what my ancestors did back in the beginnings of the US, except that for about the last 5 generations, we have never had anything to do with slaves. That's about as far back as I can trace things. And considering my family came not from the US nor from the UK, you may very well be off base in your allegations.

    And what's wrong with comparing you to MO? You and her have more in common than you and I do, right? I mean, you must, since you both come from oppressed families. And based on your assumption that I am white and therefore the only struggle I had was getting the silver spoons out of my mouth to get them re-filled, you will never recognize that you and I may actually have more in common than you think.

    Honestly, I AM better than that. I don't expect you to believe it, since I seem to be attacking you right now, nor do I expect you to like what I am saying. But if it helps you see yourself as others do, and gain from it, even if I am not "spot on" on everything I say, then I have done right by you.

    My challenge to you is... try to see things around you without the race-colored glasses all the time. I'm not saying you haven't faced it, I'm just saying you have faced a LOT LESS than many blacks have in the past 20-25 years. Maybe you see yourself as a champion for those who have been treated unfairly, and that's not a bad thing, but you are going about it the wrong way IMHO.

    At the behest of a good friend, I'll go a different route than I originally planned.

    What's this all about Dave?

    Because all I did was point out how ironic it is that you call out someone's ancestors as being oppressors and part of the master race, but your ancestors came to this country and did the same thing. And because of this, you call me a whiner? Looks like I'm not the one with hurt feelings here. What's worse is, I took the high road and said maybe your family tree didn't go that route so as not to point fingers when I wasn't 100% sure. Didn't stop you from attacking me.

    And how many times have I said I had a tough life? Retired, living in Hawaii, I think I'm doing pretty good considering. I've relayed stories about police brutality(that I've lived), racism(that I've experienced) and the like. I'm sorry if that's whining to you. Then you compare me to Michelle Obama? Seriously?

    Honestly I thought you were better than that.

    Looks like you were wrong about me. Again.

    I don't think you will get a response. Dave has it really hard here in the U.S. It's funny, we see the stuff being talked on VJ about black folks all the time, but he is saying you are a whiner and the cause of your own problems.

    Sad. . . .

  7. I have a question. Are you black? Do you face the exact same challenges as me or any other black person? Because you act like we come form the same place. Like you grew up in the same neighborhood or dealt with the same struggles.

    Now to be fair, everyone struggles at some point. But to sit there and talk about whining when you haven't walked a day in my shoes, it a bit immature. You don't know me or what I've been through. It's very rude and condescending when you don't have a clue as to what a person has been experienced. Don't get mad because you called out a member on the master race and oppression when your own ancestors came to this country, enslaved the rightful owners, brought over people from Africa, and spent the next 400+ years destroying them and their culture. Then you sit up here and have the nerve to say you work hard and black people are whiners? Until you can trade places with me, please keep it to yourself.

    You know I am not black. And I do recognize that blacks do face different challenges than whites in many different aspects. But for you to sit there and tell us how bad it is being black, how unfair life is for you, while you have lived a pretty easy life in the military, is complete BS - and you and I both know it. Did you struggle as a kid? Probably so. Did you struggle more than I? Maybe so. But as you said of our ancestors, neither of us really know. I imagine our struggles were different, but not necessarily any less life-changing or motivating.

    And I never said black people are whiners. I was directing that remark at you. Because you whine more than ANY black person I have ever known. Whine about racism, and how tough life is, and how whites are to blame for how tough your life has been. When the truth is, you have had it pretty darn good, at least for the past 20 years. You look for racism where there is none. And you refuse to acknowledge where the blame lies often times when crimes are done surrounding blacks. You are a master player of the race card, much like Michele Obama herself, and you expect to remain so because no one will call you out on it. Hope that works out for you.

    I am sure you are a decent guy, but you really need to let go of that race chip on your shoulder. If someone is oppressing you and your family today, then direct attention towards that, and have it dealt with. But if you want to point fingers at ME (or white folks in general) because of something that happened 400 years ago, then keep on whining, and expecting good things to just happen for you. I only accept responsibility for the things I have done in my lifetime, not for the past centuries of oppression that you seem to still be re-living.

  8. So you are saying that it is something that has been done time and again throughout history? And that pretty much every society has done it at one time or another? And that we should be aware of it, but not dwell on it every single day? I am down with that concept!!!

    Are you African or American? Because if you claim to be African, you might be upset to find out that the Congo and Nigeria are in the top 10 of countries that have the most slaves. And the link doesn't hate on either of your two favorite oppressions: http://247wallst.com/special-report/2014/11/20/countries-with-the-most-slaves/

    In 2013, the US was ranked 134 out of 162 countries in numbers relating to slavery. So if you claim to be American, be proud that we are doing so well!! And that may be why you are as successful as you are today, and not locked up in chains and treated as sub-human.

    And you are right, neither of us know for sure. But one thing I DO know for sure is that I don't go around whining about what people may or may not have done generations ago, and how someone is owed something because of it. I work hard to provide for my family and try to raise my children right; I don't stand on anyone else's laurels, nor do I blame my current station in life on my family, my race, nor on how unfairly I was treated growing up. I am where I am because of me, period. I could have done better. I could have done worse. But I sleep well at night knowing I treat others decently and with respect until they prove to me they don't deserve it. I also don't complain about where I am in life because of how my grandparents were treated, nor how their grandparents were. Heck, I don't even know. I just know I have worked hard (sometimes) to get where I am today.

    ETA: Link for 2013 statistics - http://www.ungift.org/doc/knowledgehub/resource-centre/2013/GlobalSlaveryIndex_2013_Download_WEB1.pdf

    It's not a reach, just pointing out the irony that your ancestors came and and did the same thing over here. Maybe they didn't, but neither you or I know for sure.

  9. If reading about black men who like to poke each other in the butt offends you, don't read about it. But it's pretty common, actually, so you might want to come to grips with it man. Homosexuality is not only new, and multi-cultural, but it is here to stay, and those who opt to practice it get the same rights as men who marry foreign women because they are more submissive.

    The International AIDS folks have known about this for a while...



    Like I said, I don't focus on how "cool" or "with it" or "liberal" or "conservative" the news source is. I tend to pay more attention to the actual story itself, without all the "slants" one can paint on it.

  10. Why? It's simple... I saw a link on FB and followed it. Read the article. Must have missed the parts where they unfairly judged blacks and muslims. I was all caught up in $400,000 worth of damage done by some teens who had no axe to grind with some random guy.

    I guess my comment was, why not use the above mentioned links? They seem to be more "in the middle" than a site that talks about black ####### penetration or how Muslims kill animals and slow bleed them to death.

    That's the benefit of being oppressed. Not only do we have jackets, we make up the rules as we go along, then break them as soon as they no longer suit us. It's no white privilege for sure, but it will do...

  11. Unlike some people here, I pay more attention to the subject matter as opposed to the slant of the site posting it. The news isn't "made" by the source reporting it... it is the event itself.

    But in an attempt to appease:





    Um, the site this article comes from, you couldn't find a better source? I'd expect this kind of dribble from Lib, he can't help himself.

    Nope, just feel a bit uneasy when I see links that do nothing but talk down about minorities and Muslims...

    You are THE MOST oppressed black muslim in all of the military, aren't you? Considering you have had it so darn easy for most of your life, I mean...

  12. It's not exactly your fault you don't know the real history, being from a country that oppressed my forefathers and all. But it's available, and free for the reading even for your "master race"...


    Well it's quite simple. There are people who pose with guns in photos next flags synonymous with slavery and racism and then there are people who don't do those things.

    You can say that the flag doesn't mean what others think it means and that posing for a photo with a gun against an such an image with such controversial associations is entirely innocent - but it is a minority view, and not one that even people in your own country can agree on.

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